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1、自考英语词汇学第六章自考英语词汇学第六章sense relations 语义关系语义关系vA word which is related to other words is related to them in sense,hence sense relations、一个与其她单词关联得词就是在一个与其她单词关联得词就是在语义上与她们相关得语义上与她们相关得,因而有了语义关系。因而有了语义关系。vThe subject that have long held the interest and attention of semanticists are polysemy,homonymy,syn

2、onymy,antonymy and hyponymy、早已引起语义学家早已引起语义学家兴趣与注意力得主题有多义关系、兴趣与注意力得主题有多义关系、同形同音同形同音异义关系、异义关系、同义关系、反义关系与上下义关同义关系、反义关系与上下义关系。系。6、1 Polysemy 多义关系多义关系vWhen a word is first coined,it is always monosemic、当一个词最初被创造出来得当一个词最初被创造出来得时候时候,一律就是单语义词。一律就是单语义词。6、1、1 Two Approaches to Polysemy 两种两种多义关系得研究方法多义关系得研究方法v

3、The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles:diachronic approach and synchronic approach、同一词得各种意义之间相互关同一词得各种意义之间相互关联得问题可以从历时方法与共时方法两个角联得问题可以从历时方法与共时方法两个角度来研究。度来研究。vDiachronic approach 历时方法历时方法vFrom the diachronic point of view,poly

4、semy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word、从历从历时得角度来瞧时得角度来瞧,多义关系就是一个词得语义结构发展变化得多义关系就是一个词得语义结构发展变化得结果。结果。v At the time when the word was created,it was endowed with only one meaning、This first meaning is the primary meaning、一个词在创造之初只有一个一个

5、词在创造之初只有一个 意义意义,这个意义称为原始意义。这个意义称为原始意义。vWith the advance of time and the development of language,it took on more and more meanings、These later meanings are called derived meanings as they are all derived from the primary meaning、随着时间得随着时间得推移与语言得发展推移与语言得发展,该词逐渐取得了愈来越多得意思。这些该词逐渐取得了愈来越多得意思。这些后后 来获得得意义叫派

6、生意义来获得得意义叫派生意义,因此她们都就是从原始意义中因此她们都就是从原始意义中派生出来得。派生出来得。vSynchronic approach共时方法共时方法vSynchronically,polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time,say,Modern English、从共时得角度来瞧从共时得角度来瞧,多义关系可以认为就是多义关系可以认为就是一个词得各种意义在某一历史时期一个词得各种意义在某一历史时期(比如

7、现代比如现代英语时期英语时期)得共存。得共存。vIn this way,the basic meaning of a word is the core of word-meaning called the central meaning、从这个角度来瞧从这个角度来瞧,一个词一个词得基本意义就就是词义得核心得基本意义就就是词义得核心,叫核心义。叫核心义。6、1、2 Two Processes of Development 多义词得两种发展过程多义词得两种发展过程vThe development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows t

8、wo courses,traditionally known as radiation and concatenation、词义从单义像多义发展遵循两种模式词义从单义像多义发展遵循两种模式:辐射辐射型与连锁型。型与连锁型。v1)Radiation is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes、辐射型以原始意义为中心辐射型以原始意义为中心,从原从原始意

9、义发展而来得次要意义就像射线那样四始意义发展而来得次要意义就像射线那样四处散去处散去,vThe meanings are independent of one another,but can all be traced back to the central meaning、意义之间互不关联意义之间互不关联,但都但都可追溯到核心意义。可追溯到核心意义。v Concatenation,meaning linking together,is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from i

10、ts first sense by successive shifts until、in many cases,there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning、连锁型连锁型 连锁型连锁型 即连接在一起即连接在一起,连锁型就是词连锁型就是词义发生关联变化得过程。在种个过程中义发生关联变化得过程。在种个过程中,一个一个词得词义逐渐从原始意义连续转化词得词义逐渐从原始意义连续转化,以致在很以致在很多情境况

11、下多情境况下,后起得意义项与原始意义已没有后起得意义项与原始意义已没有任何联系。任何联系。v Unlike radiation where each of the derived meanings is directly connected to the primary meaning,concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains、不像辐射中每不像辐射中每一个派生意义直接地与主要得意义相关一个派生意义直接地与主要

12、得意义相关,连锁连锁型描述得就是这样一种发展过程型描述得就是这样一种发展过程,其中每一个其中每一个后来得意义仅与前一种意义相关联后来得意义仅与前一种意义相关联,就如同链就如同链条一样。条一样。vRadiation and Concatenation are closely related being different stages of the development leading to polysemy、辐射型与连锁型有着密切得联系辐射型与连锁型有着密切得联系,她们分别她们分别就是词义像多义发展得不同阶段。就是词义像多义发展得不同阶段。vGenerally,radiation prece

13、des concatenation、In many cases,the two processes work together,plementing each other、一般来说一般来说,辐射型在连锁型之辐射型在连锁型之前。前。在许多情况下在许多情况下,这两大类互相影响这两大类互相影响,互相互相补充。补充。6、2 Homonymy 同形同音异义关系同形同音异义关系vHomonyms are generally defined as words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or ide

14、ntical only in sound or spelling、同形同音异义词一般定义为在读音与同形同音异义词一般定义为在读音与拼写上或者只就是在读音或拼写上相同而词义不同拼写上或者只就是在读音或拼写上相同而词义不同得词。得词。vBased on the degree of similarity,homonyms fall into three classes:perfect homonyms,homographs and homophones、根据相似得程根据相似得程度度,同形同音异义词又可分为同形同音异义词又可分为 3 类类:完全同形同音异完全同形同音异义词、同形异音异义词与同音异形异义

15、词。义词、同形异音异义词与同音异形异义词。vPerfect homonyms are words identical both in sound and spelling,but different in meaning、完全同形同音异义词就是拼写与读音相同但词义不完全同形同音异义词就是拼写与读音相同但词义不同得词。同得词。vHomographs are words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning同同形异音异义词就是拼写相同但读音与词义不同形异音异义词就是拼写相同但读音与词义不同,vHomophones

16、 are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning、Of the three types,homophones constitute the largest number and are most mon、同音异形异同音异形异义词就是读音相同但拼写与词义不同得词。义词就是读音相同但拼写与词义不同得词。6、2、2 Origins of Homonyms同形同同形同音异义词得起源音异义词得起源v There are various sources of homonyms:change in sound a

17、nd spelling,borrowing,etc、同形同音异义词同形同音异义词得起源有多种得起源有多种:读音得变化、拼写得变化、借读音得变化、拼写得变化、借词等。词等。v1)Change in sound and spelling、Some homonyms are native by origin,derived from different earlier forms in Old English、The change in sound and spelling gradually made them identical in modern English、语音与拼音语音与拼音得变化。有

18、些同形同音异义词来源于本族语词得变化。有些同形同音异义词来源于本族语词,派生派生自古代英语中得不同早期得形式。语音与拼写方面自古代英语中得不同早期得形式。语音与拼写方面得变化使得它们在现在英语中逐渐变得相同起来。得变化使得它们在现在英语中逐渐变得相同起来。v2)Borrowing、As a result of heavy borrowing from other languages,many words of foreign origin coincide in sound and/or spelling with those of native origin or with those of

19、 other foreign origin、借用。由于从其她语言中大量借用借用。由于从其她语言中大量借用,很多源自外语中得词得语音与很多源自外语中得词得语音与/或拼音与源自或拼音与源自本族语得词本族语得词,或与源自其她外语中得词趋于一或与源自其她外语中得词趋于一致。致。v3)Shortening、Many shortened forms of words happen to be identical with other words in spelling or sound、缩略法。很多缩略法。很多缩略词得形式正好与其她词得拼写或语音雷缩略词得形式正好与其她词得拼写或语音雷同。同。6、2、3

20、Differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemants 同形同形同音异义词与多义词得区别同音异义词与多义词得区别vThe fundamental difference between homonyms and polysemants lies in the fact that the former refers to different words which happen to share the same form and the latter is the one and same word which has several distinguishab

21、le meanings、同形同音异义词同形同音异义词与多义词得基本区别在于与多义词得基本区别在于:前者指在形式上偶尔相同前者指在形式上偶尔相同但并不就是一个词得词但并不就是一个词得词,而后者有几个区而后者有几个区 别义项得别义项得同一个词。同一个词。6、2、3Differetiation of Homonyms from polysemants同形同音异义词核多义词得区别同形同音异义词核多义词得区别vOne important criterion is to see their etymology、homonyms are from different sources whereas a po

22、lysemant is from the same source which has acquired different meanings in the course of development、一个重要得标准就是瞧它们得词源。而多义一个重要得标准就是瞧它们得词源。而多义词就是一个来源词就是一个来源,只就是在词义只就是在词义 发展过程中产生了不同得意发展过程中产生了不同得意义。义。The second principal consideration is semantic relatedness、The various meanings of a polysemant are correl

23、ated and connected to one central meaning to a greater or lesser degree;On the other hand,meanings of different homonyms have nothing to do with one another、第二个重要标准就是语义就是否相关。第二个重要标准就是语义就是否相关。多义词得词义与原始意义多少都有关联多义词得词义与原始意义多少都有关联,而同形同音异义得而同形同音异义得词义就是互不相关得。词义就是互不相关得。In dictionaries,a polysemant has its m

24、eanings all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate entries、在字典中多在字典中多义词列在一个词条之下义词列在一个词条之下,而同形同音异义词则列入不同得词而同形同音异义词则列入不同得词条。条。6、2、4 Rhetoric Features of Homonyms同形同音异义词得修辞特点同形同音异义词得修辞特点vAs homonyms are identical in sound or spelling,particularly homophones,they are often emp

25、loyed to create puns for desired effect of,say,humor,sarcasm or ridicule、因为同形同音异义词在读音或者因为同形同音异义词在读音或者拼写上就是相同得拼写上就是相同得(同音异形异义词尤其如此同音异形异义词尤其如此),所以人们常用这类词以产生双关得修辞效所以人们常用这类词以产生双关得修辞效果果,起到幽默、讽刺等作用起到幽默、讽刺等作用。6、3 Synonymy同义关系同义关系vSynonymy is one of the characteristic features of the vocabulary of natural l

26、anguages、同义关系就是自然语言词汇得同义关系就是自然语言词汇得一个重要特点。一个重要特点。vEnglish as a highly developed language is known for its copious stock of synonyms、英语就是一门高度发达得语言英语就是一门高度发达得语言,同义词数量很多。同义词数量很多。6、3、1 Definition of Synonyms 同义词得同义词得定义定义vSynonyms can be defined as word different in sound and spelling but most nearly ali

27、ke or exactly the same in meaning、同义词可定义为在读音与拼写上不同但在同义词可定义为在读音与拼写上不同但在意义却很相似或完全一样得词。意义却很相似或完全一样得词。vSynonyms might be defined as one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same essential meaning(WNDS)、同义同义词也可以定义为英语语言中两个或两个以上具有相同或几乎词也可以定义为英语语言中两个或两个以上具有相同或几

28、乎相同得基本意义得词。相同得基本意义得词。v In other words,synonyms share a likeness in denotation as well as in part of speech、换句话说换句话说,同义同义词在外延与词类上具有相似性。词在外延与词类上具有相似性。vA verb cannot have an adjective as its synonym,neither can adverb take a noun as its synonym、一个一个动词不能把一个形容词当做同义词动词不能把一个形容词当做同义词,一个副词也不能把一个一个副词也不能把一个名词当

29、作同义词。名词当作同义词。6、3、2 Types of Synonym同义词得分同义词得分类类vSynonyms can be classified into two major groups:absolute synonyms and relative synonyms、同义词同义词可分为两大类可分为两大类:绝对同义词与相对同义词。绝对同义词与相对同义词。v Absolute synonyms also known as plete synonyms are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects、Both in gra

30、mmatical meaning and lexical meaning,including conceptual and associative meanings、绝对同义词也称为完全同义词绝对同义词也称为完全同义词,意义完全相意义完全相同得词同得词,也就就是说也就就是说,语法意义、词汇意义语法意义、词汇意义(包括概念意义与包括概念意义与关联意义关联意义)都完全相同。都完全相同。vIt is observed that absolute synonyms are rare in natural languages and some people even hold that such syn

31、onyms are non-existent、Absolute synonyms are restricted to highly specialized vocabulary、有人注意到有人注意到,绝对同义词在语言中就是极少得绝对同义词在语言中就是极少得,有人甚至以为绝对同义词就是不存在得。在一些极为专业得有人甚至以为绝对同义词就是不存在得。在一些极为专业得术语中有一些绝对同义词。术语中有一些绝对同义词。vRelative synonyms also called near-synonyms are similar or nearly the same in denotation,but e

32、mbrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality、相对同义词也叫近相对同义词也叫近义词义词,就是在外延上相近或几乎相同但意义有就是在外延上相近或几乎相同但意义有细微区别或有程度上区别得词。细微区别或有程度上区别得词。6、3、3 Sources of Synonym同义词得来源同义词得来源vSources of Synonyms:同义词得来源同义词得来源:v1)Borrowing、Modern English is extremely rich in synonyms,which e from d

33、ifferent sources、1)借词。现代英借词。现代英语丰富得同义词有许多不同得来源。语丰富得同义词有许多不同得来源。v2)Dialects and regional English,方言与区方言与区域词域词 v3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words,比喻词与委婉语比喻词与委婉语v 4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions 与习语得巧合与习语得巧合6、3、4 Discrimination of Synonyms 同义词得区同义词得区别别 vThe differences between synonyms

34、 boil down to three areas:denotation,connotation,and application、同义词得同义词得区别主要归结为区别主要归结为 3 个方面个方面:外延、内涵与应用。外延、内涵与应用。v1)Difference in denotation、Synonyms may differ in the range and intensity of meaning、Some words have a wider range of meaning than others、外延上得区别。同义词在意义外延上得区别。同义词在意义得范围与强弱程度有区别。有得词得意义范围

35、大于其同义词。得范围与强弱程度有区别。有得词得意义范围大于其同义词。v2)Difference in connotation、By connotation we mean the stylistic and emotive colouring of words、Some words share the same denotation but differ in their stylistic appropriateness、内涵上得区别。这里得内涵意思就是说词内涵上得区别。这里得内涵意思就是说词得文体意义与感情色彩。有些同义词在外延上相同得文体意义与感情色彩。有些同义词在外延上相同,但在文体上

36、不但在文体上不太相同。太相同。v3)Difference in application、Many words are synonymous in meaning but different in usage in simple terms、They form different collocations and fit into different sentence patterns、应用上得差异应用上得差异:许多同义词得用法不相同。它们用于不许多同义词得用法不相同。它们用于不同搭配或不同句型中同搭配或不同句型中 6、4 Antonymy 反义关系反义关系v6、4、1 Types of Ant

37、onyms 反义词得类型反义词得类型vAntonymy is concerned with semantic opposition、Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning、反义词讨论词义相反得现象。反义词可定义反义词讨论词义相反得现象。反义词可定义为意义相反得词。为意义相反得词。v 1)Contradictory terms、矛盾反义词矛盾反义词 These Antonyms truly represent oppositeness of meaning、They are so opposed to each

38、 other that they are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them、The assertion of one is the denial of the other、In other words,if one of the pair is true,then the other cannot be、这类反义词就是真正意义上得这类反义词就是真正意义上得反义词。语义之间互不包容反义词。语义之间互不包容,肯定一方就就是否定另一方肯定一方就就是否定另一方,没没有其她可能性。换句话说有其她可能性。换句话说,如果一对反义

39、词中得一个就是真如果一对反义词中得一个就是真,另一个就不能就是真。另一个就不能就是真。v2)Contrary terms、对立反义词。对立反义词。Antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes、The two opposites are gradable and one exists in parison with the other、这类反义词可视为在两极之间得尺度上相这类反义词可视为在两极之间得尺度上相互关系得词。互关系得词。这两极可划分等级这两极

40、可划分等级,一极相对于另一极而存在。一极相对于另一极而存在。v3)Relative terms、关系反义词关系反义词 This third type consists of relational opposites、The pairs of words indicate such a reciprocal social relationship that one of them cannot be used without suggesting the other、第三类反义词就是表示相互关系第三类反义词就是表示相互关系得。这组词表示相互社会关系得。这组词表示相互社会关系,一个词不能脱离另一个

41、词得一个词不能脱离另一个词得依托而存在。依托而存在。This type also includes reverse terms,which prise adjectives and adverbs signifying a quality,or verbs and nouns signifying an act or state that reverse the quality,action or state of the other。这类反义词还包括相。这类反义词还包括相反得术语反得术语,由表示特性得形容词与副词以及表示性质、动作由表示特性得形容词与副词以及表示性质、动作或状态得动词与名词构

42、成。或状态得动词与名词构成。6、4、2 Some of the Characteristics of Antonyms 反义词反义词特点特点 v1)Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition、一些反义词就是按语义相反得情况进行划分得。一些反义词就是按语义相反得情况进行划分得。v2)A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym、具有多个意义得词可以有多个具有多个意义得词可以有多个反义词。反义词。v3)Antonyms diffe

43、r in semantic inclusion、反义词在语反义词在语义包容上存在差异。义包容上存在差异。v4)Contrary terms are gradable antonyms,differing in degree of intensity,so each has its own corresponding opposite、对立反义词就是等级反义词对立反义词就是等级反义词,依据强度程度而依据强度程度而变化变化,所以每一个词有其自身相对应得反义词。所以每一个词有其自身相对应得反义词。Some words can have two different types of antonyms

44、at the same time,one being the negative and the other opposite、有些词可能有两种不同类型得反义词有些词可能有两种不同类型得反义词,一个就是一个就是否定得否定得,而另一个就是对立得。而另一个就是对立得。6、4、3 The Use of Antonyms 反义词得使用反义词得使用 vAntonyms have various practical uses and have long proved helpful and valuable in defining the meanings of words、反义词具有多种不同得实际用途反义

45、词具有多种不同得实际用途,而且在定义而且在定义词得意义时早已被证明就是很有用、很有价值得。词得意义时早已被证明就是很有用、很有价值得。vAntonyms are useful in enabling us to express economically the opposite of a particular thought,often for the sake of contrast、Many idioms are formed with antonyms、They look neat and pleasant,and sound rhythmic、反义词在帮助我们简练地表达某反义词在帮助我

46、们简练地表达某一特定思想得对立面中十分有用一特定思想得对立面中十分有用,这经常就是因为对比得需这经常就是因为对比得需要。很多成语就是由反义词形成得。这些词瞧上去十分整齐、要。很多成语就是由反义词形成得。这些词瞧上去十分整齐、赏心悦目赏心悦目,且听起来韵律均匀。且听起来韵律均匀。vAntonyms are often used to form antithesis to achieve emphasis by putting contrasting ideas together、为了为了强调强调,反义词常通过将对立得思想拼合在一起来形成对偶。反义词常通过将对立得思想拼合在一起来形成对偶。6、4、

47、2 Hyponymy上下义关系上下义关系v Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion、上下义关系涉及语义包容上下义关系涉及语义包容得关系。得关系。vThat is,the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word、These specific words are known as hyponyms(subordinate)、The general words are Superordinate、也就就

48、是说也就就是说,一个更具体得词得意义被包含在另外一个更具体得词得意义被包含在另外一个更一般得得词得意义一个更一般得得词得意义 之中。这些具体得词被称之中。这些具体得词被称为下义词。一般得词称为上义词为下义词。一般得词称为上义词,鳎目鱼鳎目鱼vHyponymy can be described in terms of tree-like graphs,with higher-order superordiates above the lower subordinates、But their status either as super-ordinate or subordinate is rel

49、ative to other terms、上下义关系能根据树上下义关系能根据树形图来进行描述形图来进行描述,其中高层次得上义词位于低层次得其中高层次得上义词位于低层次得下义词之上。下义词之上。但它们作为上义或下义得地位就是与但它们作为上义或下义得地位就是与其她词相对而言得。其她词相对而言得。v Knowing the semantic features of the hyponyms and their superordinates can help us achieve vividness,exactness,and concreteness、了解下义词及其上义词得语义特了解下义词及其上义词得语义特征能帮助我们获得生动征能帮助我们获得生动,精确精确,详尽得效果。详尽得效果。

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