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1、2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试广东省英语模拟试卷(一)第卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑A Nightlife Downtown Crested Butte is home to some fun adventure nightlife! With many different options for enjoying a night, youre sure to have a great time! Enjoy the free bus syst

2、em between the mountain and town to get aroundKids Night Out On vacation, kids and parents deserve a special night out. But sometimes, whats special for the kids isnt quite what you have in mind. We created Kids Night Out so you can all havet he night youre looking for. Our fun-loving kids instructo

3、rs host your kids for a visit to the Adventure Park, followed by dinner and games while you head out of the town. Ages 8-12 are welcome,$75 per child. Kids Night Out takes place nightly in the coldest days. Majestic Fun It is small and personal and it offers a wide range of movies, from new releases

4、 to classics, action etc. All natural snacks and alcoholic drinks are available. For movie show times and more information, call 970-349-8955 or visit our website.Princess Wine BarEscape the ordinary and experience the Princess Wine Bar In downtown Crested Butte. Enjoy the coffeehouse featuring Belg

5、ian snacks, baked eggs, apple-wood smoked bacon, and coffee drinks. Live entertainment makes the Princess Wine Bar the perfect choice. Open daily from 8: 00 pm to midnight, but advance reservations are required. For more information you can call970-3490210.Talk of the TownIf you are looking for a go

6、od time, the Talk offers football, pinball, video games, good music, and pool tables any night of the week. Located in the center of Crested Butte on Elk Avenue, open daily at 3: 00 pm, the Talks Happy Hour is from 3: 00 to 8: 00 pm. For further information, you can call 970-349-68021. What is speci

7、al about Kids Night Out?A. It opens only in winter.B its in the town center.C. It offers many games.D. It gives parents an interesting night. 22. What should you do if you plan to go to Princess Wine Bar?A. Read some extraordinary stories.B. Know the names of different snacks.C. Contact it ahead of

8、time.D. Arrive before 8:00 pm. 23. What is the purpose of the text?A. To advertise the free bus system.B. To promote some fun programs.C. To compare the nightlife items.D. To encourage more outdoor activities.BTo personal trainer Sammy Callari, 13-year-old Parker Seward is more than a client (客户). H

9、es his little brother. Over the past year, the pair have bonded. They play basketball together, share meals and dance to hip-hop like no ones watching. The trainer was asked to work with the 13-year-old boy, who has Down syndrome (唐氏症), because his coworker who dealt with the boy was out of town las

10、t spring. Callari had never worked with someone with a disability before. He was anxious the first day he met Parker. But Parkers big smile and cheery introduction immediately put him at ease. He reminded Callari of himself when he was a teenager. Like Parker, Callari has also faced his fair share o

11、f challenges over the years.As a high schooler, Callari described himself as being the weak kid. When it came to sports, he was always overlooked. His dream of playing baseball in college quickly faded away. When he went to college, Callari turned to a new sport. His younger brother trained him to b

12、ecome a boxer. Callari participated in five matches. Out of four of those fights he was the underdog, and he won three times. I know how it feels, Callari said. Society tells you that you cant do this, you cant do that. When it comes to Parker, Callari refuses to accept the word “cant”The friends me

13、et twice a week to train. They bike, box, run and work on their core with push-ups. Parker has a short attention span, so its callaris job to keep him focused. If Parker can do it, if hes having fun, even with his frustration, then people will ask, Why cant I do that?” Callari said. “Thats the whole

14、 task right now.” Callari recalls parkers mom once thanking him for taking a chance on her son. Callari told her he never viewed it that way. Parker may be the student, but Callari says hes also the one whos learning24. Why was Callari asked to train Parker?A. They shared the same interests.B Parker

15、s parents had faith in Callari.C. Callari took place of his absent colleague,D Callari was an expert in Down syndrome25. What can we learn about Callari when he was in high school?A. He was good at sports.B. He was out of condition.C. He was looked down upon by everyoneD. He was influenced deeply by

16、 his brother26. What attitude does Callari have to Parker?A. GratefulB Sympathetic.C. CautiousD. Critical27. What is the text mainly about?A. An inspiring story of a disabled boyB. A high schooler suffering lots of failure.C. The friendship between a disabled boy and his personal trainerD. Ways of d

17、eveloping friendship with the boy with Down syndromeCBeing mistreated at work can make people take out their negative emotions on loved ones at home. But a new study suggests that getting more exercise and sleep may help people better cope with them by leaving them at work, where they belong.Previou

18、s research shows that employees who are looked down on or insulted by colleagues are likely to express their frustrations and behave angrily toward people outside of work, says study co-author Shannon Taylor, a management professor at the University of Central Floridas College of Business.The new st

19、udy backs up this idea, but offers a bit of good news as well: Employees who averaged more than 10, 500 steps a day or burned at least 2, 100 calories were less likely to mistreat their cohabitants than those who averaged fewer steps or burned fewer calories.The findings also revealed that when empl

20、oyees felt they had a bad nights sleep because of work issues, they were more likely to be grouchy at home. When youre tired, you are either less able or less motivated to regulate yourself. says co-author Larissa Barber, a professor of psychology at Northern Illinois University.Physical activity se

21、ems to counterbalance poor sleep, Barber says, because it promotes healthy brain functions needed to properly regulate emotions and behaviors. This study suggests that high amounts of exercise can be at least one way to improve the situations brought by sleep troubles that lead to negative behaviors

22、 at home, she says.Barber acknowledges that finding time to work out and get a full nights sleep can be difficult when work pressure is mounting, and that often, job stress can be directly related to sleep quality. But, she says, making the effort to burn some extra calories and blow off some steam

23、can be worth it. Its not only good for you, says Taylor, but it can benefit the people live with.28. What does the underlined word they in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. Loved people at homeB Negative emotions.C. Different work pressures.D More exercise and sleep29. Who will most probably behave angrily to

24、 family members?A. A person who is easy to get tired.B. A person who often goes to the gym to work outC. A person who is always treated badly by coworkers.D A person who often argues with colleagues30. The underlined word counterbalance in Paragraph 5 is doesnt in meaning toA. make use ofB. take con

25、trol ofC. keep up withD make up for31. What can we learn from the text?A. Work pressure makes no difference in sleep quality.B. How to burn more calories has become a major issue for workers.C Enough exercise can replace good sleep in dealing with negative behaviors.D. The amount of calories employe

26、es burn affects the frequency of losing temper.DGoogle, one of the worlds outstanding tech companies, was attacked. It wasnt its search engine that was attacked or its advertising platform or even its social network, Google+. Instead, it was a building.Two web security experts hacked (侵入) into its W

27、harf 7 office in Sydney, Australia through Googles building management system (BMS). One of them, Billy Rios, says, My colleague and I have a lot of experience in web security, but it is not something that people couldnt learn. Once you understand how the system works,it is very simple.”They found t

28、he system on Shodan, a search engine that lists devices connected to the Internet, and then ran it through their own software to identify who owned the building. In the case of the Google hacking, the researchers had no immoral purpose and just informed Google about what they found.According to Mr.

29、Rios, who runs security company Whitescope, there are 50,000 buildings currently connected to the Internet, including research institutes, churches and hospitals, and 2, 000 of those are online with no password protection. Martyn Thomas, a professor of IT at Gresham College in the UK, says, It is be

30、yond doubt that attempts to attack building management systems are happening all the time.”Making a building smart generally means connecting the systems that control heating, lighting and security to the Internet and the wider corporate network. There was a strong reason for doing this, said Andrew

31、 Kelly, principal security consultant at defence company Qinetiq.Energy savings are the biggest factor in connecting building management systems to the corporate network, he says. It gives those who run the building better control and offers between 20% to 50% in energy savings, he adds.But it also

32、makes them less secure. And if any of these feels like a Hollywood film, think again.32. How did Billy Rios and his colleague hack Googles building?A. They invented a search engine and connected it to Googles building.B. They worked for Google and mastered how the building worked.C. They used Google

33、s BMS to find out the owner of the building.D. They connected their own software to the building to run Google.33. In the case of the Google hacking, the researchers had the intention ofA analyzing some immoral problemsB. explaining the reasons for energy savingsC. entering Googles building to save

34、more energyD. telling Google about the Wharf 7 offices hidden danger34. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. There are many researchers contributing a lot to web securityB. The building management systems of some buildings are in danger.C. The attack on building management systems happens all over

35、the world.D. There are too many buildings connected to the Internet to be managed well35. What is the authors attitude towards the way of the energy savings of some buildings?A. Negative.B AmbiguousC. IndifferentD Favorable.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When people ha

36、ve a choice of whom to work with, likability can sometimes matter a little bit more than ability, said Tiziana Casciaro, an associate professor at the University of Torontos Rotman School of Management, who researches likability in the workplace. 36 These strategies can help: 37 You can induce a sen

37、se of similarity with almost anybody by finding things you have in common. They may not be apparent right away, so be observant. Great salespeople do this all the time by studying potential customers for bits and pieces of their lives they can relate to.Like someone and theyll like you right back 38

38、 Flattery (奉承) can convey fondness, but she doesnt recommend using the fake kind, even though it may work. Casciaro said, Flattery that is completely made up is exhausting and morally blameworthy. Instead, let a praise come from a real place. 39 For instance, I really appreciate what you did yesterd

39、ay.When you give people praises, it goes a very long way towards their liking you back.Be a familiar presenceHumans like things that are familiar, so just seeing you around in person makes you more likable to others. This concept gives a whole new meaning to the idea of face time, Casciaro said. 40

40、If not, just try to talk to people as much as possible in person during work hours, she advised. You want to maximize rich interactions and cut down on the drier ones, like texts and phone calls. Be sure to be seen.A. Ask a lot of questions.B. See the positive in a person and express it to him.C. Pe

41、ople like to guess what others think about them.D. What can you do to increase your chances of being liked?E. Find the common points that link you with another person.F. Its almost irresistible that we like people who seem to like us.G. Go to after-work drinks if you have time and you would find the

42、 outing enjoyable.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I am not a class president or a homecoming queen. However, I hope to believe that I maystill be 41 for the smiles. I may have entered high school 42 , but I am leaving high school

43、a strong, confident, and determined young lady.I am a(n) 43 who spends too much time thinking about the future and not 44 time thinking about today. I am a perfectionist who spends too much time worrying about the 45 and not enough time looking at the big picture. I am a writer who makes 46 flow mor

44、e smoothly through her pen than through her voice. I am a bookworm who gets too 47 to fictional characters.In addition to my 48 as a person, I have taken many of the AP classes that my school offers, specialized in the science and health-related classes, and have 49 my hardest in all I have done. Ho

45、wever, it in no way 50 me from the thousands of extraordinarily talented applicants that I am being 51 to. What I hope sets me apart is that, in high school, not only did I concentrate on becoming an 52 individual, but I also have tried to grow to be well 53 person in all areas of my life.When 54 th

46、e past four years of high school, I am equally 55 and shocked by my growth as an individual. And now, as this chapter of my life comes to a(n) 56 , I cant help but look forward to and be excited by the new challenges and adventures that 57 has to offer me. These 58 experiences in the college will co

47、ntinue my individual development and further my love of 59 . This next step in my life is one that I am 60 for and excited to take41. A. challengedB. thankedC. informedD appreciated42. A. quicklyB. quietlyC. carefullyD. patiently43. A. teacherB. reporterC. dreamerD. organizer44. A previousB. adequat

48、eC. specificD. proper45. A. detailsB. goalsC commentsD methods46. A. hopesB. liquidC. wordsD. difficulty47. A. similarB. closeC. accustomedD. attached48. A. growthB. responsibilityC. requestD. figure49. A. checkedB. measuredC. usedD. tried50. A. preventsB. concludesC separatesD. protects51. A. referredB. comparedC. changedD. connected52. A. interestedB. importantC. energeticD. ed

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