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1、忠犬八公的故事ThestorybeginsinaMYHEROtopiccompositionfromParkesgrandsonsays,hisheroisGrandpasideonenamedHachidog.故事从帕克的外孙在一次故事从帕克的外孙在一次“MY HERO”的主题作文开始的主题作文开始讲起,他心中的英雄是外公身边一只叫讲起,他心中的英雄是外公身边一只叫“八公八公”的狗。的狗。2一个寒冷的夜晚,帕克教授在火车站无一个寒冷的夜晚,帕克教授在火车站无意中,捡到了一只被遗落的秋田犬,他意中,捡到了一只被遗落的秋田犬,他觉得这么可爱的小狗,一定是迷路了,觉得这么可爱的小狗,一定是迷路了,

2、开始想把小狗放在寄存处,等待主人来开始想把小狗放在寄存处,等待主人来找她。可是车站不愿收留她,这样只能找她。可是车站不愿收留她,这样只能把小狗送到宠物收容所。于是,好心的把小狗送到宠物收容所。于是,好心的帕克把小狗带回了家帕克把小狗带回了家 A cold night,Professor Parke in the train station inadvertently,picked up a lost dog in Akita,he felt so cute dog,have been lost,began to put the little dog in the cloakroom,waiti

3、ng for the owner to find her.But the station refused to take her,so can only take the dog to the pet shelter.So,kindly Parke took the dog home3然而,妻子非常反对养狗,然而,妻子非常反对养狗,建议把她送人或者找到合适的建议把她送人或者找到合适的主人,帕克开始到处张贴招领主人,帕克开始到处张贴招领信息,希望好心人能够收留她。信息,希望好心人能够收留她。在这期间,他一直陪着小狗玩在这期间,他一直陪着小狗玩耍,两人建立了深厚的感情。耍,两人建立了深厚的感情。H

4、owever,the wife was very opposed to the dog,suggests her to send people or find the right owner,Parke began around and found information,hope that good people can take her.During this period,he had been with a puppy,two the establishment of deep feelings.4帕克想训练小狗练习叼球的游戏,但是小狗似乎对这游戏,帕克想训练小狗练习叼球的游戏,但是小

5、狗似乎对这游戏,一点不感兴趣!一点不感兴趣!Parke want to train your dog training with the ball game,but the dog seems to be on the game,not a spark of interest!5于是,帕克开始亲身做示范,想让小狗明白这个游于是,帕克开始亲身做示范,想让小狗明白这个游戏规则,但是她还是不配合戏规则,但是她还是不配合 Then,Parke started to do demonstration,want to let the dog know the rules of the game,but s

6、he still does not match6看着窗外,帕克和小狗玩的起劲,妻子接到了收养人的电话,看着窗外,帕克和小狗玩的起劲,妻子接到了收养人的电话,表示愿意收养这只小狗,但是她拒绝了。她觉得帕克已经离不表示愿意收养这只小狗,但是她拒绝了。她觉得帕克已经离不开八公了!八公在帕克一家人的照顾下,快乐的成长。开八公了!八公在帕克一家人的照顾下,快乐的成长。Looking out of the window,Parke and the dog play hard,his wife got the adopters telephone,expressed their willingness to

7、 adopt the dog,but she refused.She felt that Parke had cannot do without Hachi!Parke,in one family care,happy growth.7每次,帕克出门上班,八公总是想送他一起去车站。于是,她每次,帕克出门上班,八公总是想送他一起去车站。于是,她在栅栏下面抛开一个小坑,顺利的从下面钻出去;即使栅栏下面在栅栏下面抛开一个小坑,顺利的从下面钻出去;即使栅栏下面被固定了,她还是能想尽各种方法冲出院子。被固定了,她还是能想尽各种方法冲出院子。Each time,Parke went to work,eig

8、ht always wanted him to go to the station.Then,she put a hole in the fence here,well drilling out from under the fence;even under fixed,she can still try every means to burst out of the yard.8大家学习辛苦了,还是要坚持继续保持安静继续保持安静9帕克很欣喜,他为有八帕克很欣喜,他为有八公这样一只可爱的狗而感公这样一只可爱的狗而感到幸福!俩人都很享受在到幸福!俩人都很享受在一起的时光一起的时光Parkever

9、yhappy,hehasalovelydog,sohappy!Theybothenjoytimetogether10帕克下班的时候,八公总是准时在车站口的花坛上等帕克下班的时候,八公总是准时在车站口的花坛上等着他。着他。Parke in the evening,Hachi is always on time at the station the mouth of the flower bed waiting for him.11春夏秋冬,八公都很守时地接帕克下班,见到他春夏秋冬,八公都很守时地接帕克下班,见到他就欢欣雀跃。就欢欣雀跃。Spring summer autumn winter,ei

10、ght are punctual to meet Parke to go off work,see him joy.12几年后,帕克的女儿结婚了,八公也出席了几年后,帕克的女儿结婚了,八公也出席了他们的婚礼。他们的婚礼。A few years later,Parkes daughter got married,Hachi also attended their wedding.13有一天,帕克还是准备要出门上班,但是八公好像不愿意让有一天,帕克还是准备要出门上班,但是八公好像不愿意让他出门,也不出门送他。帕克和妻子都感到很奇怪,觉得她他出门,也不出门送他。帕克和妻子都感到很奇怪,觉得她有点异常

11、。有点异常。One day,Parke is ready to go to work,however,was reluctant to let him go out,do not go out to send him.Parke and his wife are very surprised,think shes a little abnormal.14最后,帕克来到车站准最后,帕克来到车站准备进站的时候,八公出备进站的时候,八公出现在他的面前,嘴里叼现在他的面前,嘴里叼着她从来不叼的球。帕着她从来不叼的球。帕克感到很意外,因为他克感到很意外,因为他觉得八公今天很奇怪。觉得八公今天很奇怪。Fi

12、nally,when Parke came to the station to station,Hachi appeared in front of him,his mouth she never took the ball.Parke was very surprised,because he felt very strange today.15但是他没有多想,但是他没有多想,只是觉得八公只是只是觉得八公只是想跟他多待一会。想跟他多待一会。其实,八公已经预其实,八公已经预感到了什么,不想感到了什么,不想让帕克离开他!让帕克离开他!But he did not think,just think

13、,just wanted to stay a little longer.In fact,the dog has had a premonition of what,do not want to let Parke leave him!16这一天下午,帕克教这一天下午,帕克教授在给学生上课的时候,授在给学生上课的时候,心脏病突发倒在地上,心脏病突发倒在地上,离开了人间。离开了人间。This afternoon,Professor Parke in the class to students,heart attack and fell to the ground,leaving the eart

14、h.17依旧是那个时间,八公像往常一样,准时依旧是那个时间,八公像往常一样,准时守在车站门口,等待着帕克的归来。守在车站门口,等待着帕克的归来。Is still the time,eight as usual,at the station on time to keep the door,waiting for the return of Parke.18然而,人群都散去之后,然而,人群都散去之后,始终未见帕克的身影,八始终未见帕克的身影,八公感到很失落。公感到很失落。However,after the crowd dispersed,there is no Parke figure,eigh

15、t mr.s feel frustrated.19是的,八公不知道帕克不会再回来了!当妻子和女儿是的,八公不知道帕克不会再回来了!当妻子和女儿把帕克的骨灰安葬以后,妻子卖掉了房子,女儿把八公带把帕克的骨灰安葬以后,妻子卖掉了房子,女儿把八公带到了自己的家到了自己的家。Yes,the dog doesnt know that Parke is not coming back!When my wife and daughter to bury the ashes of his wife,Parke,sold the house,daughter,brought their own home.20有

16、一天,八公从女儿家逃了出来,她找到了原来帕有一天,八公从女儿家逃了出来,她找到了原来帕克居住的房子,但是发现已经更换了主人,于是她克居住的房子,但是发现已经更换了主人,于是她又匆匆地离开了,继续去车站等待帕克的归来。又匆匆地离开了,继续去车站等待帕克的归来。One day,Hachi escaped from her home,she found that Parkes house,but found that has replaced the master,so she left in a hurry,return to the station waiting for Parke.21女儿和

17、丈夫怕八公没人照顾,成为流浪狗,驱车前往车女儿和丈夫怕八公没人照顾,成为流浪狗,驱车前往车站把八公接了回来。但是八公隔着铁栅栏,可怜的望着门站把八公接了回来。但是八公隔着铁栅栏,可怜的望着门外,女儿知道八公的心思,于是把八公放了出去。外,女儿知道八公的心思,于是把八公放了出去。My daughter and her husband be afraid,no one to take care of,a stray dog,drove to the station to pick up the back.But,across the iron fence,poor looked out of th

18、e door,daughter know Hachis mind,so,let out.22八公依旧来到车站,等待着主人的出现。即使她现八公依旧来到车站,等待着主人的出现。即使她现在已经成为了一只流浪狗。在已经成为了一只流浪狗。Hachiko still came to the station,waiting for the emergence of the master.Even though she has now become a stray dog.23八公多么希望能再次看到帕克的身影啊!八公多么希望能再次看到帕克的身影啊!Hachi wish to see Parke again!2

19、4就这样,八公会一直等到车站的最后一位乘客的离开。就这样,八公会一直等到车站的最后一位乘客的离开。So,leaving eight will last until the passenger station.25深夜,八公会趴在车站附近的废弃火车头下面睡觉,风深夜,八公会趴在车站附近的废弃火车头下面睡觉,风餐露宿。餐露宿。Late at night,abandoned locomotive below eight will lie in the vicinity of the station to sleep,brave the wind and dew.26每当有火车进站时,八公都会被刺耳的

20、铁轨声惊醒,每当有火车进站时,八公都会被刺耳的铁轨声惊醒,然后迅速跑到了车站口。然后迅速跑到了车站口。When a train pulled into the station,Hachi will be awakened by the harsh sound tracks,then quickly ran to the station entrance.27她不会错过每辆她不会错过每辆进站的火车,目进站的火车,目送了一辆又一辆。送了一辆又一辆。She will not miss a train station,saw a car and a car.28就这样,春夏秋冬,不断的交替着,八公自就

21、这样,春夏秋冬,不断的交替着,八公自己也不知道,她一等,就等了十年。己也不知道,她一等,就等了十年。Thus,spring summer autumn winter,continuous and alternating,eight did not know,she had to wait ten years.29镇上的人们都被八公忠诚的精神所打动,他们也镇上的人们都被八公忠诚的精神所打动,他们也一直把八公当成他们的朋友。一直把八公当成他们的朋友。The people of the town were moved by eight loyal spirit,they also have,as t

22、heir friends.30一个报社记者把八公的事情刊登在报纸一个报社记者把八公的事情刊登在报纸上,无数人为之动容。上,无数人为之动容。AnewspaperreportertookHachikothingsinthenewspapers,countlesspeoplemovedemotionally.31一天,好心的商贩告诉八公:你不必再等了!一天,好心的商贩告诉八公:你不必再等了!One day,the good traders told Hachi:you dont need to wait!32“他不会回来了!他不会回来了!”八公似懂非懂的,还一直站在车站的门口,没有离开。八公似懂非懂

23、的,还一直站在车站的门口,没有离开。Hes not coming back!Hachi not fully understand,still stood in the doorway station,did not leave.33十年后的某一天,妻子去给帕克扫墓,在要离开小镇十年后的某一天,妻子去给帕克扫墓,在要离开小镇的时候,她在车站门口看到了已经面目全非的八公。的时候,她在车站门口看到了已经面目全非的八公。One day ten years later,his wife went to sweep the tombs in Parke,to leave the town,she saw

24、the dog at the door of the station has lose ones beyond recognition.34妻子看着又老又弱、满身污浊的八公,伤心的抱着她说:妻子看着又老又弱、满身污浊的八公,伤心的抱着她说:“你居然还在等?他不会再回来了!你居然还在等?他不会再回来了!”His wife looked at the old and weak,with filth Hachi,sad embrace she said:you still waiting for?He wont come back again!35是的,八公相信:帕克一定会回来的!是的,八公相信:帕

25、克一定会回来的!Yes,eight believe:Parke will be back soon!36跟十年前相比,八公变得又老又丑又脏,但是她对帕跟十年前相比,八公变得又老又丑又脏,但是她对帕克的心,从未改变!克的心,从未改变!Compared with ten years ago,eight become old and ugly and dirty,but she told Parkes heart,never change!37她还是每天准时出现在车站门口。她还是每天准时出现在车站门口。Every day she was appeared at the door of the sta

26、tion.38这天晚上,八公做了一个梦:她梦到帕克回来了,他们这天晚上,八公做了一个梦:她梦到帕克回来了,他们依旧相互簇拥着,嬉闹着;帕克又为自己做起了全身按摩,依旧相互簇拥着,嬉闹着;帕克又为自己做起了全身按摩,他们还在院子里跑着、闹着他们还在院子里跑着、闹着.就这样,八公在等待帕克归来时,也结束了自己的生命。就这样,八公在等待帕克归来时,也结束了自己的生命。That night,eight had a dream:she dreamed of Parke coming back,they still are surrounded,frolicking;Parke and they star

27、t with a full body massage,they are still running,playing in the yard.Thus,Hachi waiting for Parke,ended his own life.39Let a person feel warm;small Hachiko be clever and sensible is also very attractive,especially her feelings for Parke,like two friendship between generations.Parke at the scene of

28、the morning,eight have felt something,but she couldnt stop Parke to leave,even if she took her never take the baseball to the station,to retain Parke.However,this happen will happen,this moment will come.让人感觉很温馨;小八公的聪明伶俐也十分惹人让人感觉很温馨;小八公的聪明伶俐也十分惹人喜爱,尤其是她对帕克的感情,就像两个忘年交喜爱,尤其是她对帕克的感情,就像两个忘年交一样。帕克在出事的当天早

29、上,八公已经感觉到一样。帕克在出事的当天早上,八公已经感觉到了什么,但她不能阻止帕克的离开,即使她叼着了什么,但她不能阻止帕克的离开,即使她叼着她从来不叼的棒球去车站,想以此挽留住帕克。她从来不叼的棒球去车站,想以此挽留住帕克。但是,该发生的总会发生,该到来的终将会到来。但是,该发生的总会发生,该到来的终将会到来。40The wife and daughter of sadness is short,they will also continue their life;however,he used his life to protect Parke,waiting for Parke!This feeling is the human is unable to compare,is the human not to!妻子和女儿的悲伤是短暂的,他们还将继续自己的生妻子和女儿的悲伤是短暂的,他们还将继续自己的生活;但是八公却用自己的一生来守护帕克,等待帕克!活;但是八公却用自己的一生来守护帕克,等待帕克!这种感情是人类无法比拟的,是人类达不到的!这种感情是人类无法比拟的,是人类达不到的!41

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