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1、精品文档Unit 11. 我不会因为失败而绝望地放弃自己的理想(in despair)I will not give up my ideals in despair because of failure.2. 在太多数情况下,不去尝试便不能肯定我们能够做些什么。(make an attempt)In most cases, we are not sure what we can do if we do not make an attempt to do it.3. 她把注意力集中在如何发现自己的优点(focus on)She focused her attention on how to fi

2、nd her own advantages.4. 虽然经历了很多失败,她还是努力建立自信。(build up)Although she has experienced many defeats, she still tried hard to build up her self-confidence.5. 无论别人说什么,我们都将坚持自己的梦想(hold to)No matter what is said by others, we will hold to our dreams.Unit21. 为了追求自己的理想,他十七岁时退学了(drop out)In order to pursue hi

3、s ideal, he dropped out of school when he was seventeen.2. 他自身的理解和创新催生出独特的设计风格(give birth to)His understanding and innovation gave birth to his unique design style.3. 我们必须指出,动漫体现的是电影制作者的技巧(point out)We must point out that animation is the embodiment of the filmmakers skills.4. 贝约追求的不仅是动画,而是经典(seek)W

4、hat peyo seeks is not only the animation, but something classic.5. 这部影片的动画效果令人满意(come off)The animation effects in this film came off satisfactory.Unit31. 我宁愿开车去那里(would rather)I would rather drive car to go there.2. 研究资料表明,目前有私家车的家庭占到30%以上(account for)Studies indicate that the families who have pri

5、vate vehicles account for more than 30 percent.3. 现在飞机可以超音速飞行,它们可以突破音障(break through)Now planes can fly faster than the speed of sound, breaking through the sound barrier.4. 中国新能源汽车技术的发展历史最早可以追溯到上世纪(date back to)The history of new energy automotive technology development in china dates back to the l

6、ast century.5. 有一辆陌生的车子拐入了我们这条街(turn into)There is a strange car turning into our street.Unit41. 她不多讲话,但言之有理(make sense)She doesnt talk much, but what she says makes sense.2. 我代表我们公司欢迎你来这里(on behalf of)On behalf of our company, I would like to welcome.3. 我在这里是办公事而不是度假(as opposed to)I am here on busi

7、ness as opposed to on holiday4. 我们的最终目的是最迟年底完成这项工作(aim for)We aim for the completion of the task by the end of this year.5. 为了完成论文我打算熬夜不睡(stay up)I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.Unit51. 当今越来越多的男性开始帮忙做家务了(help out)Today more and more males helping out to do housework now2. 妻子弄不明白她们的丈夫为何

8、有如此大的压力(figure out)The wives cannot figure out why their husbands are under so great.3. 不管是女性还是男性都承担着同样的社会责任(take on)Women and men have to take on the same social responsibility.4. 很多女性除了工作还要做大量家务(apart from)Many women have to do a lot of housework apart from their job.5. 我外出时你照料这个婴儿好吗(watch over)Wi

9、ll you take care of the baby while Im out?Unit61. 天气转暖,冰层就会分裂(break up)The ice will break up when the warm weather comes.2. 市民可以自由使用图书馆(have access to)Citizens may have free access to the library.3. 他认为他的成功是艰苦工作是结果(attribute to)He attributes his success to working hard.4. 闪电打下来之后,突然爆发了一场森林大火(break o

10、ut)A huge forest fire broke out after the lighting struck.5. 假如我们努力做的话,我们将能够提前完成任务(ahead of)If we work hard, well finish it ahead of time.Unit1 After hearing a story from and never failed. Luck never threw her off. until she started working. Stand any criticism in had no defect, never learns lessons

11、 from it, can never break up the, and helps you, never frustrate when, right track,Unit2When she appeared on stage hundreds of excited teenagers, I cosplay curarpikt, Im moved by, Im attracted by, and personality, character better, a tailor to make, she was delighted.Unit3Today the car is the most h

12、as completely replaced the, as a means of, of a regularly made, about improving their, of the average family, 1975 faster than, reason purchasing a, in 1951 proportionally it, technically superior to, the running of,Unit4Any huge success takes preparation focus of attention, athlete before he, have

13、devoted themselves, success depends on, not enough to, who never achieved, rewards without having, matter what career, as the goal itself.Unit5Peggy whitson first imagined being the first human, on the moon, launched into space, 1960 when still, her as a, she played on, she graduated second, before

14、being selected, endeavor reached the, woman to serve,Unit6There appear to be more disasters happening on, to predict these, try to minimize the, of different ways, be invested in, not affect the, for emergency use, the right things, disaster occurs, to get rid of natural.On a conference , for the mo

15、ment , speaking , wrgently , the delay , get back , your home ,Phone number Misurdering , unloading the truck , check this on the computer , our fault , charge us 20% less , the stock position , this happened动画片的视觉表现方法:剧本的视觉造型包括:1.角色的视觉造型。2.场面的选择。3.环境气氛的渲染。4.动作的表现。5.心理活动的表现。动画剧本的思维特点:1.视觉造型性特点。2.声音造


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