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1、Ancient Greek Architecture(BC800-AD300)1.Specific dimensional composition特定的平面构成 Most of the architectures are rectangular(on a scale of 1:1.618 or 1:2)in shape,essentially consisted of a hall surrounded by columns.(平面构成为1:1.618或1:2的矩形,中央是厅堂,大殿,周围是柱子,可统称为环柱式建筑)2.Three famous kinds of columns/orders(

2、柱式):3.Decoration of depiment(山花墙装饰)Corinthian Column(科林斯式)Ionic Column(爱奥尼克式)Doric Column(陶立克)陶立克柱式形态简洁,其柱高是直径的6倍,雄健威武,向征男性美;爱奥尼柱式纤巧修长,柱高是直径的89倍,柱头用卷涡装饰,富有曲线美,象征女性美。科林斯柱式形态更复杂、更修长,上部是藤蔓似的卷涡,下面是曼妙的花纹,更具女性美。The Donic style is simple and it reveals the males strength.Lincoln Memorial is in the form of

3、a Greek Doric temple.林肯纪念堂It is always decorated with spiral(螺旋形的)or volute(涡形的)ornaments.Its slim and much more like a gentle and graceful young lady.Temple of Athena Nike 胜利女神神庙女神廊柱(Erechtheion伊瑞克提翁神庙)Pediment(山花墙)Greek temple with a pediment(Sicily)Greek temple with a pediment(Sicily)The pediment

4、(山花墙)is the triangular place under the roof of a Greek temple.Each temple has two,one on the front and one on the back.At first pediments were probably plain,but soon the Greeks began to decorate pediments with stone sculpture.One of the earliest pediments,on the temple of Artemis on the island of C

5、orfu,has a scary Medusa on it.Later Greek sculptors put whole scenes on pediments,usually one exciting part of a well-known myth.Temple of Artemis,Corfu(ca.580 BC)Temple of Aphaea at Aegina(Shows the Trojan War)The Parthenon(帕特农神庙)has the story of the birth of Athena on one side,and the story of Ath

6、ena and Poseidon fighting to be the main god of Athens on the other side.The Parthenon(帕特农神庙)Ancient Roman Architecture(BC300-AD365)Ancient Roman architecture adopted certain aspects of Ancient Greek architecture,but it did created lots of new architectural styles.The five main achievements of Ancie

7、nt Roman architecture1.Ancient Roman Aqueducts(渡槽)2.Pantheon 万神庙3.Public baths 罗马公共浴场4.Colosseum圆形大剧场 5.Square The Romans constructed aqueducts to bring a constant flow of water from distant sources into cities and towns,supplying public baths,toilets,fountains and private households.Waste water was

8、 removed by the sewage systems and released into nearby bodies of water,keeping the towns clean and free from noxious waste.Some aqueducts also served water for mining,processing,manufacturing,and agriculture.2.Pantheon 万神庙万神庙 The dome(穹顶穹顶)structure provided us with larger space.The Romans based mu

9、ch of their architecture on the dome,such as Pantheon,which is the highest representative of Rome architectural technique.Pantheon(万神殿)Dome3.Public baths 罗马公共浴场罗马公共浴场They are recreational and social center for Roman citizens.http:/ It were used for gladiatorial contests,public displays,public meetings and bullfights,the last of which survives in Spain.They are among the most impressive remains of the Roman empire at its height,and many of them are still used for public displays and performances.Its famous for magnificent and unique style.5.Square

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