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1、-107-P.T.1042 (“”)(“”)(尸体)(渚俊杰)P.T.1042 (810007 810000)1982 K878.8 A 10052089(2023)03107008 褚俊杰.吐蕃苯教丧葬仪轨研究敦煌古藏文写卷 P.6.1042 解读 J.中国藏学,1989(3):3.()164 2023 (2023)-108-“”(享堂)“”()“”“”“”“”“”“”2080 M1 M1 160 60 3035 58 65 55 恰白 次旦平措整理.德乌宗教源流(藏文)M.拉萨:西藏人民出版社.萨迦 索南坚参著.王统世系明鉴 M.北京:民族出版社,1987 年.参见陈庆英、仁庆扎西汉译本,

2、辽宁人民出版社,1985 年。-109-1111.5 ()“”()“”“”“”()“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”-110-()P.T.1042 “”“”“”“”()“”“”-111-(日本正仓院)(吐鲁番)TAM64 K130 K130U4 K130:25 (粟特)许新国.吐蕃墓的墓上祭祀建筑问题 J.青海文物,1995(9).许新国、赵丰.都兰出土丝织品初探 J.中国历史博物馆馆刊,1991 年第 15、16 期合刊.-112-M1PM2 21.35 0.50.8 (1)M12 22 2.5 1(2)M1PM2 12.74 0.7(3)M1PM2 28.74.3 0.7(4)M1PM2 2

3、0.71 2 3 4-113-4.1 0.81.2(5)M1PM2 25.83.9 0.7(6)M1PM2 1 10.3 35.45.2 2.83.2(7)M6 M10 6 7 许新国、格桑本:东嘎 洛桑赤列先生与都兰血渭六号墓出土的木牍,青海藏族2011 年第 2 期。王尧、陈践.青海吐蕃简牍考释 J.西藏研究,1991(3).5-114-关于都兰县热水乡血渭一号大墓的族属与年代许新国 著 叶西卓玛 译摘要:热水墓群位于青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州都兰县热水乡境内,1982 年考古发现并得名。学术界对于青海都兰热水墓群之热水乡血渭一号大墓的族属与年代的研究一直存在争议。通过热水乡血渭一号墓的科

4、学发掘,确认该墓为热水墓群发现结构最完整、体系最清晰、墓室最复杂的高等级墓葬,是热水墓群墓葬考古研究的重要发现。其中第 2 号陪葬墓中出土的古藏文木简残件、壁画、彩棺等信息表明,该大墓的族属应为吐蕃,关于木简上文字的内容与年代等,有待进一步考证。关键词:都兰热水一号墓;考古研究;族属;吐蕃作者简介:许新国,男,青海省文物考古研究所原所长、研究员、考古专家。译者简介:叶西卓玛,女,青海省互联网新闻中心。On the Issue About Ethnicity And Age Of Xuewei No.1 Tomb in Reshui Town,Dulan CountyWritten by Xu

5、Xinguo Translated by Ye-shes-sgrol-maAbstract:Reshui Tombs are located in Reshui Town,Dulan County,Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Qinghai Province.They were discovered by archeologists in 1982 and got their name.The research on the ethnicity and age of Xuewei No.1 tomb in Reshui T

6、own of Du lan Reshui in Qinghai Province has been controversial.Through the scientific excavation of it,it is confirmed that the tomb is a high-level tomb with the most complete structure,the clearest system and the most complex burial chamber,which is an important discovery in the archaeological re

7、search of Reshui tombs.Among them,the relics of ancient Tibetan wooden slips,murals,colored coffins and other information unearthed in the second burial tomb indicate that the ethnicity of the large tomb should be Tubo,and the content and age of the text on the wooden slips need further research.Keywords:No.1 tomb in Reshui Town of Dulan Reshui;Archaeological Research;Ethnicity;Tubo

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