1、计算机软件许可合同计算机软件许可合同 签约时间:_ 签约地点:_ 合同编号:_ 本合同是由以下双方于_年_月_日签订的:中国_公司(以下简称“接受方”)为一方,_国_公司(以下简称“许可方”)为另一方; 鉴于许可方和接受方已就接受方向许可方购买_系统签订了购买合同; 鉴于本合同所指明的若干计算机软件作为许可方按购买合同所提供_ 系统的一部分或者与之一起使用的情况下, 许可方应将该软件许可接受方使用; 鉴于许可方有权授予本合同所规定的许可; 双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签订本合同。 第一条 定 义 1.1 “购买合同”是指许可方与接受方于_年_月_日就接受方向许可方购买_系统签订的合
2、同。 1.2 “许可方”是指_国_公司,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者。 1.3 “接受方”是指中国_公司,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者。 1.4 “系统”是指购买合同规定的,接受方向许可方购买的_系统。 1.5 “程序”是指构成接受方购买的_系统的_控制系统的程序。1.6 “专有资料”是指由许可方提供的,与程序有关的文件、数据、技术指标。 1.7 “合同生效日”是指双方签订本合同的日期。 第二条 合同范围 2.1 许可方特此按本合同所规定的条款向接受方授予使用和复制控制_ 系统程序的许可,而接受方特此按本合同的规定同意接受 该许可。按本合同许可的程序如下: (应加入该程序的
3、内容、运行的环境以及应具备的功能) 2.2 许可方授予接受方使用、复制该程序的许可权,这种权利是非独占性的,是不可转让的权利。 2.3 许可方负责向接受方提供该程序的专有资料,专有资料包括以下几项: A:一份用户指南; B:三份操作手册和安装指南。 第三条 合同价格 3.1 按照第二条规定的内容和范围,本合同采用一次性支付使用费的方式,计价的货币为美元。 3.2 使用费共计为_美元。 第四条 支付条件 4.1 本合同第三条规定使用费以美元电汇,通过中国_银行(此处为接受方的业务银行)和_银行(此处为许可方的业务银行)支付。一切应由许可方在中华人民共和国境内缴纳的所得税应由接受方预扣并代表许可方
4、向有关税务机关缴纳,付款收据应立即传真和邮寄给许可方。 4.2 按照购买合同的规定,在_系统验收合格,并由双方代表签署验收证明后,许可方应立即开具有关单据,接受方在收到许可方开具的下列单据后三十天内,应将使用费支付给许可方: A:商业发票正本一式六份; B:双方代表按照购买合同的规定签署的验收证明正本一份; 4.3 按本合同规定,如许可方需要向接受方支付罚款或赔偿时,接受方有权从上述支付中直接扣除。 第五条 专有资料的交付改进 5.1 许可方应按本合同第二条的规定在合同签订之日起 日内向接受方提供专有资料。交付条件为C.F.R,目的地机场为中国_机场。 5.2 许可方提供给接受方的专有资料用英
5、文书就。 5.3 如果许可方提供的专有资料有丢失、损坏和/或不完整,许可方在收到接受方的书面通知后30天内,免费将专有资料重寄或补发给接受方。 5.4 在合同的有效期内,许可方对程序如有改进和发展,应免费向接受方提供与此相关的更新后的程序和专有资料。 5.5 在本合同期满或终止后_天内,接受方要提供给许可方一个文件证明,已尽其所能和所知,除了经许可方同意由接受方保留的一个用以归档的复制件外,将其原件和其他完整或部分复制的复制件,不论以任何形式,包括更新以后的任何复制件,退还给许可方或已销毁。 第六条 安装与验收 6.1 许可方应在购买合同规定的期限内完成该程序的安装。 6.2 验收按购买合同规
6、定的程序进行。 第七条 使用、复制、转让及透 露 限制 7.1 接受方只可将程序用于许可方按购买合同条款提供作为_系统一部分的计算机,例外的是,如果 _系统计算机因为发生故障不能操作,或在进行保养性维修、工程设计变更、特制件或模型变换期间不能操作,则也可将程序用在接受方的备用计算机上,直到_系统控制用计算机修复到操作状态为止。接受方只能将程序用于直接的内部操作方面,在任何情况下均不得将程序供给他人使用。 7.2 接受方不得复制程序或其任何部分,例外的是,接受方只是为了备份、存档和将程序置于适宜执行状况,可以复制程序。所有经允许的复制件,都要清楚地标上与原先供给接受方的程序相同的、关于许可方所有
7、权或版权的限制说明。经允许的复制件应以安全的方式予以保存。 7.3 除非经许可方事先以书面方式同意,接受方不得出售、转让或许可他人使用程序。 7.4 接受方不得将程序或其任何部分透露或者以其他方式提供给第三方和接受方没有必要授权其在业务中使用程序从任何雇员。接受方应采取一切合理、必要的步骤,保证不会将程序或其任何部分透露或者以其他方式提供给任何第三方。 第八条 侵权和保证 8.1 许可方保证其有权授予在本合同中所授予的许可。如果在执行合同过程中一旦发生第三方指控侵权时,则由许可方负责与第三方交涉,并承担由此引起的一切法律和经济上的责任。如果在诉讼或仲裁中被判为构成侵权,程序的使用被禁止,许可方
8、可以自行承担费用承担以下任何一项: A. 替换或修改程序,使之不再构成侵权,并在实质上用同样的质量进行同样的服务; B. 在程序退还许可方之后退还接受方使用费,但要从中扣除使用、损坏和陈旧的折旧费。 许可方在采取上述措施后,不能免除其承担的其他赔偿责任。但许可方对基于以下其中一项的任何版权侵权所提出的请求不负责任。 A. 接受方自行修改程序,或程序没有在指定的工作环境中使用; B. 在_系统之外的系统使用程序。 8.2 许可方保证程序在规定的操作环境中的使用能够符合合同第二条的指标要求。许可方不保证任何程序的不中断或无差错运行。自系统验收之日起,保修期为_年。许可方保证在该期间内免费修理、更换
9、并重新安装程序中任何有瑕疵的部分。 第九条 税 费 9.1 凡与本合同有关的或在执行本合同时,根据有效的税法由中国人民共和国政府向接受方征收的一切税应由接受方支付。9.2 凡与本合同有关或在执行本合同时在中国人民共和国以外征收的一切税费应由许可方支付。 第十条 合同的终止 10.1 在合同到期后,接受方可以书面通知许可方终止本合同,并免除其在合同项下的义务。 10.2 如果任何一方违反合同条款,在给予了书面通知和合理的时间予以纠正,而仍不改正的,另一方有权终止合同。 10.3 如果合同终止后,合同中的条款按其性质仍应有效的,许可方和接受方仍应遵守。 第十一条 不可抗力 11.1 合同双方中的任
10、何一方,由于战争或严重的水灾、火灾,台风和*等自然灾害,以及双方同意的可作为不可抗力的其他事故而影响合同执行时,则延长履行合同的期限,延长的期限相当于事故所影响的时间。 11.2 受不可抗力影响的一方应尽快将发生不可抗力事故的情况以电传或电报通知对方,并于十四天内以航空挂号信件将有权证明的机构出具的证明文件提交给另一方进行确认。 11.3 如果不可抗力事故的影响延续到一百二十天以上时,合同双方应通过友好协商解决合同的执行问题。 第十二条 争议的解决 12.1 因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。 12.2 如双方通过协商不能达成协议时,则应提交中国国际经济贸易
11、仲裁委员会深圳分会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 12.3 争议的解放应适用中华人民共和国法律。 12.4 在争议的处理过程中,除正在进行仲裁的部分外,合同的其他部分将继续执行。 第十三条 合同的生效及其他 13.1 本合同由双方授权代表于_年_月_日在_签字。并自签字之日起生效。 13.2 本合同的有效期从合同生效日起算共_年。 13.3 本合同的执行中,对其条款的任何变更、修改和增减,都须经双方协商同意并签署书面文件,作为合同的组成部分,与合同具有同等效力。 13.4 本合同期满后,双方的未了债权和债务不受合同期满的影响,债务人应对债权
12、人继续完成未了债务。 13.5 本合同用英文书就,双方各持两份。在合同的有效期内,双方通讯以英文进行。正式通知应以书面形式,特快专递或航空挂号邮寄,一式两份。合同双方的法定住址如下: A 接受方:_ B 许可方:_ 地 址:_ 地 址:_ 电 传:_ 电 传:_ 传 真:_ 传 真:_ 接受方授权代表(签字) 许可方授权代表(签字)续执行。 COMPUTER SOFTWARE LICENSING CONTRACT SigningDate: _. Signing Place: _. Contract No: _. This contract is made on_between China_ C
13、ompany_Country (hereinafter referred to as“Licensee”)on the one hand and_ Company _ Country, (hereinafter referred to as“Licensor”). Whereas Licensee and Licensor hae entered into a purchase contract in which Licensee agrees to purchase _system from Licensor; Whereas the software programs listed and
14、 described in this contract are used either as part of or in conjunction with system to be proided by Licensor under Purchase Contract. Whereas Licensor has the right to grant the license in this contract; Both partiess authorized representaties, through friendly negotiation, hae agreed to enter int
15、o this Contract under the terms as stipulated below. Section 1 Definitions 1.1 “Purchase Contract”means the contract signed by Licensor and Licensee on _ , in which Licensee agrees to purchase _ system from Licensor. 1.2 “Licensor”means_ Company _ Country, or the legal representatie, or agency or th
16、e property successor of the Company. 1.3 “Licensee”means _ Company_Country, or the legal representatie, or agency or the property successor of the Company. 1.4 “System”means the system proided by Licensor under the Purchase Contract. 1.5 “Program”means the program which constitute the control system
17、 of System proided by Licensor under the Purchase Contract. 1.6 “Technical Documents”means documents relating to Program, date and technical specifi-cations proided by Licensor. 1.7 “The Date of Effectieness of the Contract”means the date of signing this contract by both parties. Section 2 Scope of
18、the Contract 2.1 Licensor hereby grants to Licensee and Licensee hereby accepts the license to use and copy, on terms and conditions set forth herein, the Program which constitutes the control system of _ System proided by Licensor under Purchase Contract. The Program is described and specified as f
19、ollows:_ ; _ ;_ . (insert the content, specified operating enironment and technical specifications) 2.2 Licensor agrees to grant Licensee the license and right to use and copy the Program. The license and right are non-exclusie and untransferable. 2.3 Licensor is responsible for proiding Licensee wi
20、th the Technical Documents of the Program, which should include the following items: A: One Users Guide; B: Three copies of all operating manuals and installation instructions for the Program. Section 3 Price of the Contract 3.1 In accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Section 2 to the
21、 contract, the amount of the payable Royalty for the Program will be a one-time charge. The currency shall be in US dollars. 3.2 The total amount of the Royalty is _US dollars. Section 4 Conditions of Payment 4.1 Royalty stipulated in Section 3 to the contract shall be paid by telegraphic transfer t
22、hrough the Bank_ (the business Bank of Licensee) and the Bank _(the business Bank of Licensor). The income tax of the Contract to be leied by the Goernment of Peoples Republic of China shall be deduct from Royalty, and shall be paid by Licensee to China Tax Office in name of Licensor, but the docume
23、nts of such payment should be faxed and mailed to Licensor immediately. 4.2 In accordance with the Purchase Contract, after _System has been tested and accepted and both parties signed the Certificate of Acceptance, Licensor shall immediately issue the related documents. The royalty shall be paid by
24、 Licensee to Licensor within 30 days after receied the following documents which are proided by Licensor: A: Six copies of the Commercial Inoice; B: one original Certificate of Testing and Acceptance signed by both parties in accordance with the Purchase Contract. 4.3 Licensee shall hae the right to
25、 deduct from any of the aboe mentioned payment the penalties and/or compensations which Licensor shall pay to Licensee in accordance with the stipulation of the contract. Section 5 Deliery and Improement of the Technical Documents 5.1 Licensor shall proide Licensee with Technical Documents within _
26、days from the date of Effectieness of this Contract. The deliery shall under C.F.R term. The destination is _airport in China. 5.2 The Technical Documents proided by Licensor are written in English. 5.3 If the Technical Documents proided by Licensor are lost, damaged and/or incomplete, after receiin
27、g written notice of Licensee, Licensor shall remail the documents which are lost, damaged and/or incomplete within 30 days 5.4 During the alid period of the Contract, if the Program has been improed or deeloped by Licensor, Licensor should proide Licensee with renewed program and related technical d
28、ocuments. 5.5 After expiration of the Contract or within _ days from the date of terminating the Contract, Licensee shall proide Licensor with a document, certifying that ,except one copy of the Program in archies, the original and all copies or partial copies of the Program (including copies of ren
29、ewed Program), or in any form, hae been returned to Licensor or destroyed. Section 6 Installation and Acceptance 6.1 Licensor should complete the installation according to the time schedule stipulated in Purchase Contract. 6.2 The procedure of acceptance should be carried on in accordance with the s
30、tipulation of Purchase Contract. Section 7 Restriction on Use, Copying, Transfer and Disclosure 7.1 Licensee may use the Program solely and exclusiely on computers furnished by Licensor under terms of Purchase Contract, as part of _System, except that the Program may also be used on Licensees backup
31、 computer if the System computers are inoperatie because of malfunction or during the performance of preentie maintenance, engineering changes or changes in features or model, until the System control computers are restored to operatie status. Licensee shall use the program only in connection with i
32、ts immediate internal operations, and shall not offer or supply the use of the Program to others under any circumstance. 7.2 Licensee shall make no copies of the Program, or any part thereof, except that Licensee may make copies of the Program solely for the purposes of backup, archial storage and p
33、lacing the Program in a form suitable for execution. All permitted copies shall be clearly marked with the same Licensor proprietary and copyright restrictions which appear on the Program originally supplied to Licensee. Permitted copies shall be stored in a secured manner. 7.3 Licensee shall not se
34、ll, assign, sublicense, transfer, or otherwise make aailable the Program, except as may be permitted by Licensor with written prior content. 7.4 Except as expressly permitted herein, Licensee shall not disclose or otherwise make aailable the Program, or any portion thereof, to any third party or to
35、any employee of Licensee who is not of necessity authorized by Licensee to use the Program in Licensees business. Licensee shall take all reasonable steps necessary to insure the Program, or any portion thereof, is not disclosed or otherwise made aailable by Licensee or employees of Licensee to any
36、third party. Section 8 Infringements and Guarantees 8.1 Licensor warrants it has the right to grant the license herein granted. In the course of implementation of the Contract, if any third party accuses Licensee of infringement, Licensor shall be responsible for approaching the third party about th
37、e accusation and bear all the economic and legal responsibilities which may arise. If any award is made by a final judgment that the Program used within the scope of the license herein granted constitutes an infringement of any patent or copyright, Licensor shall, at its expense: A: Replace or modif
38、y the Program so that it becomes noninfringing and performs the same serice with substantially the same quality; B: Grant Licensee a credit, less reasonable depreciation for use,damage and obsoles-cence, upon return of the Program to Licensor. But this dose not mean that Licensor is excused from oth
39、er responsibilities that it should take.Licensor shall hae noliability for any claim of copyright or patent infringement based on: A: Your modification of the Program, or the Programs use in other than its specified operating enironment; B: Use the Program on system other than_System. 8.2 Licensor g
40、uarantees that when the Program is used in the specified operating enironment it will conform to the technical specifications stipulated in Section 2 to the Contract. Licensor dose not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operating of the Program. The Warrant Period is _ years after the date of accep
41、tance. Licensor guarantees that it shall correct, replace or reinstall any program found to be defectie from normal usage. Section 9 Taxes and Duties 9.1 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be leied on Licensee by the Goernment of the Peoples Republic
42、of China in accordance with the Chinese Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by Licensee. 9.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be leied on Licensor by the Goernment of the Peoples Republic of China in accordance with the Chinese Tax Laws in effect shall
43、 be paid by Licensor. Section 10 Termination of the Contract 10.1 Licensee may terminate this contract on written notice to Licensor following the expiration or termination of its obligations. 10.2 Either of Parties may terminate the Contract if the other does not comply with any of its items, proid
44、ed the one who is not complying is gien written notice and reasonable time to comply. 10.3 Any terms of the Contract which by their nature extend beyond its termination remain in effect until fulfilled, and apply to both of our respectie successors and assignees. Section 11 Force Majeure 11.1 If either of the parties is preented from execution the Contract by such cases of force majeure as war, serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases whic