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1、小学三年级阅读理解专项英语模拟综合试题测试题一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 Im a Chinese girl. My name is Zhao Xin. Im nine years old. Im in Class Three, Grade Three.My English teacher is a Chinese man. My good friend is Lucy. She is an English girl. She is in Class Three too. She is nine.31、Zhao Xin is a(n) _ girl. ()AEnglishBChines

2、eCJapanese32、Lucy is in Class _. ()AOneBTwoCThree33、Zhao Xin and Lucy are good _. ()AteachersBfriendsCboys34、Lucy is a(n) _ girl. ()AEnglishBChineseCJapanese35、_ is not nine. ()AZhao XinBLucyCZhao Xins teacher2 Look at the elephant. Its so big. It has a long nose and a short tail. Look at the giraff

3、e. Its so tall. It has a long neck. Look at the bear. Its short and fat. Look at the monkey. Its funny. It has a long tail and a big mouth. Look at the panda. It is big and fat.31、The elephant has a _ tail. ()AlongBshort32、The monkey has a _ mouth. ()AbigBshort33、The bear is _. ()Abig and shortBshor

4、t and fat34、The panda is _. ()AbigBsmall35、The giraffe is _. ()AsmallBtall3 Lynn: Mike! Do you like fruit?Mike: Yes, I do.Lynn: So, lets buy some fruit.Mike: Good idea! I like pears and watermelons. Lets buy some.Lynn: No, I dont like pears. Lets buy some oranges and watermelons.Mike: OK.31、Lynn and

5、 Mike buy some _. ()ApensBrulersCfruit32、Lynn: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges33、Mike: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges34、Lynn and Mike: We like _. ()AstrawberriesBpearsCwatermelons35、_: I don t like pears. ()AL

6、ynnBMikeCMum4 I am in the zoo. I can see many animals. Look at the pandas. They are cute. Look at that goose. Its so beautiful. Look at the foxes. They are smart. Look at the elephants. They are big. Look at the birds. They are small. I like them very much. Do you like them?31、The pandas are _. ()Ac

7、uteBbig32、The goose is _. ()AfunnyBbeautiful33、The foxes are _. ()AsmallBsmart34、The elephants are not _. ()AsmallBbig35、The birds are not _. ()AbigBsmall5 Hello, Im Sarah. Im from the USAIm eleven years old. This is my family. The man is my father. He likes apples. The woman is my mother. She likes

8、 bananas. This is my brother, Sam. He is nine years old. He likes oranges. But I dont like oranges. I like pears love my family.31、Sarah is from _. ()ABC32、Sarah is _ years old. ()A9B10C1133、Sarah is a _. ()ABC34、Sam likes _. ()ABC35、Sarahs mother likes _. ()ABC6 Im in a zoo. I can see many animals

9、in it. Look! The panda is white and black. It is a little fat. Its so cute. Look at the giraffe, it is very tall. Look at the horse, its white, its so beautiful! It can run fast. Look! In the tree, there are two monkeys. Oh, no! The small one is a monkey. The big one is a gorilla.31、What colour is t

10、he panda? ()AWhite.BWhite and black.32、The giraffe is so . ()AcuteBtall33、What animal can run fast? ()AThe horse.BThe panda.34、Are there two monkeys in the tree? (树上有两只猴子吗?) ()AYes.BNo.35、Which one (哪一个) is a monkey ? ()AThe big one.BThe small one.7 Kate: Lets go to the zoo!Mike: OK.Kate: Look at th

11、e giraffe.Mike: Wow! Its so tall. Its from Africa (非洲).Kate: Look at the panda. Its so cute.Mike: Yeah! It has a big body. Its black and white.Kate: Where is the panda from?Mike: Its from Sichuan, China.Kate: Look at the monkeys. How many monkeys do you see?Mike: I see thirteen.Kate: No, fourteen! L

12、ook! A little monkey is on the elephant.Mike: Ha-ha! Its so funny!31、Where is the giraffe from? ()AIts from Africa.BIts from the UK.32、Is the panda from Sichuan? ()ANo, it isnt.BYes, it is.33、How many monkeys? ()AThirteen.BFourteen.34、What color is the panda? ()AIts black.BIts black and white.35、Whe

13、re is the little monkey? ()AIts on the elephant.BIts on the giraffe.8 Mr. Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.This morning, when he was reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him said Hello to him a

14、nd began to talk to him. Your life is not interesting, isnt it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper. How do you know all that about me? Mr. Smith said angrily(生气地). Because I always sit in the same seat behind you, the man answered.3

15、1、Mr. Smith works _. ()Ain a villageBin a cityCin a townDin the country32、He comes back home from work _. ()Aby shipBby busCon footDby train33、When he is on the train, Mr. Smith often _. ()Areads booksBreads a newspaperCtalks to othersDlistens to others34、Mr. Smith _. ()Alikes the man very muchBlike

16、s reading booksCdoesnt like the man.Dhas much money35、The man knows Mr. Smith because _. ()Ahe is Mr. Smiths good friendBthey work in the same factoryChe sits behind Mr. Smith on the same train every dayDthey live in the same village9 Kate: Lets go to the zoo!Mike: OK.Kate: Look at the giraffe.Mike:

17、 Wow! Its so tall. Its from Africa (非洲).Kate: Look at the panda. Its so cute.Mike: Yeah! It has a big body. Its black and white.Kate: Where is the panda from?Mike: Its from Sichuan, China.Kate: Look at the monkeys. How many monkeys do you see?Mike: I see thirteen.Kate: No, fourteen! Look! A little m

18、onkey is on the elephant.Mike: Ha-ha! Its so funny!31、Where is the giraffe from? ()AIts from Africa.BIts from the UK.32、Is the panda from Sichuan? ()ANo, it isnt.BYes, it is.33、How many monkeys? ()AThirteen.BFourteen.34、What color is the panda? ()AIts black.BIts black and white.35、Where is the littl

19、e monkey? ()AIts on the elephant.BIts on the giraffe.10 阅读对话,选择正确答案。A: Good morning, Miss Li.B: Good morning, Yang Ling.C: Hello, Yang Ling.A: Hello, Mike.D: Hi, Yang Ling.A: Hi, Su Hai.(上课铃声响起)B: Good morning, class.A, C and D: Good morning, Miss Li.31、Whos (谁是) “A”? ( ) AYang Ling.BMiss Li.32、Whos

20、 “B”? ( ) AYang Ling.BMiss Li.33、Whos “C”? ( ) AYang Ling.BMike.34、Whos “D”? ( ) ASu Hai.BMike.35、Yang Ling见到Miss Li, 用“_”进行问候。 ( ) AGood afternoon.BGood morning.11 Hello, Im Polly. Im a bird. My eyes are black. My mouth is red. My head is yellow. My body is green. Today is my birthday. Im two years

21、 old. Kitty is my friend. Its a cat. Its brown. Its three years old. We are happy.31、Im _ years old. ()A2B3C432、My mouth is _. ()AblackBredCblue33、My _ is green. ()AheadBeyesCbody34、Kitty is _. ()AyellowBbrownCgreen35、Kitty is a _. ()ABC12 Hello, Im Jack. Im 10. I like football. Look at me. Im cool.

22、 Look at my football. Its black and white. Look at my T-shirt. Its yellow. Look at my shorts. They are blue. Look! This is my sister Alice. She is 12、 And that is my brother Ben. Hes 8.31、The writers name is _. ()AJackBAliceCBen32、The writer is _ years old. ()A12B10C833、The writers _ black and white

23、. ()AT-shirt isBshorts areCfootball is34、The writers shorts are _. ()AredByellowCblue35、Alice is the writers _. ()AfriendBsisterCbrother13 Hello, Im Lili. Im nine. I have a happy family. This is my grandpa. Hes a doctor. This is my grandma. Shes a nurse. This is my father. Hes a policeman. This is m

24、y mother, shes an English teacher. This is my little sister. Shes two. This is my brother. His name is Mike. Today is Mikes birthday. Look at the birthday cake. There are (有) many candles (蜡烛) on it. How many candles? One candle, two candles, three candles, four candles, five candles, six candles, s

25、even candles, eight candles, nine candles, ten candles, eleven candles, twelve candles. The candles are red. Here is a present for my brother. Its a cat kite. Its yellow and blue. Were happy today.31、Lili is a _. ()AteacherBnurseCpupil32、How old is Mike? ()ANine.BTwelve.CTwo.33、Lilis father is a _.

26、()ApolicemanBdoctorCdriver34、Mikes present is a _. ()AcatBdog kiteCcat kite35、The candles are _. ()AredByellowCblack14 Hi, this is my classroom. Its big (大的). The walls (墙壁) are green. The desks are yellow. The chairs are yellow too. The doors are blue. The windows are white (白色). Look, the books ar

27、e on the desk. I like (喜欢) my classroom.31、My classroom is _. ()AsmallBbigCbright32、The _ are yellow. ()AchairsBwallsCwindows33、The windows are _. ()AredBgreenCwhite34、The _ are on the desk ()ApensBballsCbooks35、I _ my classroom. ()Anot likeBdont likeClike15 Hello! Im Liu Yang. Im a boy. Im nine. Im

28、 a pupil. My English teacher is Ms Zhang. She is a good teacher. I have a good family. My father is a doctor. My mother is nurse. My grandpa and Grandma are farmers. I have a cat. Its a yellow cat. Her name is Mimi. We all like it.31、Liu Yang is a _. ()AgirlBboyCteacher32、Liu Yang is _. ()AtenBeight

29、Cnine33、Liu Yangs (刘洋的) father is a _. ()AteacherBdoctorCdriver34、Liu Yangs grandpa is a _. ()AfarmerBteacherCpoliceman35、Liu Yangs cat is _. ()AblackByellowCwhite16 It is Monday. I get up at seven. Then I wash my face and hands. I have breakfast at seven thirty. I usually have some bread and milk.

30、Milk is good for us. Sometimes I have rice and eggs. But I dont like eggs. I like some cake.31、What day is it today? ()AMonday.BSunday.CFriday.32、What time do I get up? ()AAt six oclock.BAt seven oclock.CAt eight oclock.33、What do I have for my breakfast?()AJuice.BBread.CFish.34、_ is good for us.()A

31、EggsBRiceCMilk35、I dont like _.()AeggsBmilkCcake17 阅读理解,选择正确答案。Its eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. Its nine oclock. Mr. Green u

32、sually reads his newspaper at night. But he is reading an interesting book this evening.31、When do the children come to school? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.32、How are they come to school today? ()ABy car.BBy bus.CWalking.33、When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 10:00.CAt 9:00.34、Whe

33、n does Mr. Green read his newspaper? ()AAt 8:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 9:00.35、What is Mr. Green do this evening? ()AReading a book.BWriting a letter.CWatching TV.18 Hello, my names Kate. Im nine years old. I like red and white. I like juice and bread. Look, this is my friend (朋友) Lily. Lily is red and blue.

34、She is lovely (可爱的). Haha, she is a bird. I like her very much.31、Kate is _ years old. ()A8B9C1032、Kate likes _. ()Amilk and breadBjuice and riceCjuice and bread33、Kates friend is _. ()ALilyBblackCa cat34、Lily is _. ()Ared and whiteBblue and blackCred and blue35、Lily is a _. ()AdogBbirdCpanda19 I ha

35、ve a pencil box. Its black. There are lots of things (东西) in it. I have a pen. Its red and long (长的). I like it. I have three pencils. They (它们) are short(短的). I have a ruler. Its big(大的). I have an eraser. Its small(小的).31、The pencil box is _. ()AblackBred32、The pen is _.()AyellowBred33、I have _pen

36、cils. ()A4B334、The pencils are _.()AlongBshort35、The eraser is _.()AbigBsmall20 看图,选择正确的答案。31、Li Kuns sister is_. ()ALi HongBLi MeiCWang Lan32、Li Gangs sister is _. ()AWang LanBLi MeiCLi Hong33、Wang Lans brother is _. ()AWang DongBLi GangCWang Rong34、Li Meis mothers mother is _. ()AZhou XinBWang Don

37、gCFang Hua35、Li Hongs father is Li Kuns _. ()AbrotherBfatherCgrandpa【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1B解析:31、B32、C33、B34、A35、C【导语】本文介绍了赵欣的个人信息及赵欣的英语老师、好朋友。31、句意:赵欣是一名_女孩。A英国的,B中国的,C日本的,根据“Im a Chinese girl. My name is Zhao Xin.”,可知赵欣是一名中国女孩,故选B。32、句意:露西在_班。A一,B二,C三,根据“My good friend is Lucy. She

38、is an English girl. She is in Class Three too.”,可知露西在三班,故选C。33、句意:赵欣和露西是好_。A老师,B朋友,C男孩,根据“My good friend is Lucy.”,可知赵欣和露西是好朋友,故选B。34、句意:露西是一名_女孩。A英国的,B中国的,C日本的,根据“My good friend is Lucy. She is an English girl.”,可知露西是一名英国女孩,故选A。35、句意:_不是九岁。A赵欣,B露西,C赵欣的老师,根据全文可知赵欣的老师不是九岁,故选C。2B解析:31、B32、A33、B34、A35、

39、B【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了一些动物。31、句意:大象有_尾巴。A长的;B短的;根据短文中的 It has a long nose and a short tail. 它有长鼻子和短尾巴。可知大象有短尾巴,故选B。32、句意:猴子有_嘴。A大的;B短的;根据短文中的 It has a long tail and a big mouth.它有长尾巴和大嘴。可知猴子有大嘴,故选A。33、句意:熊是_。A又大又矮;B又矮又胖;根据短文中的 Its short and fat.它又矮又胖。可知熊是又矮又胖,故选B。34、句意:熊猫是_。A大的;B小的;根据短文中的 It is big and fat

40、.它又大又胖。可知熊猫是大的,故选A。35、句意:长颈鹿是_。A小的;B高的;根据短文中的 Its so tall.它那么高。可知长颈鹿是高的,故选B。【点睛】3C解析:31、C32、B33、A34、C35、A【分析】对话大意:对话介绍了琳和迈克喜欢的水果。31、句意:琳和迈克买一些_。A钢笔;B直尺;C水果;根据对话中的So, lets buy some fruit.所以,我们买些水果吧。可知琳和迈克买一些水果,故选C。32、句意:琳:我喜欢_。A梨和西瓜;B橘子和西瓜;C梨和橘子;根据对话中的No, I dont like pears. Lets buy some oranges and

41、watermelons.不,我不喜欢梨。咱们买些橘子和西瓜吧。可知琳喜欢橘子和西瓜。故选B。33、句意:迈克:我喜欢_。A梨和西瓜;B橘子和西瓜;C梨和橘子;根据对话中的Good idea! I like pears and watermelons. Lets buy some.好主意!我喜欢梨和西瓜。咱们买一些吧。可知迈克喜欢梨和西瓜,故选A。34、句意:琳和迈克:我们都喜欢_。A草莓;B梨;C西瓜;根据对话中的琳喜欢橘子和西瓜,迈克喜欢梨和西瓜,可知他们都喜欢西瓜,故选C。35、句意:_我不喜欢梨。A琳;B迈克;C妈妈;根据对话中的No, I dont like pears. 不,我不喜欢

42、梨。可知琳不喜欢梨,故选A。【点睛】4A解析:31、A32、B33、B34、A35、A【导语】本文主要讲述了作者在动物园看见了许多动物。并对它们做了介绍。31、句意:熊猫是_。A可爱的;B大的;根据文中“ Look at the pandas. They are cute. ”可知熊猫是可爱的。故选A。32、句意:鹅是_。A有趣的;B漂亮的;根据文中“ Look at that goose. Its so beautiful. ”可知鹅是漂亮的。故选B。33、句意:狐狸是_。A小的;B聪明的;根据文中“Look at the foxes. They are smart. ”可知狐狸是聪明的。故选B。34、句意:大象不是_。A小的;B大的;根据文中“ Look at the elephants. They are big. ”可知大象不是小的。故选A。35、句意:鸟不是_。A大的;B小的;根据文中“Loo

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