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1、-范文最新推荐- 体育教师英文自我介绍 I am a woman with 13 years teaching experience in physical education teachers, middle school physical education a title, prior to secondary schools xx, xx has been working in secondary schools. In professional sports, Im good at basketball, volleyball and badminton; in quality de

2、velopment, I have participated in professional learning ACCP Beida Jade Bird and received the Ministry of Labour Beida Jade Bird and the joint approach, junior software engineer certificates, more savvy knowledge, focusing on the construction and management of dynamic websites, proficient use of off

3、ice software and Dreamweaver, Flash and other software, have been alone for the xx area of Justice and the Organization Department established a unit website. Past achievements have been with the disappearance of the original school ashes, I will state the beginning of a new teacher I xx high school

4、 work. Xx distinctive in secondary education and teaching management model under the influence, in this warm and harmonious family, I will give full play to their advantages, and actively join the House in education, to become a good teacher. Hello! Everybody!Now let me say something about myself. M

5、y Chinese name is YanHaoWen. My English name is Stevin. I have short black hair.I have big eyes and small mouth. I am nine years old. I study in Foreign Language School.I am in class 2,grade 2.Next term, I will be in grade 3. I have many hobbies(爱好).I like watching TV and playing the computer games.

6、I like playing the basketball.I like English very much.So I work hard(努力) at English.I am going to be a translator(翻译) when I grow up (长大)。Trust me! I have a happy family .My mother is a smart lady .My father is a fat men. I love them.I am a cool and strong boy. This is me.Thank you! 尊敬的少先队组织:    我叫xx,今年已满xx岁,我自愿加入中国少年先锋队组织,入队后,我将好好学习,做同学们的榜样,做老师的小助手。申请人:xx 3 / 3

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