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1、合同编号:2012-3-26 Contract No.:模具委托开发,保管及使用协议书 Mould Developing Safekeeping and Using Agreement百事(中国)有限公司 Pepsi International Co, Ltd.(China)合同三方Contract three parties模具委托开发,保管及用协议书-Page 1of 5甲方:百事(中国)有限公司 (以下称甲方)Party A: Pepsi International Co, Ltd. (China) (below short as party A)乙方:东莞利士包装有限公司 (以下称乙方

2、)Party B: Dongguan Rex Packaging Co, Ltd. (below short as party B)丙方: (以下称丙方)Party C (below short as party C) 乙方有能力并愿意按甲方的图纸,式样书等所要求的4加仑塑料包装桶的模具(包含瓶盖和瓶身)之技术规格标准来寻找模具制造商(丙方),并有责任要求丙方按照甲方要求的技术规格制造模具.在甲乙丙三方协定的期限内,丙方须负责从制作到验收模具的全过程,乙方须跟进模具的制作过程及自验收之日起全权负责模具的保管,甲方对模具拥有所有权,在本协议限定的条款内授权乙方使用。三方在友好平等协商的基础上,达

3、成如下协议: Party B has the ability and willingness to search the mould made supplier (party C) exactly according to Party As the technical drawings and standard request of the four gallons plastic package barrel mould. Party B has the obligation to require party C to make the mould according to Party As

4、 technical standard. During the agreement time, party C should be in charge of the whole process of the mould making from researching and developing to the Inspection and acceptance of the mould. party B should follow up the whole process of the mould making and should be in charge of the mould safe

5、keeping from the Inspection and acceptance date of the mould, party A has the proprietary rights of the mould and authorized the use right of the mould to party C according to the terms of the agreement. On the basis of friendly equal and negotiate principle, three parties reach agreements as below:

6、1. 总则General Principle1.1合同的目的甲乙丙三方必须遵守信誉,如实地签署合同中规定的各项条款,以便三方形成公平持久的业务。All the three parties should be honest and keep faiths and sign the agreement terms truthfully in order to establish equal and long-term business relations.1.2 权利和义务的转让transfer of the rights and obligations 未经乙方,丙方的书面承认之前,甲方不得擅自

7、对第四方进行在本合同中所有条款所规定的权利义务的全部或部分,做转让,提供担保或进行其他任何处理行为。With out the written admission issued by party B and party C, party A has no right to transfer its rights and duties to another or guarantee and any processing behaviour under this contract in whole or in part to a fourth party,.2. 模具的材质material of t

8、he mould 瓶模:王牌45#钢:bottle mould: trump steel 45# 盖模:718H钢:cover mould: steel 718H2.1图纸,式样书(见附件一)的事先确认Confirmation of the drawing and reference book (refer to annex 1) 由甲方提供样品桶,乙方根据样品桶于4月12日出具产品图纸,丙方根据样品桶及图纸制作模具:The sample bucket offered by party A, party B should issue the drawing on 12th April acco

9、rding to the sample bucket, party C should made the mould according the sample and the drawing . 乙方出具图纸需甲方签名确认后,乙方及丙方在开始生产之前,应对已记载其货物的质量,规格,材质,性能等的图纸,式样书进行检讨后,按照要求进行制造。The drawing should be confirmed and signed by party A, party B and party C should study the drawing and reference book that record t

10、he quality specification material and performance, then made the mould as requested.3. 模具的质量标准quality standards of the mould 瓶模使用寿命:壹百万次 the service life of the bottle mould: a million times盖模使用寿命:壹百万次 the service life of the bottle mould: a million times4. 模具的价格 price of the mould 瓶模:¥150,000(含6%增值

11、税)bottle mould: RMB150,000 (including 17% VAT) 盖模:¥290,000(含6%增值税)cover mould: RMB290,000 (including 17% VAT)模具委托开发,保管及使用协议书-Page 2of 55. 模具的数量 quantity of the mould5.1 盖子的模具 cover mould 瓶盖模具为一套,型腔为一模出四腔。Cap moulds for a set, cavity exactly out four cavity for.5.2 瓶身的模具 bottle mould 瓶身模具为一套,型腔为一模出一腔

12、。The bottle for a set of mould, for exactly a cavity chamber6. 模具的验收Inspection and acceptance of the mould乙方在得到丙方的验收通知后,必须及时通知甲方并和甲方商定日期一起对模具进行验收。乙方负责所有验收过程并保证质量符合甲方所规定的质量要求。甲方监督整个验收过程。7. 模具的首次试产trial-production of the mould 甲方委托乙方保管的模具第一次用来进行商业生产前,必须先把生产的4加仑塑料桶免费样品送给甲方进行确认,取得甲方书面形式的样品承认书后,乙方应出具书面的收

13、货单(模具)给甲方后,才能用甲方专属模具按甲方的订单进行首次生产。8. 模具的开发时间表(见附件二)及费用支付timetable of the mould reaching and the payable of charge 由乙方提供瓶模及盖模的开发时间表给甲方,并严格按时间表跟进丙方项目进展,因丙方原因有所变更时间表的,乙方应就变更情况及时通知甲方并获得甲方同意后方可改期,否则由于丙方擅自变更时间表,乙方未履行通知及监督义务的,甲方有权要求乙方按每推迟一日,折合模具总款的5%计算进行赔偿,支付方式由甲乙双方协商而定。甲方自合同签定之日五天内向丙方电汇模具总费用的30%:第一次试模出样(20

14、12年5月15日)后五天内向丙方电汇模具总费用的30%:模具验收合格后,乙方将已经取得样品承认书后的模具品种,数量,金额传真给甲方确认,给甲方确认无误后,乙方通知丙方出具正确的增值税发票给甲方。甲方在确认发票品种,数量,金额无误后,在收到丙方发票以后十天内将40%余款电汇支付给丙方。9. 模具的所有权proprietary rights of the mould 甲方对委托乙方保管的模具有绝对的所有权。甲方在委托乙方保管的期限内,不须支付任何保管费用。在没有甲方书面通知的情况下,乙方不得把甲方专属撒模具扫挪为他用。10. 模具的委托保管及使用developing custoding and u

15、sing of the mould甲方全权委托乙方保管生产4加仑塑料桶所用的模具,包括盖子模具和瓶身模具.乙方有责任在合同期内妥善保管,不得转让,借用,担保或进行其他未经甲方允许就擅自用于私人目的的行为.此模具仅允用于生产甲方需要的4加仑的塑料桶.在使用过程中,若出现乙方保管不善如机械操作,人为损害等造成模具毁损,乙方必须给予赔偿。但不包括模具使用过程中的自然生命周期后的磨损。模具委托开发,保管及使用协议书-Page 3of 511. 模具的回收recycle of the mould 11.1 合同期满的回收recycle of the limited time of contract 在甲

16、方委托乙方保管并使用模具仅生产甲方要求的4加仑塑料桶的合同期限满时,甲方根据商业需要有权无条件的回收委托乙方保管的模具(包括盖子和瓶身),并以书面形式通知乙方。若根据双方合作的需要,也可以续签此份合同。11.2合同期内的回收recycle of the contract expires 在合同期内,若甲方发现乙方不能妥善保管甲方专属模具,或者其使用甲方专属模具生产乙方需要的4加仑塑料桶时,出现乙方不能接受的品质缺陷的情况下,或才使用甲方专属模具生产其他的第三方产品时,甲方有权回收模具,乙方须对其行为造成甲方的一切显性和隐性损失给予赔偿。另外,甲方认为在商业需要的时候,也有权回收模具,乙方须无条

17、件归还。During contract expires, 12. 合同期限Contract period 合同自甲乙丙三方签字盖章之日起360天内有效,合同期满后双方根据需要协商,认为必要须另行续签。This contract shall come into force upon the date of the signature of the authorized representative of each party and till 360 days . Upon expiration of the contract, the contracting parties can exten

18、sion the contract according negotiation.13. 争议解决settlement of dispute 因执行本合同所发生的一切争议,合同三方行协商解决,若协商无法达成一致意见,可根据中华人民共和国的相关法律提交法院载决。All disputes arising from the execution of this contract, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation or the case can carried into court according to the relate

19、d law of the PRC14. 违约责任the liability for breach of contract 除自然灾害等不可抗力外,签定合同的任何一方需要承担所有违约而造成的一切直接和间接损失。Except the exception caused of natural calamity by Force Majeure, The loss for breaching of contract directly or indirectly should be charged by the side breaking the contract.15. 其他 others 本合同正本一

20、式三份,合同三方各执一份。The contractt is written in three originals, one for each of contract three party. 本合同未尽事宜,三方应依诚信原则及中华人民共和国有关法律进行办理。Matters not mentioned herein, the three party should observed the credit principle and related laws of the PRC 附件:本合同有三个附件,即图纸,式样书:模具开发时间表:模具报价单,是本合同的组成部分,与本合同有同等的法律效力。Att

21、ached: attached with three files: drawing and reference book, the timeable of the mould researching,and the price list of the mould ,these are one part of the contract and with the same force of law 模具委托开发,保管及使用协议书4/5Page 4of 5甲 方:百事(中国)有限公司 Party A:Pepsi (China) Co., LTD地 址:广州市黄埔区开发区金碧路金华二街3号 Add:

22、Jinhua No. Two Street No. Three Jinbi Road Development zone Huangpu district Guangzhou法定代表人:施振康legal representative:委托代理人:mandy delegate representative:盖 章:stamp:代表签字: signature日 期 date:乙 方:东莞利士包装有限公司 Party B: Dongguan Rex Packaging CO. Ltd.地 址:东莞常平镇苏坑村 Add: Sukang village Changping Town Dongguan法定代表人:蔡国镇委托代理人:赖泽跃(lyle)盖 章:代表签字:日 期: 丙 方:东莞亚圣模具有限公司 Dongguan Mould Co地 址:东莞桥头东部工业园 Add: Qiaotou East Industry Zone Dongguan法定代表人:陈亚东委托代理人:盖 章:代表签字:日 期: Page 5 of 5

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