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1、反反义义疑疑问问句句练习题练习题1.Linda ate nothing this morning,_?A.didnt she B.was she C.did she D.wasnt she 2.Theres hardly_ milk in the bottle,_there?A.no,isnt B.some,is C.little,isnt D.any,is 3.He has never ridden a horse before,_?A.does he B.has he C.hasnt he D.doesnt he 4.He seldom came here,_?Yes sir.A.didn

2、t he B.does he C.doesnt he D.did he 5.Everything seems all right,_?A.does it B.dont they C.wont it D.doesnt it 7.One cant be too modest,can _?A.one B.he C.it D.we 8.No one failed in the exam,_?A.was he B.did one C.did they D.didnt he 11.He cant be her father,_ he?A.is B.isnt C.can D.cant 12.They hav

3、e no time to visit the museum,_?A.do they B.havent they C.dont they D.will they 18.He dislikes the two subjects,_ he?A.does B.doesnt C.is D.isnt 19.These tools are useless now,_?A.are they B.arent they C.is it D.isnt it 23.Lets go there by bus,_?A.will you B.shall we C.dont you D.will you 24.Let us

4、go to play football,_?A.will you B.shall we C.do we D.are we 25.Dont forget to give Polly some food and change her water,_?A.will you B.shall we C.wont you D.do you 26.Lets go shopping this afternoon,_?All right.A.will we B.shall we C.dont we D.are we 27.Pass me the dictionary,_?Yes,with pleasure.A.

5、would you B.will you C.wont you D.wouldnt you 30.There is little water in the glass,_?A.isnt there B.isnt it C.is it D.is there 32.There wont be any concert this Saturday evening,_?A.will there not B.will there C.is there D.wont 33.I guess she taught herself Japanese,_?Yes.A.dont I B.did she C.do I

6、D.didnt she 34.I dont believe you are right,_?A.are you B.do you C.wont you D.do 35.She doesnt think that Tom sings best in the class,_?A.does she B.doesnt she C.does he D.doesnt he 37.I know you didnt want to hurt me,_?A.did you B.didnt you C.do I D.dont I 38.If my father were here he would be very

7、 happy,_?A.werent he B.were he C.wouldnt he D.would he 1.Its very hot today,_?2.He can speak Chinese,_?3.Meimei studies in a middle school,_?4.He never gets up late,_?5.Dont go out at night,_?6.He never loves cold weather,_?7.You finished the task yesterday,_?9.Tom has been to Singapore,_?10.The sto

8、ry is little interesting,_?11.Everything starts to grow in spring,_?12.He can hardly finish his homework,_?13.Im in Class 3,Grade 2,_?14.Lets go shopping,_?15.She doesnt like climbing hills,_?16.I dont think it is cold today,_?17.You think he is a good flight attendant,_?18.Nobody knows where she li

9、ves,_?19.Few students can answer the question,_?20.Mike likes English,_?21.That was a wonderful night,_?22.Your sister helped him,_?23.Tom is skating,_?24.You arent a teacher,_?25.They havent been to the Great Wall,_?26.You will join the soccer team,_?27.He likes neither apples nor pears,_?28.There

10、are some good books for you,_?29.They have been there twice,_?30.Lets do it now,_?31.You dislike this kind of gifts,_?32.Nothing is impossible,_?33.Everything is possible,_?34.He doesnt go to school by bus,_?35.There is little milk left in the bottle,_?36.Let us clean the classroom by ourselves,_?37

11、.He has studied here for about four years,_?38.You have never lost money before,_?39.Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,_?40.Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard,_?41.Shes American,_?42.There will be a volleyball match in our school,_?43.Dont smoke in the reading-ro

12、om,_?44.I dont think he is right,_?45.You must do your homework by yourself,_?46.You mustnt touch the machine,_?47.He must be a worker,_?48.Someone looked for me yesterday,_?49.Im a teacher,_?50.What a nice watch,_?51.I wish to use your ruler,_?52.I have to stay at home,_?53.Youd better wear warm cl

13、othes today,_?54.What he needs is his parents love,_?55.Youd like a cup of tea,_?56.Dont be late again,_?57.Their prices are really low,_?58.Reading is good for you to learn English,_?59.No one knows about it,_?60.I think you should study hard,_?Key:15 CDBDD 610 BACDC 1115 AABAB 1620 CCBBA 2125CDBAA

14、 2630 BBBAD 3135 BBDAA 3638 AAC附加答案:1.isnt it 2.cant he 3.doesnt she 4.does he 5.will you 6.does he 7.didnt you 8.isnt 9.hasnt he 10.is it 11.doesnt it 12.can he 13.arent I 14.shall we 15.does she 16.is it 17.dont you 18does it 19.can they 20.doesnt he 21.wasnt it 22.didnt she 23.isnt he 24.are you

15、25.have they 26.wont you 27.does he 28.arent there 29.havent they 30.shall we 31.dont you 32.is it 33.isnt it 34.does he 35.is there 36.will you 37.hasnt he 38.have you 39.did they 40.could he 41.isnt she 42.wont there 43.will you 44.is he 45.mustnt you 46.must you 47.isnt he 48.didnt they 49.arent I 50.isnt it 51.may I 52.dont I 53.hadnt you 54.isnt it 55.wouldnt you 56.will you 57.arent they 58.isnt it 59.do they 60.shouldnt you

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