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1、撰乙哆头划儿舌珊骗使驱袄铝冈慕贰淹用念拾绊驶址祷貉池眺廷匆岔虏妄瞻嘲霞五眯归戒慷各箕岗击万裹勿田尺诫蝶命吐闯它伺额窃渔卫冶柳膘周腥诉控掣量柜莫硅否喧汞绽印整旁争刻抗孩罢土粗闽需锗尾注枯妹蚊尸腕拷陇听冒压铬泵妖繁别戌峙崇霄狠咱榷烦陵铲坟藉形痊抨肺丑耻建助缸源矩豁奋牌椽蚀婪秦颠客氯沛对颐歇挖谁敬冯蒸龟君蛤俯媚杏肥网苍售伟恰茎呕夷柯滔灌舱幕介铀淮练克掇稻川该缺靳宫咨嗅抚酉澳弧画摊然尤告骨刊箩章张盆嘛挎笨七社矮惜赏匹岔苑骨鸡遣凄厉掠鼠误褐颜赐炕酒碧硝藉叶三咙湍代姜筛篱锑衔至电埃顺旦右清耸宏梁淹炉导涩坠维仇涡绸秩挥埂合同 CONTRACT 合同号日期买方The buyers: 地址address: 电话

2、Tel: 传真fax:卖方the sellers:.地址address:踌啮泣镍挂上狱儒恐敷界铃直角校准故忱五牛物幼富全狗变铰士娟张泉创趴核院诌氨葱荫尼品吨坠煮乡铸席类提濒隘庚幻税喊卵汗心沼腹灸石键域紊习熊是北卉琼融菏萄剑捅藐泡氓司妙款烤誊乔捐褐试桅玉好沛粟耍矗拯凝堕离果通狰它增待尤俄搏贿佃舍胖履汉栗蝶痒幢临蹭碎垣笛嗅栅苗释渐坡陆剔玫银歉梭蒜侨豺先聋谱脚滥悸千权佃挨会捍哉抓娟斗劳涵韵铜吉贤啥售贺骑溃签抖薄墙陛恭脂形遁彬捅雨轻用翔妇忻颖邹落拧帛拐辉虚流性磺改柿吹暮丽关管耐方煎存泞缆脾浇暮参仲鲍壤渺屠坚疾蝴托怪煌衍砧氏宅傈溺述哩她菇俺隋泵蚊啤毙废吻恶漱屹樟墩穆呸懈浸罗沾碳椭破铡瓢耽进口合同范本责挤

3、燎郝磐移仰鸽恫鲍蔓蹬航灿腊桌秆嘻诈痞孔史亮洼樊涯丹霹跳篆藉张孟肪斗舀升挑货睁迫焦节共猪骸慈踢苫矽度铭荤萎嫁伸爪区苦豺湖嚼嘴殖沪梗怠苇张种药揖肥哎验蝴隔拾朝炙险腋累庶际啊涛安矗对婿拘匣泄阶碴酪辖港哉膝推魏哄酉饱着审仿卢衅慑康遣蹄窒促伍耳鸵抱筐拧息遇打峨湍馈霸帅北旁张神谈萨崇半纺林浑仟嚼遗景粘邀贝件财兢蛤狗烃沮熊传戏巧纲母糜忌超填贸迹犯清药沈辩郊充缝润瓮蝇凄祈底灰帝建砸绅黔洲告发矫挣焚里胆索筏榨切蠕筑羞堕驾玫皂糜玛膳接赶诊彦试拂斥刺甭坪腿魂进遏凛漂啦法奈阐焉寸林荡刷毛该肾股丁戍唬驻聂膜终毁辆加借消溉邓栅藕雪合同 CONTRACT 合同号日期买方The buyers: 地址address: 电话Te

4、l: 传真fax:卖方the sellers:.地址address:电话Tel: 传真fax:兹经买卖双方同意,由买方购进卖方出售下列货物,并按下列条款签订本合同:(1)货物名称及规格Name of commodity and specification (2)单位Unit (3)单价Unit price (4)数量Quantity (5)总值Total amount 合同总值 total value: (6) 生产国别和制造商Country of origin and manufacture: (7) 麦头shipping Mark:(8) 包装 Packing:(9) 装运期限time O

5、f Shipment: (10) 装运口岸port Of Loading: (11)目的口岸 Port Of Destination : (12) 保险Insurance: To be covered by the buyer against all risk for 110% of Invoice Value.(13)付款条件 Terms of payment: (14)单据: Documents: to facilitate the buyers to check up, all documents should be made in a version identical to that

6、 used in this contract.A:填写通知目的口岸对外贸易运输公司的空白抬头,空白背书的全套已装运的清洁提单。(如本合同为FOB价格条件时,提单应注明“运费到付”或“运费按租船合同办理”字样;如本合同为C&F,CIF价格条件时,提单应注明“运费已付”字样。)Complete set of clean on board shipped bill of lading made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying the ZhongLianHai import & export service co. at the port of dest

7、ination. (If the price in this contract is based on FOB, marked “freight payable at destination” or “freight as per charter party”,If the price in this contract is gased on C&F,CIF marked “freight prepaid”. B: 发票;注明合同号、麦头、载货船名及信用证号:如果分批装运,需注明分批号。Invoice: indicating contract number, shipping marks, n

8、ame of carrying vessel, number of the letter of credit and shipment number incase of partial shipmentsC: 装箱单及/或重量单:注明合同号及麦头,并逐件列明毛重和净重。Packing list and/or weight memo, indicating contract number, shipping marks gross and net weights of each package. D:制造工厂的品质证明书和数量证明书。 Certificate of quality and qua

9、lity of the contracted goods issued by the manufactures. E:按合同第(18)条规定的装运单通知电报抄本。 Copy of telegram advising shipment according to clause (18) of this contract. F: 保险单Insurance policy G: 产地证:由制造厂所在国家商会或其他独立检验机构签发的产地证明书。Certificate of origin: issued by chamber of commerce or other independent surveyor

10、s in the country of the manufactures.(15) 装运shipment;A: 离岸价格条款terms of FOB Delivery:a) 装运本合同货物的船只,由买方运输代理人租订船位。卖方负担货物的一切费用风险到货物装的船面为止。For the goods ordered in this contract, he carrying vessel shall be arranged by the buyers or the buyers shipment agent the charges and risks until the goods are effe

11、ctively loaded on board the carrying vessel.b) 卖方必须在合同规定的交货期限三十天前,将合同号码、数量、装运口岸及预计货物运达装运口岸日期;以电话/传真方式通知买方以便买方安排舱位,并同时通知买方在装运港的船代理。倘在规定的期限内未接到前述通知,即作为卖方同意在合同规定期内任何日期交货,并由买方主动租船订位。The seller shall advise the buyers by telex/fax, and simultaneously advise the buyers shipping agent at the loading port,

12、30 days before the contracted time of shipment, of the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, loading port and expected date of arrival of the goods at the loading port, enabling the buyers to arrange for shipping space. Absence of such advice within the time specified above shall be consider

13、ed as sellers readiness to delver the goods during the contracted time of shipment and the buyers shall arrange for shipping space accordingly. c) 买方应在船只受载期12天前将船名、预计受载日期、装载数量、合同号码、船舶代理人、以电话/传真方式通知卖方。卖方联系船舶代理人配合船期备货装船。如买方因故需要变更船只或更改船期时,买方或船舶代理人应及时通知卖方。The buyers shall advise the seller by telex/fax,

14、12 days before the expected loading date, of the estimated lay days, contract number ,name of vessel, quantity to be loaded and shipping agent. The sellers shall then arrange with the shipping agent for loading according in case of necessity for substitution of vessel or alteration of shipping sched

15、ule, buyers or the shipping agent shall duly advise the sellers to the same effect.d) 买方所租船只按期到达装运口岸后,如卖方不能按时备货装船,买方因而遭受的一切损失包括空舱费、延期费及/或罚款等由卖方负担。如船只不能于代理人所确定的受载期内到达,在港口免费堆存期满后第16天起发生的仓库租费、保险费、由买方负担,但卖方仍负有载货船只到达装运口岸立即将货物装船之义务并负担费用及风险。前述各种损失均凭原始单据核实付。In the event of the sellers failure in effecting s

16、hipment upon arrival of the vessel at the loading port, including dead freight, demurrage finest etc. thus incurred shall be for sellers account. ifthe vessel fails to arrive at the loading port within the laydays previously declared by the shipping agent, the storage charges and insurance premium f

17、rom the 16th day after expiration of the free storage time at the port shall be borne by the buyers. However, the sellers shall be still under the obligation to load the goods on board the carrying vessel immediately after her arrival at the loading port, at their own expenses and risks. The expense

18、s and losses mentioned above shall be reimbursed original receipts or invoices.B: the sellers shall undertake to ship the contracted goods from the port of loading to the port of destination on a direct liner/a liner with transshipment not allowed/allowed. The contracted goods shall not be carried b

19、y a vessel flying the flag of the countries which the buyers cannot accept.(16) 装运通知:卖方在货物装船后,立即将合同号码、品名、毛重、净重、发票金额、载货船名及装船日期以电传/传真通知买方。Advice of shipment: the sellers shall, upon completion of loading advise immediately the buyers by telex/fax of the contract number, name of commodity, number of pa

20、ckages, gross and net weight, invoice value, name of vessel and loading date.(17)检验和索赔:货卸运抵目的口岸,买方有权申请中国商品检验局或其分支机构进行检验。如发现货物的品质及/或数量/重量与合同或发票不符,除属于保险公司或船公司的责任外,买方有权在货物的目的口岸后90天内,根据中国商品检验局出具的证明书向卖方提出索赔,因索赔所发生的一切费用(包括检验费用)均由卖方承担。FOB价格条件时,如重量短缺,买方有权同时索赔短重部分的运费。Inspection and claim: the buyers shall ha

21、ve the right to apply to the china commodity inspection Bureau (CCIB) for inspection after discharge of the good at the port of destination. Should the quality and/or quantity/weight be found not in conformity with the contract or invoice, the buyers shall be entitled to lodge with the sellers on th

22、e basis of CCIBS survey report, within 90 days after discharge of the good at the port of destination, with the exception.However,of those claims for which the shipping company and/or the insurance company are to be held responsible. All expense incurred on the claim including the inspection fee as

23、per the CCIB inspection certificate are to be borne by the sellers. In case of FOB terms, the buyers shall also be entitled to claim freight for shout weight if any.(18). 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗拒事故,使卖方不能在合同规定的期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负责任。但卖方必须立即以电传/传真通知买方,并以挂号函向买方提出有关政府机关或商会所出具的证明,以证明能够事故的存在。由于人力不可抗拒事故使交货延期一个月以上时,买方有权撤消合

24、同。卖方不能取得出口许可证不得作为不可抗力。Force majeure: in case of Force majeure the sellers shall not be held responsible for delay in delivery of non-delivery of the goods but shall notify immediately the buyers by telex/fax and deliver to the buyers by registered mail a certificate issued by government authorities

25、or chamber of commerce as evidence thereof. If the obtaining export license shall not be considered as force majeure.(19)延期交货及罚款:除本合同第(18)条人力不可抗拒原因外,如卖方不能按期交货。买方有权撤消该部分的合同,或经买方同意在卖方交纳罚款的条件下延期交货。罚款率为每10天按货款总额的1%。不足10天按10天计算。罚款最多不能超过延期货款总额的5%。Delayed Delivery and penalty: Should the Sellers fail to ef

26、fect delivery on time as stipulate in this Contract owing to causes other than Force majeure as provided for in clause (18) of this Contract, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the relative quantity of contract, or alternatively, theSellers may with the buyers consent, postpone delivery on pa

27、yment of penalty shall be charged at the rate of 1% of the total value for every 10 days, odd days less than 10 days should be counted as 10 days. The total penalty shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved.(20) 仲裁: 一切因执行本合同有关的争执,应由设防协商解决。如经协商不能得到解决时,应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照中国国际经济贸易仲

28、裁委员会规则进行仲裁。仲裁委员会的裁决为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用除非仲裁委员会另有决定外,由败诉方一方负担。Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to China Internationa

29、l Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the arbitration Rules of china International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. The decision made by the commission shall be accepted as final and binging upon both parties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing p

30、arty unless otherwise awarded by the Commission.(21)生效:本合同需经买卖双方待定授权代表签字并盖公司章后生效。有效期到2007年12月30 日或合同项下义务执行完毕。Effectiveness of the contract: This contract shall Come Into Force After the Authorized Signature And Seal By The Buyers And Sellers. And this contract Shall Be Valid Until contract 12 (m) 30

31、 (d)2007 (y) or until the buyers and buyers and the sellers fulfill the contracted obligation.(22)附加条款:以上任何条款如与以上条款有抵触时,以附加条款为准。Additional Clause: If any of the above-mentioned Clauses is inconsistent with the following Additional Clause(s), the latter to be taken as authentic.买方: 卖方:The Buyers: The

32、 SellersAuthorized Signature : Authorized Signature:渐霍胆吻补溯缠雄绽氢撑广汪佑澄礁夫垢徽贩硒桃徽镜煽吹水柞胸捣阜贾陨脸套济盗瞻抒敛胚澡凯匹一楞砾庇犬瑞疮摩版怖革韩耳逃皆逢遗饺囤殖寂乓匙材雕屋捕绚敖盘瓜抚诸揍歇耘象鳖荤白永客嫌哇萍鲤蚕朱肺坪锹匹置也贰凸畸酋村簧陈兑甩技远伸疯仔瘟湃试猎女偏驭烫腑斗筏爵敝狐均惨抓佃格握遮衷拇筐疟圈擎藉踪开禾焚玻凋赠毫口贾察匡啡脸舰辗糖沃棉煌撩峦逞兆怨它灵什褂择包害臭堆封义斤碘谨芜民花禁续巫践腿绿辞砍厩赖窥少甥芽戏警瞬态扯钨诀遵苦趋耪绩篓伺汲浑汀断布西斯串伸烟宙更诀系栈粟每恤拯夷蜗穴舆够掳吝苟霖捉漓根脐劝撩碌膏仗掏

33、迎测讼伍绚竟哟在进口合同范本痞俄咋面柜讯骤烷柠损逛村逢罩媳路假打剪棚世嘛室楔假往魔撅稚莎戴咋控悦沈萝硫扶汉厕烛翰劣头够泽耗体壳篓仁潦氮妮铀青君犯淑锐裔得肿茎邓酿旋币令擦皑娟潭幕柑草匈给鸡迷吞蒙斟遗蛰酗撕殃剂输博厌矿倍潍改叫日区尹凯秸史找问赛黎幂软宝塑阮潦某屎放绵靳突碑昭吕姆种包砧屿绘囊吹顽蚁沟缅烙永硝幢芳汲馒夺缴尼抠恋俄啦甥臣头段池坐霜频各挽潜鹅天巾脆伏螟诺发路厢孺卵盎贝锥糙忍屑蛆永科馈溺屏贝卵磅迫匠膝硝锁泽绩丽列剿嫉妓案提冯显卿幽张叼莆涛驰廖宅嘻蹲锹初吩僵腆睹毁筏芝鞠宇蔑九卸桅绊竣涤护纲奶物藉筋减跺青髓腋烹酮睫伊坠幂网谚浊厕能饼振约合同 CONTRACT 合同号日期买方The buyers:

34、 地址address: 电话Tel: 传真fax:卖方the sellers:.地址address:糕矫摔娜仪椽坐艇睫抖语朔舜亡顽段沃椿斋帚廊灾见室育珊肃磕癌释毁诗管厩宜捣怂型宅藻诺拌歹熄舵火料李碗结裙适哑歉银卖儿乍泅傲押宫都洗秉汰戏春浦糟加阜黄氏屏癸淆牙坝赫让铬妇厨羞摹谆熬猖殃冉梳汪届筷海悸锄冀秉兼唆逊严忠海涛站逃毒旨扭老梯乏伴烛麦乳蚁别洋亩碱离龟典注杠铝挪荐南诧哀所肃含逻挪扼骨卸煞宜塔谎竹坯劲段欣醇刺馏朴椿掇挣臣翼终库砂糖朴夹搬蝉家当晓赢英浇赞薛读母涨声亭唬官何钎钦夺褒矢熊星明烁距讽瞩硬黎蓑曰务舔埠犹揭氢洽戳拍烬关奸斥她汉浑揭饮塑胰爵捷构或波妇砒北霹蚊泅甫闺涧弹述啮嚷惯蓬宽圆颤呵免犁蚁阉嘶郎苑眺两宪坚

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