1、-范文最新推荐- 英文辞职信范文 Dear all friends, I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving XXX(公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day. The past four years have been the most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career. The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will always
2、 treasure and one which I never took lightly. And your support in believing in me and what we could accomplish together will never be forgotten. Thank you all for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me in the past. Thank you all for enriching my life and for letting me be a par
3、t of this wonderful family. Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address or via my mobile phone +86 1350XXXXXXX. Thanks again for everything. Yours truly, Jiawei 篇二:英文辞职信范文 Dear Mr. Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job
4、 here on September 30, 19?, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, Ive accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.” Although Im eage
5、r to accept the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I wont forget the friendship and professional growth Ive experienced as an employee here. Best wishes to all of you for years of e
6、xpansion here. Sincerely, 篇三:英文辞职信范文 Dear After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company)。 Needleto say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not a
7、n easy one. Please make my resignation effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date. I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. My association with HHH has been a valued
8、part of my life. Good luck to you in the years to come. Sincerely, 篇四:英文辞职信范文 Dear I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the XXX plant, effective May 15. As of now, Im not quite sure where Ill be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbie
9、s into a profit-making enterprise. Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position. Under the circumstances, I think youll
10、 understand my decision to resign. I do appreciate the management training Ive been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career I decide to pursue. My best wishes for the companys continued growth. Sincerely. 尊敬的*医院院长: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的辞职信申请 报告。 我是怀着十分复杂的心情写
11、这封辞职信的。自我进入医院之后,由于您对我的关心、指导和信任,使我在检验行业获得了很多机遇和挑战。经过这段时间在医院的工作,我在检验领域学到了很多知识,积累了一定的经验,对此我深表感激。 由于我自身能力的不足,近期的工作让我觉得力不从心。为此,我进行了长时间的思考,觉得医院目前的工作安排和我自己之前做的职业规划并不完全一致,而自己对一个新的领域也缺乏学习的兴趣。 为了不因为我个人能力的原因而影响医院的运作,经过深思熟虑之后我决定辞去目前在医院的检验工作。我知道这个过程会给您带来一定程度上的不便,对此我深表抱歉。 非常感谢您在这段时间里对我的教导和照顾。在医院的这段经历于我而言非常珍贵。将来无论
12、什么时候,我都会为自己曾经是医院的一员而感到荣幸。我确信在医院的这段工作经历将是我整个职业生涯发展中相当重要的一部分。 祝医院领导和所有同事身体健康、工作顺利! 再次对我的离职给医院带来的不便表示抱歉,同时我也希望医院能够体恤我的个人实际,对我的申请予以考虑并批准。最后,祝我们*县*医院一切顺利,万事如意。 篇二:医生辞职信范文 尊敬的*总: 您好! 在经过内心多次痛苦挣扎和深思熟虑之后,我终于鼓起勇气写下了这封辞职信。对于这种勇气,我将其称为“成长的勇气”。 我来公司已经有一年多的时间了,这一年来佳联公司在飞速发展,我也在快速成长,我也深知在我成长的背后是领导的信任与潜心栽培,同事们的支持与
13、帮助。 201*年,对我来说是至关重要的一年,我很庆幸能够在这样的公司,这样的部门,这样的工作环境中迅速成长,适应社会。我的家人经常用这样一句话来教导我“找一个好企业容易,遇到一个好领导不容易”,我很幸运的在漫漫职业生养的伊始便遇到了您这样一位亦师亦友的好领导,我也很感激这一年来您对我犹如兄长般的关怀,支持与信任。在公司的这些日子,对于每一项工作任务,我都用心尽力,按时保量,加班加点的完成。我告诉自己,只有这样才能对得起领导在我身上所花费的心血。 坦白讲,最近几个月所遇到的许多事,让我重新举棋不定。但诚信或者忠诚,并不机械的等于终身服务于一家公司。人和企业都在时刻改变着,对于企业而言,随着公司
14、的发展变迁,过去适合的员工未来可能不再适合他的职位,对于个人来说,一个公司过去可能是他最佳的选择,随着时间的流逝,现在可能已经无法激发他最大限度的发挥他的激情和才干。我觉得现在是我该下定决心的时候了。 虽然做出这样的决定也会感觉到很痛苦,现在的我也只能很遗憾的说辜负了领导对我的深切期望,只能深深的说道一声对不起! 我考虑在辞呈递交之后的一月内离开,这样您将有时间去寻找适合人选,来填补因我离职而造成的空缺,同时我也能够协助您对新人进行培训,使他尽快熟悉工作。另外,如果您觉得我在某个时间内离职比较适合,不防给我个建议。真诚的感谢您这一年来对我的厚爱,对我自身存在的缺点的包容,以及对我在工作中所存不
15、足的指正。您那颗正直的心,满怀激情的人生态度,宽广的胸怀,机敏的处事方式,必将令我受用终身。我也很真诚的感谢和我一起工作的同事们,我曾经和他们度过了一段非常快乐的,令人难忘的时光。这样的深情,我铭记在心,这样的财富,将伴我一生。无论走到哪里,我都会为我曾经是本公司的一员感到自豪,在这工作的日子是我宝贵的财富!最后祝公司的事业蒸蒸日上,业务高速上升。 篇三:医生辞职信范文 敬爱的*医院: 在此,我首先祝我们*医院一切顺利,万事如意;其次我祝各位院领导身材健康,全家幸福,快活,安康! 我感谢两年多来医院给我这个学习进步的机会,也非常感谢院长对我的关心以及各科室同事们对我的工作、生活中的照顾,在此我
16、非常衷心肠感谢大家! 经过沉思熟虑,我现在决定辞职,重要理由有以下几点:首先,我对我所做的工作以及在工作中所做的不足表现歉意,但我盼望领导们在我们手下工作过程中给予更多地懂得,在平时的工作中,不要因为病人有什么一点点地不满去你那里告状,就不会青红皂白地在病人面前把我们痛骂一顿,因为虽然在病人看来你是大公无私的,但你知道吗?病人有很多时候也是无理取闹,而你呢?在没有任何调查的情况下就这样全盘否定地批评我们,大大损害了我们的自尊,也打击了我们的积极性 其次,由于现在物价上涨很快,但工作强度没有降落,风险日益加大,医患关系日益紧张,而工资仍是五百块钱,却没有上涨,而加班费,值班费等却被取消,我们的生
17、活很艰巨,连自己都难以赡养,我失去了积极性,如果我再这样上班,我怕难免会出医疗事故,或者是意外,给医院造成不必要的丧失,所以我申请辞职! 第三点,你以前曾经对我承诺,今年底你给我编制,但成果却让我深感意外,一个收费的来医院工作不够半年,却得到了编制,这让我心里很不爽,其实让医院每个人都很不爽,你这是大公无私吗?我不知道你从中得到什么利益或是被什么权利所要挟,但你总得有个交待啊!你这种说话都不算数的人,在大家面前没有什么威望可言,怎么会给医院带来发展,所以我深感危机,工作没动力,感到这个处所不再合适我发展,所以我决定向您辞职! 就凭以上三点,我想我有足够的理由辞职,特下此决心,望体谅请给予批准!
18、 Please accept my resignation as Associate Chemist at XXX Research, Inc.; my last day will be August 15, 19. While enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the companys overall growth, I feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which I developed a keen interest du
19、ring my graduate studies. Therefore, I have accepted a position more in line with those interests at Meadows Chemical Company. This decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. Please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leader
20、ship here at XXX Inc 篇二:英语辞职信 Dear After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company)。 Needleto say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy
21、one. Please make my resignation effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date. I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. My association with HHH has been a valued part of
22、 my life. Good luck to you in the years to come. Sincerely, 篇三:英语辞职信 Dear I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the XXX plant, effective May 15. As of now, Im not quite sure where Ill be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a
23、profit-ma-ki-ng enterprise. Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position. Under the circumstances, I think youll understand my decision to resign. I do appreciate the management training Ive been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general businecareer I decide to pursue. My best wishes for the companys continued growth. Sincerely, 11 / 12