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1、合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 期限和终止 1 Term and Termination 期限和终止This Agreement shall take effect on the Effective Date andshall continue for a period of ten (10) years.本协议自生效日起生效有效期为十10年。This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for one yearterms thereafter unless and until terminated by either Partyhereto by gi

2、ving six (6) months written notice to the other.此后除非一方提前六6个月向另一方发出终止本协议的书面通知本协议逐年自动延长一1年。Either Party may terminate the Contract in case of failure onthe part of the other Party to fulfill or perform any of itsobligations hereunder and in the event that such failureremains unremedied sixty (60) days

3、 after the service of awritten notice as described in Article X below by thenon-defaulting Party to the other Party specifying the failure inquestion and requiring it to be remedied.如果一方未完成或未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务而且未按照下述第X条规定在另一方向其送达书面通知指出其违约行为并要求其予以改正后六十60天内其仍未予以改正另一方则可以终止本合同。If one Party hereto shall comm

4、it any material breach of thisAgreement or its representations and warranties hereunderand fail to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days of noticefrom the other Party requesting it to remedy such breach (ifcapable of remedy), or offer adequate compensation therefor,the other Party may terminate

5、this Agreement immediately bynotice to the Party in breach.如果本协议一方实质性违反本协议或其在本协议项下的陈述和保证且在另一方向其发出要求其纠正违约行为若可以纠正的通知后三十30日内未予以纠正亦未对违约行为给予足够赔偿则另一方可向违约方发出通知立即终止本协议。Upon termination or expiration of this Contract, the Partieshereto shall not be released from their respective obligations本合同终止或到期时合同双方不得被解除

6、各自向对方支付到期或日后 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 期限和终止 2 to pay monies due or to become due to the other Party. 到期款项的义务。To the fullest extent possible under applicable law, Articles X(Warranty) and Y (Confidentiality) hereof shall survive theexpiration or earlier termination of the Agreement andcontinue to bind the Partie

7、s.在适用法律许可范围内第X条保证和第Y条保密在协议同到期和或提前终止后将仍然有效并继续对双方具有约束力。This Contract shall terminate upon expiration of the JointVenture Term.本协议在合营期限届满时终止。In addition, any Party may terminate this Contract prior to theexpiration of the Joint Venture Term by delivery to the otherParties of a written notice of its int

8、ention to terminate underany of the following circumstances, or as otherwise providedin this Contract or under law:此外在下列情况下或本合同或法律另有规定任何一方均可以经向另一方提交其意欲终止合同的书面通知在合营期限届满前终止本合同a) if any other Party materially breaches this Contract andsuch breach is not cured within sixty (60) days of a writtennotice t

9、o the breaching Party;a) 如果另一方实质性违反本合同且在收到书面通知后六十60日内未纠正其违约行为b) if the JVC becomes bankrupt or is the subject ofproceedings for liquidation or dissolution by reason ofinsolvency or ceases to carry on business or becomes unableto pay its debts as they become due;c) 如果合营公司破产或因资不抵债而进入清算程序或解散或终止其业务或无力偿付

10、到期债务d) if any other Party purports to transfer or takes any steps forthe transfer of its equity participation in the JVC in violation ofthe provisions of this Contract;c) 如果另一方违反本合同规定意欲转让或采取步骤转让其在合营公司中的股权 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 期限和终止 3 d) if all or any part of the assets of the JVC are temporarily orpermanent

11、ly expropriated by any government authority;e) 如果合营公司的全部或部分资产被任何政府部门暂时或永久没收f) if any government department having authority over anyParty requires any provision of this Contract to be revised orimposes conditions or restrictions upon the implementation ofthis Contract in such a way as to cause signi

12、ficant adverseconsequences to the JVC or any Party;g) 如果对任何一方有管辖权的任何政府部门要求对本合同的任何条款进行修改或对本合同的履行规定条件或限制从而对合营公司或任何一方造成重大的不利后果h) if any other Party shall come under the control of any thirdParty or Parties other than that by which it is controlled at thedate hereof or other than by an Affiliate of it f

13、or the purposes ofa bona fide reorganization;i) 如果另一方为任何第三方所控制在本合同之日受其控制、或为善意重组之目的受一家关联公司控制的除外j) if the conditions and consequences of Force Majeureprevail for a period in excess of six (6) months and the Partieshave been unable to find an equitable solution pursuant toArticle X; ork) 如果不可抗力的情况和后果持续

14、时间超过六6个月且双方未能根据X条找到一个公平的解决办法或l) for any other reasons provided for in this Contract or inrelevant laws and regulations.m) 本合同或有关法律、法规规定的任何其他理由。6.Termination of this Agreement for any reason shall bewithout prejudice to any right of action vested in either Party atthe date of termination.6.本协议无论因何原因终

15、止不得损害终止之日任何一方拥有的诉讼权。Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the Licenseeshall have no claim against the Licensor in respect of the除非本协议另有明示规定被许可方不得就本协议的终止向许可方提出 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 期限和终止 4 termination of this Agreement whether for the payment ofcompensation for expenses incurred or loss of profit or

16、otherwise.索赔要求无论是要求许可方赔偿其所发生的费用、利润损失还是其他损失。This Agreement shall come into force on the Effective Dateand shall, unless earlier terminated in accordance with theprovisions of Clause X of this Article, remain in force for aninitial period of ten (10) years from such date.本协议于生效日生效除非根据本条X款规定提前终止本协议首期有效

17、期为生效日起十10年。If one Party to this Agreement shall compound, or makearrangements with its creditors, or be adjudicated bankrupt, orhave a Receiver appointed over all or any part of its assets, orgo into liquidation (whether voluntary or otherwise) otherwisethan as part of a bona fide amalgamation or re

18、constructionwithout insolvency, then the other Party may terminate thisAgreement immediately by notice.如果本协议一方与其债权人妥协或达成协议或被裁定破产或其全部或部分资产被指定管理人或进入清算程序无论是自愿的还是非自愿的并非因为资不抵债而被善意合并或重组的除外则另一方可经向该方发出通知立即终止本协议。Automatic Termination; Party A, at its sole discretion,judgment and option, shall have the right

19、to automaticallyterminate this Agreement and all rights granted herein withoutnotice to Party B if Party B自动终止甲方经自行酌情、判断和决定有权不通知乙方自动终止本协议和本协议授予的一切权利如果乙方(i) becomes insolvent; i变为资不抵债(ii) makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; ii为债权人利益进行总体转让(iii) a petition in bankruptcy is filed by

20、 Party B or such petitionis filed against, and consented to by Party B;iii乙方提交破产申请或他人针对乙方提起破产申请且得到乙方同 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 期限和终止 5 意(iv) is adjudicated as bankrupt; iv被判令破产(v) a receiver is appointed by any court of competentjurisdiction for its assets and property;v有管辖权的法院对其资产或财产指定管理人(vi) a substantial por

21、tion of its assets are confiscated or frozenby any government authority;vi其大部分资产被政府部门没收或冻结(vii) no longer has the necessary power, authority, permit,license or certificate for conducting business as required inthis Agreement;vii不再拥有按本协议要求开展业务所必需的权力、权限、许可、执照或证书or (viii) if any other circumstance aris

22、es that will substantiallyimpair its ability to perform duties and provide services as setforth in this Agreement.或viiii发生大大削弱其履行本协议规定的职责和提供服务的能力的任何其他情况。d against, and consented to by Party B;iii乙方提交破产申请或他人针对乙方提起破产申请且得到乙方同 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 期限和终止 5 意(iv) is adjudicated as bankrupt; iv被判令破产(v) a receiver

23、is appointed by any court of competentjurisdiction for its assets and property;v有管辖权的法院对其资产或财产指定管理人(vi) a substantial portion of its assets are confiscated or frozenby any government authority;vi其大部分资产被政府部门没收或冻结(vii) no longer has the necessary power, authority, permit,license or cer665efb55-a9e5-4fd3-b443-04f8cef564e6_xljtemp

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