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1、高级语言学课程教学大纲 课程编号:021一、课程说明1. 课程代码ZZ04010012. 课程类别专业专长课3. 适应专业及课程性质英语(师范)本科 选修 4. 课程目的 高级语言学是高年级的一门专业选修课,该课程以语言学习理论为指导,以英语语言为研究对象,其课程目的如下:(1)使学生具备英语语言学的基础知识,并能运用语言学的理论指导英语教学与研究。(2)使学生掌握英语语言学的基本理论和概念;能运用理论知识分析语言现象,解决语言学习和教学中的实际问题;能进行英汉对比,研究实际运用的语言,了解语言与心理、语言与文化、语言与社会、语言与文学的关系,揭示语言的共同规律。(3)使学生了解语言学各流派的

2、理论与研究成果,加深对语言的理解,促进语言学习,为今后从事语言教学和研究工作或与语言相关的其它工作奠定语言学理论基础。5. 学时与学分本课程第六学期开设,48学时,2.5学分。 6. 建议先修课程语言学导论、英语词汇学、英国文学选读、外国文学作品赏析、翻译理论与实践。二、课程教学基本内容及要求第一章 逻辑语义学 计划学时:4学时基本要求:(1)掌握命题、命题逻辑、谓词逻辑、逻辑连词的概念,主目、谓词的含义。(2)理解逻辑语义学;了解命题的特性;五个常用的逻辑连词;复合命题的真值;理解表达命题的逻辑公式。(3)运用逻辑语义学理论分析句子。教学重点与难点:重点:(1)命题、命题逻辑、谓词逻辑、逻辑

3、连词的概念(2)表达命题的逻辑公式难点:(1)复合命题真值(2)命题逻辑公式基本内容: (1) Proposition and Propositional Logic(2) Logical Connectives(3) The Truth Value of Composite Proposition(4) Concept of Predicate Logic(5) The Truth Value of a Proposition(6) Logical Formulas思考题:(1) Circle the two-place predicates in the list below: attac

4、k (verb), die (verb), between, put, love (verb), in, cat, elephant, forget(2) Translate the following logical forms into English, where a = Ann, b = Bill, c = Carol, L = like, M = mother, and x and y are variables which may be translated as “someone”, “anyone” or “everyone” depending on the quantifi

5、er:(a) M (a, b)(b) L (b, c) & L (c, b)(c) L (a, b) & L (a, c)(d) x (L (x, b)(e) x (L (x, c)(f) x (y L (y, x)第二章 语言与认知 计划学时:7学时基本要求:(1)掌握心理语言学、认知语言学的定义;认知、识解、识解操作、认知隐喻、认知转喻的含义。(2)了解母语习得的四个阶段;语言理解和产生的过程;理解认知语言学的基本理论;意象图式;认知隐喻;认知转喻;整合理论。(3)运用心理语言学理论解释语言生成及理解的过程;运用认知语言学理论解释一些语言现象。教学重点与难点:重点:(1)掌握心理语言学、认

6、知语言学的定义;认知、识解、识解操作、认知隐喻、认知转喻的含义。(2)语言生成、理解过程,儿童母语习得过程,认知语言学基本理论。难点:(1)语言理解模式、认知隐喻、认知转喻(2)意象图式、整合理论基本内容: 1. Definition of Psycholinguistics2. Acquisition, Comprehension and Production of Language3. Cognition and Cognitive Linguistics4. Construal and Construal Operation5. Categorization6. Image Schema

7、s7. Metaphor and Metonymy8. Blending Theory思考题:(1) Explain the various aspects of process of language production.(2) Describe the three categories of conceptual metaphors.(3) Illustrate the model of blending theory.第三章 语言、文化、社会 计划学时:8学时基本要求:(1)掌握文化、跨文化交际、话语群体、语言变体、语域、方言、洋泾浜语、克里奥语、通用语的含义。(2)了解语言与文化,语

8、言与社会,语言与跨文化交际的关系;理解萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说;弄清语言变体产生的因素;了解黑人英语变体的特征;理解决定语域的三个因素;了解洋泾浜语的特征;双语与双言现象。(3)运用各变体的特征区分和分析语言变体;根据文化差异分析某些语言现象。教学重点与难点:重点:(1)文化、话语群体、语言变体的含义(2)萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说难点:(1)语言与文化,语言与社会的关系(2)跨文化交际(3)语域三要素基本内容: 1. The Relationship between Language and Culture2. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis3. Linguistic Evidences o

9、f Cultural Differences4. Cross-cultural Communication5. Relationships between Language and Society6. Speech Community and Speech Variety7. Language Varieties8. Mixture of Varieties 9. Bilingualism and Diglossia10. Case Studies思考题:(1) What features does Women Register have?(2) What will you say to a

10、statement like “One cultures meat is another cultures poison”?(3) Is American English superior to African English? Why or why not?第四章 语言的使用 计划学时:8学时基本要求:(1)掌握叙事句与施为句的含义;发话行为,施事行为,取效行为;会话含义。(2)理解言语行为理论;会话含义理论;合作原则及原则的违反;会话含义的特征;后格赖斯理论的发展;关联理论。(3)运用语用学理论分析言语行为。教学重点与难点:重点:(1)言语行为理论(2)会话含义理论难点:(1)会话中遵循的

11、合作原则及原则的违反,会话含义的推导。(2)后格莱斯理论基本内容: 1. Performatives and Constatives2. Locutionary Act, Illocutionary Act and Perlocutionary Act3. The Cooperative Principle4. Violation of the Maxims and Production of Conversational Implicature5. Characteristics of Implicature6. Post-Gricean Developments思考题:(1) Consid

12、er the following dialogue between a man and his daughter. Try to explain the illocutionary force in each of the utterances.The daughter walks into the kitchen and takes some popcorn.Father: I thought you were practicing your violin.Daughter: I need to get the violin stand.Father: Is it under the pop

13、corn?(2) If you ask somebody “Can you open the door?” he answers “Yes” but does not actually do it, what would be your reaction? Why? Try to see it in the light of speech act theory.(3) Each of the following conversational fragments is to some degree odd. To what extent can the oddness be explained

14、by reference to Grices CP and maxims? 1) A: Have you seen Peter today? B: Well, if I didnt deny seeing him I wouldnt be telling a lie. 2) A: Can you tell me where Mr. Smiths office is? B: Yes, not here. 3) A: Would you like some coffee? B: Marys a beautiful dancer.第五章 语言与文学 计划学时:8学时基本要求:(1)掌握文体与文体学的

15、定义;文学语言的基本特征;明喻、暗喻、转喻、提喻(2)理解诗歌中不同的语音模式,掌握英诗的传统形式,语音和音韵的诗性功能,及英诗分析方法;理解小说文体中的术语,小说的话语表达方式和思维表达方式,理解小说的作者风格、文本风格及小说的分析方法;了解戏剧语言的特点,及如何分析戏剧语言;理解文学的认知方法。(3)运用诗歌、小说、戏剧的文体分析方法分析具体的文本。教学重点与难点:重点:(1)文体与文体学的定义;文学语言的基本特征;明喻、暗喻、转喻、提喻(2)诗歌中不同的语音模式;小说的话语表达方式和思维表达方式(3)分析戏剧语言的方法难点:(1)文学体裁的文体分析(2)认知诗学基本内容: 1. Gene

16、ral Features of the Literary Language2. The Language in Poetry2.1 Sound Patterning,Stress and Metrical Patterning2.2 Forms and Functions of Sound and Metre2.3 Analysis of Poetry3. The Language in Fiction3.1 Speech and Thought Presentation3.2 Authorial Style and Text Style3.3 Analysis of Fiction Lang

17、uage4. The Language in Drama4.1 Drama as Poetry, Fiction and Conversation4.2 Analyzing Dramatic Language5. The Cognitive Approach to Literature思考题:(1) Identify the type of trope employed in the following examples: 1) The boy was as cunning as a fox. 2) .the innocent sleep, the death of each days lif

18、e, 3) Buckingham Palace has already been told the train may be axed when the rail network has been privatized. 4) Ted Dexter confessed last night that England is in a right old spin as to how they can beat India this winter.(2) Choose a scene from a play, one you have seen or read, one you have hear

19、d on the radio (published collections of radio plays available).1) Write a paraphrase of it, as described in Stage One in this course;2) Write a commentary on the same scene, as described Stage Two in this course;3) Choose one of the discourse features discussed above, and analyze the same scene to

20、see how that feature is made use of in the scene, and the effect this has on your interpretation of it.第六章 语言学与语言教学 计划学时:7学时基本要求:(1)掌握输入假设、中介语、交际能力、教学大纲、课程设计、对比分析、错误分析。(2)弄清语言学与语言教学的关系;理解语法、输入、中介语在语言学习过程中所起的作用;了解基于话语的语言教学法及普遍语法与语言教学的关系;区分教学大纲与课程设计,了解教学大纲的种类与成分;区分对比分析与错误分析。 (3)运用语言教学理论指导外语教学。教学重点与难点:

21、重点:(1)输入假设、中介语、交际能力、教学大纲、课程设计、对比分析、错误分析(2)二语习得的输入假设理论、中介语理论和母语迁移理论(3)语言教学理论 难点:(1)对比分析、错误分析(2)输入假设理论、中介语理论和母语迁移理论基本内容: 1. TheRelationbetween LinguisticsandForeignLanguageTeaching 2. Grammar, Input and Interlanguage in Language Learning 3. Linguistics and Language Teaching 3.1 The Discourse-based Vie

22、w of Language Teaching 3.2 Universal Grammar and Language Teaching4. Linguistics and Syllabus Design 4.1 Syllabus and Curriculum 4.2 Types and Components of Syllabus4.3 Current Trends in Syllabus Design5. Contrastive AnalysisandErrorAnalysis思考题:(1) What is the Input Hypothesis?(2) What is Interlangu

23、age? Can you give some examples of Interlanguage?(3) What are the important features of a task in a task-based syllabus?(4) What are the differences between errors and mistakes?第七章 现代语言学理论与流派 计划学时:6学时基本要求:(1)掌握主位、述位、交际动力的概念;情景语境、语言语境的含义;及物性概念,概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能的含义;语言习得机制和天赋假说的含义;格语法与生成语义学的概念。(2)了解索绪尔对现代

24、语言学的贡献;布拉格学派对语音学和音位学的区分,功能句子观;理解伦敦学派中马林诺夫斯基情景语境理论,弗斯对情景语境和语言语境的区分及韵律音位学的提出,理解韩礼德的系统语法;理解美国结构主义流派中萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说,布龙菲尔德的“刺激-反应-强化”理论;理解转换生成语法及相关理论,尤其是乔姆斯基的贡献;了解格语法和生成语义学理论。(3)运用各语言学流派的理论研究语言。教学重点与难点:重点:(1)现代语言学流派(2)各语言学流派提出的理论(3)格语法和生成语义学理论难点:(1)功能句子观;韵律音位学理论;系统功能语法理论(2)转换生成语法理论;格语法和生成语义学理论基本内容: 1. The Pra

25、gue School1.1 Phonology and Phonological Oppositions1.2 Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP)2. The London School2.1 Malinowskis Theories2.2 Firths Theories2.3 Halliday and Systemic-Functional Grammar3. American Structuralism3.1 Boas and Sapir3.2 Bloomfields Theory3.3 Post-Bloomfieldian Linguistics4

26、. Transformational-Generative Grammar4.1 Innateness Hypothesis4.2 Generative Grammar4.3 Classical Theory4.4 Standard Theory and Extended Standard Theory4.5 Minimalist Program5. Case Grammar and Generative Semantics思考题:(1) Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modern linguistics?(2) What is the Pra

27、gue School best known for?(3) What is the essence of Functional Sentence Perspective?(4) What is special about Systemic-Functional linguistics?(5) What does Chomsky mean by Language Acquisition Device?(6) What is special about TG Grammar?三、课程学时分配本课程计划48学时,其中理论教学38学时,课内实践10学时。课程主要内容和学时分配见课程学时分配表和课内实践

28、学时分配表。表1 课程学时分配表时数 教学 环节课程内容理论教学课内实践小计第一章 逻辑语义学314第二章 语言与认知617第三章 语言、文化、社会628第四章 语言的使用628第五章 语言与文学628第六章 语言学与语言教学617第七章 现代语言学理论与流派516总计 381048表2 课内实践学时分配表序号实践项目名称学时实践内容及目的 实践方式备注实验、课堂讨论、案例分析、课程小论文、专业技法等1翻译逻辑式命题1把逻辑式命题翻译成英语,理解表达命题的逻辑公式。翻译2讨论三类概念隐喻1讨论三类概念隐喻,并举例说明,便于理解和区分实体隐喻、结构隐喻和空间隐喻。课堂讨论3评论文化现象1评论“萝

29、卜青菜各有所爱”现象,理解跨文化交际中的文化差异。评论讨论语言变体1讨论女子英语变体的特征,理解男女语言变体的差异。讨论4讨论话语行为1讨论话语的发话行为、行事行为、取效行为,并举例分析,理解言语行为准则。讨论并分析会话分析1分析对话中因合作原则的违背而产生的会话含义,以便理解合作原则,领会会话含义。 举例分析5分析修辞手法:比喻1举例分析英语中比喻的修辞手法:明喻、暗喻、转喻、提喻,学会使用比喻。举例分析评析文学作品1任选一首诗、一段小说或一段戏剧对白,分析它们的语言特色,学会评析文学作品。课程小论文6讨论如何设计教学大纲1讨论结构教学大纲、情景教学大纲、交际教学大纲、任务型教学大纲的优点和

30、缺点,学会设计教学大纲。课堂讨论7论述语言学流派及贡献1论述现代语言学的重要流派、典型代表及他们对语言学的显著贡献,了解各语言学流派的理论。 课程小论文四、考核及成绩评定考核类型:考试成绩评定: (1)平时成绩占总评成绩的50%,分别为:课堂表现占15%、课内实践占20%、课外作业占15%。 (2)期末考核成绩占50%,考核形式:闭卷考试(单选题、定义题、判断题、填空题、简答题、论述题)五、 推荐教材、参考书目与推荐网站推荐教材:语言学教程(第四版). 胡壮麟主编. 北京大学出版社. 2011参考书目:(1)语言学教程(第四版)练习册. 胡壮麟主编. 北京大学出版社. 2011(2)新编简明英语语言学教程(第二版). 戴炜栋主编.上海外语教育出版社. 2010(3)英语语言学. 朱跃、胡一宁主编. 安徽大学出版社. 2010(4)语言学教程(修订版). 胡壮麟主编. 北京大学出版社. 2001推荐网站(1)(2)制订人:李建云审核人:邱小玲批准人:2013年8月11日

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