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1、Powerpoint TemplatesPage 1Powerpoint TemplatesGood FriendPowerpoint TemplatesPage 2 With you,every day is a happy day.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 3A good friend is someone who cry with you,laugh with you,and accompany you through the wind and rain.Just like this.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 4What does a go

2、od friend mean to me?Powerpoint TemplatesPage 5a cup of tea a sunshine in the winterPowerpoint TemplatesPage 6A good friend is like a mirror to me and they can help me find some defects.A good friend is like a teacher teach me to share,care for others and to be brave.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 7What p

3、ersonality characteristics make a good friend?Powerpoint TemplatesPage 8A good friend need many personality characteristics.But I think the first and the most important is that a friend should respect others,care for others,and be compassionate.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 9In addition,he or she should

4、be honest and sincere to friends.I remember a quote by Robert Louis Stevenson:We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world,and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 10What does our group look for in a person when searching for a friend?Powerpoint T

5、emplatesPage 11Frist,our group look for in a person of dependability when searching for a friend.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 12Theres never any doubt as to whether theyll be there for you when you need them to be;you can depend on them as well as they depend on you,in a perfect balance of giving and sh

6、aring.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 13 The ability to listen is also important and a good friend will focus entirely on you and actually hear what it is youre saying.A friend asks,Tell me one word which is significant in any kinds of relationship.Another friend says,LISTEN!Powerpoint TemplatesPage 14Conclusion:Darling,if you can,this way I will always be with you.亲爱的,如果可以,我会陪你一直走下去亲爱的,如果可以,我会陪你一直走下去

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