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1、篇一:国外购销合同样本购销合同 sales contract编 号 no.:08int-008签约地点 signed at:baotou, china中国包头 日 期 date卖 方 seller:baotou beifang chuangye specialized vehicle co.ltd包头北方创业专用汽车有限责任公司地 址 address:no.1 block, rare-earth high-tech industry development zone, qingshan district, baotou city, inner-mongolia,china. 中国内蒙古包头稀土

2、高新技术开发区第一功能小区电 话 tel:0086-472-传 真 fax:0086-472-电子邮箱 e-mail:买 方 buyer: 地 址 address: 电 话 tel: 传 真 fax:买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交:the undersigned seller and buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions set forth as below:2唛头: 买方指定。marks:to be effected by the buyer.3

3、包装:裸装。 packing:naked4支付方式:买方须于合同签定后 周内,将100%货值通过电汇的方式给卖方或将100%保兑的不可撤消的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的有效期延至装运期后30 天在中国包头到期,信用证内容须严格符合本售货合同的规定,否则修改信用证的费用由买方承担,卖方并不负因修改信用证而延误装运的责任。terms of payment:the buyer must remit the 100% of goods value to seller via t/t or confirmed, irrevocable 100% l/c at sight of the total

4、fob amount(one million nine hundred and fifty nine thousand four hundred us dollars only)to reach the seller within one week after the date of the contract and to remain valid for negotiation in baotou china until 30 days after the time of shipment. the contents of the covering l/c should be in stri

5、ct conformity with the terms and conditions of the sales contract. in case of any variation thereof necessitating amendment of the l/c, the buyer should bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. the seller should not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the

6、 amendment of the l/c.5汇率:该合同的计价货币为人民币;支付货币为美元。锁定汇率为合同签订日当天的汇率(2008年3月29日中国银行外汇基准价:1美元=7.0137人民币),付款时,该汇率如有变动,则按比例调整合同价格,除非另有协议。exchange rate: under the contract the currency used for price calculation is rmb; the currency forsettlement is usd. the fixed foreign exchange rate is the rate of contract

7、 sign date (bank of china average rate on mar. 29th, 2008: 1 usd= 7.0137 rmb), if the exchange rate occurred fluctuation on the pay day, both parties should modify the contract price according to the exchange rate balance unless there is another agreement.6交货时间:卖方在收到由买方出具的不可撤消的、保兑的、即期信用证后,天 内,将货运至天津

8、港口买方的指定地点。(可分批装运)time of delivery:within 25 days after the seller receipt of irrevocable and confirmed l/c at sight which was supplied by the buyer, delivery to tianjin port, china.(partial shipment is allowed)7装运口岸:天津港。port of loading:tianjin port, china.9索赔:买方对合同项下装运货物的任何索赔必须于货物到达目的港后30天内提出并必须提供经卖

9、方同意的检验机构出具的检验报告供卖方审核。在任何情况下卖方对间接损失不承担赔偿责任,属于保险公司、船公司、运输机构和/或邮局责任范围内的索赔卖方不予受理。10不可抗力:由于发生人力不可抗拒的原因,致使本合约不能履行,部分或全部商品延误交货,卖方概不负责,但应立即通知买方。本合同所指的不可抗拒力系指不可干预、不能避免且不能克服的客观情况。force majeure:the seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods

10、 under this sales contract in consequence of any force majeure incidents which might occur, and the seller shall notify the buyer as soon as possible. force majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.11仲 裁:凡因本合同引起的或本合同有关的任何争议,如果协商

11、不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会内蒙分会。按照申请仲裁时该会当时实施的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方具有约束力。12其它条款:本合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。本合同一式方签字(盖章)之日起生效。special conditions:this contract is executed in two counterparts each in chinese and english, each of which shall be deemed equally authentic. this contract is in two copies effective s

12、ince being signed/sealed by both parties.卖方签字: 买方签字: the seller: the buyer:篇二:海外销售合同中英文模板c o n t r a c t合 同contract no: 合同号:fax:除非另有规定,本合同中的fob/cfr/fca/cip/cpt/cif等贸易术语均应遵照国际商会制定的<<国际贸易术语解释通则>>(incoterms 2000)的规定.2. country of origin原产地: . (e.g. usa 美国/ hungary 匈牙利/ireland 爱尔兰) 3. packin

13、g包装用牢固的适于长途空运/海运的全新纸箱或木箱或集装箱包装,卖方对所有因不适当的包装而引起的锈蚀及损坏而负责任。4. shipping mark运输唛头the sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: “keep away from moisture”, “handle with care” “this side up” etc. and the shipping mark:

14、卖方应在每个箱上用不褪色颜料标明箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸并写上“避免潮湿”, “小心轻放”,“请勿倒置”等字样,以及装运唛头: xxxxxxx- xxxxxxxxxxx5. time of shipment 装运时间 .6. port of shipment 装运港.7. port of destination 目的港 .8. delivery trem 發運方式(e.g. by air ,by sea,by truck,local delivery in hk)9. partal shipment 分批發運 allowed / not allowed10. insurance 保险for fo

15、b/ cfr/fca/cpt/ddu/fas/exw terms to be covered by the buyers from shipment, for cif/cip/ddp/des/deq terms, to be covered by the sellers from shipment., 110% of the invoice value covering all risks and war risks from warehouse to warehouse.fob/cfr/fca/cpt/ddu/fas/exw条款时,由买方投保,cif/cip/ddp/des/deq 条款时,

16、由卖方投保, 金额为发票金额的110%, 仓至仓一切险和战争险。11. payment 付款(e.g. (a) lc, (b) c.o.d , (c) after t/t,请选其一)买方应在收到卖方按合同第11章所述的发货通知后,通过买方开户银行开出一份金额为100%合同总金额的以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的即期信用证给卖方。该信用证将凭卖方向开证行出具的100%合同总金额的发票和附有的第十章所述单据的即期汇票支付100%的合同总金额。开证行将在卖方向其提示上述汇票和单据时采用电汇方式付款.信用证将在发货后的30天内在受益人所在地到期。 (b) t/t in advance 即期付款(c) aft

17、er t/t within xx dayswithin xx days from the date delivery, the buyer will pay by t/t to the contract value (usdxxxx) to seller.自货物交货期起xx日内,买方以t/t方式一次性向窦方付清本合同全款(usdxxxx)12. shipping documents 装运单据in case of air transportation 在空运时(1) one original and one copy of airway bill marked freight to collec

18、t / “freight to prepaid”, contract number and shipping marks, and consigned to the buyer notifying the buyers.注明运费到付/ “运费預付”、合同号和唛头收货人为买方,通知买方的空运提单正副本各一份。航空公司签th发的运单或买方的运输代理签发的分运单可以接受。非买方的运输代理签发的分运单不可以接受.经手签的、标明合同号、运输麦头并详列与合同一致的商业发票原件一式三份。(3) packing list in 3 (three) originals issued by the sellers

19、 made out in detail as per the contract and invoice.由卖方开出的与合同和发票相符的装箱单原件一式三份.(4) certificate of quality and quantity in 2 originals issued by the seller, 由卖方开出的品质/数量证书原件一式二份.(5) certificate of origin in 2 originals by the seller. 由卖方开出的产地证明书原件一式二份.in case of local delivery in hong kong本地交货经手签的、标明合同号

20、、运输麦头并详列与合同一致的商业发票原件一式三份。(2) packing list in 3 (three) originals issued by the sellers made out in detail as per the contract and invoice.由卖方开出的与合同和发票相符的装箱单原件一式三份.(3) certificate of quality and quantity in 2 originals issued by the seller, 由卖方开出的品质/数量证书原件一式二份.(4) certificate of origin in 2 originals

21、 by the seller. 由卖方开出的产地证明书原件一式二份.in the case of packaging and/or delivery being made in the u.s.a., european union or japan: two originals of quarantine certificate issued by the relevant official quarantine service in the certifying the wooden cases used for packaging and/or the packing materials

22、used in the containers have been fumigated or heat treated.in case materials other than wood are used for packaging, a certificate (in two originals) issued by the sellers certifying that non-wooden materials are used for packaging shall be required. one original of such certificate shall be sent to

23、gether with the goods. 当运输包装或交货港口在美国, 欧盟或日本时:如卖方使用木质包装材料,则出具有关官方检疫机构提供的上述包装材料已经过蒸熏或热处理的检疫证明. 如卖方使用非木质包装材料,则由卖方出具非木质包装证明.一份上述证明的原件应随货物发运.in case of fob/fcathe sellers shall deliver the goods within the time of shipment into the charge of the carrier or his agent named by the buyers at the port of shi

24、pment specified in the contract.在fob/fca 情况下:卖方负责在装运期内将货物运输到合同规定的交货港交付由买方指定的承运人或其代理掌握。13. guarantee of quality 品质保证卖方保证此货物是用最好的材料,一流的工艺,是原厂、原包装,符合制造商规定的品质和级别的新产品,设备的保修条款按制造商制定的标准条款执行(详见附件二).14. claims 索赔货物出口合同 (sales contract)正本(original)编 号(contract no.):签约地点(signed at) :日 期(date) :卖方(seller) : jia

25、ngsu zhongtian technology co.,ltd地址(address) : no.6, zhongtian road, nantong economic and technical development zone,jiangsu province. p.r. china电话(tel) : 86-513-83599669,671fax) : 86-513-83599670买方(buyer) :地址(address) :电话(tel) :传真(fax) :电子邮箱(e-mail) :兹经买卖双方友好协商,本着平等互利的原则,同意按下列条款签订货物出口合同,有效期为 年 月日至年

26、月日:the undersigned seller and buyer, through friendly negotiation, have signed this contract on a basis of equal and mutual benefit and agreed to the terms and conditions stipulated below. the duration is to .1. 货物具体信息见定货单及确认单general status of the goods:to reference of specific orders and confirmati

27、onshipping port:delivery port:2. 付款方式(择其一适用)method of payment:1) 100%预付(100% t/t in advance)买方应在收到形式发票之日起xx天之内,将发票所列的全部货款电汇至卖方指定或发票注明的银行帐号。the buyer should pay by t/t the invoice value of the goods to the sellers bank account designated by the seller or to the account indicated on the invoice, withi

28、n xx days within xx days after the date of the receipt of the pi2) 30%预付,70%款到发货买方应在收到形式发票的xx天内,将发票所列的30%货款电汇至卖方指定或发票注明的银行帐号,卖方在接到剩余70%货款后发货.the buyer should pay by t/t the 30% invoice value of the goods to the sellers bank account designated by the seller or to the account indicated on the invoice,

29、 within xx days after the date of the receipt of the pi, the remaining 70% invoice value of the goods should be paid before shipment .3) 30%预付,70%信用证(letter of credit)(具体比例可以调节)买方应在收到形式发票的xx天内,将发票所列的30%货款电汇至卖方指定或发票注明的银行帐号,剩余70%的金额在xx日前以电报的形式开立.the buyer should pay by t/t the 30% invoice value of the

30、 goods to the sellers bank account designated by the seller or to the account indicated on the invoice, within xx days after the date of the receipt of the pi, the remaining 70% invoice should be issued in telex before xx date .(4)信用证(letter of credit)4.1 买方须于2005年xxx日前,将全部货款共计xx万美元,以符合下列条件的信用证开到卖方:

31、(l/c有很多种,根据实际情况相应选择)100% of the contract price,i.e.usd, shall be paid by l/c before 2005-07-01 and the l/c should be according with: 其它对于信用证的要求4.3买方未在规定的时间内开出信用证/预付款,卖方有权发出通知取消本合同,合同自卖方的通知到达买方时取消;买方也可以要求买方继续履行合同。in case the buyer fails to issue a letter of credit /pre-payment before theabove-stipula

32、ted time, the seller shall have the right to rescind this contract, the contract is rescinded upon the arrival of the notice of the seller at buyer, or to require the buyer to continually perform the contract.4.4 信用证相关条款应符合本合同的规定,否则卖方有权拒绝接受并要求买方修改信用证;the contents of the l/c should be in conformity w

33、ith the terms of the contract, otherwise, the seller is entitled to refuse to accept and require the buyer to amend the letter of credit.(5) d/p at sight or d/p 30 days5.1 卖方应在装运后将即期汇票及其它单据通过xx银行向买方托收;买方接到托收行通知后应立即向托收行付款,否则应承担违约责任。after shipment, the seller should deliver to the buyer through xx ban

34、k at sight bill of exchange drawn on the buyer, together with the required documents, to collect the fund. the buyer should effect the payment immediately upon the presentation by the collecting bank of the bill of exchange and the required documents. in the event the buyer fails to do so, the buyer

35、 is liable for breach of the contract.5.2 如为30天远期d/a,自货物装运之日起计算时间(或收到汇票起30天);if the bill of exchange is d/a 30 days, the beginning date is the shipment date.(6)d/a at sight or d/a 30 daysafter shipment, the seller should deliver to the buyer through xx bank at sight bill of exchange drawn on the buy

36、er, together with the required documents, to collect the fund. the buyer should accept the bill of exchange immediately upon the first presentation by the collecting bank of the bill of exchange and the required documents and shall effect the payment on the maturity date of the bill of exchange. in

37、the event the buyer fails to do so, the buyer is liable for breach of the contract.6.2 如为30天远期d/a,自收到汇票之日(或装运之日起)起计算时间。if the bill of exchange is d/a 30 days, the beginning date is the shipment date.6.3 买方应在以下之日起xx天之内,将发票所列的全部货款电汇至卖方指定或发票注明的银行帐号。the buyer should pay by t/t the invoice value of the g

38、oods to the sellers bank account designated by the seller or to the account indicated on the invoice, within xx days after 收到发票及相关单据之日起;the date of the receipt of the required documents; 货物装运之日起;the delivery date of the bill of lading .2.2 银行费用:根据付款方式的不同,以下国家所发生的费用由买方支付depending on the method of pay

39、ment, the buyer shall bear all banking charges incurred in the country of 开证行所在国;l/c issuing bank (in case of payment by l/c) 托收行所在国;collecting bank (in case of payment by d/p or d/a) 汇款行所在国。卖方承担除此外其它国家的银行汇费,除非双方另有约定;remitting bank (in case of payment by remittance), and the seller shall bear all ba

40、nking charges incurred outside such country, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.3.有关单据(本条款可根据情况选择是否适用)document required3.1 卖方应在发运后将以下单据交至买方 a 收票人为买方或开证银行(信用证项下)的汇票; b 全套已装船干净的海运提单,并且:a full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading c 商业发票,注明开票人、付款人、合同号、唛头、船名、信用证号、 支付方式、付款账号等; d 保险单;insurance po

41、licy e 品质证明书(质检证、商检证或其它证明质量的文件);certificate of quality f 原产地证书;certificate of origin g装箱单;packing list h 热处理证明或熏蒸证书 i 其它单据(如领事认证、装运前预检验证书等);any other documents (such as consulate recognition document, pre-examination certificate prior to delivery)4.包装 packing(根据实际情况确定)4.1木盘或木箱。包装上使用途料标明货号、毛重、净重、尺寸、目

42、的港,并刷下列唛头: packing:each package shall be stenciled with unfading pigment, of heart number, gross and net weights, package number, measurement and the following shipping mark:4.2 货物包装应适于使用集装箱运输;the packing shall be suitable for container transportation.5.装运条款 terms of shipment5.1关于保险、运费及风险承担,均由双方按国际商

43、会2000年国际贸易术语解释通则关于cif/c&f/fob 的相关规定执行。5.2 如采用c&fcif条款的,卖方应在货物装船后xx天内,将合同(订单)号、品名、数量、净重、毛重、发票金额、船名、装船日期,以传真方式通知买方。6.质量条款 quality terms(很重要,请根据具体产品质量标准来确定)6.1 货物质量标准应符合以下: 与样品质量一致。卖方将样品寄送至买方,经买方检验合格并书面确认后,才能出运。 符合以下技术指标或图纸(由买方授权人签字确认为准): 符合x国xx行业标准;quality of cargo should be:from sign 20220427125215te prior to delivery)4.包装 packing(根据实际情况确定e861a3e-ad27-422c-bd40-191740619d5f_xljtemp

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