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1、.六年级英语听力测试星期一一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)()1、A.doll B.dog C.bus D.Dont()2、A.openB.penC.crayonD.ballpen()3、A.97 B.67 C.37D.87()4、A.10:15B.10:50C.2:12D.2:20()5、A.he B.sheC.weD.see()6、A.writeB.whiteC.whatD.water()7、A.bread B.balloon C.blueD.bird()8、A.purseB.puzzleC.puppetD.perhaps()9、A.shortsB.shoesC.socksD.

2、so()10、A.thirtyB.thirteenC.fortyD.thirsty二、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的应答。(听两遍)()1、A.Yes,I do. B.Yes,it is. C.Yes,I can.()2、A.Shes in the kitchen. B.Its on your desk. C.Its my purse.()3、A.Thankyou. B.Notatall. C.Thatsallright.()4、A.At six twenty.B.Its six thirty.C.Five.()5、A.Its Mikes. B.Theyre Nancys. C.ShesNan

3、cy.三、Listenandchoose.(听音,选择正确的单词)()1、A、beanB、beef()2、A、cow B、brown()3、A、boatB、road整理doc.()4、A、tallB、small()5、A、skirtB、girl()6、A、riverB、farmer()7、A、sweepB、sweet()8、A、tableB、vegetable()9、A、dishesB、fish()10、A、housework B、homework四、听对话判断句子对错,对的打错的打。()1、Thereisabridgeinthepark.()2、There are many tall bui

4、ldings in the city.()3、There are two rivers and a bridge in the village.()4、Thetrashbinisbehindthedoor. 星期二一. 听句子, 选单词。( ) 1. A. walk B. what C. work( ) 2. A. right B. left C. night( ) 3. A. uncle B. aunt C. mom( ) 4. A. week B. weekend C. weather( ) 5. A. comic book B. newspaper C. post card( ) 6.

5、A. music B. math C. art( ) 7. A. drawing B. driving C. diving( ) 8. A. which B. what C. whats ( ) 9. A. teacher B. teaches C. picture整理doc.( ) 10.A. sales B. sells C. shes二听句子,判断对错,正确的写, 错误的写 。6. I usually go to school on foot.7. I cant turn right here.8. The cinema is east of the bookstore.9. The p

6、ark is far from here.10. The rain comes from the water in the river.三听问句选答语。( )1. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, it does. C. No, they dont.( )2. A. Yes, I am. B: No, Im not. C. Yes, we are.( ) 3. A. I can go with my mother. B. I can ride a bike. C. I can go next week.( ) 4. A. On Sunday. B. Next Saturday.

7、 C. This Sunday.( ) 5. A. Shes an actress. B. Hes an actor. C. Im an artist. 四听音写单词,补充句子完整。1. Im going to_some_books this weekend.2. The_come from the_.3. Turn_at a green_.4. I like_, but Amy like_kites.5. My aunt is an _. She works in a_.五听一段对话,选择与听力内容相符的正确答案(10 分)( )1. In Chen Jie整理doc.s class, ev

8、ery student has a _. A. classmate B. pen friend( )2. Blue is_favourite colour. A. Chen Jies B. ZhangPeng( )3. Chen Jie_ to school. A. walks B. on foot( )4. There is a science museum_ Zhang Pengs home. A. behind B . in front of ( )5. Zhang Pengs hobby is_. A. football B.basketball星期三一、Listen and choo

9、se.( ) 1. A. cloud B. clouds C. cloudy( ) 2. A. fruit B. food C. foot( ) 3. A. stop B. sport C. store( ) 4. A. 20 B.12th C.12( ) 5. A. Turn left B. Go straight C. Turn right ( ) 6. A. bicycle B. recycle C. motor cycle( ) 7. A. Next to the cinema B. Near the cinema C. Next to the hospital.( )8.A. It

10、comes from the clouds. B. It comes from the vapour. C. It comes from the water in the river.三、Listen and choose整理doc.( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, she does. ( ) 2. A. It is from the clouds. B. It is from the vapour. C. It is from the water in the river.( ) 3. A. He can swim. B. He i

11、s swimming. C. He usually swims. ( ) 4. A.I can go by the No.5 bus. B. I am going to take the No.5 bus. C. Walk straight for 5 minutes, then turn left.( )5. A. Its south of the park. B. Its not far. C. I can go by bus.四、Listen and fill.1. A: How do you go to the theme park? B: We go _ _.2. A: Where

12、is the _? B: Its next to the _.3. A: What are you going to _? B: A _ book.4. A: Whats your _? B: I like _ stamps.5. A: How do you plant the _ ? B: Put them in the _.五、Listen and judge.( )1. My uncle comes from the USA.( )2. My uncle is an engineer.( )3. My uncle likes collecting stamps.( )4. My uncl

13、e likes to ride a bike with his parents.( )5. My uncle is going to ride a bike with his friends this weekend.整理doc.星期四一、听录音,选出与你所听到的内容符合的一项。( ) 1. A. Jeep B. Sheep C. ship( ) 2. A. east B. easy C. near( ) 3. A. far B. fast C. farm( ) 4. A. where B. what C. when( ) 5. A. next week B. next weekend C.

14、this weekend( ) 6. A. No.7 bus B. No. 17 bus C. No. 70 bus( ) 7. A. comic book B. note-book C. story-book( ) 8. A. get off at the bank. B. get off at the museum. C. get off at the supermarket.( ) 9. A. climbing the mountain B. going to climb mountains C. climbs mountains( )10. A. a comic book and a

15、picture book. B. a dictionary and a comic book C. a dictionary and a picture book二、根据录音内容判断,相符的在括号里打勾,不符的打叉。( ) 1. You can go to the park by the No. 30 bus.( ) 2. His home isnt far from the hospital.( ) 3. The cinema is on the left.( ) 4. I usually walk to school.( ) 5. I am going to read a magazine

16、 tonight.整理doc.三、听问题,将最合适的答案的字母编号填到括号里。( ) 1、 A.I go by car. B.Its near the park. C.There are seven.( ) 2、 A. Yes, I do. B.Yes, you do. C.No, it isnt.( ) 3、 A.Im drawing pictures. B.I often draw pictures. C.Im going to draw pictures.( ) 4、 A.Its in front of the school. B.I go straight for five minut

17、es. C. Youre welcome.( ) 5、 A. Im going to visit my grandparents. B.A picture book. C.This evening.四、听录音,在句子的空格填上单词,将句子补充完整(每空一词)。1、_ at a red light.2、Is there a _ near here?3、Li Ming goes to Hong Kong by _.4、_ are you going to do sports? This afternoon.5、What are you going to do next _?五、 根据录音的对话内容

18、,判断下列句子的正误,对的勾,错的打叉。( ) 1. John is going to buy a toy bus on Saturday.( ) 2. John is going to buy a toy car for his friend.( ) 3. John is going to the post office on Sunday.整理doc.( ) 4. John is going to post a letter on Sunday morning.( ) 5. John is going to the post office by subway.星期五一、 请补充下列关于动物的词汇鸟鱼: 大熊猫: 蛇: 猫: 狮子: 狗: 鹦鹉: 龙: 老虎: 猴子: 大象: 鸡: 鸭子: 宠物: 猪: 牛:羊: 马: 青蛙: 兔子: 老鼠:感谢您的支持与配合,我们会努力把内容做得更好!整理doc

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