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1、外贸复习资料(1)学习好资料外贸复习资料1、 To acquaint you with the electronic products we handle, we are sending you, by separate post, a catalogue for your reference.为了让贵方对我方的电子产品有所了解,我们正另邮产品目录供你方参考。2、 We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electric fans and air conditioner

2、s.本公司为一家专营各种系列的电扇和空调的主要出口商。3、 We are willing to establish trade relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我们打算在平等互利的基础上建立贸易关系。4、 Through the courtesy of Mr.smith, we are given to understand that you are one of the leading importers of hardware products in your area and wish to e

3、nter into business relations with us.承蒙史密斯的介绍,我们了解到贵方是你地方五金制品主要出口商,而且有意与我方建立贸易关系。5、 Your letter expressing the hope of entering into business relations with us has been received with thanks.贵方希望同我们建立贸易的来函收到,谢谢。6、 We regret in inform you that we are not in a position to cover your need for above-ment

4、ioned goods. Once our supplies are replenished, we shall be only too pleased to revert to this matter.我们很遗憾告知我们不能满足贵方对上述货品的需求,一旦我方货源充足,我们将很高兴处理此事。7、 We have much pleasure in enclosing a quotation sheet for our products and trust that their high quality will induce you to place a trial order.我方很高兴附寄关

5、于我方产品的报价单,相信它们的高质量一定会让贵方试单。8、 As the goods of your specifications are in short supply, we intend to furnish you with our products as a substitute, which is of good quality and very close to your specifications but will be offered at a more favarable price.由于贵方所需规格的货品缺货,我们打算向贵方提供我方的产品作为替代品供应贵方,该货品质量上

6、层,同时与贵方所需规格货品相似且价格优惠。9、 If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular order for large quantities.如果贵方能够提供我们需要的型号和质量的货品,我们将定期下大额订单。10、In compliance with the request in your letter dated October 24, we are sending you the required proforma invoice in triplicate. Please

7、 note our quotation remains valed until November 15. We look forward to receiving your order soon. 遵照贵方10月24日来函的要求,我们正寄给贵方形式发票一式三份。请注意我们的报盘有效期至11月15日。期盼早日收到贵方订单。11、We must stress that this offer is firm for three days only because of the heavy demand for the limited supplies of the childrens hat in

8、stock. 我必须强调该报盘有效期只有3天,因为目前童帽库存不足,需求量极大。12、We are making you a firm offer subject to your reply reaching us before September 29, 2008. 我方向贵方报盘从贵方在08年9月29日前恢复到达我方有效。13、In accordance with the request of your Mr.Simth at th Autumn Guangzhou Fair, we have pleasure in sending you herewith the samples and

9、 a price list for Microwave Ovens. 遵照秋交会上贵方史密斯先生的要求,我们很高兴寄给贵方有关微波炉的样品及价目单。14、As requested by you some time ago, we take pleasure in making you the following offer ,which is subject to your acceptance with 7 days. 按照贵方前段时间的要求,我们很高兴为贵方做报盘如下,该报盘有效期是从贵方在7天内接受为准。15、Although we are anxious to open up busi

10、ness with you, we regret that it is impossible for us to allow the reducation asked for, because we have already cut our prices to the lowest point after closely examing our cost calculations. 尽管我非常希望贵方进行贸易往来,但很遗憾我方不可能接受贵方所要求的降价,因为经过严密的成本核算后我们已经将价格砍至最低点。16、We regret having to inform you that althoug

11、h it is our desire to pave the way for a smooth development business between us, we cant accept payment by D/A. 我们很遗憾告知贵方,尽管我们希望能为双方的贸易发展扫清障碍,但我方还是不能接受D/A的付款方式。17、To our disapointment, we have not yet received the required letter of credit up to the present. Please give the matter your immdiate atte

12、ntion and let us have your reply soon. 令我方遗憾的是我方目前还没有我们所需要的信用证,请对此事予以关注并及时回复。18、As the goods against your Order NO.134 have been ready for quite some time it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering letter of credit established. 由于第134号订单向下的货品已经备托待运很长时间,否则贵方将贵方没有及时开立信用证引起损失和

13、后果负全责。19、The commission granted for thid transaction is 3% as stipulated in our sales confirmation, but we find your L/Cdemands a commission of 5% therefore you are requested to instruct your bankers to amend the L/C. 佣金是3%不是5%,因此我方要求贵方委托银行修改信用证。20、As there is no direct sailing from Ningbo to your p

14、ort during June/July, it is imperative for you to delete the cause by direct steamer and insert the wording “Partial Shipments and Transhipment are Allowed”. 在6、7月份贵方港口到宁波港没有直达货轮,当务之急是贵方删除直达干论条款,同时插入允许分批转运条款。21、When packing please take into account that the boxes are likely to receive rough handing

15、at this end and must be able to withstand transport over very bad roads. 包装时请仔细考虑到这些箱子很可能受到野蛮搬卸,因此它们必须能接受不良路况运输。22、The cartons used for packing our ball valves are light but strong. They save shipping space and facilitate the storage and distributiong of the goods. 用来包装我方球阀的纸箱不仅轻而且牢靠,它们既节省仓位而且便于货品分销

16、存储。23、Our tea for export is customarily packed in boxes 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets to an FCL container. 我们一贯采用24盒装一个托盘,10个托盘装一整箱。24、The premium varies with the extend of insurance. Should addional risks be covered, the extra premium would be for buyers accoum. 由于保费因保险险别的不同而各异,因此如果要架投附加险,额外的保险费

17、应由买方负担。25、We agree to your request to insure the shipment for 130% of the invoice value, but the qremiun for the difference between 130% and 110% should be bome by your firm. 我们同意贵方的要求,按照发票130%将这批货品投保,但130%至110%之间的保险费差额由贵方承担。26、According to our usual practice, insurance is to be effected for 110% of

18、 the invoice value. 根据我们的惯例,保险感召发票110%办理。27、Our customer requests the shipment be made in three equal lots, each every two months. 我们客户需求将这批货等量三批装运,两个月装一批。28、The shipment of Air Conditioners under Contract NO.990 will be effected by S.S “NINGBO”, which scheduled to leave here on 8th July. Please arr

19、ange insurance for this consignment. 第990号合同向下这批空调将由宁波号货轮运载,该货轮预计在7月8日离港,请对该货品及时投保。29、We take this opportunity to inform you that we have shipped the above goods on board S.S “FENGHUA” which sails for your port tomorrow. Enclosed please find one set of shipping documents covering this cargo. 我们借此机会告

20、知对方,货品已由奉化号货轮运载,该货轮预计明天出发驶往贵方港口,附寄一整套相关货品装船单据,请查收。30、Since the transaction is concluded on FOB terms, you are to ship the goods from Houston on a steamer to designated by our firm. 由于交易时按FOB条件成交,要求贵方将货品装上由我方指定的从休斯顿过来的货轮。31、We wish to advise you that the goods under S/C NO.235 went forward on the ste

21、amer. “EVERGREEN” August 2. They are to be transshipped at Hamburg and are expected to reach your port in late September. 我们想告知贵方的是第235好向下销售确认书于8月2日长轮号运载,并预计于9月底抵达汉堡。平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 建立贸易关系 establish business relation信誉状况 credit standing 财务状况 financial standing老客户 regular customer 具体

22、询盘 specific enquiry销售说明书 sales literature 回签 countersign倾销价 dumping price 零售价 retail price批发价 wholesale price 一式二份 in duplicate一式三份 in triplicate 一式四份 in quadruplicate通知行 advising bank 保兑行 confirming bank 议付行 negotiating bank 即期汇票 sight draft 空白背书 bona fide holder 花色搭配 color assortment 散装货 bulk cargo 野蛮装卸 rough handling 劣质包装 inferior packing 包装要求 packing instruction 包装费用 packing charges 保险经纪人 insurance broker 受理索赔 entertain a claim 预定保单 open policy 海损险 with average 海关手续 telex release 保函 letter of guarantee 报关 customs declaration 分三批等量装运in three equal lots 散装 in dulk 即期装运 prompt shipment精品资料

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