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1、Guess?coastal citybeautiful and cleanFujian provinceInternational Garden Citygood at playing the pianoan island of the piano鹭an island of Little Egret?What else do you know about Xiamen?1.What has given you a deeper impression?A the scenery of xiamen B the people of xiamen C.the cultural relics D.th

2、e food E.2.What impression does the city give John Martin?beautifulmodernmost attractive friendlylivelylovelylively?1.He is very f_ to be admitted into Beijing University.2.The performance is very impressive,in other words,it is p_ impressive.3.He is always troubling you with so many questions.Doesn

3、t he b_ you?4.If we think something is boring and uninteresting,we may say it is a n_.fortunateprettybothernuisance5.Wanhe is the biggest shopping centre or shopping m_ in Haicheng.6.The night sky with billions of stars is really g_.7.If you have been working without eating anything for 6 hours,you

4、must be now s_.mallgorgeousstarvingvAfter the teacher says“begin”,the student who gets up earliest will get the chance to answer the questionsvIf the answer is right,your group can get 1 point.Group competitionAre you ready?1236.There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu Island.1.John and Xiao

5、 Li havent seen each other for six years.2.John has never been to China before.3.There are very few tourists on the coast.4.Xiao Li enjoys living on the coast.5.There are a lot of new high-rise buildings in Gulangyu Island.ever seen quite a lot of China.many business districtA Citylocationclimateint

6、eresting placesarchitecturetrafficlocal productseconomypeopleenvironment Xiamen(_ hometown)LocationThe city&peopleClimateEnvironment_ districthigh-buildings,great shopping malls etc.Western districtthere are some _parksTourist attractionsFood southeast coast of Chinaattractive,lively,interestingfrie

7、ndlyhot and wet in summer,cold in winterclean and fresh airGulangyu Island prettyXiaolisBusinesssea foodGive a description of your hometown!Haicheng(_ hometown)LocationThe city&peopleClimateEnvironment_ districthigh-buildings,great shopping malls,markets etc.Western districtthere are some factories,

8、newly developed area.Tourist attractionsFood&fruit northeast of Chinaattractive,lively,developing fastFriendly,straightforwardhot in summer,cold in winterclean and fresh airBaiyun mountains,Sanxue templeourBusinesssea food,Niuzhuang pie,Nanguo pearRole playing gamevRules:vSuppose you are a local per

9、son in Haicheng,and your foreign friend Tom come to Haicheng.You are his/her guide,introducing your hometown.vEach group plays a place of Haicheng.For example,group 1 is Pulin shopping mall,group 2 is Niuzhuang and group 3.When the local person and her/his foreign friend come to your place,your group member introduces the specialty(特色)of your place.vPlease use the key words and sentence patterns when you do the role playing game.Give a description of your hometown according to the text.

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