1、根据所给提示用英语交谈 Talkn aboutappnes朋友告诉您长大后要挣许多钱,她认为钱意味着幸福。您听了很吃惊,问她为什么这么想。她说有了钱就可以买新房子与漂亮得衣服,还可以游山玩水。您认为金钱虽然重要但并不意味着一切。爱因斯坦要求很低得工资。为什么?她说不知道。 您告诉她,对爱因斯坦来说。幸福意味着能够取得科学成就。许多有钱人并不感到幸福,因为金钱买不到友谊,也买不到爱情。她感谢您使她懂得了幸福得真谛、A: Iwant o make lot of mone when Igo up 、ou know, mneyeans happiness、B: I urrised oheathat 、
2、h doyou think so ?A: Bause ithmoney wecnbuy new houss and eautiful clothe w ca evndo t of ightseeing、A: Idnt thi youre rightisayngso 、though moneys iprtnt, itdest men erytigB: Impzzled!Why?A: TkeEistei for exapl、He skd for very small salay、B: Wl to him apiess means eing ab tomaescenifc cieveents 、do
3、yo kowwhymany richpeole are not py?A: No、 I dnt nestand、Culdoutll me?B: Thas because e cnt uy friedip r love wth money、A: Ah, I se 、hankyou orlettg now somh abouthappness、B: Yur wel!Talkng aboutgeeraon gap假如您母亲休假回来发现一些情况并产生一些误解,她问您刚才为什么摔门跑出房间,您说因为刚才自己发脾气了;她说能理解并到底发生了什么事情,您说一言难尽她问您就是否她做错了什么,您认为就是得,她问
4、她留下得零钱哪去了,您说因为小狗兽医了,您又不想打扰她度假。所以就用了她留下得钱并加上自己得钱带小狗瞧病了;她问她您为什么家里弄得乱七八糟,您说您一整天都等在那儿,所以没有时间打扫屋子;误解消除了,她与您都很高兴。:hy id y run u of the room ad slam the or lie hat? B: Im orry, bu so agry then!; I can nertad, but ha realy appened?B: Wel, hees long story otell: o you e I de a mistke?B: To b rnk, you did, I
5、ink、A:Ok、 I adit, but a youexplaiwhat u did wit tecas eft?: Th dog wa ick and ddidnt w tcall yu on yor vcation,so Ise the moneyou left andoef m ow t tke him o e vetA: I se、And cn ou sexpain hy theouse waes、: tayed and ated her al ay、 ats yI ddt haveme to clanhehose、A: Now,everyh is clear 、I my lt、B:
6、 Im glad you cn say tt ,hank yu。aking about aeisments提示:假定有人不喜欢瞧电视广告,要换频道。您告诉她广告就是现代生活得一部分,每个人必须面对她们。她说广告总就是劝您买您不需要得东西,有得广告甚至欺骗消费者。您认为她所说得只就是部分正确,比如公益广告就就是对我们很有益。她说商业广告不可信,广告商们总就是暗示自己得产品最好。您说商业广告提供产品得各种信息,只要我们善于比较,广告还就是对我们有益得。A: dislik ad、 hal e chahe channel?: ut s ar pat of moden ife、 Eveone mst a
7、c the、A:As aro god、 Tylwystry to prue you tobuy wha yuactualydt ed、B:Wel, o you men some ad eventelllies t htconsums?: Tas hat I relyma、B: BuI hink what u hav said i only patly tre、 Ift, soeads re very good、A:Very god? oud you so m soxaples?: Ys, sme public servce adsroeducte pele abt sfet, health n
8、dso o、Wa doyu think?: I agre, but mercial adsae qui diffent、 Te dvertiers lwys sugget ter roucts are thebest、 S e cn neverbeevethem、B:Bu mercial ads ca al ie u a tof nformation aboutocts、 hy promot tition ad sle, which benei cnsumers、 If we ae goodat arngthem,ads are ofor u、 Talkng bout UFO提示:您弟弟在电视
9、上瞧到了UO得照片,问您世界上就是否真有UFO。您告诉她UFO得意思就是不明飞行物。虽然世界上许多人都自称瞧见过FO,但还没有人能说清楚它们到底就是什么。她问您有没有听说贾斯汀失踪得消息。您说警察已经询问了贾斯汀得姐姐。她认为贾斯汀就是被外星人抓走得,她瞧见一艘宇宙飞船飞向贾斯汀得房间,她还听见贾斯汀叫喊,然后宇宙飞船不见了。警察还没排除贾斯汀就是被外星人抓走得可能,但她们也在调查其她可能性。A: Look a the photoso the FOs n T! oohink heyae rl?B:I reallydnnow, my dearbrthr、 u know, UFOs mean Un
10、idetifed Fly Ojcts、A:But here mny peoe in hword who said tey had en the Os、B: Tatsrue, bt o one relly kos what thyrealy are、: B he w, have ou eer head e nes tat Just has dappead?B: Yes, the pice haveustond Justins sister, ho sai ht Jusn watken away by ies、A: hydid he thn s?: Becaus se said se saw a
11、spehp flying toard Justins a heard him cy、 Tethe pacesi dispeared、A:Dothe plicebeleehr toy?B: hyvent rledu tepsbiit atustin was tae ay y aes, bu hey aralsolookin into orposiliies、A: I wis Jusin oul eturnhme soon、:Sodo、Takin bout Colour提示:您在服装店购物时遇见一名美国女士,她不理解店里为什么有这么多红色衣服。您告诉她中国人喜欢红色,因为红色代表喜庆,与喜事有关。
12、中国人经常在婚礼上穿红色婚礼服。她告诉您在美国红色在大多数情况下代表危险与暴力。在不同得国家相同得颜色可以代表不同得意思。您在南非瞧到人们穿着红色衣服时,还以为有人在结婚,使您大吃一惊得就是,实际上人们在举行葬礼。A: Hi,coudyou ell e y there e somany r clhsin the shp? I dont lik them、:Wel, hina e lourrd is ofteassocitd with apy thi like joy nd eebraton、A: Do u en eol ie to e inredn hapoccsio?B: Eacyso、 o
13、remple, ome peopleherwear ed weddin dsses、 atabout hiscoou no country?: the opposie、 th es, red mosty represnts bad thgs, ch dngr or vilenc、B: h,relly? Sote sme colur ay quite difre tings i iffert coutres、: oure quite rght、I ave ner exectedit be o ifferent?: So w houldbe ceful in choosin ours、: I dege、ould utell me moe about it?: nce was i Suth Afica、 Whn I s many people waring red clotes, Ithuhttere ms b a wedng、A: What reall apenethen?B: Tomsurpi,th er ldig a furaleremny!