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1、-范文最新推荐- 英语口语演讲稿范文Unforgettable Experi on my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and i would remember them forever. that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way to the classroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushed away. that m

2、ade me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before. but it was strange today. when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange. everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in good order,happy birthday to you! then they began to sin

3、g happy birthday to you that made me moved. i never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have done a lot of things. at that moment, i found nothing to say but thanks instead! after school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way back home. when i was r

4、iding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped my bike.i recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they all comlained to me,why dont you tell us about your birthday? dont you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us. then each of them gave a gift and a card

5、with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggested having a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day! when i got back home, i thought of everything happened today. suddenly i felt so happy because i had such

6、 great friends around me. i thanked them from the bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever! i have so many feelings through that special day. the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship. a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. t

7、ruly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune, to kee

8、p him is a blessing. thank you for your attention! december 3rd. i wanna welcome everybody here in this cheer team. thank you for coming here this morning to stand on my side cheering me on. it’s my dream to have the opportunity to challenge all the foreign athletes to the championship at this

9、 great occasion: 2018 olympic games. now, the dream came true. as an athlete of china, i’m here to win the gold medal of orienteering for our motherland. i’m so proud of being one of the best players in the world. but could you believe i had been a lazy girl when i was in junior high. i&

10、rsquo;m not kidding! at that time, running was my last favorite. i really don’t know how to describe the first time i was on the track. it was horrible. when i started to run, i was simply out of breath. and while i touched the finishing line, i really didn’t know if i was still alive. i

11、t’s so funny, huh? but it’s true, i did. well, something happened and changed the situation. we won the right of holding the olympic games in 2018. after that, sports became a kind of game in campus. and there are many sports clubs in school. one day someone asked me:are you gonna try on

12、e of those?first i felt so wired. try to get into sports clubs? are you kidding? i said. and she goes: why not? it’s not hard at all, and so fascinating! so i did tried one and i was so lucky to become one of those who did orienteering. that is a fantastic sport! you need to run and find where

13、 to go just by using a map and a compass. it’s wasn’t popular in china at first. but when we heard it might become a new event in 2018, we did practiced hard, and aimed to win the first champion of orienteering in the world. when we practiced, there were a lot of troubles. you know, some

14、times you need to go with your feet, but sometimes you need to go with your heart. in some situations, we faced the difficulties and problems. and we need to solve that through teamwork and strong willpower. so we can run faster, go higher and be stronger. that is what we sayolympic spirit. now the

15、dream came true. i’m standing here with all my body and my heart put in sports. so do the people from all over the world to here at the olympic games. it’s the olympic games that make us together. we are here for a big day of sport; we are here for a dream of sports. we are here for a sp

16、irit of sport that encourages us to face the difficulties of today and tomorrow. 五千年了,经历那么多的风风雨雨,经历那么多的起起落落!您依然美丽,您依然高昂头颅,您依然大步前进。今天,请让我聆听您,请让我靠近您,请让我拥抱您! 祖国,我亲爱的母亲!要我怎么来叙述您的美丽呢?您的性格是黄河赋予的奔放;您的相貌是长江描绘的清秀。兴安岭是您迷人的眉黛,长城是你细长的睫毛,北京上海是您乌黑明亮的双眼,珠穆朗玛是您挺拔的鼻子,黄土高原和江南水乡是您那两只具有灵性的耳朵,而四川则是您能说会道的嘴。高山流水是您的傲骨和铁血;你

17、的眼泪是观音大士净水瓶中的仙液,点一滴就是一处美景。点一滴就幻化成九寨沟,点一滴就幻化成西湖,点一滴就幻化成天池!您的美丽又岂是我这苍白的文字所能表达的呢?唯有一句:祖国母亲,祝您美丽永驻! 祖国,我亲爱的母亲。您养育了我二十年,您就像是一位严师,让我知书达理!您教会我愚公移山的执着;您教会我孔融让梨的礼让;您教会我精卫填海的义无反顾;您教会我苏武牧羊的忠肝义胆。您本身也是一位知识渊博的智者,包容天下。您读四书五经,您吟唐诗宋词。宫商角徵羽是您编制的美妙音符,那些美妙的音符您已弹奏了几千年。如此动听,如此悦耳.您又像是一位德才兼备的美人,令无数英雄尽折腰。他们在您的土地上挥洒豪情壮志,他们在您的土地上书写豪言壮语!我深信,您的智慧终将播撒在整个世界上! 祖国,我亲爱的母亲,要我怎么来表达对您的爱意呢?好吧,就让我向您行一个军礼吧! 祖国,您永远在我心中(行礼时说)! 5 / 6

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