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1、高中英语国际音标一 英语国际音标概述23二 英语元音前元音 /i:/:舌前端抬高,轻抵下齿,双唇扁平,口腔近于合,声带有滑动。/i/:舌中部轻轻上抬,舌尖抵下齿,舌位比/i:/稍低,稍后;口型扁平,比/i:/稍大,口开约三分之一,发音短促。/e/:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,牙床半合,上下齿间可容一食指,唇形稍扁,发音短促。/:舌尖抵下齿,舍身低平,发音时口要张大,口开约三分之二,上下齿间可容纳食指。4注意易混音标/i:/和/ei/,/e/和/ei/A friend in need is a friend indeed.Will you be so good as to give me a li

2、ft?A flea and a fly were trapped/trpt/in a flue/flu:/,and they tried to flee for their life.The flea said to the fly“lets flea!”and the fly said to the flea“lets fly!”finally both the flea and the fly managed to flee through a flaw/fl:/in the flue.5East or west,home is best.Handsome/hnsm/is as hands

3、ome does.A happy black rabbitA pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant/feznt/and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.6中元音/:口腔打开,舌中部稍抬,唇形稍扁,发音短促。/:/:舌中部稍隆起,口开约二分之一,唇形扁,发长音。/:舌身平放,口腔肌肉放松,唇形自然张开,发短音。7The early bird catches the worm/w:m/.Birds of a feather flock toge

4、ther.A skunk/skk/sat on a stump/stmp/.The skunk thought the stump stunk/stk/,and the stump thought the skunk stunk.8大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点9后元音/:/:口张大,舌身低平,舌后发音,发音时要中气十足,圆润饱满。/:口张大,舌身平放,双唇稍稍收圆,发音短促。/:/:舌根部隆起,双唇收圆略向前突,声带滑动。/u:/:舌根部隆起,双唇收圆收小并向前突

5、出,口腔肌肉保持紧张,发长音。/u/:舌位比/u:/稍低,口型比/u:/稍大,口腔肌肉放松,发音短促。10We have a lot of things to talk about.He laughs best who laughs last.Its all your fault.Dont push and pull,its made of the wool.I would if I could.11合口双元音/ei/u/ai/au/i/:发双元音时,口型由前一单元音向后一单元音滑动,前重后轻,前长后短。12注意易混音标/和/ei/No pain,no gain.I always do it

6、again.Haste makes waste.He saved a cat.13注意易混音标/u/,/au/和/As you sow,you will mow.I know what you know.Dont keep the horse in the house.How about going downtown,now?14注意易混音标/ai/和/e/Strike while the iron/ain/is hot.Time and tide wait for no man.The worm bites beds.The title is about the battle in a ca

7、stle/k:sl/.15Come and enjoy the oystersDont spoil roy by giving him too many toys.I have an appointment right now.You should be loyal/lil/to your nation.16集中双元音/i/e/u/:舌头由前元音或后元音向中元音滑动。17注意不要省略/前面的元音。We are near the end of the year.Where there is a will,there is a way.What do you usually/ju:li/do in

8、 your holiday?Things are clear and you dont need to fear/fi/.18三 英语辅音爆破辅音双唇爆破音/p/b/:双唇紧闭,憋住气流,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔形成爆破音。/p/为清辅音,送气声带不振动;/b/为浊辅音,不送气声带振动。19注意和汉语拼音p,b的区别Pride and prejudiceYou can practise after superBasketball is a popular sport in China.I beg your pardon.He found a job in a pub.20舌尖齿龈爆破音/t/

9、d/:舌尖紧贴上齿龈,憋气,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔,形成爆破音。/t/为清辅音,/d/为浊辅音。21注意和汉语拼音t,d的区别dont shed crocodile/krkdail/tears.Dont waste time chatting.But he is not good.Did david dance all day until dark?22舌根软腭爆破音/k/g/:软腭抬起,堵住鼻腔通道,舌后部同时隆起紧贴软腭,憋气,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔,形成爆破音。/k/为清辅音,/g/为浊辅音。23注意和汉语拼音k,g区别A good beginning makes for a g

10、ood ending.He is not a great guy.Cut your coat according to your cloth.Keep off the green grass.24爆破音的特殊情况:1 清辅音浊化:当爆破音/p/t/k/前面有摩擦音,后面紧跟元音时,要改为不送气音。当爆破音/p/t/k/是音节的尾音或是非重读音节时,微弱送气。例如:speak,school,stupid,stop keep,let,make,bump,peep252 不完全爆破或失去爆破 两个不同的爆破音相连,第一个音不完 全爆破或失去爆破。两个相同或发音部位相同的爆破音相连,发音要领为一次成阻

11、一次除阻,持阻时间延长,为一个爆破音持阻时间的两倍。三个爆破音相连,第二个爆破音完全丢失,剩下的按两个爆破音相连的方法发音。26Act,kept,football,goodbye Big girl,fast train,great dayAct blindly,locked car27摩擦辅音唇齿摩擦音/f/v/:下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间的缝隙间穿过,摩擦成音。/f/发音时送气强,但声带不振动;/v/发音时声带振动,但气流弱。28注意易混音标/w/和/v/He did it very well.The detective/ditektiv/found various/vris/photos

12、in the file.The vote was positive,not negative/netiv/.Virtue/v:tju:/of virgin/v:din/was valued very much.29舌尖齿背摩擦音/:舌尖轻触上齿下边缘,气流从舌齿间的小缝隙穿出,摩擦成音。/为清辅音,/为浊辅音。30注意易混音标/和/s/z/My brother would rather wander/wnd/on the street than go home.Together we went through thick and thin.Thank the other three broth

13、ers of their fathers mothers brothers side.This is his sixth birthday.31舌尖齿龈摩擦音/s/z/:舌前端靠近上齿龈,但不接触,上下齿靠拢,但不咬住,气流由舌端与上齿齿龈穿出,摩擦成音。/s/为清辅音,/z/为浊辅音。32The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.These/i:z/boys made a lot of noise/niz/,their cries could be heard for miles.He washed his clothes a thousa

14、nd times.33舌面齿龈后部摩擦音/:舌前端抬起靠近上齿龈后部但不贴住,舌身两侧紧贴上颚,中间形成一条狭长的通道,气流通过舌端与上齿龈后部时摩擦成音。双唇稍向前突。/是清辅音,/是浊辅音。34注意易混音标/和/s/Shoulder to shoulder She sells seashells on the sea shore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,Im sure she sells seashore shells.Measure/me/for me

15、asure 35声门摩擦音/h/:声门张开,气流不受阻碍自由逸出口腔,声带不振动,只在通过声门时形成轻微摩擦,口型随后面的元音变化。为清辅音。36A cold hand and a warm heart.There is a hole behind the bed.He is holding a hat in his hand.37舌尖齿龈后部摩擦音/r/:舌头卷起靠近上齿龈后部,舌两段收拢轻触上齿龈,双唇稍突出并收圆,气流由舌尖与硬腭间逸出,为浊辅音。38Sorry,Im in a hurry.Real weird/wid/rear/ri/wheels.39破擦辅音舌面前齿龈后音/d/t/:

16、舌尖和舌端抵住上齿龈后部形成阻碍。发/的动作时解除阻碍,气流通过发出破擦音/d/t/。/t/为清辅音,/d/为浊辅音。40注意/d/不要与拼音/j/混淆Great changes have taken place in China.Jenny had chicken and French fries for lunch.Just think about the judge/dd/.41鼻音辅音/m/:双唇紧闭,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔逸出,为浊辅音。/n/:舌尖紧贴上齿龈形成阻碍,软腭下垂,气流由鼻腔逸出,为浊辅音。/:舌根抬起贴住软腭,发音时软腭下垂,打开鼻腔通道,气流由鼻腔逸出,为浊辅音。42

17、My mother remembers when man first landed on the moon.Your singing and dancing are charming.From morning till evening Sam sings the same song again and again.43舌侧辅音/l/:出现在元音前,为清晰音,发音时舌头向硬腭抬起,舌前端紧贴上齿龈,气流从舌的一侧或两侧逸出,发音清晰,声带振动,为浊辅音。出现在辅音前或词末时,为含糊音。发音时,舌尖抵上齿,舌面形成凹槽,舌后部上抬,气流从舌的一侧或两侧逸出,并在凹槽中产生共鸣,发音响亮,为浊辅音。

18、44Live and learn.A little pill may well cure a great ill.Let sleeping dogs lie.Lily ladles/leidl/little Lettys lentil/lentil/soup.45半元音双唇音/w/:舌后部向硬腭抬高,双唇与/u:/相似,收圆,收小并稍向前突出,发音短促,已经发出立刻向后面的元音滑动,为浊辅音。舌面硬腭音/j/:舌前面向硬腭高高抬起,口型与/i:/相似,双唇向两旁伸展成扁平形,声带振动,发音短促,已经发出立即向后面的元音滑动,为浊辅音。46While we were walking,we wer

19、e watching a window washer wash Washingtons windows with warm washing water.He keeps working year after year.No sweet without sweat.47辅音连缀首辅音连缀/tr/:软腭抬起,舌尖抵上齿龈后部形成阻碍,发音时舌尖以发/r/音的动作解除阻碍,使爆破清辅音/t/r/几乎同时发出。/dr/:软腭抬起48I saw a lot of treasure in my dream.There are several hundred people on the train.The

20、driver bumped into a tree.49尾辅音连缀/ts/:舌尖贴住上齿龈,堵住气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泄出口腔。/dz/:舌尖贴住上齿龈,堵住气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泄出口腔。50Its raining cats and dogs.Old frineds and old wine are best.I m going to visit my parents for the holidays.51四 连读1 同一意群中,前词的尾辅音和后词的首元音可以连读。例如:first of all some of us put it on look at it in an hour

21、 not at all ran out 522 同一意群中,前词的尾辅音和后词的首辅音可以连读。例如:hot bath good night one more next day a good deal 533 同一意群中相邻两词,前词的尾音是/:/:/:/i/e/u/并以字母r或re 结尾,后词以元音开头,字母r或re发/r/音并与后面连读。例如:far away here and there take care of 注:不在同一意群不能连读。54五 句重读实词重读;指示代词,不定代词,起强调作用的反身代词,名词性的物主代词重读;虚词弱读Her skirt is black and whit

22、e.My second brother is a pilot.She sings well.Whose car can it be?What would you like to drink?55特殊情况:实义动词重复出现不重读。倒装实义动词不重读。强调动词do后面的实义动词不重读。56例如:Think as I think.We do believe him.After winter comes spring.57根据所表达的意思选择重读例如:I wonder if she will ask me in advance.58六 强弱读1 长元音变短元音(be/me/to/you)2 元音变/3 省略元音(is/have/will/not)4 省略辅音(has/he/must/shall)59常见单词弱读:Be/bi:/-/bi/Is/iz/-/z/s/Am/m/-/m/are/:/-/to/tu:/-/tu/,辅音前弱/t/your/j:/-/j/have/hv/-/hv/,/v/,/v/will/wil/-/l/60We have been waiting for you all night.What is the time?I have seen it.They will go there.Noone allows you to go to the office.61

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