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1、Sales ContractContract No:Contract Date:The Buyer:Address:Tel:Fax:E-mail:The Seller:Address:Tel:Fax:E-mail:The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below:1. Product Name:2. Purity:3. Quantity: % more or less allowed4. Unit Price:USD /KG5. To

2、tal Amount:USD(大写)6. Terms of Delivery: 7. Country of Origin and Manufacturer:8. Packing:The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation / multi-transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and

3、 loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as Keep away from moisture, Handle with care shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.9. Shipping Marks:10. Time of Shipment:No later

4、than 11. Port of Loading:12. Port of Destination:13. Insurance:Insurance shall be covered by the (Buyer or Seller) for 110% of the invoice value against _ Risks and _ Additional Risks.14. Terms of Payment: (choose one/several of the terms)(a) Letter of Credit: The Buyer shall, _ days prior to the ti

5、me of shipment /after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expire _ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated.(b) Documents against payment: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill

6、 of exchange on the Buyer and deliver the documents through Sellers bank and _ Bank to the Buyer against payment, i.e.: D/P. The Buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange.(c) Documents against Acceptance: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a

7、 sight bill of exchange, payable_ days after the Buyer delivers the document through Sellers bank and _Bank to the Buyer against acceptance (D/A _ days). The Buyer shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange.(d) Cash on delivery (COD): The Buyer shall pay to the Seller total amount within

8、 _ days after the receipt of the goods (This clause is not applied to the Terms of FOB, CFR, CIF).15. Documents RequiredThe Seller shall present the following documents required to the bank for negotiation/collection:(a) Full set of clean on board Ocean/Combined Transportation/Land Bills of Lading a

9、nd blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/ to collect;(b) Signed commercial invoice in _copies indicating Contract No., L/C No. (Terms of L/C) and shipping marks;(c) Packing list/weight memo in _ copies issued by;(d) Certificate of Quality in _ copies issued by;(e) Certificate of Quantity in _ copies

10、 issued by;(f) Insurance policy/certificate in _ copies (Terms of CIF);(g) Certificate of Origin in _ copies issued by;(h) The Seller shall, within _ hours after shipment effected, send by courier each copy of the above-mentioned documents No.16. Terms of Shipment: (choose one of the terms)(a) FOBTh

11、e Seller shall, 30 days before the shipment date specified in the Contract, advise the Buyer by _(usually e-mail)_ of the Contract No., commodity, quantity, amount, packages, gross weight, measurement, and the date of shipment in order that the Buyer can charter a vessel/book shipping space. In the

12、event of the Sellers failure to effect loading when the vessel arrives duly at the loading port, all expenses including dead freight and/or demurrage charges thus incurred shall be for the Sellers account.(b) CIF or CFRThe Seller shall ship the goods duly within the shipping duration from the port o

13、f loading to the port of destination. Under CFR terms, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by _(usually e-mail)_ of the Contract No., commodity, invoice value and the date of dispatch two days before the shipment for the Buyer to arrange insurance in time.17. Shipping Advice:The Seller shall, immediat

14、ely upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the Buyer of the Contract No., names of commodity, loading quantity, invoice values, gross weight, name of vessel and shipment date by _ within _hours.18. Quality Guarantee:The Seller shall guarantee that the commodity must be in conformity

15、 with the quality, specifications and quantity specified in this Contract and Letter of Quality Guarantee. The guarantee period shall be _ months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, and during the period the Seller shall be responsible for the damage due to the defects in desi

16、gning and manufacturing of the manufacturer.19. Inspection (alternative):(a) The Seller shall have the goods inspected 天数_ days before the shipment and have the Inspection Certificate issued by _ 机构 _. The Buyer may have the goods re-inspected by _ after the goods arrival at the destination.(b) The

17、manufacturers shall, before delivery, make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods with regard to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity/weight, and issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection. After arrival of the goods at

18、the port of destination, the Buyer shall apply to China Commodity Inspection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as CCIB) for a further inspection as to the specifications and quantity/weight of the goods. If damages of the goods are found, or the specifications and/or quantity are not in conformity wit

19、h the stipulations in this Contract, except when the responsibilities lies with Insurance Company or Shipping Company, the Buyer shall, within _ days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, claim against the Seller, or reject the goods according to the inspection certificate issued by

20、 CCIB. In case of damage of the goods incurred due to the design or manufacture defects and/or in case the quality and performance are not in conformity with the Contract, the Buyer shall, during the guarantee period, request CCIB to make a survey.20. Claim:The buyer shall make a claim against the S

21、eller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller. The claims mentioned above shall be regarded as being accepted if the Seller fail to reply within _days after the Seller received the Buyers claim.21

22、. Late delivery and PenaltyShould the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with the exception of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 21 of this Contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the condition that the Seller agree to pay a penalty which s

23、hall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation. The rate of penalty is charged at_% for every _ days, odd days less than _days should be counted as _ days. But the penalty, however, shall not exceed_% of the total value of the goods involved in the delayed delivery. In case t

24、he Seller fail to make delivery _ days later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract and the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall nevertheless pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay.The buyer shall have the righ

25、t to lodge a claim against the Seller for the losses sustained if any.22. Force Majeure:The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The S

26、eller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within_ days thereafter the Seller shall send a notice by courier to the Buyer for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as

27、evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the Seller, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than _ days the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.23. Arbitration:Any dispute arising

28、 from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Shanghai Sub-Commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules in

29、effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.24. Notice:All notice shall be written in _ and served to both parties by fax/courier according to the following addresses. If any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the othe

30、r party of the change of address within _ days after the change.25. The terms FOB、CFR、CIF in the Contract are based on INCOTERMS 2010 of the International Chamber of Commerce.26. Additional clause:Conflicts between Contract clause hereabove and this additional clause, if any, it is subject to this additional clause.27. This Contract is in _ copies, effective since being signed and sealed by both parties.The Buyer:The Seller:(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)Date:Date:

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