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1、人教pep版英语五年级下册期末模拟试题测试题(带答案)一、单项选择1Its eight oclock. The students _ an English lesson in the classroom. ()Aare havingBare haveCis having2People _ their parents and grandparents _ Double Ninth Festival. ()Avisit; onBvisits; atCvisit; at3Its time _ go to school. ()AtoBatCfor4Why _ you come to the party

2、, Danny? ()Because I have a piano lesson.AareBarentCcanD cant5Theres a new film in the cinema. Its funny. ()Really? _ Lets go.AI dont like it.BIm busy.CI cant wait.6My birthday is _ the third of July, and dads birthday is _ July too. ()Ain; onBon; onCon; in7How can I _ Peters home? ()You can _ there

3、 by taxi.Aget; getBget to; getCget; get to8When do you _ there? ()AgetBget toCgo to9Fathers Day is a day _ our fathers. ()AofBonCfor10I am washing some _. I want to cook some _ soup. ()Atomatoes; tomatoesBtomatoes; tomatoCtomato; tomatoes11Lets go to the zoo. How do we _? ()Ato getBget thereCget to

4、there12Jack is twenty years old, but he has only five birthdays. Why? ()Because he was born _ .Aon February 28thBon February 29thCon March 28th13Wheres my book? I cant _ it. Can you _ it for me? ()Alook for; findsBlook for; findCfind; look for14There _ some bread and milk in the fridge. ()AisBareCha

5、ve15Nancy _ play the piano every evening. ()Ahave toBhas toChas二、用单词适当形式填空16There _ (be) an elephant and some tigers in the zoo.17Tims birthday is on the _ (twenty) of November.18Wang Bing usually _ (climb) mountains and _ (eat) rice cakes at this festival.19There _ (be) some apple juice in the frid

6、ge.20Its seven oclock. We _ (swim) now.21Mrs. Black _ (not work) these days. She _ (have) a bad cough.22Sam _ (have) many fish, but Bobby _ (not have) any.23Its ten past four. The girls _ (play) games.One of _ (they) _ (hurt) her foot.24The man _ (not know) the way to the hospital. He _ (ask) a driv

7、er for help now.25Jims parents often _ (watch) TV on Sundays.26Let us _ (go) to the party now.27Why cant Jim _ (play) with us today?28Would you like _ (cook) with me?29Wheres Ben? Look! Hes _ (run) in the playground.30Su Hais good friend wants _ (visit) her new home.三、完成句子31My father _ (洗车) now.32Hi

8、s sister m_ the bed every day.33What are you doing, Tao Tao?Im _ _ (寻找) my milk .34Andrew often helps his mum do housework. Look! Hes c_ the table.35The Spring Festival of 2022 is on the first of F_36Mike goes to school by m_ every day.37My mother is washing some _ (蔬菜).38My twin brother _ (住在月亮街).3

9、9I live near school. I w_ to school from Monday to Friday.40Yang Ling cant find the bookshop. She asks a policeman for h_.四、阅读判断One day, a camel (骆驼) and a goat (山羊) meet on a road. They walk along the road together. After a while, they see a tall tree and many leaves are on it. The camel opens his

10、mouth and eats the nice leaves. But the goat is too short to eat them. The camel says to the goat, “Look! I can eat the leaves. Im taller than (比) you, so Im better (好) than you.” The goat doesnt say anything. They still walk along the road and they see much green grass (草)inside (在里面) a wall. But t

11、heres only a small hole in the wall. The camel couldnt go into the wall through the hole. But the goat could. He eats the nice grass and says to the camel, “I can eat the grass, so Im better than you.”41、One day, a camel and a goat meet _. ()Ain the streetBin a forestCon the road42、We all know a _ i

12、s shorter than a _. ()Agoat; camelBboy; girlCcamel; goat43、The word (词) “leaves” means (意思) in Chinese _. ()A果实B叶子C面包44、The camel cant go through the hole in the wall because _. ()Ahe is too fatBthe hole is too smallChe doesnt want to go through45、Who eats the nice grass inside the wall? ()AThe came

13、l.BThe camel and the goat.CThe goat.五、阅读判断Helen: May I come in?Doctor: Come in and sit down, please. Helen: Thank you.Doctor: Whats the matter?Helen: Ive got a bad headache and a high fever.Doctor: Let me have a look. OK, I see. Youve got a cold. Here is some medicine for you. Have a good rest and d

14、rink warm water.Helen: Thank you, doctor.46、Where is Helen? ()AShes at school.BShes in the hospital.47、Whats wrong with her? ()AShes got a headache and a high fever.BShes got a backache.48、What should Helen do? ()AEat some fruit.BTake some medicine and go to bed.49、Can Helen eat an ice cream? ()AYes

15、, she can.BNo, she cant.50、How can we help Helen? ()AWe can give her some fruit.BWe can give her some toys.六、阅读理解A Foolish DogA dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking on a small bridge, he looks down and sees himself in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has als

16、o a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself, “I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat.” He opens his mouth to bark at the dog in the water, and his meat falls into the water.51、The dog is standing _. ()Aon the grassBin the waterCon a small bridges52、There is a _ of me

17、at in the dogs mouth. ()ApieceBbottleCglass53、The dog looks down and sees _ in the water. ()AyourselfBmyselfChimself54、He opens his mouth to _. ()AlaughBcryCbark55、The dog gets _. ()Aa piece of meatBtwo pieces of meatCno meat七、阅读理解Its very cold outside. There comes a black car and it stops in front

18、of a shopping mall. A young woman is in the car. She is hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat, but she doesnt want to go out on such (如此) a cold morning. At that time, she sees a boy playing in the street.Come on, boy! she says to the boy. Do you know how much a hamburger is in the shopping mal

19、l? Two yuan each, the boy answers.She gives the boy four yuan and asks him to buy two hamburgers. One is for you and the other is for me, she says. After some minutes, the boy comes back. He is eating a hamburger. He gives the young woman two yuan and says, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.5

20、6、The black car stops because _. ()Ait is broken (坏的)Bthe woman sees a boy playing in the streetCthe woman wants to buy a hamburgerDthe woman wants to look for a people57、A hamburger in the shopping mall is _. ()A6 yuanB4 yuanC1 yuanD2 yuan58、The young woman has _ at last. ()Ano hamburgerBone hambur

21、gerCtwo hamburgersDthree hamburgers59、The meaning (意思) of the last word “left” is _. ()A左边的B剩余的C可口的D难吃的60、From the passage, we can know the story happens _. ()Ain winterBin summerCon a warm dayDon a hot day【参考答案】一、单项选择1A解析:A【详解】句意:八点了。学生们正在教室里上英语课。根据句意可知该题考查现在进行时,由be动词+现在分词,主语The students是复数,be动词用ar

22、e,have的现在分词是having,所以A选项符合题意,故选A。2A解析:A【详解】句意:人们在重阳节拜访他们的父母和祖父母。结合选项,可知本题考查一般现在时,主语People是集合名词,表复数概念,后面的动词用原形,排除B;具体某一天前用介词on,排除C。故选A。3A解析:A【详解】句意:该去上学了。Its time to+动词原形,该是做某事的时间了,A选项符合题意,故选A。4D解析:D【详解】句意:丹尼,你为什么_来参加聚会?因为我有钢琴课。come是实意动词,故AB选项不符合,根据句意可知cant符合,故选D。5C解析:C【详解】句意:电影院上映一场新电影。很有趣。真的吗?_ 让我们

23、走吧。I dont like it. 我不喜欢。Im busy. 我很忙。I cant wait.我迫不及待了。由句子中lets go可知想去看电影,故选C。【点睛】6C解析:C【详解】句意:我的生日是在7月3日,并且爸爸的生日也是在7月。在日期前用介词on,在月份前用in,故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:我怎么能_彼得的家呢?你能乘出租车_那里。根据句意及所给选项可知该句考查动词短语get to(到达)的用法:get to后加地点名词,如果后面是地点副词,就省略to。第一空:Peters home为名词词组,要用get to,get to Peters home到彼得的家;第二空:ther

24、e为地点副词,省略to,get there到那里;故选B。【点睛】8A解析:A【详解】句意:你什么时候到那的?句中there为副词,应省略介词to,结合选项A符合题意,故选A。【点睛】9C解析:C【详解】句意:父亲节是给我们的爸爸的节日。of表示从属;on在上面;for为了,给;由句子可知父亲节是给爸爸的节日,故选C。10B解析:B【详解】句意:我正在洗一些_。我想做一些_汤。tomato西红柿,可数名词,前面有some限定,故用复数形式,tomato的复数形式为tomatoes;西红柿汤tomato soup,tomato做soup的定语,用单数形式;故选B。11B解析:B【详解】句意:让我

25、们去动物园吧。我们怎样去那里?到哪里get there,there是副词,前面不加任何介词,故选B。12B解析:B【详解】句意:杰克二十岁了,但他只有五个生日。为什么?因为他出生于_。A2月28日,B2月29日,C3月28日,12个月份中二月一般有28天,在闰年有29天,且一般是四年一闰,因此杰克出生在2月29日,故选B。13C解析:C【详解】句意:我的书在哪里?我不能_它。你能帮我_它吗?根据句意可知第一个空格为表示结果的找到find,第二个空为表示动作的寻找look for,情态动词can后面加动词原形,故选C。14A解析:A【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些面包和牛奶。本题考查there be句

26、型,横线后是不可数名词,be用is,故选A。15B解析:B【详解】句意:南希每天晚上_弹钢琴。A不得不,B不得不,C有,根据题意可知,该空应填不得不,have to不得不,根据every evening可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,肯定句中动词要用第三人称单数形式,have的第三人称单数为has,故选B。二、用单词适当形式填空16is【详解】句意:动物园里有一头大象和一些老虎。该句是there be句型,there be句型遵循就近原则,be动词由最靠近它的名词单复数决定。an elephant是单数,所以be动词用is,故答案为is。17twentieth【详解】句意:蒂姆的

27、生日在11月二十日。twenty二十,11月20日the twentieth of November,日期用序数词形式。故答案为twentieth。18B解析: climbs eats【详解】句意:在这个节日王兵通常爬山和吃年糕。climb爬,eat吃,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语Wang Bing是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故答案为climbs;eats。19is【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些苹果汁。句子是there be句型,时态可为一般现在时,横线后的单词是不可数名词,be用is,故答案为is。20are swimming【详解】句意:现在是七点。我们正在游

28、泳。swim游泳,根据now可知该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,主语We是复数,be动词用are,swim的现在分词形式为swimming。故答案为are swimming。21B解析: doesnt work has【详解】句意:Black夫人这些天没有工作,她感冒很严重。根据句意可知,该句陈述句,时态为一般现在时。主语Mrs.Black是第三人称,谓语动词用第三人称单数,work,实义动词,变否定形式用助动词提前,she是第三人称,have变第三人称单数has。故答案为doesnt work;has。22B解析: has doesnt have【详解】句意:Sam有很

29、多鱼,但是Bobby一条鱼也没有。根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,时态为一般现在时。Sam是第三人称,谓语动词用三单形式,故第一空have变第三人称单数has,第二空have是实义动词,变否定用助动词do,主语是第三人称,do变第三人称单数does,否定形式为doesnt,实义动词用原形。故答案为has;doesnt have。23 are playing them hurts【详解】句意:现在是四点十分。女孩们在玩游戏。其中一个伤了她的脚。根据句意可知,该句为现在进行时,the girls是复数,be动词用复数形式are,动词用-ing形式,第一空填are playing。One of后人称代词

30、用宾格形式,第二空填them。One of后谓语动词用单三形式,第三空填hurts。故答案为are playing;them;hurts。24 doesnt know is asking【详解】句意:这个男人不知道去医院的路。他现在向一个司机寻求帮助。根据句意可知第一句话是一般现在时,主语是the man第三人称单数,动词也用用第三人称单数,故对动词know进行否定要借助助动词doesnt,后加动词原形know,后面一句中now表示正在做某事。用现在进行时,主语+be+动词现在分词+其它。主语是he,be动词用is,后加asking,故答案为doesnt know;is asking。25wa

31、tch【详解】句意:吉姆的父母经常在周日看电视。根据句意可知本题是一般现在时,主语是吉姆的父母,名词复数,动词用原形,故答案为watch。26go【详解】句意:让我们现在去派对吧。let us后跟动词原形,故答案为go。27play【详解】句意:为什么吉姆今天不能和我们一起玩?cant后跟动词原形,故答案为play。28to cook【详解】句意:你想要和我一起做饭吗?would like to do sth想要做某事,故答案为to cook。29running【详解】句意:本在哪?看!他正在操场上跑步。run用现在分词形式running,与is构成现在进行时,故答案为running。30to

32、 visit【详解】句意:苏海的好朋友想参观她的新家。 根据句意想要做某事want+to+动词原形,故答案为to visit。三、完成句子31is cleaning the car【详解】句意:我爸爸现在正在洗车。洗车clean the car,根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语My father是第三人称单数,be用is,clean的现在分词是cleaning,故答案为is cleaning the car。32H解析:makes#akes【详解】句意:他的妹妹每天整理床铺。该题考查动词短语make the bed,意思是整理床铺,根据every

33、day可知句子是一般现在时,主语His sister是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式makes,故答案为makes。33 looking for【详解】句意:涛涛,你正在做什么?我正在寻找我的牛奶。寻找look for,问句是现在进行时,答语也应是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,look的现在分词是looking,故答案为looking,for。34cleaning#leaning【详解】句意:安德鲁经常帮他妈妈做家务。看!他正在_桌子。根据Look!可知,后面的句子是现在进行时,结构为be+doing。根据语境和字母提示可知,clean清扫,现在分词clean

34、ing符合题意,故答案为cleaning。 35F解析:February#ebruary【详解】句意:2022年的春节是在_一日。根据语境和字母提示可知,February二月,符合题意,故答案为February。36metro#etro【详解】句意:迈克每天乘_去上学。根据句意和首字母,可知考查单词metro地铁,by metro乘地铁,介词短语,故答案为metro。【点睛】37vegetables【详解】句意:我的妈妈在洗菜。some一些,修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词,vegetable是可数名词。故答案为vegetables。38lives on Moon Street【详解】句意:我的

35、双胞胎弟弟住在月亮街。根据句意,可知句子为一般现在时,主语My twin brother是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数,住在为live on,月亮街为Moon Street,live的第三人称单数为lives,故答案为lives on Moon Street。【点睛】39walk#alk【详解】句意:我住在学校附近。我从星期一到星期五_去上学。根据句意,可知句子为一般现在时,主语I为第一人称,谓语动词为动词原形。根据句意和所给的首字母,可知考查单词walk步行,动词,walk to school步行去上学,固定短语,故答案为walk。【点睛】40help#elp【详解】句意:杨玲找不到

36、书店了。她向警察寻求_。根据句意和所给的首字母,可知考查单词help帮助,ask sb for help向某人寻求帮助,固定短语,故答案为help。【点睛】四、阅读判断解析:41、C42、A43、B44、B45、C【解析】41、 句意:一只骆驼和一只山羊在_相遇了。根据文中句子One day, a camel (骆驼) and a goat (山羊) meet on a road. 可知骆驼和山羊在路上相遇。故选C。42、 句意:我们都知道一只_比一只_矮。根据常识可知山羊比骆驼矮。故选A。43、 句意:单词“leaves”的汉语意思是叶子。根据文中句子The camel opens his

37、mouth and eats the nice leaves. But the goat is too short to eat them.可推测骆驼吃的是树上的叶子。故选B。44、 句意:骆驼不能通过墙上的洞,因为_。根据文中句子But theres only a small hole in the wall. The camel couldnt go into the wall through the hole. But the goat could. 可知因为那个洞太小了。故选B。45、 句意:谁吃了墙内的好草?根据文中句子But the goat could. He eats the

38、nice grass and says to the camel, I can eat the grass, so Im better than you.可知山羊可以。故选C。【点睛】五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、A48、B49、B50、A【解析】46、问题句意为海伦在哪儿?通读海伦和医生的对话可知海伦生病了,所以她是在医院里。A. 她在学校。B.她在医院。故选B。47、问题句意为她怎么啦?根据短文Ive got a bad headache and a high fever. 可知她头痛,并且发烧了。故选A。48、问题句意为海伦应该做什么?根据Here is some medicine f

39、or you. Have a good rest and drink warm water.可知生病之后应该吃药,好好休息并且多喝水。A.吃一些水果。B.吃药并且上床睡觉。故选B。49、问题句意为海伦能吃冰激凌吗?生病之后是不能吃冰激凌的,这是常识,故选B。50、问题句意为我们能怎样帮助海伦?A我们能给她一些水果。B我们能给她一些玩具。根据常识,我们可以给她吃一些水果,故选A。六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、A53、C54、C55、C【解析】51、句意“狗站在_。”根据“When he is walking on a small bridge,”可知选C。52、句意“有一_肉在狗的嘴里。”根据

40、“A dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth.”可知选A。53、句意“狗往下看,看见_在水里。”根据“he looks down and sees himself in the water”可知选C。54、句意“它张开嘴_。”根据“He opens his mouth to bark at the dog in the water”可知选C。55、句意“狗得到了_。”根据“He opens his mouth to bark at the dog in the water, and his meat falls into the water.”可知

41、选C。七、阅读理解解析:56、C57、D58、A59、B60、A【导语】本文主要讲一个女人因为怕冷让小男孩帮她买汉堡的故事。56、句意:黑车停下来因为_。A它坏了,B女人看见一个男孩在街上玩,C女人想买一个汉堡,D女人想找人,根据“She is hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat.”可知女人想买一个汉堡吃,故选C。57、句意:商场里一个汉堡_。A六元,B四元,C一元,D二元,根据“Do you know how much a hamburger is in the shopping mall? Two yuan each, the boy an

42、swers.”可知汉堡两元一个,故选D。58、句意:年轻的女人最后有_。A没有汉堡,B一个汉堡,C两个汉堡,D三个汉堡,根据“He gives the young woman two yuan and says, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.”可知男孩把最后一个汉堡吃了,女人没有吃到汉堡,故选A。59、句意:最后一个单词“left”的意思是_。根据“He gives the young woman two yuan and says, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.”可推断单词意思为剩余的,故选B。60、句意:从这篇文章,我们可以知道故事发生在_。A冬季,B夏季,C温暖的一天,D炎热的一天,根据“She is hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat, but she doesnt want to go out on such (如此) a cold morning.”可知天气寒冷,应该是在冬季,故选A。

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