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1、话说高考英高考英语作文作文Practice makes perfect!Grace Wang2目目目目录录话题作文模板作文模板应用文模板用文模板写作句式句型写作句式句型3结构框架构框架 话题话题作文作文作文作文个人个人个人个人见见解型解型解型解型作文模板作文模板作文模板作文模板结构构段落划分段落划分1简述问题,引出自己观点、看法第一段2陈述自己观点、看法3过渡句4理由一5举例说明理由一6理由二7理由三8引出自己的建议,并表达建议一第二段9建议二10建议三11结束语4个人个人个人个人见见解型解型解型解型作文作文作文作文经经典范例典范例典范例典范例【20200808 陕陕西卷西卷西卷西卷】5话题话

2、题作文作文作文作文个人个人个人个人见见解型解型解型解型作文模板作文模板作文模板作文模板模板模板范文范文 简述述问题 陈述自己述自己观点、看法点、看法:In my opinion,观点、看法点、看法 There are several reasons accouting for_/The reasons can be listed as follows:First of all,理由一理由一 For example,_ Whats more,理由理由二二 Besides,理由三理由三 As for my suggestions/idea,firstly,建建议(想法)一(想法)一 Secondl

3、y,建建议(想法)二(想法)二 Thirdly,建建议(想法)三(想法)三 结束束语操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些要求和具体情况取舍某些内容内容Dear fellow students:Our monitor suggests that we have“Friday News Hour.I think it is a good idea.The reasons can be listed as follows:First of all,by reading newspapers we can acquire more information about the world

4、outside,because we are so busy all day that seldom do we know what is happening both at home and abroad.Whats more,I think“Friday News Hourcan broaden our mind and enrich our school life.Besides,it will help us improve our reading skills.As for my suggestions/idea,firstly,I think its better to have

5、it twice a week.Secondly,we should make a choice about what well read.I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.经典句式典句式u There are at least two reasons contributing to.至少有两条理由可以至少有两条理由可以证明明.u There is no denying that.不可否不可否认的是的是.u A case in point is.支持我理由的一个例支持我理由的一个例证是是.6结构框架构框架 话题话题

6、作文作文作文作文观观点点点点对对比比比比型作文模板型作文模板型作文模板型作文模板结构构段落划分段落划分1开门见山,引出讨论的话题第一段2观点一3观点一的理由一4观点一的理由二5观点二第二段6观点二的理由一7观点二的理由二8自己的观点(建议)第二段9自己的理由(建议)一10自己的理由(建议)二11总结句7观观点点点点对对比型比型比型比型作文作文作文作文经经典范例典范例典范例典范例【20200808 浙江卷浙江卷浙江卷浙江卷】8话题话题作文作文作文作文观观点点点点对对比比比比作文模板作文模板作文模板作文模板模板模板范文范文 There is no complete agreement among

7、people as to+某个某个话题/When it comes to+某个某个话题,different people will offer different opinions.Some agree to the viewpoint that+观点一点一/Some approve of the idea that+观点一点一They hold this poinion because+观点一理由一点一理由一/In their opinion,观点一理由一点一理由一 Whats more,观点点一理由二一理由二 However,others tend to believe that+观点二点

8、二/However,others who have a different opinion consider that+观点二点二They argue that+观点二理由一点二理由一 Besides,观点二理由二点二理由二 Personally,自己自己观点点On one hand/Firstly,自己理由一自己理由一 On the other hand/Secondly,自己理由二自己理由二 Therefore,as stated above,总结操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某些内容Working Individually or Working

9、in a Team There are basically two ways to get work done.Some agree to the viewpoint that people should individually get work done.In their opinion,if people work individually,they can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it.Whats more,workig individually will help people to learn h

10、ow to solve problems on their own.However,others who have a different opinion consider tht people should get work done in a team.They argue that if people work in a team,they can learn from each other.Besides,they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally,I prefer to work in

11、 a team.Firstly,working in team can offer me a chance to learn how to get along with others.Secondly,as work can be divided among people,it can be done efficiently.Therefore,as stated above,teamwork is always important.9经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u Quite a few people are in favor of the opinion that.不少人不少人赞成成.u

12、People who oppose the opinion believe taht.持反持反对意意见的人的人认为.u Weighing up these two arguments,Im for.对比比权衡衡这两个两个观点,我点,我赞成成.u The following reasons can account for my preference.下面的理由可以下面的理由可以证明我的明我的观点。点。u Taking the above mentioned factors into consideration,we may reasonably conclude that.考考虑以上情况,我以上

13、情况,我们有理由得出如下有理由得出如下结论.10结构框架构框架 话题话题作文作文作文作文描述描述描述描述+评论评论型看型看型看型看图图作文模板作文模板作文模板作文模板结构构段落划分段落划分1描述图画或图表的内容和反映的现象第一段2过渡句,说明该现象很普遍3引出导致该现象的原因第二段4原因一5原因二6原因三7总结原因导致的结果8引出自己的观点(建议)第二段9自己的理由(建议)一10自己的理由(建议)二11自己的理由(建议)三12 总结句11描述描述描述描述+评论评论型看型看型看型看图图作文作文作文作文经经典范例典范例典范例典范例【20200707 天津卷天津卷天津卷天津卷】12话题话题作文作文作

14、文作文描述描述描述描述+评论评论型看型看型看型看图图作文模板作文模板作文模板作文模板模板模板范文范文 As is shown in the picture/chart,图画画或或图表的内容和反映的表的内容和反映的现象象/In the picture/chart,we can see that 图画或画或图表的内容表的内容和反映的和反映的现象象As is known to us,it is a common social phenomenon.There may be a combination of factors which contribute to图画或画或图表的表的内容和反映的内容和反

15、映的现象象/The following reasons may account for图画或画或图表的内容和反映表的内容和反映的的现象象 First of all,原因一原因一Moreover,原原因二因二In addition,原因三原因三 So it is not difficult for us to understand总结原因原因导致致的的结果果 As to me,自己的自己的观点点Firstly,理由一理由一 Secondly,理由二理由二 Thirdly,理由三理由三 总结句句/Therefore,总结句句操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某

16、些内容How to Protect Our Eyesight As is shown in the picture,there are more and more students suffering from poor sight.When they look at the blackboard,they will have to wear their glasses.As is known to us,it is a common social phenomenon.The following reasons may account for this phenomenon.First of

17、 all,many students may have bad habits of reading in poor light.Moreover,long hours of reading can also contribute to being short sighted.In addition,lacking eye protectioin exercises and sleeping hours is an important factor.So it is not difficult for us to understand why so many students are short

18、 sighted.As to me,I think its high time that we took effective measures to protect our eyesight,and my suggestions are as follows:Firstly,we shouldnt read in the sun or poor light,and we should rest our eye every twenty or thirty minutes,look more at green plants.Secondly,we should do eyes protectio

19、n exercises twice a day.Thirdly,we students should have sufficient sleeping hours to ensure enough energy.If we manage to do the suggestions above,the eyesight,I believe,is to become better and better.13经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u According to the picture/chart,it is clear that.如如图中所示,很明中所示,很明显.u It mirrors a c

20、ommon social phenomenon.这反映了一个普遍的社会反映了一个普遍的社会现象。象。u There are several possible reasons which are responsible for this phenomenon.该现象可能是由好几个原因象可能是由好几个原因导致的。致的。u Its high time that we took strict and effective measures to.现在是在是该采取采取严厉、有效的措施去、有效的措施去.的的时候了。候了。14应应用文用文用文用文建建建建议议信信信信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示模模板板 写

21、信的原因写信的原因 引出引出建建议 表述建表述建议的内容的内容 提出提出该建建议的的理由理由一一 提出提出该建建议的理由二的理由二 总结并重申建并重申建议 针对某个具体某个具体问题得建得建议 鼓励鼓励对方方 表达自己愿意提供帮助的愿望表达自己愿意提供帮助的愿望 提出希望提出希望 15内内容容提提示示模板模板 Dear_,I am very pleased to know that_./Im very glad to have received the letter you sent me_ago.You have asked me for my advice with regard to_.I

22、n my opinion/To my view,_ On one hand/For one reason,_ On the other hand/For another reason,_ Therefore,I think its a good idea for you to_.As to _,I suggest _.I am sure _.Please infom me if there is something I can do for you.I am looking forward to _.Sincerely yours,Signature操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取

23、舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某些内容 16经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u It seems to be a good idea that.看来看来.是个好主意。是个好主意。u I would like to offer my suggestion that.我想建我想建议.u I hope you will find these suggestions helpful.我希望我希望这些建些建议对你有帮助。你有帮助。u Dont hesitate to contact me when you come across any trouble.当你遇到困当你遇到困难时,请一定要和我一定要和我联系。系

24、。17应应用文用文用文用文邀邀邀邀请请信信信信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示模模板板 简要介要介绍活活动的的内容、内容、时间、地点、地点 发出出邀邀请 引出活引出活动的具体的内容的具体的内容 对活活动的具体介的具体介绍一一 对活活动的具体介的具体介绍二二 引出受邀引出受邀请人参加的人参加的理由理由 受邀受邀请人参加的意人参加的意义或理由或理由一一 受邀受邀请人参加的意人参加的意义或理由二或理由二 希望希望对方早做决定或方早做决定或说明具体的明具体的约定定时间和地点和地点再次再次发出出邀邀请 18模板模板Dear_,_.Im writing to invite you to_.There ar

25、e some points you may want to know about _./During _,we will have lots of activities you are interested in.First,_.Second,_.I believe that you will be very interested in _.For one thing/First,_.For another/Second,_.Since the _ will begin,is it possible_?I really hope you can come./Im looking forward

26、 to_.Yours,Signature操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某些内容 19经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u I take great pleasure in inviting you to.感到十分荣幸地邀感到十分荣幸地邀请你你.u We would feel honored and pleased if you could come.如果你能来,我如果你能来,我们会感到十分荣幸。会感到十分荣幸。u It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to invite you to.我感到十分高我感到十

27、分高兴能邀能邀请你你.u Im looking forward to your participation.我期待着你的参加。我期待着你的参加。20应应用文用文用文用文道歉信道歉信道歉信道歉信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示模模板板 陈述道歉的述道歉的原因原因 表达表达歉意歉意 希望希望对方能接受道歉方能接受道歉 引出道歉的原因引出道歉的原因 解解释道歉的原因道歉的原因 总结道歉的原因道歉的原因 提出提出补救措施救措施 DateDear_,I am so sorry to tell you that_.Now,I am writing you this letter to show my de

28、ep regret.I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for_.I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation.The reason for my delay/absence was/is that_.Therefore,_.I wonder .Sincerely yours,Signature操操作作时可可根根据据考考题要要求求和和具具体体情情况况取取舍舍某某些些内内容容 21模板模板Dear_,I am so sorry to tell you

29、that_.Now,I am writing you this letter to show my deep regret.I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for_.I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation.The reason for my delay/absence was/is that_.Therefore,_.I wonder .Sincerely yours,Signature 22经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u I sincer

30、ely hope this doesnt cause you too much inconvenience.我真我真诚地希望不会地希望不会给你你带来太多的不便。来太多的不便。u I do apologize for.对.我感到很抱歉。我感到很抱歉。u I feel sorry indeed to have put you in such great trouble.给你你带来来这么大的麻么大的麻烦我感到十分抱歉。我感到十分抱歉。u I wonder if it is possible.我想知道有没有可能我想知道有没有可能.23应应用文用文用文用文感感感感谢谢信信信信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容

31、提示模模板板 开开门见山地表明写信的目的山地表明写信的目的 引出感引出感谢 交代感交代感谢的原因的原因并感并感谢对方方 陈述自己的感受或述自己的感受或对方的作用方的作用 总结对方的情方的情意意对自己的影响自己的影响 表示自己希望有回表示自己希望有回报的机会的机会 提出回提出回报对方的方式方的方式 对自己提出的回自己提出的回报方式希望方式希望对方方给予回予回应 再次表示感再次表示感谢 表达祝福表达祝福 DateDear_,I am now writing this letter to express my sincere thanks for _.When I _,I just cant hel

32、p thinking of _.It was so kind of you to_._.I shall always remember _.I hope to have the opportunity to express my gratitude to you./repay your kindness.I will feel very honored and pleased if _.Would you kindly let me know _?I must thank you again for your _._.Sincerely yours,Signature操操作作时可可根根据据考考

33、题要要求求和和具具体体情情况况取取舍舍某某些些内内容容 24内内容容提提示示模板模板 Dear_,I am now writing this letter to express my sincere thanks for _.When I _,I just cant help thinking of _.It was so kind of you to_._.I shall always remember _.I hope to have the opportunity to express my gratitude to you.I will feel very honored and pl

34、eased if _.Would you kindly let me know _?I must thank you again for your _._.Sincerely yours,Signature 25经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u I would like to convey in these few lines my sincere thanks to you for.我写信以表达我我写信以表达我对您您.的真的真诚谢意。意。u I dont know how to thank you for your kindness to me.我不知道如何感我不知道如何感谢您您对我的我的热心

35、帮助。心帮助。u I repeat my thanks again for your.对您的您的.我再一次表达我的我再一次表达我的谢意。意。u Please give my kind regards to your family.请代我向你的家人代我向你的家人问好。好。26应应用文用文用文用文投投投投诉诉信信信信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示模板模板 开开门见山地表明写信的目的山地表明写信的目的 叙述投叙述投诉的具体内容的具体内容 总结投投诉的的对象,象,过度到提出合度到提出合理要求理要求 提出合理的要求提出合理的要求 提提出合理的建出合理的建议 结束束语 DateDear_,I am wr

36、iting this letter to make some complaint about_./I am writing to you for _._.A qualified _ cant be like _.Therefore,I require that_.And its advisable for you to _.I look foward to a satisfactory reply as soon as possible./Thank you for your consideration.yours,Signature操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和

37、具体情况取舍某些内容 27经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u I am writing this letter to make some complain about.我写我写这封信的目的是投封信的目的是投诉.u It makes me extremely angry.这使我十分生气。使我十分生气。u I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation.I will be forced to take legal action.我警告你:除非你采取措施改善目前的状况,否我警告你:除非你采取措施改善目前的状况,否则我将我将

38、诉 法律。法律。u Please give me your immediate attention to this matter.请马上关注上关注这个个问题。28应应用文用文用文用文拒拒拒拒绝绝信信信信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示模板模板 表示感表示感谢,引出拒,引出拒绝 委婉地委婉地表示拒表示拒绝 陈述拒述拒绝的原因一的原因一 拒拒绝的原的原因二因二 总结原因,正式表示拒原因,正式表示拒绝 希望自己的行希望自己的行为没有没有给对方方带来不来不便便 提出提出补救措施救措施 向向对方表示祝方表示祝愿愿 DateDear_,Thank you very much for _.Id like t

39、o accept _,but I have to say sorry to you that I cant.I decide your _ because _.Besides/Whats more,_.On account of the mentioned above,I believe you can understand why it is not possible for me to _.I do hope this doesnt cause you too much inconvenience.If possible,I wonder if I _.And I do wish _?Si

40、ncerely yours,Signature操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某些内容 29经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u I am writing to make an apology for.我写信我写信对.表示歉意。表示歉意。u I sincerely hope you can understand and forgive me.我真我真诚的希望能得到你的理解和原的希望能得到你的理解和原谅。u I wonder if I can have the opportunity to.我想知道我是否有机会我想知道我是否有机会.u If you.,I wil

41、l feel less sorry.如果你如果你.,我会少一些愧疚之情。,我会少一些愧疚之情。30应应用文用文用文用文祝祝祝祝贺贺信信信信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示模板模板 得知得知值得祝得祝贺的消息的消息 评价价该消息消息 表达自己的心情表达自己的心情 表达自己的祝表达自己的祝贺 对被祝被祝贺人的人的评价价 总结被被祝祝贺人成功的原因人成功的原因 表达自己表达自己对被祝被祝贺人的信心人的信心 表达自己的愿望表达自己的愿望 再次表示祝再次表示祝贺 表达祝福表达祝福 DateDear_,I am delighted to learn that _.It is the most joyful

42、 news I have heard for a long time.I feel very happy for you.At the same time,I would like to express my hearty congratulations and good wishes to you._.I know this is entirely due to _.I am sure you will _.Meanwhile,I hope _.Again,please accept my sincere congratulations.Best wishes for you!Sincere

43、ly yours,Signature操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某些内容 31经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u Heartiest congratulations on your.衷心祝衷心祝贺你你.u Wish you the best luck and every happiness.祝你幸福、好运。祝你幸福、好运。u I hope you make repeated efforts to realize your dream.希望你再接再希望你再接再厉,梦想成真。,梦想成真。32应应用文用文用文用文倡倡倡倡议书议书模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示

44、模板模板 简要叙述要叙述发出倡出倡议的的缘起起 发出倡出倡议 引出倡引出倡议的原因的原因 倡倡议的原因一的原因一 倡倡议的原因二的原因二 引出具体倡引出具体倡议内容内容 倡倡议内容一内容一 倡倡议内容二内容二 倡倡议内容三内容三 介介绍该倡倡议的参与方式的参与方式 再次再次发出倡出倡议 DateDear_,_.In order _,I/we call on _sb_ to _.It is _ for us to _.On one hand,_.On the other hand,_.Therefore,as_,we should do as follows./So it is high tim

45、e Firstly,_.Secondly,_.Thirdly,_.If you are willing to _,please _.Dear _,lets make the activity of _doing_.Signature操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某些内容 33经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u Now it is necessary and urgent for us to show our love.现在迫切又必要地需要我在迫切又必要地需要我们去献去献爱心。心。u Lets start right now and spare no eff

46、ort to do a little bit every day,every hour,and every minute!让我我们从从现在开始,在开始,时时刻刻不刻刻不遗余力地从点滴余力地从点滴 做起吧!做起吧!u Please join us in the action and extend your love into a spirit of daring any possible difficulty.请加入我加入我们的行的行动,将你的,将你的爱心化心化为克服任何困克服任何困 难的精神吧的精神吧 34应应用文用文用文用文抱怨信抱怨信抱怨信抱怨信模板模板模板模板内容提示内容提示模板模板 交

47、代写信人的身份交代写信人的身份 引出抱怨引出抱怨的内容的内容 说明存在的明存在的问题一一 说明存在明存在的的问题二二 说明存在的明存在的问题三三 总结抱怨并抱怨并强调解决解决问题的必要性、的必要性、紧迫性迫性 说明解决明解决问题的意的意义 表达愿表达愿望望 结束束语 DateDear_,I am _.Here I am writing to you to call your attention to some problems about _.For one thing/First,_.For another/Second,_.Besides/Third,_.In a word,there i

48、s much room improvement and it is essential and urgent for you to take measures to _.So I do hope _.Thank you for your time and kind consideration.Sincerely yours,Signature操作操作时可根据考可根据考题要求和具体情况取舍某些内容要求和具体情况取舍某些内容 35经经典句式典句式典句式典句式u Here I am writing to you to call your attention to some problems abou

49、t.我写我写这封信的目的是希望你关注一些封信的目的是希望你关注一些.的的问题。u I do hope you can take these problems seriously.我真的希望你能我真的希望你能严肃对待待这些些问题。u I think its high time that you should.我我认为该是你是你.的的时候了。候了。36常用写作句式常用写作句式常用写作句式常用写作句式 开开开开头头用用用用语语议论论文:文:A.Just as every coin has two sides,cars have both advantages and disadvantagesB.C

50、ompared to/In comparison with letters,e-mails are more convenient.C.When it comes to computers,some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience.However,.D.Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside.E.As is known to all/As we all k

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