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1、-范文最新推荐- 晚自习不遵守纪律的检讨书范文 尊敬的辅导员: 说实话,对于写这份检讨书,最开始,我心里面还是有些不甘,但是仔细想想,我那天的所作所为,确实错误的,所以,今天,我怀着诚挚的歉意,给您也给我自己写下这份检讨书,以向您也向我自己,表示我对不上晚自习这种恶劣行为深深谴责,并保证以后绝不再犯的决心! 记得早在我刚踏进这个班级的时候,您就已经三令五申,一再强调,全班同学,不得迟到,不得旷课,特别是晚自习。其时,老师反复教导言犹在耳,严肃认真的表情犹在眼前,不过那天的情况,我确实又不是理由的理由,不过还是因为没有把晚自习这事情放在心上,所以犯下了错误。 那天原本是要开运动会总结大会,所以我

2、身上什么都没有带,甚至连mp4和手机都没带(重点就是p4没带啊)。但是由于先到班上去了一趟,团支书告诉我说,今天不开班会了,我再看到班上学生会的同学都不在,看看时间,不好,迟到了!于是就赶紧赶去多一。不过还是去晚了一步,会议已经开始了。 在门外碰到了另外一个学生会的同学(看看,美兮我对你多好,都没有出卖你哦),她也站在门外不知道该怎么做。 期间团总副书记出来接电话,她没让我们进去,后门也是关着的。 由于我们两个身上什么东西都没带,又不想自己像个白痴一样在教室里坐上个2个小时,所以最后我们决定,她回寝室,我(勉为其难的上了多一二楼)去上网(看看我多无辜啊)。我想啊,上网上一会儿再下去看看说不定后

3、门会开,哪知道一上网就忘了时间。 不过就像老师说的那样,这不是理由,我原本可以会寝室拿了东西再去上自习的,而我却没有这么做,注意证明,我心里根本就不想上自习没把自习放在心上。 身为一个学生会的成员更身为一个班委,不上晚自习不仅是对自身的一种不负责任,更是对班上同学的一种极度不负责任的行为!因为首先,班委的存在就是给一个班级带来领头作用。一个好的领头作用,可以把一个组织,一个集体带领到一个不说什么伟大了不起的高度,至少还是会带领大家走在正确的道路上。而一个坏的带头,却很可能让班级走向万劫不复的地步。 the mistakes that he would like a lot of things,

4、 reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, committed by their own error is a shame. schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that

5、school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but i did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there is no attention to the teacher to say, there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. is al

6、so a lack of respect for teachers. teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school discipline school rules promulgated minds. after that, i would like to cool for a long time, the mistakes i have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. such an act and i also cr

7、eated the school and its adverse effects, damage to the schools management system. in the middle of the students also led to adverse effects. since i am a persons mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a

8、 kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a types of injury, as well as other students in an irresponsible parent. each school will wish to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establish a good image, but als

9、o to make our schools have a good image. students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and i myself hav

10、e made a mistake this time to undermine the school environment that is should not, if the students do each and every mistake, then there is no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punishment. i stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot

11、, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, i know, cause such huge losses, i should have for their own pay for the mistakes, i am willing to bear although it is the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in this er

12、ror should not shirk its primary responsibility. i accept criticism in good faith and are willing to accept the deal given by the school. excuse me, teacher! i made a serious question of principle. i know who my teacher is very angry school. i also know that the students did not breach regulations,

13、not inconsistent with discipline and do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. but i did not even do the most basic. now, made a really big mistake, i am deeply deeply regret it. i will take this incident as a mirror and discipline at all times conduct themse

14、lves and their criticism and education, and consciously accept supervision. i would like to know shame and alert, to know shame and to forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard. i have to go through this incident, to raise awareness of my thoughts, and strengthe

15、n accountability measures. or would like to make their own learning, learning for me to be the most important for the survival of future employment are very important. i can see now is very small, i still have the ability to fight. i would also like to fight once again to work hard in the hope that

16、a good teacher to give me an opportunity to students, i will turn over, and really serious to learn, as full of life, this course at home is also delayed, schools the courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, i will learn, the classes are making an effort t

17、o hurry up. just remember to enter the school, class and sub-class of teachers have high expectations of me, can learn to accept, but in discipline problems in schools under the iron law of the repeated injunctions, in school discipline and strict environment regulations i committed such a serious m

18、istake, the school should be punished to me, and i do not know how many times saying, principals, teachers, i was wrong, i was wrong. mom, dad and i are wrong, i was wrong. in this half, i get up on time every day, i think about life in schools for nearly two years. the school has deep feelings for

19、the school in the future i will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also dark. in terms of learning or other school i would come with strict demands on themselves, i will grasp this opportunity. it as a turning point in my life, hope that our teachers are th

20、e pillars of society, so i learn in the future life of the schools efforts to become more, not only taught us to learn the knowledge, but also to learn how to behave, who have committed such an error , for the expectations of parents for me is a tremendous blow to the parents hard-earned money so th

21、at we can live some of the superior than others, better himself so that we can input to the study. however, the mistakes i did go against the wishes of parents, but also the parents of a negative energy. i am so ashamed. i believe that the teachers see this attitude can also be aware of this inciden

22、t i have very strong attitude of repentance, i believe my heart to repent, i is not to challenge the teachers discipline is a wrong step in lifes own time, i hope the teachers can be forgiven for my mistake, i assure you that this matter will not have a second occurrence. for all this i will also fu

23、rther in-depth summary of soul-searching, i urge the teachers believe i can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support me, and my question about discretion.   一、活动主题:缤纷社团,舞

24、动青春。 二、活动目标:展现出社团特色,打造精品社团,加强社团与社联及全校师生的联系。突出“缤纷社团,舞动青春。”的主题。向全校师生及外界人士展现我校优秀的社团发展成果,提高我校社团的知名度和影响力,繁荣校园文化。三 、 活动意义:宣传社团文化月,扩大社团影响力,展现我校社团蓬勃发展的打好气象。因而加深我校学子对社团的了解,增强其参加社员活动的积极性。实现走精品社团路线。四、策划主办单位 : 广播电影电视干部管理学院社团联合会 六、活动地点:广播电影电视管理干部学院图书馆四楼报告厅 七、活动安排: (一)前期准备:各社团报一个节目,邀请系主任主持人彩排1. 安排:A. 文管部:负责主持人的确定

25、和协调各部工作,确定晚会的举办方式 , 节目顺序及数量 , 并负责彩排和筛选,严格把关,确保节目质量。B. 办公室:负责写邀请函,通知各社团准备,协调各部的准备工作,对各种工作进行安排,负责到人,确保现场秩序。C. 外联部:负责经费筹备,寻找晚会的协办单位,根据安排配合各部工作。D. 组织部:负责将人员进行具体的安排。E. 宣传部:负责宣传,加大宣传力度,确保宣传效果,根据安排配合各部门工作。 海报在宣传栏粘贴 展板在食堂宿舍等地方摆放并派专人负责,保证宣传效果 条幅:在两校区主要大道悬挂。F.公室:负责活动经费的预算,及未知费用的预算。根据安排配合各部工作。2. 由办公室负责邀请函,邀请学院

26、领导, 团委及系主任。3. 彩排:第一次第二次彩排确定节目,第三次带装彩排 ,各部配合确保节目质量。5. 晚会互动游戏:(二)晚会当天1. 前期准备:邀请系主任、嘉宾观看演出。安排:各部人员分组进行工作,将所有人员分为5组听从组长或或导演的安排:A. 导演组 :负责协调各个节目,保证晚会顺利进行,晚会的整场进行由导演组全全负责。B. 场地组 :负责分配各部工作和安排会场,维持现场秩序。C. 催场组 :协调各部工作,维持现场秩序,根据安排配合各部工作。D. 灯光组 :负责音响、灯光、背景的设置和调配,根据安排配合各部工作。E. 机动组 :负责配合各部根据人员安排工作。F 办公室:各部工作。服装

27、道具 :由宣传部,文管部,办公室负责。化妆:装饰品和晚会用品的分配发放。人员安排:A. 舞台秩序维护人员: 10 人B. 礼仪: 10 人C. 出入口秩序维护人员: 6 人D. 场内秩序维护人员: 8 人F. 机动灵活人员: 10 人,随时等候调遣E. 邀请护校队,武协人员到场协助。晚会座次安排:各部负责各社团到场就座。2. 晚会流程:开场节目结束后主持人宣读开场白导演组负责节目安排藏协社武术社健美操动漫社瑜伽社极致组合安排人员叫场,带动现场气氛奖状分类,礼仪负责表演结束后由团委和主席对晚会进行总结讲话所有演员和嘉宾,工作人员合影拍照(三)后期总结1. 善后工作 : 由各部统一安排各工作人员清

28、理会场,相关人员负责巡查会场,关门。2. 各部及时做好物品归还。3. 各部认真总结评估,完善各社团的办事能力。4. 办公室及时做好对本次活动新闻稿的撰写;文管部门做好晚会影像资料收集。5. 各社团进行活动总结。八、活动经费预算 1. 喷绘:晚会简介和节目单简介。2. 海报:社团简介、社团名单、节目单、活动月活动简介。3. 横幅:晚会现场、室外宣传。4. 其它费用:灯光、化妆、水、荧光棒、气球、服装等。上述费用由办公室、文管部、财务部、等进行总体预算。九、晚会要求 1. 社团联合会及各社团应该高度重视、周密计划、精心组织、深入动员、广泛宣传,以确保节目质量。2. 要求各社团及相关人员到场。3.

29、晚会本着最小的投资、最大最好的效果,充分利用各种现有资源的原则,把本次文化月搬到最好。4. 要求各社团积极配合社联工作,按时到场,座到指定位置。十、活动紧急备案 (一) 人员安排:1. 由各部具体负责人进行到场登记,若出现问题及时进行处理协调,具体要负责到人。2. 若活动中间出现问题,各部负责具体负责到人。(二) 安全方面:1. 用电线路和用电安全问题安排专人负责。2. 突发事件 : 如,地震:由机动灵活人员、场内秩序维护人员组织安排,并进行安全有序撤离观众。3. 停电 : 有舞台秩序维护人员负责维护现场秩序。4. 舞台道具和设备 : 若出现问题及时安排相关负责人员到场解决。5. 观众内乱:有舞台秩序维护人员负责维护现场秩序。6. 晚会事故: 如若不伤大雅的小事故由主持人灵活处理。 如若晚会不能继续开展,由主持人对观众表示歉意。 若发生重大事故:由主持人叫停晚会,有社团联合会集体成员向观众表示歉意。7. 确定若干人员博大急救电话几个不重大事件的处理工作。广播电影电视管理干部学院 11 / 12

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