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1、Lesson 87 A perfect alibi questions on the text 1.Where did the man claim he was when the murder was committed?He said he was travelling on the 8 oclock train to London2.According to the man why did he always catch such an early train?Because he must be at work at 10 oclock.3.When did he say he arri

2、ved at the station?He say he arrived at the station at ten oclock.4.Why did the inspector say the man was not telling the truth?Because on the morning of the murder,the 8 oclock train did not run at all.Phrasescommit a murder such an early train be at work on timecatch a later train something unusua

3、ltell the truth not at allbreak down take off the line犯谋杀罪如此早的火车在工作准时赶晚一点儿的火车异常的事情讲实话一点也不出故障取消航线Key words and expressionsalibi n.不在犯罪现场commit v.犯(罪、错)inspector n.探长employer n.雇主confirm v.确认,证实suggest v.提醒truth n.真相alibi lba n.不在犯罪现场。法律用语,prove an alibi=establish an alibi =set up an alibi提出不在犯罪现场的辩护e

4、g.He has a perfect abili.他有案发时不在现场的充分证据eg.They all had abilis for that night.他们都有那天晚上不在现场的证明commit kmt v.犯(罪),做(错事、坏事)1.vt.1.vt.犯(罪),做(错事、坏事)犯(罪),做(错事、坏事)eg.He has never committed any crime before.他之前从未犯过罪2.2.把把.委托于委托于.交付交付.They committed the patient to the mental hospital.他们把病人送往精神病院commit oneself

5、on sth 承诺某人某事commit oneself to do stheg.she didnt want to commit herself on that matter.她不愿对那件事做出任何承诺commit a murder 犯谋杀罪 commit suicide 自杀政府承诺减少税款。The government committed itself to reduce mitmentn.承诺,许诺承诺,许诺inspector(1)视察员视察员aninspectoroffactories(2)n.探长探长inspect(1)v.详细调查、检查eg:Youshouldinspectthec

6、arwellbeforeyoubuyit.买车之前你应该检查它。(2)视察eg:TheMinisterofEducationinspectedourschool.教育部长视察我们学校inspectionn.检查、审查undergoamedicalinspection接受健康检查Theymadeaninspectionofthefactory.employer mpl;em-n.雇主 employment n.就业、雇佣 employ 1.v.1.v.聘请、雇用聘请、雇用The firm employs two interpreters.employ employ sb as sb as 雇用某

7、人雇用某人.He emplored the girl as a typist.2.2.使用(物、能力)使用(物、能力)=use=use You should employ your finds more wisely.3.employ oneself in=be employed in 3.employ oneself in=be employed in 忙于,从事于忙于,从事于She was busily employed in preparing dinner for five guests.employeeunemploymentconfirm knfmv.确认、证实1.confirm

8、sth 1.confirm sth Te confirmed the rumor.他证实那谣言是真的2.confirm(that)2.confirm(that)确认某事物确认某事物The president confirmed that he would visit China the following month.确定下个月访华。confirmed confirmed adjadj.已被确认,已被证实已被确认,已被证实confirmation confirmation n n.确定确定The rumor lacks confirmation.谣言缺乏证据suggest sdest v.su

9、ggestion n.suggestion n.建议建议1.1.提议,建议提议,建议suggest+doing suggest+sth(n.)suggest+doing suggest+sth(n.)May I suggest going there by train?我能建议坐火车去那里吗?2.suggest that 2.suggest that (should)+V-原原 建建议议.表表明明她建议我们在新餐厅吃饭她建议我们在新餐厅吃饭She suggest(that)we should have lunch at the new restaurant.3.3.委婉地说、暗示委婉地说、暗示

10、Are you suggesting(that)Im not suitable for the job?你的意思是在暗示我不适合这工作吗?truth tru1.n.1.n.真相真相-lie-lie truth指与虚假和错误相对的事实fact指实际存在的客观事实My father says that truth will come out in the end.我爸爸说最终会真相大白的.2.2.真理真理in truth 的确、事实上the truth is that.=the truth is.老实说to tell the truth 说实话true真实 falsef:lsa.错误的,假的,伪造

11、的,虚伪的truthful(指人)诚实的、不说谎的;(指叙述)真实的At the time the murder was committed,I was travelling on the 8 oclock train to London,said the man.Do you always catch such an early train?asked the inspector.Of course I do,answered the man.I must be at work at 10 oclock.My employer will confirm that I was there on

12、 time.Would a later train get you to work on time?asked the inspector.I suppose it would,but I never catch a later train.At what time did you arrive at the station?At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for the train.And you didnt notice anything unusual?Of course not.I suggest,said the inspect

13、or,that you are not telling the truth.I suggest that you did not catch the 8 oclock train,but that you caught the 8.25 which would still get you to work on time.You see,on the morning of the murder,the 8 oclock train did not run at all.It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.1.

14、At the time the murder was committed,I was travelling on the 8 oclock train to London,said the man.(1)at the time =at the moment when something happened(2)the murder was committed可以看作是定语从句修饰time,而如果前面的词如果是the time,the moment,the way等做先行词的时候,后面的关系副词是可以省略掉的。2.Do you always catch such an early train?as

15、ked the inspector.catch a train 乘火车,catch a bus eg.If we come here 10 minutes earlier will catch the train(bus).如果我们能早到10分钟我们就能赶上火车(汽车).catch you later =再见such+n./名词短语 so+adj./adv.such an early trainso early a train 3.Of course I do,answered the man.I must be at work at 10 oclock.My employer will co

16、nfirm that I was there on time.on time 准时 in time 及时This teacher is never on time for class and students have to wait for him each time.这位老师从来不准时,每次总是让学生等。The girl will die unless the doctor comes in time.如果医生不及时赶到,这个女孩就有可能死。4.Would a later train get you to work on time?asked the inspector.get sb to

17、 do sth 使做.说服youll never get her to agree你不会让她同意的。get+done 被.I got caught for speeding.我因超速行驶被拦下5.I suppose it would,but I never catch a later train.suppose 认为=think=expectwill you be late?I dont think so.I dont think so.I dont suppose so.I dont suppose so.I dont expect so.I dont expect so.wait for

18、sb/sth wait for sb/sth 等待某人、某物等待某人、某物6.And you didnt notice anything unusual?难道你没有注意到有什么异常情况?这是由陈述句后加问号表示的问句。anything/something 等被adj.修饰时,adj.在不定代词后eg.Id like something cheaper.7.you are not telling the truth.你没有说实话。to call a spade a spade.实话实说Lets call a spade a spade.让我们实话实说吧!8.I suggest that you

19、did not catch the 8 oclock train,but.suggest suggest 提醒,暗示:提醒,暗示:It suggested that you didnt do well in your final exam.这表明你的期末考试考的并不好。suggest suggest 建议,注意用虚拟语气:建议,注意用虚拟语气:I suggest that he go to the hospital to have a body examination.我建议他去医院进行一次体检。9.It broke down at Ferngreen station and was take

20、n off the line(1)break down 抛锚,出故障 The car broke down in the middle of the trip.汽车在旅途中途抛锚了.(2)be taken off the line 取消航线 Due to the bad weather,all the planes to this area were taken off the line.因为天气不好,所有来这个地区的飞机都改变了航线yousee在口语中经常作为插入语出现,句首、句中或句尾均可以,表示“你知道,事实上”等含义:你知道,我的腿还没好呢,所以我不能和你去爬山了。Mylegisnta






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