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1、人教pep版小学英语三年级上册阅读理解专项复习提高试卷测试卷(及答案)一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 Hello! Im Liu Yang. Im a boy. Im nine. Im a pupil. My English teacher is Ms Zhang. She is a good teacher. I have a good family. My father is a doctor. My mother is nurse. My grandpa and Grandma are farmers. I have a cat. Its a yellow cat. Her nam

2、e is Mimi. We all like it.31、Liu Yang is a _. ()AgirlBboyCteacher32、Liu Yang is _. ()AtenBeightCnine33、Liu Yangs (刘洋的) father is a _. ()AteacherBdoctorCdriver34、Liu Yangs grandpa is a _. ()AfarmerBteacherCpoliceman35、Liu Yangs cat is _. ()AblackByellowCwhite2 This is my room. A ball is under the bed

3、. Two books are on the bed. A chair is under the desk. A toy boat is on the desk. A bag is in the desk. Look! Strawberries are in the box. How many strawberries? One, two, three Ha! sixteen strawberries!31、Two books are _ the bed. ()AonBinCunder32、A _ is under the desk. ()AballBbagCchair33、A toy _ i

4、s on the desk. ()AboatBcarCdog34、A bag is in the _. ()AbedBdeskCchair35、How many strawberries? ()A15、B16.C17.3 Hi! Im Bob. I like animals. Look at my dog. Its black and white. It has big eyes. This is my bird, Polly. It is three years old. Its very beautiful. I have a small cat. Its white. She is Mi

5、mi. Mimi likes the fish. What about you?31、The dog is _. ()AblackBwhiteCblack and white32、How old is Polly? ()AIts 2 years old.BIts 3 years old.CIts 4 years old.33、_ is very beautiful. ()AThe birdBThe dogCThe giraffe34、Bob has a _ cat. ()AshortBsmallCfat35、Mimi likes _. ()AfishBgrapesCPolly4 My new

6、friendsHello, boys and girls. Im Wu Binbin. I have two new friends today. Lets meet my friends. Hello, Im Jack. Im a boy. Im 12 years old. Im tall and strong. Im from Shanghai. I like cars very much. Look, I have one. Its cool. Hello, I am Mary. Im a girl. Im 9 years old. Im short and thin. Im from

7、Hangzhou. I have a gift. Whats it? Guess! Its a toy animal. It has long ears and red eyes. Its white.31、Whos Jack? ()AB32、Whos Mary? ()AB33、Wu Binbin has _ new friends. ()A2B9C1234、_ is twelve years old. ()AWu BinbinBMaryCJack35、Mary is from _. ()ABeijingBHangzhouCShanghai5 看图,选择正确的答案。31、Li Kuns sis

8、ter is_. ()ALi HongBLi MeiCWang Lan32、Li Gangs sister is _. ()AWang LanBLi MeiCLi Hong33、Wang Lans brother is _. ()AWang DongBLi GangCWang Rong34、Li Meis mothers mother is _. ()AZhou XinBWang DongCFang Hua35、Li Hongs father is Li Kuns _. ()AbrotherBfatherCgrandpa6 A duck walks into a snack bar on Mo

9、nday. “Are there any grapes?” The duck asks.“Sorry. There arent any grapes, ” the waiter (服务员) answers.Then the duck goes away.On Tuesday, the duck comes back. Again, he asks, “Are there any grapes?” The waiter says no and the duck leaves (离开).The duck comes and asks the same question every day. On

10、Friday, the waiter says angrily, “No. And if you ask that again, Ill nail (钉) your feet (脚) to the floor!”The next day, the duck comes again and asks, “Are there any nails?”“No.”“Are there any grapes?”31、The duck would like _. ()Asome nailsBsome grapesCsome snacksDsome drinks32、The duck comes to the

11、 snack bar for _ times (次数) in total (总共) . ()AfourBfiveCsixDseven33、The word“ angrily” means“ _ ”. ()A生气地B热情地C无精打采地D开心地34、The duck is very _. ()AhungryBnaughty (淘气的)Chard-working (勤劳的)Dthirsty35、Which of the following sentences is TRUE? ()AThe duck asks two questions on Friday.BThe duck asks “Are t

12、here any nails? ”because (因为) he wants nails that day.CThe waiter will nail the ducks feet to the floor on Saturday.DThe waiter doesnt like the duck.7 A: Hello, this is my new friend David.B: Hello, David. Nice to meet you. Im Wang Bing.C: Nice to meet you too, Wang Bing.B: Look at this new cap.C: I

13、ts nice.B: Thanks. Its for my sister Wang Hong. Tomorrow (明天) is her birthday.A & C: Oh, thats great.31、_ is B()AWang BingBDavidCWang Hong32、David is As _. ()AsisterBbrotherCnew friend33、The cap is new and _. ()AredBniceCbig34、Wang Hong is _ sister. ()AAsBWang BingsCDavids35、Tomorrow is _ birthday.

14、()AWang BingsBDavidsCWang Hongs8 Hello, Im Bob. Im a boy. Im ten. Im a student.Hello, Im Nick. Im thirty. Im a doctor.Hi, Im Amy. Im a woman. Im a teacher.31、There are _ people in the passage. ()A2B332、Hello, Bob. Are you ten? ()AYes, I am.BNo, Im not.33、Hi, Nick. Are you a teacher? ()AYes, I am.BNo

15、, Im not.34、Im Amy. Im a _. ()AdoctorBteacher35、Hello, Im a student. Im _. ()ABobBNick9 Lynn: Mike! Do you like fruit?Mike: Yes, I do.Lynn: So, lets buy some fruit.Mike: Good idea! I like pears and watermelons. Lets buy some.Lynn: No, I dont like pears. Lets buy some oranges and watermelons.Mike: OK

16、.31、Lynn and Mike buy some _. ()ApensBrulersCfruit32、Lynn: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges33、Mike: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges34、Lynn and Mike: We like _. ()AstrawberriesBpearsCwatermelons35、_: I don t like

17、 pears. ()ALynnBMikeCMum10 Hello, Im Lili. Im nine. I have a happy family. This is my grandpa. Hes a doctor. This is my grandma. Shes a nurse. This is my father. Hes a policeman. This is my mother, shes an English teacher. This is my little sister. Shes two. This is my brother. His name is Mike. Tod

18、ay is Mikes birthday. Look at the birthday cake. There are (有) many candles (蜡烛) on it. How many candles? One candle, two candles, three candles, four candles, five candles, six candles, seven candles, eight candles, nine candles, ten candles, eleven candles, twelve candles. The candles are red. Her

19、e is a present for my brother. Its a cat kite. Its yellow and blue. Were happy today.31、Lili is a _. ()AteacherBnurseCpupil32、How old is Mike? ()ANine.BTwelve.CTwo.33、Lilis father is a _. ()ApolicemanBdoctorCdriver34、Mikes present is a _. ()AcatBdog kiteCcat kite35、The candles are _. ()AredByellowCb

20、lack11 My name is Jim. My favorite day is October 18th, because its my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my paren

21、ts take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I dont do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday.31、Jims birthday is on _. ()AOctober 8BOctober 18CDecember 8th

22、DDecember 18th32、Jims favorite movies are _. ()AComediesBaction moviesCthrillersDA and B33、Jim goes to bed at _. ()A10:30B10:13C10:00D3:1034、Does Jim do his homework on his birthday? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CNo, he isnt.DI dont know.35、How is Jim on his birthday? ()ATired.BHappy but not tired

23、.CTired but happy.DHappy.12 Hello! Im Jack. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My dog is black,but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs, and milk. I dont like cakes.31、Jack is _.()A6B10C832、Jack likes _.()Adogs, cats, pandas and elephantsBdogs

24、, cats, pandas and ducksCpigs, cats, pandas and ducks33、Jacks dog is _.()AredBblueCblack34、Jacks pencil box is _.()AblueByellowCblack35、Jack doesnt like(不喜欢) _.()AeggsBbreadCcakes13 Hello! Im Tom. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My bag is black, but(但是) my pencil box is

25、 blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs and milk. I dont like cake.根据短文内容选择正确答案。31、Tom is _()A6B10C832、Tom likes _. ()Adogs, cats, pandas and elephantsBdogs, cats, pandas and ducksCcats, pandas, pigs and elephants33、Toms bag is _. ()AredBblueCblack34、Toms pencil box is _. ()AblueByellowCblack

26、35、Tom doesnt like(不喜欢) _()AeggsBbreadCcake14 阅读理解,选择正确答案。Its eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. Its nine oclock. Mr. Green usuall

27、y reads his newspaper at night. But he is reading an interesting book this evening.31、When do the children come to school? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.32、How are they come to school today? ()ABy car.BBy bus.CWalking.33、When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 10:00.CAt 9:00.34、When doe

28、s Mr. Green read his newspaper? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.35、What is Mr. Green do this evening? ()AReading a book.BWriting a letter.CWatching TV.15 Hi! Look at me. I have two small (小的) eyes. I use (用) them (它们) to see. I have two big (大的) ears. I use them to hear (听). I have a nose. I use it to

29、smell (闻). I have two hands. I use them to catch (抓) the mouse (老鼠) . I like to eat (吃) fish (鱼). I use my mouth to eat it.31、I use my _ to hear. ()AearsBeyesCnose32、I use my nose to _. ()AsmellBeatChear33、I use my hands to _. ()Acatch mouseBseeChear34、My eyes are _. ()AbigBlongCsmall35、Who am I? ()

30、ABC16 Today we are in the zoo. Wow, its very big. Look at the monkey. Its in the truck. Its funny. Look at the tiger. Its drinking water. Look at the panada. Its black and white. Its cute. I see many pigs. How many pigs? Lets count. 1, 2, 39! I see 9 pigs. They are fat. They are eating. I like them.

31、31、They are in the _. ()ABC32、The _ is drinking water. ()ABC33、The _ is black and white. ()ABC34、How many pigs? ()ATwoBThreeCNine35、Its in the truck. Its funny. ()A有趣的B可爱的C奇怪的17 Hello, Im Wu Yifan. Im nine years old. Im fat. My head is big. Look! This is my bag. Its red. That is my pencil box. Its g

32、reen. I have two pencils and three pens. I like cake and juice. Look! I have a cat. Its brown. I like it. 31、Wu Yifan is _ years old. ()A9B632、Wu Yifans bag is _. ()AgreenBred33、Wu Yifan has (有) _ pencils. ()AtwoBthree34、Wu Yifan likes _. ()Abread and juiceBcake and juice35、Wu Yifan has (有) a _ cat.

33、 ()AbrownBblack18 Hello! My name is Tommy. Im very happy today, because (因为) today is my birthday. Im ten years old now. Look! I have a birthday gift. Its a tiger bag. I like the colour. Its yellow and black. My friend Mimi is yellow and black, too. Look! Mimi is coming. Haha, its a cat. Its one yea

34、r old. Its cute. I like it very much.31、Today is _ birthday. ()AMimisBTommys32、_ is the birthday gift. ()AA tiger bagBA cat bag33、Tommy likes _. ()Ayellow and blackBwhite and black34、Mimi is a _. ()AdogBcat35、Mimi is _ year(s) old. ()A1B1019 Hello. Im Liu Yang. Im eight years old. I like bread and m

35、ilk. Look! I have a bag. Its yellow. This is my dog. Its white. It has (有) blue eyes. I like it.31、Liu Yang is _ years old. ()A7B8C932、Liu Yang likes (喜欢) _. ()AmilkBriceCfish33、Liu Yang has a yellow _. ()Apencil boxBcrayonCbag34、The dog is _. ()AorangeBwhiteCblack35、The _ has blue eyes. ()AcatBdogC

36、elephant20 Hello, Im Jack. Im 10. I like football. Look at me. Im cool. Look at my football. Its black and white. Look at my T-shirt. Its yellow. Look at my shorts. They are blue. Look! This is my sister Alice. She is 12、 And that is my brother Ben. Hes 8.31、The writers name is _. ()AJackBAliceCBen3

37、2、The writer is _ years old. ()A12B10C833、The writers _ black and white. ()AT-shirt isBshorts areCfootball is34、The writers shorts are _. ()AredByellowCblue35、Alice is the writers _. ()AfriendBsisterCbrother【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1B解析:31、B32、C33、B34、A35、B【导语】本文刘洋介绍了他的个人信息,喜欢的老师,家人的职业及他的

38、宠物猫。31、句意:刘洋是一个_。A女孩,B男孩,C老师。根据Im Liu Yang. Im a boy. 我是刘洋。我是一个男孩。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。32、句意:刘洋是_。A十岁,B八岁,C九岁。根据Im nine. 我九岁。可知C选项符合题意,故选C。33、句意:刘洋的爸爸是一名_。A老师,B医生,C司机。根据My father is a doctor. 我的爸爸是一名医生。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。34、句意:刘洋的爷爷是一名_。A农民,B老师,C警察。根据My grandpa and grandma are farmers. 我的爷爷和奶奶是农民。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。

39、35、句意:刘洋的猫是_。A黑色的,B黄色的,C白色的。根据Its a yellow cat. 它是一只黄色的猫。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。2A解析:31、A32、C33、A34、B35、B【导语】本文讲了作者房间里的物品与位置。31、句意:两本书在床_。A在上,B在里面,C在下面,根据“Two books are on the bed.”,可知两本书在床上,故选A。32、句意:_在桌子下面。A球,B包,C椅子,根据“A chair is under the desk.”,可知椅子在桌子下面,故选C。33、句意:一只玩具_在桌子上。A船,B汽车,C狗,根据“A toy boat is on

40、the desk.”,可知一只玩具船在桌子上,故选A。34、句意:包在_里。A床,B桌子,C椅子,根据“A bag is in the desk.”,可知包在桌子里,故选B。35、句意:多少个草莓?根据“One, two, three Ha! Sixteen strawberries!”,可知16个草莓,故选B。3C解析:31、C32、B33、A34、B35、A【导语】本文介绍了鲍勃的动物。31、句意:狗是_。A黑色的,B白色的,C黑白相间的,根据“Look at my dog. Its black and white.”,可知狗是黑白相间的,故选C。32、句意:波莉多大了?A它2岁。B它3岁

41、。C它4岁。根据“This is my bird, Polly. It is three years old.”,可知波莉3岁了,故选B。33、句意:_非常漂亮。A鸟,B狗,C长颈鹿,根据“This is my bird, Polly. It is three years old. Its very beautiful.”,可知鸟非常漂亮,故选A。34、句意:鲍勃有一只_猫。A矮的,B小的,C胖的,根据“I have a small cat.”,可知鲍勃有一只小猫,故选B。35、句意:咪咪喜欢_。A鱼,B葡萄,C波莉,根据“Mimi likes the fish.”,可知咪咪喜欢鱼,故选A。4

42、A解析:31、A32、B33、A34、C35、B【导语】本文主要介绍了吴彬彬的新朋友。31、句意:谁是杰克?根据“ I like cars very much. ”我非常喜欢小轿车,图A是小轿车,图B是钢笔,故选A。32、句意:谁是玛丽?根据“ I have a gift. Whats it? Guess! Its a toy animal. ”我有一个礼物,猜猜它是什么?它是一个动物玩具。图A是风车,图B是礼物,故选B。33、句意:吴彬彬有_新朋友。根据“ I have two new friends today.”今天我有两位新朋友,故选A。34、句意:_是12岁。根据“Hello, Im Jack. Im

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