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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date电大高级英语阅读1期末复习提要与考试题型5电年夜高级英语阅读(1)期末复习撮要与考试题型一、 一、闭卷考查,120分钟。二、 二、复习规模:高级英语(修订本第一册,张汉熙主编),第1,2,3,5课。三、 三、考试题型: 1. Replace the italicized words with simple, everyday words given below. (2

2、0 blanks, 20%) 2. Paraphrase (10 sentences and/or expressions, 20%) 3. Make sentences with each of the following words and expressions (10 sentences, 20%) 4. Translate the following into Chinese (5 short passages, 10%) 5. Translate the following into English (5 sentences, 10%) 6. Reading Comprehensi

3、on (2 passages, 20%)四、 四、复习要求:熟读课文,把握重点词语,重点段落能译能释,操练部门要求全数自力完成。KEY TO EXERCISESLESSON ONEII. Paraphrase:1. 1. The donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another.2. 2. As you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise gradually disappears.3. 3. They reduc

4、e the number of their choice and start to bargain with the seller, causing the seller to lower his price.4. 4. He will ask a much higher price and refuse to reduce the price by any significant amount.5. 5. As you come nearer, a succession of light, ringing sounds and loud, broken noise begins to hav

5、e an effect on you.III. Translate the following into Chinese1. 1. 我此刻出格说起的这个市场,得从一个哥特式的拱形门洞进入,门洞的砖石由于年湮代远而显古旧。你从巨年夜的露天广场酷热而刺眼的阳光中一下走进了阴凉而暗淡的洞窟。广场一眼望不到头,消逝踪在远处的暗影里。2. 2. 对顾客来说,到最终才让店东猜着他宠爱什么,想买什么,是一件声誉攸关的工作。3. 3. 另一方面,卖主振振有辞几回一再声称他此刻的要价已是无利可图;只是出于他小我对买主的钦慕,才肯这样不惜血本。 VIII. Replace the italicized words

6、 with simple, everyday words: 1. buyers 2. sharp, strong 3. dismal, gloomy, solemn 4. declaring, insisting 5. strike 6. abundance, plenty 7. rich and costly 8. goods 9. mixingX. Translate the following into English:1. 1. A zig-zag path lost itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.2. 2. At the ba

7、zaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.3. 3. I really dont know what it is that has made him so angry.4. 4. The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs.5. 5. Beyond the mountains there is a vast g

8、rassland that extends as far as the eye can see.6. 6. They decided to buy that house with a garage attached.7. 7. The teachers make a point of being strict with the students.8. 8. This little girl is very much attached to her father.9. 9. To achieve the four modernizations, we make a point of learni

9、ng from the advanced science and technology of other countries. 10. As dusk fell, daylight faded away. 11. The apprentice watched his master carefully and then followed suit. 12. Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner.* Make sentences with each of the following words and expressions:

10、 1. take back 2. eye (or ear, meaning mans power of seeing and hearing) 3. penetrate4. fade, fade away5. echo 6. follow suit7. deal (v.)8. preliminary 9. make a point of doing sth. 10. depriveLESSON TWOII. Paraphrase:1. 1. Serious looking men were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed n

11、ot to pay any attention to the crowds around them.2. 2. As soon as the taxi driver saw a traveler, he immediately opened the door.3. 3. The traditional small floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old traditions, and new development.4. 4. I suffered from

12、a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the prospect of meeting the mayor in my socks.5. 5. Those few Americans and Germans present seemed just to feel restrained.6. 6. After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude.7. 7. I was on the point of sho

13、wing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized what he meant. His words shocked me out of my sad daydreamy thinking. 8. 8. I thought for some reason or other I had not been affected.III. Translate the following into Chinese:1. 1. 其次,我感谢情动,喉咙哽噎,愁思连缀,这同日本铁路官员说什么毫不相关。踏上广岛的土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,这件事自己就比我曩昔的

14、任何旅行或采访使命更为感动听心。莫非我不是就在犯罪的现场吗?2. 2. 出乎意料,在车站履历的那种感谢情动又回来了。当我想到我此刻是站在第一颗原枪弹爆炸的处所时,我心头繁重。就在这儿,成千上万的人在原枪弹爆炸的一刹那遭到殛毙。还有成千上万的人忍受疾苦的熬煎,渐渐死去。3. 3. “在这个牡蛎之城,有两派观点,一派主见保留轰炸的遗迹,另一派主见消弭一切痕迹,甚至连在轰炸中心树立的纪念碑也拆失踪。”4. 4. “若是你身上有较着的原子烧伤的痕迹的话,你的孩子就会受到非原枪弹受害者的卑视。”5. 5. “我每多活一天,多受一天罪,也就是距脱离苦海的日子近了一天。每过这样一天,我就做一只新的纸鸟,放到

15、那一堆纸鸟中去。我看着这些小鸟,信用疾病给我带来的好命运。由于疾病锤炼了我的性格。”VI. Replace the italicized words with simple, everyday words: 1. job, task, duty 2. unaware 3. fronts, by front doors 4. striking, fascinating; strange sight; continual, endless, constant 5. sudden sharp feeling; idea, thought, expectation 6. killed, murdere

16、d 7. pain, torture8. fame9. daydream thoughts 10. atomic disaster 11. tear down, pull down 12. meet with, faceIX. Translate the following into English:1. 1. There is not a soul in the hall. The meeting must have been put off.2. 2. The book looks very much like a box. (The book looks much the same as

17、 a box.)3. 3. Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.4. 4. The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.5. 5. He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talk

18、ing about.6. 6. What he did had nothing to do with her.7. 7. She couldnt fall asleep as her daughters illness was very much on her mind.8. 8. I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.9. 9. He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them o

19、n various subjects. 10. It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in. 11. The soil smells of fresh grass. 12. Could you spare me a few minutes? 13. Could you spare me a ticket? 14. That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.* Make sentences with each of the following words and

20、expressions:1. 1. slip 2. a lump in ones throat 3. previous 4. rub shoulders with 5. at the sight of 6. grin 7. in response to 8. ignorance 9. spectacle 10. confess 11. comment (v.)LESSON THREEII. Paraphrase:1. 1. It was not at all possible to catch a large amount of fish.2. 2. His fingers came to t

21、he place where the layer of ice was formed twenty years ago.3. 3. The engines of the plane are kept running because the pilot fears that if he stops the engines, the metal parts would be frozen solid and the engines would not be able to start again.4. 4. Bit by bit trees in the rain forest are felle

22、d and the land is clear and turned into pasture where cattle can be raised quickly and slaughtered and the beef can be used in hamburgers.5. 5. Thousands of birds which we have not even had a chance to see will become extinct. 7. We are using and destroying resources in such volume that we are distu

23、rbing the balance between daylight and darkness.8. Or have we been so accustomed to the bright electric lights that we fail to understand the threatening implication of these clouds, that it is a glaring sign of the violent clash between human activity and nature. 9. To put the questions differently

24、 11. Up till now, we seem to be unaware of the fact that the earths natural systems are very delicate and can easily be disrupted. 12. This continuing revolution has suddenly developed at a speed that doubled and tripled the original speed.III. Translate the following into Chinese:1. 1. 迄今为止,地球年夜气层最

25、主要的转变始于上世纪初的工业革命,并自那往后渐渐加速转变速度。工业意味着先是煤,后是石油的耗损,我们燃烧年夜量的煤和油导致年夜气层二氧化碳含量的增加。这种增加使更多的热量保留在年夜气层内,从而渐渐使地球变暖。离南极不到一百码远,在雪上飞机下降的冰铺跑道优势处,科学家一日数次测量年夜气,以在表上标出这无情的转变。飞机下降伍,策念头仍在动弹,以防金属部件冻住,无法策动。在我访谒时代,我不美旁观了一位科学家划出那天的测量功效,把表上一条直线上升的线再往上推动。他告知我在这地球绝顶很轻易看清全球年夜气层的巨年夜转变的速度仍在加速。2. 当前人类文明对全球情形威逼的计谋本色以及全球情形转变对人类文明威逼

26、的计谋本色向我们提出了一系列不异的挑战和不正确的期望。有的人认为,有了一种新的最终手艺,不管是核能仍是基因工程,就可以解决这个问题。此外人认为只有年夜年夜削减我们对手艺的依靠才能改善糊口的前提这种观点充其量是一种简洁化的观点。真正的解决法子要从从头设计以及最终弥合文明与地球之间的关系中去查找。这只有经由过程从头细心估量一切导致这种关系相对近期发生的猛烈转变的身分才能达到。转变我们与地球之间的关系的体例当然包含新手艺,但关头的转变将包含对这种关系自己的新的思绪,新的生疏。IX. Replace the italicized words with simple, everyday words or

27、 expressions: 1. basic, examples2. unalterable3. meeting 4. strike against each other5. set up6. see, attack 7. at the same time8. balance9. existence, increasing 10. task 11. out-of-dateLESSON FIVEII. Paraphrase:1. 1. Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and the U.S

28、. the support of those who were enemies of Communism.2. 2. Winant said the United States would do the same.3. 3. In this way, my life is made much easier.4. 4. I will not take back a single word of what I have said about it.5. 5. The Nazi air force have suffered severe losses in the aerial Battle of

29、 England. Now they feel happy because they think they can easily beat the Russian air force without heavy loss.6. 6. We shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources.7. 7. Let us strengthen our unity and our efforts in the fight against Nazi Germany when we have not

30、yet been overwhelmed and when we are still powerful.III. Translate the following into Chinese:1. 1. 我只有一个方针:摧毁希特勒。这样一来,我对各类事物的立场就轻易选择得多。若是希特勒入侵地狱,我至少要不才院替魔鬼说几句好话。2. 2. 若是希特勒认为他对苏俄的进攻会使平易近主阵营列国不那么认真全都要覆灭希特勒,或放松这方面的全力,那他就年夜错而特错,并将为此支出价钱。3. 3. 他所以要摧毁俄国是由于他但愿若是到手,他就可以从东线把其陆、空军主力抽回来,投入对英伦三岛的进攻。他清楚地知道若是他不

31、能制服英国,他就将因其罪过而受到赏罚。4. 4. 他但愿他能在比曩昔更年夜的规模上,再次一再他一向驾轻就熟地使用的策略:将仇敌各个击破。一旦这一策略获得成功,他就可以上演最终的一幕,将西半球置于其意志和轨制的统治之下。不制服西半球,他的全数侵略功效就保不住。X. Replace the italicized words with simple, everyday words: 1. preparing, writing down2. very fast and violently3. obtaining, getting 4. returned5. spend . on it6. fronti

32、ers 7. ancient time8. evil9. agree 10. hold talks with our enemy 11. religious belief, faith 12. sadly, deplorably 13. great and sudden disasterXI. Translate the following into English:1. 1. This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area.2. 2. He was counting on their support.3. 3. I do

33、nt remember his exact words, but I am sure he did say something to that effect.4. 4. Churchill said, “Tell Stalin that Britain has but one desire to crush Hitler.”5. 5. All but 9% of the population remains illiterate.6. 6. This leaves them no choice but to rely on his efforts.7. 7. The guests were o

34、verwhelmed by the warm reception.8. 8. They overwhelmed the enemy by a surprise attack.9. 9. Their difficulty is our difficulty just as we view their victory as our own victory. 10. It is clear that German fascists were trying to put the people in that region under their domination* Make sentences with each of the following words and expressions: 1. count on 2. make a favorable reference to 3. be devoid of4. on the contrary5. in vain 6. accomplish7. negotiate8. on the threshold of精品电年夜复习资料7

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