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1、班级_姓名_得分_ 青岛为明学校英语期中检测题 20162017 上学期 2A考试时间:15 分钟 满分:30 注意事项:请同学们首先填好班级与姓名。认真阅读 题目要求,在规定时间内作答。 听力部分Listening parts(30%)I、Listen and choose (选出听到的单词或句子) 10% ( ) 1、A Chinese B Maths C music D English ( ) 2、A helpful B kind C friendly D unfriendly ( ) 3、A he B she C him D her ( ) 4、A who B Mrs C try D

2、think ( ) 5、A stop B housewife C prefect D caretaker ( ) 6、A I am a nurse. B I am a doctor. ( ) 7、A Wheres the fire? B Wheres the fire station? ( ) 8、A Whos your PE teacher? B . Whos your Maths teacher? ( ) 9、A Do you like your father? B . Do you like your mother? ( )10、A I cant help you. B I can he

3、lp you. II、Listen and choose the right answer, write “A” or “B”。 (听录音,选择正确的答案,把编号写在括号内。) 10%( ) 1、_ is your PE teacher? ( A、Who B、Whose )( ) 2、Miss Pang is our _ teacher. ( A、Music B Maths )( ) 3、She is kind. I like _. ( A、she B、her )( ) 4、Sorry, I dont _. ( A、understand B、kind )( ) 5、My _ teacher i

4、s Mr Li. ( A、Chinese B、English )( ) 6、Look _! ( A、in B、out )( ) 7、_! Dont walk on the grass. ( A、Hello B、 Stop )( ) 8、Whats your fathers _? ( A、job B、work )( ) 9、Whats _ mothers job? ( A、your B、you )( )10、He is a _. ( A、doctor B、dentist )III.Listen and choose the right pictures.(听录音圈出正确的图片)10% 1、 A、

5、 B、 2、 A、 B、 3、A、 B、4、 A、 B、 5、A、 B、6、 A、 B、7、 A、 B、8、 A、 B、 9、 A、 B、10、A、 B、Writing parts.看图写词组。 _ _ _ _ _ _. 读一读,连线。a. What do you like? Yes, I do.b. Do we have music? I like goats.c. Do you like PE? Thank you.d. Whats the time? No, we dont.e. Here is dinner! Its 2 oclock.圈出读音不同的单词。1. ham name gam

6、e same2. game cake late cat3. nine five fifty kind4. job dog not nose5. no go note two 看图,选词填空。 dodoes1How _ Ann help at home? She washes the dishes.2How _ Paul and Sally help at home? They water the plants.3How _ you help at home?I set the table.4How _ Peter help at home?He makes the bed.5How _ Ben

7、 and David help at home?They sweep the floor. 6How _ Mr Chan help at home?He tidies the living room.读一读,选一选。用表示出正确的答案。 1. Its half past seven.( ) 2. Its twelve oclock.( )Its six oclock. ( ) Its three oclock. ( ) 3. Its four forty-five.( ) 4. Its twelve oclock.( ) Its five oclock. ( ) Its two oclock.

8、 ( ) .读一读,选出正确的答案,然后补充完整。in the evening in the afternoon in the morningAt four _ _.When do youdo your homework?When do you wash your face?At_oclock_.123At _ past_ _ .When do you eat your dinner?4At _ _ .When do you go to bed ?读一读,把单词连成句子。1. do you help at how home ?_2. your brother does help how at home?_3. is time what the _4.go it to school is time to ?_5. any there is butter?

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