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1、加工装配合同合同号:_ 签订日期:_ 签约地:_ 甲方(加工装配方):_公司 地址:_ 电话:_传真:_电子邮箱:_ 乙方(来料、来件方):(境外)_有限公司 地址:_ 电话:_传真:_电子邮箱:_ 双方在遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规的前提下,本着本等互利的原则,就来料加工_进行了充分协商,一致达成如下合同条款: 一、双方责任 1甲方责任: (1)提供有上盖之厂房_平方米,无上盖场地_平方米,工厂管理人员_名,生产工人_名、开业后_月增至_名。在合同期内代乙方加工生产上述产品,加工成品后交回乙方复出。 (2)提供现有水、电设备供加工生产之用,如需新安装水、电设施,其费用由乙方支付。 (3)办理

2、来料加工、装配有关业务的进出口手续及对工厂实行行政、财务等管理,不得把工作以任何形式承包给任何单位和个人经营。 2乙方责任: (1)不作价提供加工上述产品及装修厂房和建造_平方米简易厂房所需的设备材料(详见清单),分多批运抵甲方工厂,设备总值约_万元。 (2)不作价提供加工上述产品所需的原料、辅料和包装物料,具体数量、规格在各份具体生产加工合同中订明。 (3)工人如因工作不力(含工厂管理人员),经教育无效者,乙方有权向甲方提出调换,但禁止非法搜查甲方工厂工人的身体。 二、加工数量 第一年加工上述产品,加工费约_万元,从第二年开始的产量,应在前一年的基础上有所增加,具体数量应在生产合同中订明。

3、三、作价原则和工缴费 1试产(培训)期为二个月,在试产期内,工人每人每月工缴费暂定为_元,每月工作_日,每天_小时。 2试产期满后,采取按件计算方式,在坚持互利原则的基础上、双方应根据加工的品种、规格、款式和工艺繁简不同进行定价,并在生产加工合同中订明为确保工人的合理收入,工缴费平均每人每月不低于_元。需要加班时,加班费另计,但每个工人每天加班时间最长不得超过_小时。 3甲方工人生产消耗的水、电费由乙方负责。 4每月乙方支付甲方_元,作为工作管理费。 四、损耗率 1试产期内的消耗率,实报实销。 2试产期后的损耗率,由双方商定,并在生产加工合同中订明。 五、来料和交货期 1乙方按生产合同的加工量

4、,按月提供足够数量的原辅材料和包装物料。为使甲方工厂能正常生产,乙方必须在每批产品开始加工前_天,将所需的原材料和包装物料运抵甲方工厂。除因人力不可抗拒之原因外,乙方来料不足,造成甲方工厂每月生产不足_天,停工天数累计不得超过四天,否则,乙方应按 在厂工人以停工天数计,每人每天补助生活费_元,支付给甲方工厂。 2为使乙方能开展正常的业务活动,甲方应向乙方按商定的交货期,按时、按质、按量交货。如非人力不可抗拒原因,甲方不按时、按质、按量交货,造成乙方的经济损失,甲方应负赔偿之责任,赔偿数额可在具体的生产加工合同中订明。 3由乙方提供的机械、通风、照明等设备及原辅材料、包装物料,在甲方工厂由双方进

5、行交收登记,建立帐册。甲方工厂加工后的成品,在甲方工厂经乙方验收起运后,甲方不负产品规格、质量、短缺等任何责任。 六、结汇形式 工缴费及工人管理费每月结算一次,以D/P即期结汇或支票方式结汇,由甲方工厂会同(_政府授权的处理来料加工事务并具有外贸经营权的)_贸易公司(下称授权贸易公司)开具发票后,通过中国银行(深圳分行)向乙方在香港开户的银行(_银行。帐号_)办理。乙方超过_天仍未付款给甲方,则按逾期天数,以当时香港银行利息一并付给甲方。乙方连续_个月不结汇,甲方有权采取停止出货或其它措施。 七、劳动保护及运输与保险 1工厂应做好劳动保护及安全工作,完善防尘、防烟、防毒设施,厂房保持通风光亮,

6、内外环境卫生整洁,对有污染性项目,须经市环保部门批准,方能立项经营。 2乙方提供的机械、通风、照明设备、原辅材料、包装物件及甲方工厂加工后的成品运输费用,均由乙方负责。 3原辅材料、包装物料的运进,成品运出及加工期间存放的机械设备、原料和包装物料及操作机械的工人,均由乙方向_保险公司投保。 八、技术交流 在设备运抵甲方工厂后,乙方应尽快派出人员进行安装,甲方派出人员进行协助。从试产期开始,乙方应派出技术人员到甲方工厂进行技术培训,直到工人能基本掌握生产技术,进行正常生产时为止。乙方技术人员的工资及一切费用由 乙方负责,甲方提供生活上的方便。 九、合同期限 本合同经批准签订后,乙方须将商业登记及

7、银行资信证明书交甲方办理营业 执照经海关备案生效。有效期为_年,即从_年_月_ 日至_年_月_日。如要提前终止或延长本合同,须在三个月前通知对方,并经双方协商处理终止或延长合同事宜。某方单独提前终止合同,要负责补偿对方的经济损失。补偿的办法,根据终止合同前半年内的每月平均工缴费为准,补偿两个月的工缴费总额给对方。 合同期满后,不动资产(如厂房、宿舍)归甲方所有,由乙方不作价提供的可动产(如机械、车辆、通风设备)归乙方所有,并按海关和有关规定及时办理核销手续。 双方同意,在本合同经批准签订后_天内,乙方向甲方预付_元,作为履约保证金,从甲方收到履约金之日起_个月内,乙方仍不投产开业,履约保证金即

8、无条件归甲方所有,同时,甲方有权废约。如乙方能按时投产开业,该履约保证金可作工缴费抵付给甲方。 十、仲裁 凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关(包括任一生产加工合同)的任何争议,应通过友好协商解决,协商不能解决,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会,按照申请仲裁时该会施行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 十一、语言 本合同以英文和中文书就,两种文本具有同等效力。但在对其解释产生异议时,以中文文本为准。 十二、合同的份数和修订 本合同正本一式五份,甲、乙双方、海关、车管所、政府授权的处理来料加工事务并有外贸经营权的_公司各一份,副本若干份,均具有同等效力。 本合同有如

9、未尽事宜,双方可随时补充或修改,并报政府有关部门批准实施。 甲方:_ 乙 方:_ 授权代表:_授权代表:_ 授权贸易公司:_ 代表(签字):_ CONTRACT FOR PROCESSING & ASSEMBLY Contract No: _ Conclusion Date: _ Conclusion Place: _ Party A: _ Company (Party of Processing or Assembling) Legal Address: _ Tel: _ Fax: _ E-mail: _ Party B:_ Ltd. (Party of Supplying Material

10、s and Parts) Legal Address: _ Tel: _; Fax: _; E-mail: _ Party A and Party B, according to the laws and policies of the Peoples Republic of China and the relevant regulations and the principles of equality and mutual benefit, have held discussions relating to the processing and assembling of (plastic

11、 toy products) and have reached agreement on the following contractual clauses: 1. Responsibilities (1)Responsibilities of Party A 1) Party A shall provide factory space consisting of _ square metres, field of _ square metres without covering, _ factory management person and _ workers for the first

12、phase. The number of workers shall be increased to _ twelve months after operation. Within the Contract term, Party A shall process the products for party B which shall be re-exproted to _. 2) The water supply and utility equipment required for processing shall be provided by Party A. If additional

13、installations of water and electric facilities are required, the expenses thereof shall be borne by Party B. 3) Party A shall arrange all the necessary import and export approvals required for processing and assembly and provide administration and accounting management for the processing plant. Part

14、y A cannot assign Party As responsibilities to any other party or individual in any way. (2) Responsibilities of Party B 1) To provide the equipment with the total value of _. 2) To provide the raw materials, indirect materials and packaging materials for processing the products. Quantities and spec

15、ifications are to be specified in separate processing contracts. 3) In the event any personnel, including management shows substandard performance and makes no improvement after retraining, Party B shall have the right to request Party A to replace such persons. However, any physical search of the w

16、orkers shall be regarded as illegal and prohibited. 2. Quantity of Products During the first year, the total processing fee shall amount to _. From the second year, the quantity shall be increased. Details shall be specified in separate processing contracts. 3. Price & Salary (1) The trial productio

17、n (including training) period shall be _. During such period, the workers shall be paid _ per month on the basis of _ working days per month and _ working hours per day. (2) After the trial production period, the workers payment shall be calculated according to actual production quantities. On the b

18、asis of mutual benefit, both parties shall consider the processing fee, which shall be specified in separate processing contracts, according to different kinds of products, specifications, styles and engineering procedures. In order to ensure the reasonable income of the workers, the workers monthly

19、 salary shall be maintained no lower than _. If overtime work is required, payment shall be calculated separately. However, overtime shall not exceed _ hours a day. (3) Expenses for water and electricity in Party As plant shall be borne by Party B. (4) Every month Party B shall pay _ to Party A for

20、management expenses. 4. Proportion Products Damaged (1) During the trial production period, Party B shall absorb the cost of products damaged. (2) After the trial production period, the proportion of damaged products shall be mutually considered and decided by both parties and specified in separate

21、processing contracts. 5. Shipment of Raw Materials & Finished Products (1) Every month, Party B shall provide sufficient raw materials and packaging materials according to the contracted processing volume. To ensure the normal production of Party As plant, Party B shall ship such materials to the pl

22、ant_ days before the production of each lot of products. Except for reason of force majeure, the plant shall operate for more than _ days in a month. In case production is held up for _ days to insufficient supply of raw materials, Party B shall calculate the actual days when production is shut down

23、 and pay to Party A the workers living expenses at the rate of _ per person per day. (2) To ensure the normal operation of Party Bs business activities, Party A shall deliver the finished products to Party B in accordance with the time of delivery, quality and quantity. Except for reason of force ma

24、jeure, in case losses to Party B are caused due to Party As failure to make delivery as mentioned above, Party A shall be responsible for the compensation. Details of such compensation shall be mutually agreed upon in separate processing contracts. (3) Both parties shall mutually inspect and documen

25、t the equipment and materials provided by Party B, such as machinery, ventilation and lighting equipment and raw materials. After the finished products are inspected and shipped from the plant by Party B, Party A shall be free of any responsibility in regard to specifications, quality and quantity,

26、etc. 6. Method of Payment Payment of workers salary and management fee shall be settled once a month by D/P, which shall be conducted through Bank of China _Branch by Party Bs bank in _ (_Bank, Account NO._) in accordance with the invoices issued by Party A and a Trade Company (authorized by the loc

27、al government to be in charge of affairs of processing and assembly and with foreign trade authority, hereinafter referred to as the Authorized Trade Company). In case Party Bs payment is delayed for _ days, Party B shall be responsible for the interest incurred according to the banks interest rate;

28、 in case payment is not settled for _ consecutive months, Party A shall have the right to suspend delivery of the finished products or take other measures. 7. Labour Protection & Insurance (1) The plant shall take safety measures and protect the workers from dirt, smoke and poisonous materials. The

29、factory shall be maintained ventilated and bright, and the surroundings clean and tidy. (2) The transportation expenses for the machinery, ventilation and lighting equipment, raw materials, indirect materials, packaging materials and the finished products shall be paid for by Party B. (3) All insura

30、nce for the transportation and storage of the above materials, machinery and equipment and coverage of the workers operating the machinery shall be arranged through the _ Insurance Company of. 8. Technical Exchange After the arrival of the equipment in the plant, Party B shall dispatch personnel to

31、install such equipment, while Party A shall arrange personnel to assist the installation. When the trial production begins, Party B shall provide technical personnel to carry out the training until the workers have mastered the technology and the production operates normally. Party B shall be respon

32、sible for the technical personnels salary and all related expenses, and Party A shall provide daily necessities. 9. Contract Term After this contract is signed and approved, Party B shall present to Party A its Commercial Registration and Bank Credit Certificate for Party A to arrange business licen

33、ce and Customs Registration. The term of this contract shall be three years, e.g. from_ to_. If either party wishes to terminate in advance or extend the contract, the responsible party shall inform the other party three months in advance so that both parties can discuss and settle such a terminatio

34、n or extension. If either party terminates the contact before the term expires, the responsible party shall compensate the other party for the losses in such case, the responsible party shall pay the other party as compensation the amount of _ times the monthly processing fee. The fee will be based

35、on the average monthly fee of the previous _ months. After the contract term expires, the real estate such as the factory building and dormitory building shall return to Party A and the machinery and equipment delivered by Party b shall be returned to Party B. Customs clearance procedures shall be g

36、one through according to relevant regulations. Both parties agree that, within _ days after the contract is signed and approved, Party B shall pay Party A the amount of _ as its guarantee to carry out the contract. If, within _ months after Party As receipt of such amount, Party B still cannot arran

37、ge to start production, the amount shall be forfeited to Party A unconditionally and Party A shall have the right to cancel the contract. If Party B can start production on time, the amount will be deducted from the processing fee. 10. Arbitration Any dispute arising from or in connection with this

38、Contract (and including all the separate processing contracts) shall be settled through amicable negotiation. Should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) ,Shenzhen Commission for a

39、rbitration that shall be conducted in Shenzhen in accordance with the CIETACs arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon parties. 11. Language The present contract is drawn in Chinese and English as well, both texts being equally

40、 authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail. 12. Amendment and Copies This contact is made out in _ copies respectively held by the Parties, the Customs, Vehicle Authority and the Authorized Trade Company. They shall have the same force. If there are other

41、 issues not covered in the contract, both parties can discuss to supplement or amend the contract and submit the results to relevant departments for approval. Party A: _ Party B:_ Authorized Representative: _Authorized Representative:_The Authorized Trade Company:_代理记帐业务约定书甲方: (以下简称甲方)乙方: (以下简称乙方) 经

42、甲乙双方友好协商,自愿达成以下乙方为甲方提供会计代理服务相关事项的业务约定:一、 乙方为甲方提供以下会计代理服务:建账、记账(总分类账、二级明细账)、填制财务报表、税务报表、国税申报、地税申报(含网上申报)。甲方如有其他服务要求,需在约定书中注明,口头商定无效。 二、甲方在每月25日至次月15日前,按时将本单位所发生合法的经济业务票据传给乙方(乙方可上门取送票据,每月壹次)并提供纳税申报所需要的各种印章(公章、财务章、人名章等)。因甲方票据传递、提供各种印章及税务机关要求的其他资料不及时,造成乙方延误各种纳税申报的,责任由甲方自负。三、在甲方按时传递经济业务票据及按时提供各种印章的情况下,乙方

43、应按时为甲方代理纳税申报,造成延误各税种申报的, 责任由乙方负责。四、乙方丢失票据,书写、计算错误而引起的税务罚款及滞纳金,责任由乙方负责;甲方账外逃税、提供的虚假票据、提供原始凭证不符合规定引起的税务责任,由甲方负责。 五、甲方的出纳每月应主动与乙方会计核对银行账及现金账余额。六、甲方在签订业务约定书的同时付款,否则无效,到期后乙方接受甲方付款的视为约定延续,若到期后未续约付款的,约定终止,双方不再相互承担责任。七、甲方在业务约定期间内如有地址、电话、开户银行及账号、税务登记、工商登记等发生变化应在非报税期内三天、报税期内(每月25日至次月15日)当天通知乙方,不能及时通知乙方由此而产生的后果,由甲方自负。 八、业务约定到期或终止时,如果甲方聘用乙方工作人员,乙方对业务约定期间的凭证、账目、税务出现的问题概不负责。 九、甲方为:1.纯地税户 2.国地税户3.一般纳税人,每月凭证不超过一本,无特殊核算要求(超出要求范围的,服务费另行协商)。十、约定期限: 年 月至 年 月,付款方式:每 ,另每会计年度账本及报表资料费贰佰元,工商年检代理费贰佰元,残保金代理费贰佰元; 年 月 日合计收取 元。十一、本业务约定书一式两份,

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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