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1、.地理信息系统学习心得在开学之际,通过导师的指导,选择了地理信息系统这门课。通过张秋文老师的精心讲解,我获益匪浅。第一:掌握地理信息系统的根底。地理信息系统GIS ,Geographic Information System 是一门综合性学科,结合地理学与地图学以及遥感和计算机科学,已经广泛的应用在不同的领域,是用于输入、存储、查询、分析和显示地理数据的计算机系统。GIS 是一种基于计算机的工具,它可以对空间信息进行分析和处理简而言之,是对地球上存在的现象和发生的事件进行成图和分析。 GIS 技术把地图这种独特的视觉化效果和地理分析功能与一般的数据库操作例如查询和统计分析等集成在一起。GIS

2、与其他信息系统最大的区别是对空间信息的存储管理分析,从而使其在广泛的公众和个人企事业单位中解释事件、预测结果、规划战略等中具有实用价值。地理信息系统工作原理:地理信息系统是将计算机硬件、软件、地理数据以及系统管理人员组织而成的对任一形式的地理信息进行高效获取、存储、更新、操作、分析及显示的集成。地理信息系统的应用:1GIS 用于全球环境变化动态监测;2GIS 用于自然资源调查与管理;3GIS 用于监测、预测;4GIS 用于城市、区域规划和地籍管理;5GIS 的军事应用;6GIS 用于电网辅助决策中;7GIS 还在金融业、保险业、公共事业、社会治安、运输导航、考古、医疗救护等领域得到了广泛的应用



5、系统空间分析实验教程?就很好用。GIS在国内飞速开展,应用越来越广泛,但是信息技术也在飞速开展,为了与时俱进,我们必须时时保持学习的姿态和热情。GIS是未来开展趋势,把握好趋势,才能在竞争中处于不败之地。GIS learning experienceAt the beginning of the term, through the guidance of my instructor, I chose the GIS course. By teacher Zhangs elaborate, I benefited.First: to master the basis of geographic

6、information system.Geographic Information System (GIS) is a comprehensive discipline combining geography and map science and remote sensing and computer science. It has been widely used in different fields for inputting, storing, querying, analyzing and displaying Geographic data computer system. GI

7、S is a computer-based tool that analyzes and processes spatial information (in short, mapping and analyzing phenomena and events that occur on Earth). GIS technology integrates maps with this unique visualization and geo-analytic capabilities with common database operations such as querying and stat

8、istical analysis. The biggest difference between GIS and other information systems is the storage management analysis of spatial information, which makes it have practical value in explaining events, forecasting results and planning strategies in a wide range of public and private enterprises.How Ge

9、ographic Information Systems Work: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is the integration of computer hardware, software, geo-data, and system administrators to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display any form of geographic information.GIS application: (1) GIS is used f

10、or dynamic monitoring of global environmental change; (2) GIS is used for natural resource investigation and management; (3) GIS is used for monitoring and forecasting; (4) GIS is used for urban and regional planning And cadastral management; (5) military applications of GIS; (6) GIS for power grid

11、decision-making; (7) GIS is also used in the fields of finance, insurance, public utilities, social security, transport navigation, archeology and medical rescue Has been widely used.Second: GIS has broadened my horizons and thinking.Before I take this course, I was looking at the related literature

12、 of water informatization. I did not know anything about GIS. I just knew about GPS, RS, and after learning GIS, I had an idea. Through the combination of GPS, RS and GIS, to achieve the construction of irrigation information. Through the online information access, I learned that the relevant inform

13、ation: more than 70% of the information in the irrigation area and the geographical location of the space. Grid GIS can not only be used to store and manage information on a large number of irrigation districts, but also can be used for visual query and online publishing of irrigation districts. Usi

14、ng its spatial analysis capabilities, it can provide direct support for irrigation decision-making in irrigation districts. In practice, dynamic information such as agricultural natural resources, crop growth, meteorological trends and disasters can be obtained through RS. The information can be dir

15、ectly stored in a spatial database in a grid format to provide a large number of quantitative and directional observation data for geographic information system. The use of GPS as a key project data update means, the collected data into the real-time database. Use the capabilities of your own geogra

16、phic information system to manage these data in combination with other data.In addition, through GIS technology, some boundary conditions can be arbitrarily assumed or modified under the condition of multiple complex factors, digital simulation and simulation of the possible results can be carried o

17、ut, and the practical experience and feedback of production can be used to realize the planning and management of the irrigated area optimization.The establishment of the GIS system can greatly improve the efficiency of staff in the industry and reduce the output of manpower, material and financial

18、resources; improve the management level of irrigation districts, improve the utilization efficiency of water resources and accelerate the development of the irrigation area modernization.Third: keep learning attitude.In the classroom, just learning the theoretical knowledge of GIS, but in fact we ha

19、ve to learn GIS application knowledge, Tang GuoAn and Yang Xins book?GIS spatial analysis experiment tutorial?is easy to use.GIS is booming in China and its application is more and more extensive. However, information technology is also developing rapidly. In order to keep pace with the times, we must keep learning attitude and enthusiasm. GIS is the future development trend, grasp the trend, in order to be invincible in the competition.实用文档.

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