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1、项目(合作)开发计划协议书Project (cooperation) development plan 委托方(甲方):_ The (party a) :_ 住 所 地:_ Living by:_ 法定代表人:_ The legal representative:_ 项目联系人:_ Project contacts:_ 联系方式 : _ Contact:_ 通讯地址:_ Address:_ 电 话:_ Power word:_ 传 真: _ Preach true:_ 电子信箱:_ E-mail: _ 受托方(乙方):浙江松洋电器有限公司 _ The entrusted party (part

2、y b) : zhejiang loose the electric appliance Co., LTD 住 所 地:浙江省缙云壶镇南湖花园18号 _ Zhejiang jinyun: that live in the garden 18 nanhu pot 法定代表人:吕伟中 _ The legal representative LvWeiZhong: 项目联系人:吕伟中 _ LvWeiZhong contacts: project 联系方式 _ Contact 通讯地址: 浙江省缙云壶镇南湖花园18号 Address: zhejiang jinyun pot town south lak

3、e garden. 18 电 话: 05783152166 _ Power word: 0578-3152166 传 真: 057831611166 _ Preach true: 0578-31611166 电子信箱: kg1608 _ E-mail: kg1608 本协议就甲、乙双方共同合作开发: 一款针对中东市场的电烫台(项目号:ESP680烫台),经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据中华人民共和国合同法的规定,达成如下协议:This agreement, party a and party b will jointly cooperative development:

4、a perm at the Middle East markets (project number: ESP - 680 ironing table), after consultations on an equal basis, in truth, fully express their wishes, based on the law of the Peoples Republic of China, the provisions of this agreement is reached:第一条项目合作方式: Article 1 project cooperation mode:甲方向乙方

5、提出产品的基本功能、性能要求,由乙方组织人员开发设计、认证及后期配套生产等相关服务。1 party a to put forward the basic function of the product, the performance requirements of party organization and personnel development design, authentication and complete production and related services later.乙方根据甲方的信息要求组织技术人员对项目进行可行分析、拟定一个合理的项目开发计划交甲方确认后开

6、展后期开发工作。2 party b according to the requirement of information technology personnel to project feasible analysis, a reasonable project development plan after the party in late into the development work.甲方需向乙方支付前期模具费及开发认证费用。3 party a shall pay to party b the mold fee and development costs. Authenticat

7、ion第二条 开发项目内容:Article 2 development project content:甲方的开发产品开发背景及功能要求 Party as development product development background and functional requirements1客人根据中东市场需求初步分析,开发一款专门夹烫头巾的组合式夹烫机专销中东地区,会有很大市场销售潜力。1. According to the Middle East market demand guest, a preliminary analysis of the special clip hot i

8、roning machine head greement combined clip in the Middle East, have great market potential.2.产品功能要求:2 product functional requirements:能方便夹烫头巾及其他相同织物; (1) can be ironed turbans and other similar folder产品具有桌子摆放物品的功能。2 the product has put table items.第三条 协议金额及付款方式: Article 3 protocols and payment amoun

9、t: 1.本协议金额总计:人民币 30 万元。 1 this agreement: RMB 30 million total amount.评估费用组成:Appraisal fees: 序号费用名称评估费用(¥)总合计(¥)1模具费用25万30万2 其他(配件夹具等)5万 Serial numberName of expensesAppraisal fees (RMB)Total aggregate (RMB)1Mould cost25 million,30 million,2Other (accessories jigs, etc.)5 million,2本着公平原则,协议付款采用分期付款方

10、式:2 in the principles of fairness, payment by installment: 1)本协议签订后3日内,甲方向乙方支付协议总金额的30%,即9万元预付款。1) 3 days after this agreement is signed, party a shall pay 30% of total amount of the agreement, namely 9 million pre-paid.2)乙方完成手板样机经甲方确认后,甲方3日内支付乙方总金额的30%。即9万元人民币;2) completed by party a to party b boa

11、rd prototype confirmation within three days after party b, 30% of the total amount paid. Nine million yuan RMB,3)乙方完成外观、结构设计、模具试模等设计工作的首样送甲方验收之后,甲方3日内支付乙方总金额的余款40%。即12万元人民币。3 party b finished appearance, structure design, mold design work to send a sample of the first party after acceptance, three d

12、aysPay to party b within the total amount of balance of 40%. Is 12 million yuan RMB.付款均以人民币由银行划拨。Payment by bank transfer to RMB.4)乙方银行帐号: 4 party b bank account: 第四条 项目开发周期 Article 4 project development cycle为保证项目开发工作有序进行,乙方应按下阶段进行:To ensure that project development work orderly, party b shall, acc

13、ording to the next stage:序号开发内容开发时间(天)备注1手板样机制作阶段302产品设计、开模、试产阶段1003样品确认阶段204全面认证结尾阶段10Serial numberDevelop contentDevelopment time (days),note1Board prototype production stage302Product design, mould, commissioning phase1003Samples confirm stage204Authentication end phase. Comprehensive10注:以上开发时间以协

14、议签字生效日起; Note: time to develop effective date and sign agreement, 具体的开发时间乙方有权利能根据开发的实际情况作适当调整。2 party b has specific developing time according to the development of the right to adjust actual situation.第五条 为确保本协议的全面履行,双方的基本权利和基本义务:Article 5 in order to ensure the performance of this agreement, both

15、parties of the basic rights and obligation:当双方达成协议后,甲、乙双方应按本协议执行。When the two sides reached an agreement, party a and party b shall execute according to this agreement.甲方的权利和义务 The rights and obligations of party a根据本协议项目的实际需要向乙方提供必要协助。According to the actual requirements of the project agreement to

16、 provide necessary assistance.按本协议约定支付产品开发费用。 According to this agreement pays the product cost.甲方有权利随时了解产品开发进度。Party a has the right to understand product development progress.乙方的权利和义务 The rights and obligations of party b按照甲方提项目要求按时完成本协议规定的产品开发工作。依协议收取开发费用。According to the requirements of the proj

17、ect finished a mention the provisions of this agreement, and product development. Collect fees in accordance with agreement development. 在开发适宜阶段,乙方应向甲方提供以产品设计资料/样品。以便甲方了解开发进度及评估产品功能实现的情况。In the development stage of appropriate, party b shall provide party a with product design information/samples. I

18、n order to understand the development progress and evaluation of the product function.项目开发结束时,乙方向甲方提供三套合格样品确认,此样品作为乙方量产的标准。At the end of the project, party b will provide three sets of eligible sample, the sample as party b production standards.第六条 甲方不能按时支付协议费用,导致的工期延误,其责任由甲方承担。Article 6 party a can

19、t pay the fees in time, the agreement of party a, having responsibility for delays.第七条 任意一方欲提前解除本协议,应提前通知对方。甲方提前解除协议的,无权要求乙方返还预付费用并应对乙方遭受的损失承担赔偿责任;乙方无故解除协议的也应承担相应责任。Article 7 any party to this agreement, the early termination shall inform each other. Early termination of the agreement, party b shall

20、 have no right to return prepaid expenses and losses to party b shall bear the liability for compensation; Party b shall terminate the agreement without also corresponding responsibility.第八条 本协议的变更必须由合作各方协商一致,合作一方如需提出变更合同的请求,必须以书面的形式提出。Article 8 the modification of this agreement by the parties agre

21、e to cooperate, cooperative party to the contract, change requests must be in writing form.第九条 在本协议履行中,因出现在现有技术水平和条件下难以克服的技术困难,导致开发失败或部分失败,经双方协商同意,可以变更本协议相关内容或者终止协议的履行。Article 9 in this agreement, the performance in the existing technical level and conditions difficult to overcome difficulties in de

22、velopment, technical failure or partial failure, as agreed between the parties to this agreement, may change the contents related to terminate the agreement or the.第十条 合作各方确定:任何一方违反本合同约定义务,造成其他合作方研究开发工作停滞、延误或失败的,双方应当承担违约责任。Article 10: any party cooperation in violation of the provisions of this cont

23、ract obligation caused by other partners, research and development work stagnation, delay or failure, the parties shall be liable for breach of contract.第十一条 合作各方因履行本协议而发生的争议,应协商、调解解决。Article 11 each for the performance of this agreement shall be controversial, consultation and mediation.第十二条 本协议书有效

24、期限为签订后一年。如需延长该期限,经双方协商一致,可以延长该期限。Article 12 of this agreement is valid for one year after signing. If need to extend the deadline, the parties may extend this time limit,.第十三条 本协议经合作各方签字盖章后生效,本协议一式 2 份,具有同等法律效力。Article 13 the agreement signed by all parties, this agreement shall become effective aft

25、er a duplicate, which have the equal legal effect.第十四条 协议未尽事宜,如属必要可以签订补充协议(与协议正文具有同等效力)。Article 14 agreement, as necessary, can sign supplementary agreement (with the text are equally authentic.甲 方(盖章):_ A party (the) :_ 乙 方(盖章):_ B(stamp) : _ 授权代表签字:_ The authorized signature: _ 授权代表签字:_ The authorized signature: _ 日 期:_ Date:_ 日 期: _ Date:_

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