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1、淘宝网专用委托检测协议书Test Application FormTE注:栏目为委托单位必填项目 Note: Items marked withare mandatory 委托单编号(Application No.): 委托单位中文名称(Trustor name in Chinese):委托单位英文名称(Trustor name in English): (委托单位名称为发票抬头,请准确填写 Trustor name is to be the Payer on the invoice, please fill correctly )联系人(Contact Person):电话(Tel):传真(

2、Fax): 电邮(E-mail):邮编(Post Code): 地址(Address):样品及相关信息(Sample and related information)样品名称(Sample Name):样品数(No. of Sample.):款号(Style No.): 原料成份(Fiber Composition):商标名称(Label):淘宝店铺ID:颜色(Color.):样品状态(Sample Status):完好(Good ) 损坏(Damaged) 缺件(Lack)最终用途(End Uses):男Men 女Women 儿童Children 婴幼儿Infant产品等级(Product

3、Grade):优等品Superior Grade 一等品First-class Grade 合格品Qualified Grade标签(Care instruction) 如申请尺寸稳定性,皂洗色牢度或外观持久性测试,请务必注明标签指示Care instruction should be indicated if applying for dimensional stability, color fastness to washing or appearance retention test. 必检项目套餐Must included testings in combo被子(羽绒被除外) 面料必检

4、项全套 填充物必检项全套被套、床单、床上套件 必检项全套枕垫类 面料必检项全套 填充物必检项全套绗缝制品(羽绒类除外) 面料必检项全套 填充物必检项全套羽绒被 面料必检项全套 填充物必检项全套测试项目Test ItemsGB 18401 全套甲醛含量 pH值 耐水色牢度耐酸汗渍色牢度 耐碱汗渍色牢度 耐干摩擦色牢度异味Odour)可分解芳香胺染料填充物测试填充物品质要求填充物质量偏差率填充物含油率压缩回弹性物理性能测试 水洗尺寸变化率 干洗尺寸变化率 织物断裂强力织物起球性能色牢度测试 耐水色牢度 耐酸汗渍色牢度耐碱汗渍色牢度 耐摩擦色牢度耐光色牢度 耐皂洗色牢度 耐干洗色牢度羽绒测试含绒量

5、充绒量蓬松度清洁度气味产品使用说明 纤维成分其它(Others) 测试标准(Test Methods) 中国(China)GB/FZ/QB 国际标准(International)ISO 美国AATCC/ASTM/NIST/CPSC(U.S.A) 德国(Germany)DIN 其他(请详细列出)Others (Please Specify):服务类型及其他(Service Required and Others): 标准服务(Regular Service):5个工作日(5 business days); 加急服务(Expedited Service):3个工作日,加收40附加费 (3 busi

6、ness days, 40% surcharge); 特急服务(Express Service):1.5个工作日,加收100附加费 (1.5 business days, 100% surcharge)。大致完成时间 (Estimated finished date):年(Y) 月(M) 日(D) 16:30以后 检测费用(Test Charge)检测单价(Unit Price): 加急费用(Express Price): 检测总费用(Total Price): 实收费用(Actual Price):备注(Remarks):请委托单位仔细阅读本委托书背面的条款,正面与背面的内容均系本委托书的组

7、成部分。委托单位的签字表明已看过并理解委托书背面条款,双方同意履行。委托单位声明:对样品及相关信息资料的真实性负责,并同意本协议背面“双方约定条款”,保证样品到达谱尼测试1个工作日内支付检测费用。 委托单位(盖章) 检测单位(盖章)Trustor (Stamp) Trustee (Stamp) 授权代表(签字) 授权代表(签字)Authorized representative (Signature) Authorized representative (Signature) 申请日期 受理日期(Date) (Date) 上海公司(实验室)Add:上海市徐汇区桂平路680号35号楼4层Tel:

8、(021) 64851999Fax:(021) 64856403Email:csh集团总部(实验室)Add:北京市海淀区苏州街49-3号盈智大厦Tel:(010) 82618116Fax:(010) 82619629Email:pony青岛公司(实验室)Add:青岛市崂山区高科园 科苑纬三路2-1号Tel:(0532) 88706866Fax:(0532) 88706877Email:qd深圳公司(实验室)Add:深圳市南山区创业路 中兴工业城6栋1层Tel:(0755) 26050909Fax:(0755) 26068336Email:sz 委托检测协议书双方约定条款Clauses of t

9、he Test Application Form as agreed by the two parties1.委托单位对检测结果如有异议,于检测报告完成之日起十五日内向检测单位书面提出,同时附上检测报告原件及预付复检费。If the trustor holds an objection to the testing result, the trustor shall propose a written objection to trustee within fifteen days after the completion of testing report, and present the

10、original copy of testing report with retesting fee paid in advance.2.委托单位办妥以上手续后,检测单位将尽快安排复检,不可重复性试验不进行复检。The trustee shall arrange the retest as soon as possible after the foregoing procedure has been duly conducted, and be immune from conducting the recheck of the unrepeatable test.3.委托单位对送检样品的真实性

11、、代表性及来源的合法性承担全部责任。Entrusting party is responsible for the authenticity, representativeness and source validity of the samples.4.检测单位仅对来样负责,检测结果仅反映对该样品的评价,检测结果的使用、使用所产生的直接或间接损失,检测单位不承担任何责任。The trustee shall only be responsible for the presented sample. The testing result only reflects the evaluation

12、of this presented sample. The trustee shall be free from any liability arising from such testing result, or any direct or indirect loss incurred by usage of such testing result.5.对送检样品中包含的任何已知的或潜在危害,如放射性、有毒或爆炸性样品,应事先声明,否则后果由委托单位负责。The trustor shall inform the trustee of any known or potential hazard

13、 contained in the presented sample in advance, for instance, radioactivity, toxicity or explosivity of the presented sample, or the trustor shall bear the legal consequence incurred by failure of such notice.6.如委托单位需要检测单位外出采样检测,则委托单位应当确保采样场所不存在任何可能危及或影响检测单位采样人员人身、财产安全的危险因素,否则,由此给采样人员和/或检测单位造成的一切损失(包

14、括但不限于医疗费用、工伤待遇、经济赔偿)由委托单位承担。If the trustee will provide field sampling at the request of the trustor, the trustor shall ensure that there are no hazard factor which may be potential dangerous or adversely effective to the personal and property safety of the sample collector of the trustee on the sam

15、pling spot. Otherwise, the trustor shall assume all the damage caused to the sample collector and/or the trustee (including but not limited to medical care expense, industrial injury fund and economic compensation).7.检测单位可以在完成检测报告后按规定处置送检样品。The trustee can dispose the presented sample pursuant to ce

16、rtain provisions after the completion of testing report. This Agreement will be effective by execution and sign by both parties.8.委托单位应认真详细填写本协议书相关内容,由于填写不清造成报告修改,应支付修改报告费用。 The client should fill in the relevant contents of this agreement in detail accurately, and should pay the expenses for revisi

17、ng the report causing by not writing clearly.深圳人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):开户名(Account name):深圳市谱尼测试科技有限公司 开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行深圳蛇口支行 银行帐号(Account No.):4000020209200254181外币账号 Bank account($):开户名(Account name):深圳市谱尼测试科技有限公司 Shenzhen Pony Test Science and Technology Co.,Ltd 开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行深圳

18、分行 ICBC. SZ branch银行帐号(Account No.):4000029319900023730付款方式及银行账号(Payment way and account No.)上海人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):开户名(Account name):上海谱尼测试技术有限公司 开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行上海市习勤路支行 银行帐号(Account No.):1001228109006747623北京人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):开户名(Account name):谱尼测试科技股份有限公司 开户行(Deposit bank):建行北京工

19、商大厦支行 银行帐号(Account No.):11001085300059616767外币帐号 Bank account($):开户名(Account name):谱尼测试科技股份有限公司 Pony Testing Co., Ltd. 开户行(Deposit bank):中国建设银行北京市分行苏州桥支行 CCB, Beijing Branch, Suzhouqiao sub-branch 银行账号(Account No.):11014350100220000023青岛人民币账号 Bank account(RMB):开户名(Account name):青岛谱尼测试有限公司 开户行(Deposit bank):中国工商银行青岛高科技工业园支行 银行帐号(Account No.):3803027109200142245

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