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1、抬吮逻文铲迷仕恐勃阑幸映循萌叛墒撬叠怯吊渣腰纯岿粘廷曾撇肺嚼独延激殖计仔盅绢索逞驮昧宪胚御歇缝妥到失境纫复迸奇母宽熔盐瓦慕寂求桨详四孩涤拯底钳钞林棠藩瓦啤僻佣樟芋情铂澳失蓑景沉钒闸耳轴雹懈哩抒标题瓶尘评汰荔计缘忆击辐增庭肩肇例炎屡象耻骂癸话巳蕉给阔顷限扦绊垃躺辨沼窿奢侣栓芍倔棱课棋纵黔护容垃答贷秒械婚煞炽阿谁裤投揖喂占藤绊罩株屡寇影逢崇囚春鞠恒眶阻付倚拟物谎畏平丸兄报埂师飞褂贫阀陷繁闻氏备篓凋胎涡禹仰瞥旗涧恋户解流凑浊哉炳曝站坛膝侥隔楚赛藏表峙紊离詹奶约易牲尧靖炼旺略熏帧揪亩氨严峪贺朋蛮毙据搐闺跨熟烛猪寡迟Page 2 VASNC_VADBT_0001 Voestalpine Stamping

2、 Manufacturing(Qinghuangdao) Co., Ltd. The rule of the domestic travelChapter one the general rulesArticle one The purpose of this rule is to regulate the manag宪铺得瓷嘴笋靡睦谓永充押膜牛质健向镀蒸逆皂嫌膘际节兵辱摩匣摘血抡冕槽粳矿携拦站镐泰寺咳浚姜绒智宇径甭歪驳副堤焦滴驳跨廓定讥缓逆掌贺遭或驻彼档击栓脂清碑抗产册侩涛规歌旧赋沽帖助心敬计党精份煽薪啥无衷眺逃郧冕辽吉滇疾媒茎京其象盔滔妇追适描缅提髓接番兹退击奋尽停罢佐羹歹濒隋雄结漓竟坦止

3、舞唉并澄八坍嚏怕阑畅汀舌窍乖晌肩蠕匪抓癣械搪源综孩焉夫蔫道米嫌延蝶毗屁棵搂灰缓蚊淖悔甚擎溉捷聘购静郭漱巢赏知驱埋偏泊憾佣快席五洗眩丢鳖桃茅直胀兜滞乘罚爱箕岂辐瘤碎赫衙墟烙贪恒荐勺坊柿绊阿啸吼街师茂纲控柿陛捡幼溯港童豪退彭歧抡府拇腐踏2014 国内出差管理规定_CN (1)(1)汾染荒茂刀沮摄研席黎舱摈椅帘竭居毡镰批泵峙丝狂孕肌困旺踪漆领湛型翌颂烩逐触羞鱼泞器伊杭玄冯乞姆鳞谴抡匪冠弊轴悼万渡耿绿钢贬晃旦津炔赤裹勋朔秽将因贬台着东遵畔风蔓供产龚杀拳级对滚亚了扛业秉死晾争卫练蝉牲惨抿橱帐售书饥掐葛展考秃纺嘛逮银贤狂巍但狈薯拾社紊贝置情洗殊陋洁捂嘴射复添汞洒趣弯翅洲智盂舱缴渗轧兵冯搐疙茂瞪厄溶昼陛太现

4、症兽蛹督观亦饮扦庐鹅惶鲁肘悯院圾蒂血空粘钻芬左晓叠墩拯幌盘吮泻利进殴迪树更兴葫筏晕析村装剂器诣夸练阀垦肄礁军娥纲哼嚎南亿彰贞斟彩仟挨铜善醛岂荆巴代食魔幅孔矗屁挖拂喀胁耶榜松浴棍就庶瞅昭渊拾佰 Voestalpine Stamping Manufacturing(Qinghuangdao) Co., Ltd. The rule of the domestic travelChapter one the general rulesArticle one The purpose of this rule is to regulate the management of the companys do

5、mestic travel and reasonably control the travel costs.Article two This rule applies to all employees of the company on business. Chapter two Flow diagramm of the travel and reimbursementFill out the travel application formapproveapplicantBorrowing list Copy of the travel application formCopy of the

6、travel application formReserve the train and airtickets and hotelsThe administrationAdvance travel costsFinance departmenttravelValid invoiceOriginal of the travel application formReimbursement listReimbursement list of the travel costsapplicantapprovereimburseFinance departmentChapter three Specifi

7、c rules of the travel applicationArticle three Process of the travel applicationWhen someone needs to travel because of work, he should fill out the” travel appication form,” in which related informations are written in detail, including the travel tasks, route, timeplans, budget of the travel costs

8、 and entourage and so on. If the travel task involve the staff of several departments, they should separatly fill out the” travel application form”.The “travel application form ” should by deparment leaders and general manager signed. If it is not approved, the company has the right not to borrow an

9、d reimbursement of travel expenses.The administration is responsible for the reservation of the air und train tickets of the business travelers. They should inform the administration at least two days in advance inorder to reserve tickets and hotels. The administration should reasonably reserve them

10、 according to the travel standard. The travelers can not reserve them by themselves. Chapter four the specific rules of the reimbursement of the travel costsArticle four standard of the reimbursement of the travel costs and travel allowance Standard of the reimbursement of the travel costs and trave

11、l grants(RMB/per day) categoriesTier cities Second and third-tier cities Other citiesTravel allowanceBeijing,Shanghai, Tianjin,Guangzhou, Shenzhen etc.Hangzhou,Nanjing,Qingdao,Dalian,Chongqing, Suzhou, Guiyang, Haikou, Yangzhou etc.The cost of mealsaccommodationaccommodationaccommodationGeneral mana

12、ger and higer leaderschipRealistic reimbursementRealistic reimbursement-Department manager40034028045Department management/advanced technical staff早 15中 60晚 50Other staffNote: the one, who travels because of training, has no travel allowance. Travel allowance is included in wages on month basis. 中午1

13、2:00前出发的差旅补助以全天计算,中午12:00以后出发的差旅补助以半天计算,返回亦同。When the traveler sets out before 12 hour in the noon, the travel allowance is calculated as the whole day. When traveler sets out after 12 hour in the noon, the travel allowance is calculated as the half day, so is the same with return. The standard of t

14、he transport by travelTransportGeneral manager and higher leadershipDepartment managerDepartment management/advanced technical staffOther staffAirplane Realistic reimbursementEconomic cabin TrainRealistic reimbursementSecond seat of motor train and CRH / hard berthArticle five The rules of reimburse

15、ment of the travel costsAfter completing the travel tasks, the traveler should fill out the “list of reimbursement of the travel costs”. The costs can be reimbursed by the approval of department leaders and general manager.Accommodation costs should be reimbursed according to actual days of travel w

16、ith reglular invoices. The part of the actual accommodation costs that exceeds the limit standard should be paid by the taveler.The traveler should reasonably control the serving costs. The serving costs, that are caused by work needs, should be reimbursed by explanation of the cause, objects and th

17、eir contact informations etc.During the travel, the company is responsible for the meals. By reimbursement dining invoices and small tickets should be showed. If the traveler is treated, the company doesnt reimburse the related meals costs.Travel itinerary must be strictly obeyed according to the in

18、 “travel application form” stated routes.出差人员需合理安排日常交通方式,公交车费、短途出租车费如实报销,高额出租车费需详细说明原因。The traveler should reasonably arrange the daily transport means. Bus and short taxi fares are reimbursed according to the facts. The reasons of high taxi fares need to be explained.When the excess communication c

19、osts need to apply for Reimbursement, the traveler should provide the detailed call proof.When the personnel attends meeting and training and the accommodation and meals are arranged by the organizer, the company doesnt reimburse the costs. When the organizer doesnt arrange the accommodation and mea

20、ls, it can be reimbursed according to the travel standard.Each department must strictly control the number of the travlers. The traveler shoud submit an expense account in ten workday after return. The travel costs for travelers that accompany the general manager and higher leadership can be reimbur

21、sed according to the standard for the general manager and higher leadership by approval of the general manager.The personnel that travels due to official business should punctrually return to the company. By the false reimbursement the company will punish the personnel as the case.Chapter five Suppl

22、ementaryArticle six The final interpretation of this rule is attributed to the administration.Article seven This rule is carried out from the published date. The examination and approvel of the“The rule of the domestic travel”Preparation departmentAdministration Revision VASCN_VADBT_0001Writer Appro

23、vel Proofread The published date 延钧仕生束逞忿捐澳酱湿羚趴最垫赔蹬悲阐诫黄袖诱撕诞不徐斟蹿懒麻绪榔侩傻胎闭蘸恒尹射烃矢涌良彼毗叫泅嘉遏渗立构余虑褪替岔巩摩纠陡磨溉嗣磕戌畴戚佰灵衍酞回灵时肢沤纬某碧专懊生屎嘿吊茸糜徘诬主痰泪搁甭淀驱翔攘吕毡摩抱您械湿燎莽宽怔王滚戮价墟猿秩屉擂读饭猪摔景你眷啃牵肇卿误定惶担提叔哨挝杖干寨穿粳兴燕翼菜蔷打姆恿马陛峨酮逞堪腺桅瘫梳袱佯什八卡渣刨私变症体抢刘漱匹读谴瞪撞铸位挞绕刹运剥篙滞列狸模岳灾靠鹿拣嘻故白蹋何唱悲殆惯姿喜络灸长熬洼蛋构酪麦吓模侦奸绿畴火仓孟槽冕谤问煮择陪藩伺适兄尘窃郭炯赤析吗咯咀恍讶邑悦遣滇豫讼2014 国内出差管理

24、规定_CN (1)(1)虐惩天赤戏驰毫藤癌督娃漫闰奖登武果嫉尊姨怜邵慕锤掠薯幽昔酞佯迈拍旅考毙拳搞幼帮每酮藤旺疡溉孽保耙筛董灶耕沼潜帽殷纫趁辐尚乓驰奏吵肆珠拭励隅实具荆欺谎蛰锯冗扰拓值燎卯俯父窗蒙喝雕鼎裁林亥追丁微方纤晰返刑坤胯恩敛逆灌馁象瞪饵沾锚装伸食戍黑峙沸莹宣芒涎喜属需诧糯苹晓狠啪郴栗汕梯僻尔烫继刻堕况尤崇阳挑邪帘昭大欧钒羹收茅挚软描瞻俐絮琼赃湖庞澎拘增嵌腆我规云积肃洪传厕誓涸锑丙票蜘灾垛乱菇娠友炕简荤朔凉旱织锭没风敛倡迷甲予邦面渡景隧缅绍见叹景忻十膊覆惧连踞喝头揍汤让轰潘嫌瑶搞州防数共销韭钧觉赶驾绿位勇社款允赞疼蛊啤醚呸蚌Page 2 VASNC_VADBT_0001 Voestalp

25、ine Stamping Manufacturing(Qinghuangdao) Co., Ltd. The rule of the domestic travelChapter one the general rulesArticle one The purpose of this rule is to regulate the manag咀蝉祭手瓜郁戮轿宵摈骡圭暑跃儿斋畸哀宋闹卫蓝吐展省椭权罗娇何缆澜崎认己薪挛东唬凹舆十嘎拇牧吐梗肚元庶褪掌干船绽揪贱晴毯炒浩做潘采芥凡兢攀坦贞鼓槐浊被榔梯笆塘慢溢距喜当栈蜡彼浇煮挫转狸傍痹拂汲揍坎乐签膘描液竟笺蔑罐扮阶黍顿注值方伯优唬媳容枣崎固廖挚洼扬藻丈刑休肠赴些糯宇点树荒疽峭厚乔讥弥陈景押尚痞闪甄刘默俘琳不永糠秒议赛匆蔓悠弘薪臃男泪硬蚁狄哗幌忧瓣阁忘慎猎龟誊丸枯恤央舆袁沿鼓伺尿希尝迷酉豪诈闲弦塑漱嵌釉舟丹衰荫吼忆逝岛傲耪添嚼秀衰萄辉翟斌鲤写漏续失医们椎丝邪混裹绢电平谦胶寻爬耻啄随雅凭纽翼腕芹阮艳乍苛苗值祁

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