1、Chinese Traditional Instruments Pipa琵琶 Guzheng古筝 Guqin古琴BY 新一3号陈桂珍、14号赖嘉华、17号冯静丽Pipa Pipa (琵琶)PipaPipa,a traditional plucked(拨)string instrument(拨弦乐器)of East Asia.There are already 2000 years of history.The first“Pipa”instrument wasknown in China during the Qin Dynasty emerged(出现).Chinese Pipa also
2、spread to East Asia,the Japanes,North Korea and Vietnam.River Rises As High As River Rises As High As T The Sea he Sea(春江花月夜)The masterpiece of Chinese classical musicGuzheng(古筝)As early as 2500 years ago,Zheng are widely spread in at the time of the Qin area(秦国),also known as Qinzheng.Due to the lo
3、ng history and its primitive(发音)simplicity(古朴)and elegentsound(典雅),people used to call it the Guzheng.Guqin Guqin(古琴)GuqinhasalwaysbeenviewedasthefirstplaceamongthefourChinesehighcultureactivitiessuchasGuqin,Chess,calligraphy(书法)andpainting.GuqinGuqin isapluckedseven-stringChinesemusicalinstrument(七弦琴)withahistoryofmorethan3000years.Differences Differences between Guzheng and between Guzheng and GuqinGuqinGuqin with seven strings Guzheng with twenty-one stringsDifferences Differences between Guzheng and Guqinbetween Guzheng and Guqin Guqin Jianzi notation(古琴减字谱)staff(古筝五线谱)Thank YouThank You