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1、深圳新安实验学校新初一分班英语试卷含答案一、单项选择1I had _ interesting dream last night. ()AanBaC/2He _ his bike and hurt his foot. ()AfallBfell offCfalls off3Lucy didnt _ to school because she _ a cold. ()Ago; haveBgo; hadCwent; had4Its a nice day. Lets _ a picnic this afternoon. ()Agoing to haveBhavingChaveDto have5What

2、day is it today? ()_.AMondayBfineCsunnyDMay 1st6Where _ your sister _ last summer holiday? ()Adid; goBdid; doCdoes; go7Eric fell off his bike. So he didnt _ to school. ()AcameBcomingCcome8_ are these apples? ()Twelve yuan.AHow manyBWhichCHow much9The snow show will begin tomorrow.下面划线部分字母组合发音,哪一个与所给

3、例词发音不相同:()AclownBknowCslow10Every morning, the short man does sport first, then he goes to work. (选出画线单词的读音不同的一项。) ()AshortBsportCwork11You can find many _ in Aesops Fables. ()AChinese storiesBtoy storiesCanimal stories12_ you _ a parrot show in the park yesterday? ()Yes, thats interesting.ADo; seeB

4、Did; look atCDid; watch13_ you _ your homework yesterday? ()AWhat; doBDid; doCDo; do14Nancy is going to _ a film this Sunday. ()AwatchBwatchesCwatching15He is _ a king for the play tomorrow. ()Agoing toBgoingCgoing to be二、用单词的适当形式填空16John _ (fall) off his bike and hurt his foot last Monday.17Whats t

5、he matter? My nose _. (hurt)18Sarah is very _. (thin)19He _ (have) an interesting dream last night.20Im _. My father is _ than me. But my brother is the _ in my family. (tall)21There _ (be) some meat and vegetables in the fridge.22He _ (bring) some water and poured it into the hole.23The weather the

6、re often changes _ (quick). 2obby _ (want) to be a scientist, so he should _ (study) hard.25Nancy _ (have) a _ (dance) lesson next Tuesday afternoon.三、完成句子26W_ there any tall b_ in your v_ before?27C_ Day is on the first of June. 28The students will l_ more about cooking from the cook after school.2

7、9My sister wants to be _ _ (一位旅行者) in the future.30Liu Tao has _ (许多的好习惯).31Its a big book. There are lots of words in it. Its our teacher. It helps us understand the new words. Its a d_.32The leaves change colours and the weather becomes cooler. Farmers are very busy. Its a_.33Its a yellow light. Y

8、ou should s_ down and s_.34There is a _ (体育馆) at school.35Tim _ (停留) at home last Friday.36I w_TV yesterday.37Tom is angry. He should _ and count to ten.38I w_ TV with my mother last weekend.39Lily is taller and _ (更重的) than her sister.40The old fisherman goes _ (钓鱼) every morning.四、完形填空Anna sat in

9、their backyard. She was trying to think of a _41_ to earn money during the summer vacation. Suddenly, she _42_ an idea! Her parents paid her to _43_ their dog every day. Maybe _44_ people would also pay her to walk their dogs.Anna went to many houses and _45_ the people if she could exercise their p

10、ets. Some of the people didnt have a _46_. Others wanted _47_ their own pets themselves, but five people did hire (雇) Anna. She was _48_.Every morning that _49_ she walked the dogs. By the _50_ of the vacation, Anna saved eighty dollars. A new term (学期) began, she used the money to buy many books.41

11、、AwayBroadCtipsDthing42、AhasBhaveChadDhaving43、AtakeBcareClookDwalk44、AothersBotherCanotherDthe others45、AtoldBtalkedCaskedDsaid46、AdogBcatCrabbitDbird47、AwalkBwalkingCto walkDwalks48、AsadBtiredCthirstyDhappy49、AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter50、AbeginningBendCmiddleDlast五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。We may s

12、ee a kind of little cars in the streets in the future. People will like this kind of small cars better. The car is as small as a bike but it can carry two people in it. Everybody can drive it easily, just like riding a bike. Children and old people can drive them to schools or parks.If everyone driv

13、es such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will be more space for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets.The little cars of the future will cost less money to buy and drive. These little cars can go 65 kilometers an

14、 hour. So driving will be safe. The cars of the future will be fine for going around the city, but they will not be useful for a long travel.This kind of cars can save a lot of oil. They will go 450 kilometers, then they must stop for more oil.51、Driving big cars can make the air dirty. ( )52、The li

15、ttle cars can make more space for other cars and people. ( )53、These little cars will be useful for a long travel. ( )54、This kind of cars can save much oil. ( )55、Only children and old people can drive the little cars. ( )六、阅读理解A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down.

16、 The bus conductor(售货员) comes to them for their money. They mother says, I want one ticket(票) to the zoo and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds(一会) and then says to him, How old are you, young man? The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stop her. The bo

17、y says: Im four at home, and two in the buses.” At last(最后) the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.56、Why does the conductor look at the small boy for a few seconds? ()AShe likes him.BShe thinks the boy needs to buy a half-price(半价) ticket.CShe knows the sma

18、ll boy.57、Why does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say? ()AThe boys words are interesting.BThe mother is a bad mother.CThe small boy can tell the truth(事实).58、At last the mother _. ()Abuys another ticketBbuys a half-price ticket for the boyCsays sorry to the conductor.59、We can know fr

19、om the story that _. ()AThe mother and the son take the bus every day.BThey go to school on the bus.CThe mother pays one and a half yuan at last.60、From the story we can see _. ()Aevery boy must buy a ticket in the bus.Bwhen a child is four, he must buy a ticketCsometimes a child is more honest(诚实)

20、than his parents.【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:A【详解】句意:我昨晚做了一个有趣的梦。本题考查不定冠词的用法。A用于元音音素开头的单词前。B用于辅音音素开头的单词前。C零冠词。 interesting是元音音素开头的单词,故选A。解析:B【详解】句意:他从自行车上跌落下来,脚受伤了。跌落fall off,A选项排除;B动词的过去式;C动词的第三人称单数形式;and连接并列成分,hurt是过去式,故该空也用过去式。故选B。解析:B【详解】句意:露西没有去上学,因为她感冒了。didnt为助动词,后面加动词原形go,根据句意可知句子为一般过去时,动词用过去式,have的过去式为ha

21、d,故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:很好的天气。今天下午我们去野餐吧。“let sb do sth”是固定用法,意思是“让某人干某事”,因此需要动词原形,故选C。【点睛】本题主要考查“let sb do sth”固定用法,需要平时积累记忆。解析:A【详解】略解析:A【详解】句意:去年暑假你(们)的姐姐/妹妹去哪儿了?本题考查did做助动词和动词原形。根据last summer holiday去年暑假, 可知句子为一般过去时态,助动词用过去式did,排除C选项。根据Where哪里,可知问句询问去什么地方,动词用go,故选A。7C解析:C【详解】句意:埃里克从自行车上摔了下来。所以他没有来上学。本题

22、考查动词形式。A动词的过去式。B动名词/动词的现在分词。C动词原形。didnt后面加动词原形,故选C。8C解析:C【详解】句意:这些苹果多少钱?十二元。本题考查how much引导的疑问句及其答语。根据句意可知询问价钱用how much引导的疑问句。A多少,B哪个,C多少钱,故选C。9A解析:A【详解】所给单词snow,show和tommorrow中划线部分都发/,A中划线部分发/a/,B中划线部分发/,C中划线部分发/,故发音和所给例词不一样的是A,故选A。10C解析:C【详解】AB选项画线部分的发音均为/,C选项画线部分的发音为/,可知C选项不同,故选C。1解析:C【详解】句意:你可以在伊

23、索寓言中找到许多_。A中国故事,B玩具故事,C动物故事。伊索寓言中有不少动物故事,故选C。1解析:C【详解】句意:昨天你在公园里看鹦鹉表演了吗?是的,很有趣。根据时间yesterday可知该句是一般过去时,故需加助动词did,故A选项排除,look at看,强调动作;watch观看;根据句意可知C选项符合,故选C。1解析:B【详解】句意为昨天你做作业了吗?一般过去时一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他成分?故为Did;do。故选B。1解析:A【详解】句意:南希这个星期天要去看电影。该句时态为一般将来时,be going to后应用动词原形watch,watch a film意为看电影,故选

24、A。1解析:C【详解】句意: 他将要在明天的戏剧中出演国王。 根据tomorrow明天,是一般将来时,构成be going to, 根据名词king,to be成为,故选C.【点睛】本题考查了一般将来时,注意牢记一般将来时构成和用法。二、用单词的适当形式填空16fell【详解】句意:上周一约翰从自行车上掉下来并且伤到他的脚。此题考查动词过去式,last Monday是一般过去时的标志词,fall的过去式是fell,故答案为fell。17hurts【详解】句意:怎么了?我的鼻子受伤了。本题考查一般现在时,问答句时态一致,主语My nose是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式hurts,故

25、答案为hurts。18thin【详解】句意:萨拉很瘦。本题考查形容词的用法,thin瘦的,形容词,做is的表语,故答案为thin。19had【详解】句意:他昨晚做了一个有趣的梦。根据last night,可知句子是一般过去时,have用过去式had,故答案为had。20 tall taller tallest【详解】句意:我是高的。我爸爸比我高。但是我的哥哥是我们家最高的。系词+形容词作表语,故第1空填原级,tall,than 是比较级的标志词,故填tall的比较级,taller,in+范围,是最高级的标志词,第3空填tall的最高级tallest,故答案为tall,taller,talles

26、t。21is【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些肉和蔬菜。该句是there be句型,该句型遵循就近一致的原则,也就是be动词根据后面紧跟的名词的数的形式来确定,此处some meat离be动词最近,且是不可数名词,所以用is,故答案为is。2rought【详解】句意:他拿来一些水倒进了洞里。poured是动词的过去式,可知句子为一般过去时态,bring拿来,应该用过去式brought。故答案为brought。23quickly【详解】句意:那里的天气经常变化很快。本题考查副词的用法,该空填副词修饰动词changes,quick的副词是quickly,故答案为quickly。2解析: wants stu

27、dy【详解】句意:鲍比想成为一名科学家,所以他应该努力学习。句子是一般现在时,Bobby是第三人称单数,第一空动词want用第三人称单数形式wants;第二空情态动词should后跟动词原形study;故答案为wants;study。25 will have#is going to have dancing【详解】句意:南希下星期二下午要上舞蹈课。next Tuesday afternoon是一般将来时的标志词,谓语动词用will do/be going to do结构,主语Nancy,be动词用is,第一空填will have / is going to have;第二空舞蹈课dancing

28、 lesson;故答案为will have / is going to have;dancing。三、完成句子26 Were#ere buildings#uildings village#illage【详解】句意:以前你们村里有高楼吗?根据句意和句中的before,可知句子是there be句型的一般疑问句,时态是一般过去时,由句意和首字母,可知考查单词building建筑物,any修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,building复数形式为buildings,be动词用are过去式were,考查单词village村庄,in your village在你们村里,故答案为Were;buildings

29、;village。27C解析:Childrens【详解】句意:儿童节在六月一日。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填Childrens,Childrens Day儿童节。故答案为Childrns。28learn#earn【详解】句意:放学后学生们将向厨师学习更多关于烹饪的东西。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填learn学习,will后跟动词原形,故答案为learn。29 a traveller【详解】句意:我的姐姐将来想要成为一名旅行者。由所给汉语意思可知一位应用冠词a,旅行者traveller,故答案为a;traveller。30many good habits【详解】句意:刘涛有许多好习惯。好习惯

30、good habits,习惯是可数名词,故许多可以用many,故答案为many good habits。3ictionary#ictionary【详解】句意:这是一本很大的书,里面有很多词,是我们的老师。它帮助我们理解新单词。它是_。结合描述和首字母可知,此处应用名词dictionary,意为字典,故答案为dictionary。3utumn#utumn【详解】句意:树叶变了颜色,天气也变凉了。农民们非常忙碌。它是_。根据描述和首字母提示可知,此处应用名词autumn,意为秋天,故答案为autumn。33 slow#low stop#top【详解】句意:现在是黄灯。你们应当_下来,并且_。根据交

31、通常识和字母提示可知:黄灯亮时,应当慢下来,并且停止。可知slow down放慢、减速,stop停止,符合题意,情态动词should后面用动词原形,故答案为slow;stop。34gym【详解】句意:学校里有一个体育馆。本题考查名词辨析。根据句意和汉语提示可知横线处填gym体育馆,名词。故答案为gym。35F解析:stayed【详解】句意:上周五蒂姆待在家。本题考查动词的形式。停留用动词stay表示,根据last Friday上周五,可是句子为一般过去时态,动词用过去式。stay的过去式为stayed,故答案为stayed。36watched#atched【详解】句意:我昨天看电视了。由首字母

32、及句意,可知考查短语watch TV,根据yesterday,可知句子是一般过去时,watch用过去式watched,故答案为watched。37take a deep breath【详解】句意:汤姆十分生气。他应该_和数到十。根据句意和常识可知,非常生气可以深呼吸,深呼吸take a deep breath,故答案为take a deep breath。38watched#atched【详解】句意:上周末我和妈妈一起看电视了。根据句中的last weekend,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,由句意和首字母,可知考查短语watch TV看电视,watch过去式为watched,故

33、答案为watched。39heavier【详解】句意:莉莉长得比她妹妹更高,更重。根据than,可知heavy重的,比较级heavier符合题意,故答案为heavier。40fishing【详解】句意:老渔夫每天上午去钓鱼。go fishing去钓鱼,为固定搭配,fishing符合题意,故答案为fishing。四、完形填空解析:41、A42、C43、D44、B45、C46、A47、C48、D49、B50、B【分析】41、句意:她正试着想出一个_在暑假期间挣钱。A方法,B路,C提示,D事情。根据句意,可知A选项符合语境,故选A。42、句意:突然,她有了一个主意!have有,根据语境,可知文章为一

34、般过去时态。have用动词的过去式had,故选C。43、句意:她的父母付钱让她每天_他们的狗。A拿,B照顾,C看,D陪伴走。根据下一句Maybe _ people would also pay her to walk their dogs. 中的walk their dogs遛狗,可知该空也应填walk,故选D。44、句意:也许_人也会付钱让她遛狗。A其他人/物,B其他(的),C另一个(的),D其他人/物。横线后为名词,该空应填形容词,AD为代词,排除AD。根据句意,可知该空应填其他的,故选B。45、句意:安娜去了很多家,_人们她是否可以带他们的宠物去锻炼。A告诉,B谈论,C询问,D说。C选项

35、符合语境,故选C。46、句意:有些人没有养_。A狗,B猫,C兔子,D鸟。根据上文,可知安娜想遛狗,故选A。47、句意:其他人想自己_他们的宠物,但是有5个人雇用了安娜。想要做某事want to do sth,该空应填动词不定式,故选C。48、句意:她很_。A难过的,B累的,C渴的,D开心的。根据前一句可知有5个人雇用了安娜,推测她很开心。D选项符合语境,故选D。49、句意:那个_每天早上她去遛狗。A春天,B夏天,C秋天,D冬天。根据She was trying to think of a way to earn money during the summer vacation. 她正试着想出一

36、个方法在暑假期间挣钱。可知B选项符合语境,故选B。50、句意:假期_时,安娜攒下了80美元。A开始,B结束,C中间,D最后。by the end of.在结束时,B选项符合语境,故选B。五、阅读判断42F解析:51、T52、T53、F54、T55、F【解析】51、句意:开大车会把空气弄脏。根据If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air.“如果将来人人都开这种小汽车,空气中的污染就会减少。”可推测大车的污染要大,所以该表述正确,故答案为T。52、句意:这些小汽车可以为其他汽

37、车和人腾出更多的空间。根据There will be more space for all the cars in cities, and there will also be more space for people to walk in the streets. “城市里所有的汽车都有更多的空间,人们在街上行走也会有更多的空间。”可知该表述正确,故答案为T。53、句意:这些小汽车将用于长途旅行。根据but they will not be useful for a long travel.“但是它们不会用于长途旅行。”可知该表述错误,故答案为F。54、句意:这种车能省很多油。根据This

38、 kind of cars can save a lot of oil.可知该表述正确,故答案为T。55、句意:只有小孩和老人能开这些小汽车。根据Everybody can drive it easily“每个人都能轻松驾驶它。”可知该表述不正确,故答案为F。六、阅读理解解析:56、B57、C58、B59、C60、C【分析】文章大意:介绍妈妈跟儿子坐公交车的事情。56、句意:为什么售票员看那个小男孩几秒钟?根据文章中询问小孩的年龄可知,售票员认为她需要买半票,故选B。57、句意:为什么售票员拦住母亲让男孩说?因为售货员认为小男孩会说实话。故选C。58、根据At last(最后) the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.可知最后这位妈妈不得不从口袋里掏出五十分钱给了售货员,即 买了半票,故选B。59、从故事中我们可以知道妈妈起初支付了一元,最后给孩子支付了0.5元,因此总共支付了1、5元,故选C。60、从这个故事中,我们能看到有时候小孩子比他的父母诚实。故选C。

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