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1、 Unit2 Section B Whats the matter?Period 59.18教学目标教学目标语言目标语言目标:描述健康问题的词汇,及如何根据别人的健康问题提建议。能力目标能力目标:听:能听懂谈论健康问题的对话材料。听:能听懂谈论健康问题的对话材料。说:能根据别人的健康问题提建议。说:能根据别人的健康问题提建议。读:能读懂介绍如何保持身体健康的文章读:能读懂介绍如何保持身体健康的文章 写:能写出重点单词和重点句型,并能描述怎样对写:能写出重点单词和重点句型,并能描述怎样对待健康问题情感目标通过开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关待健康问题情感目标通过开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关心他人

2、身体健康的品质。心他人身体健康的品质。跨学科学习跨学科学习:通过谈论健康问题,让学生懂得如何通过调节饮通过谈论健康问题,让学生懂得如何通过调节饮 食,保证睡眠时间,劳逸结合,加强体育锻炼来增强体制,食,保证睡眠时间,劳逸结合,加强体育锻炼来增强体制,提高学习效率。提高学习效率。语言结构语言结构:Have for talking about healthy problems 情态动词:情态动词:should/shouldnt语言功能语言功能:Talk about your health and give advice.教学重点教学重点:掌握身体各部位的表达法和健康问题的表达法掌握掌握身体各部位的

3、表达法和健康问题的表达法掌握情态动词情态动词should shouldnt.教学难点教学难点:1.Have/has a headache/stomachache/toothache 2.-ache和和-sore的用法区别学习策略与思维技巧角的用法区别学习策略与思维技巧角色扮演、反复操练、应用语境色扮演、反复操练、应用语境教学准备教学准备:A tape recorder CAIEnjoy a movieflash give get need believe stay 1.I _ its important to sleep eight hours a night.2.A doctor can _

4、 you medicine.3.Dont _ stressed out.Its not healthy.4.I have a toothache.I _ to see a dentist.5.Eat a balanced diet to _ healthy.believe give getneedstay1.-How many f_ does a cat have?-Four.2.-Whats the matter with you?-I have a s_ throat.3.The doctor give me a lot of a_.4.-I m s_ out.-You need a re

5、st.5.-_?()-I have a sore back.A.Whats the matter?B.Whats wrong with you?C.Do you have a sore back?D.either A or B6.Billy had a _ fever,so he didnt go to school today.()A.tall B.big C.high D.height7.-Whats the matter _ you,Lucy?()-Nothing much.A.on B with C.to D.of eetoredviceDCBtressed8.-I have a ba

6、d cold.()-You should _.A.drink some coffee B.do some exercise C.go to see a doctor D.stay up late9.Hes tired.He should _ down.()A.lie B.lay C.lying D.lied10.Whats the matter?-Im not feeling _.()A.well B.good C.healthy D.health11.-Youd better drink some hot tea.()-That _ a good idea.A.sounds B.sounds

7、 like C.sound like D.A and B12.Match the answers with the questions ()A.Im ok.1.Whats the matter?()B.Since yesterday.2.How often do I eat the medicine.?()C.Dont worry.Take some medicine.3.How long have you been like this?()D.I am not feeling very well.4.Are you all right?()E.Three times a day.5.Is t

8、his serious?13.Its important _ good health.()A.have B having C.to have D.HasCAAD43512C1.I hope _.()A.you better soon.B.you to be better soon.C.you are better soon.D.You be better soon.2.I feel tired.-_.()A.Why not go to bed?B.You d better go to bed.C.Why dont you go to bed?D.All above.3.What would y

9、ou like?-_.()A.Hot tea with honey.B.Hot tea in honey.C.Honey of tea.D.Hot honey with tea.4.I got a terrible _.()A.teethache B.toothache C.toothaches5.There are yin and yang _.()A.food B.foods C.feed D.fed6.Tofu and bean sprouts are kind of _ food.()A.yin B.yang C.yin and yang D.yin or yang 7.eating

10、Dangshen and Huangqi herbs _ also good _ this.()A.is;for B.are;for C.are;to D.is;to DDABBAA根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。Have a fever;doctor told me to stay in bed for two daysCant go to school today;tomorrow ;hope Get well;very soon;thank you Dear Miss Ding:Im sorry to tell you that Im net feeling well today.I

11、 have a fever.The doctor told me to stay in bed for twodays.So I cant go to school today and tomorrow.I hope I can get well very soon.Thank you!Yours TonyMake an interviewA:Do you usually help your friends?B:Yes/No.A:What should you do when your friends are ill?B:Look after yourself and keep healthy

12、.板书板书Its important to do sth.stay/keep healthyneed to do sth.be/get stressed outI believe.Homework作业本(2)5导学导练:1-3全班,5优生教学反思教学反思 我在本节的教学设计中主要目的是让学生运用我在本节的教学设计中主要目的是让学生运用已有的语言知识,组织开展任务型学习活动,已有的语言知识,组织开展任务型学习活动,通通过获得、处理和传达信息来积极主动地发表自己的过获得、处理和传达信息来积极主动地发表自己的观点,介绍自己的运动心得。在近乎真实的交际环观点,介绍自己的运动心得。在近乎真实的交际环境中,轻松愉快的完成境中,轻松愉快的完成“学习任务学习任务”的同时体验合的同时体验合作带来的成就感。可谓一举两得。作带来的成就感。可谓一举两得。

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