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1、M3U2 单元测试 一、单项选择(30)分1. The bell _ the end of the period rang and we had to stop our discussion. A. indicated B. indicating C. to indicate D. had indicated2. The fact that she was foreign made _ difficult for her to get a job in that country.A. so B. much C. that D. it3. The UK _ the United Kingdom

2、of Great Britain and Northern Ireland。 A. represents for B. stands for C. instead of D. stand for4. Rain kept falling the whole night, _ snow. A. mixing B. mixed with C. to mix with D. mixed5. -What do you think of store shopping in the future? -Personally, I think it will exist along with home shop

3、ping, but _。 A. will never replace B. would never replace C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced 6. It is said that he is _ a translation of a French novel. A. occupying in B. occupying withC. occupied inD. occupied with7. Chances are high_ China and Russia will make an agreement to bu

4、ild an oil pipeline.A. when B. where C. that D. which8. It is surprising that _Russian can not speak_Russian language.A. / ; a B. a; the C. the; / D. a; a9. Will you be able to see Jennifers parents when the first class is over? Im afraid not. I _ a lecture on British literature in the hall. A. will

5、 attend B. am attending C. will be attending D. am going to attend10. -Are you going to attend the conference tomorrow? -Im afraid not,_ invited to.A. even if B. as if C. in case D. now that 11. Although _ to say this, I must still cancel my dinner appointment with you this evening.A. to embarrassB.

6、 to be embarrassedC. embarrassingD. embarrassed12. Im sorry. I _ at you the other day. Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.A. ought not to shout B. ought not to have shouted C. mustnt shoutD. mustnt have shouted13. Eating too much fat can _ heart trouble and cause high blood pressure.A. res

7、ult from B. attend to C. contribute to D. devote to14. Her_ feelings about him made him _.A. confused; confusing B. confusing; confusedC. confused; confused D. confusing; confusing15. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, _, in fact, there were 40.A. while B. whether C. what D. which

8、16. -Hi, Sandy. Id like to invite you to dinner on Friday evening. Can you come? -Well, _ A friend of mine might come to see me. A. its my pleasure. B. really? C. it depends. D. of course not 17. He is in _ control of the company, I mean, the company is under _ control of him.A. the; / B. / ; the C.

9、 the; the D. /; /18. It was at the very beginning _ Mr. Fox made the decision _ we should send more firefighters there. A. when; which B. where; that C. that; that D. then; so19. The red lines on the map _ railways.A. represent B.express C. show D. expose20. - I wonder why he doesnt have to help wit

10、h the housework?-With so many social affairs _ all his time, how can he care for the home?A. takes up B. taking up C. makes up D. making up 21. You can only be sure of_ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something _ you might get in the future. A. that; what B. what; / C. which; that D. /; t

11、hat22. The room was too cold for us to live in, so we made a fire to get the temperature_. A. rise B. risen C. raising D. raised 23. Some of the scientists held the point_ the book said was right.A. what what B. what what C. that that D. that what24. To improve the quality of our products, we asked

12、for suggestions _ had used the products. A. whoever B. who C. whichever D. which25. It was _ I wanted to buy a dictionary _ I went to town yesterday.A. since; why B. as; that C. because; that D. for; which 26. -Would you please tell us something about the Group of Eight? -Well, it is an internationa

13、l organization _ the richest countries in the world. A. consists of B. consisting of C. is made up of D. making up27. The boy _ some Japanese by playing with the native children while his family were in Japan. A. made up B. brought up C. turned up D. picked up28. I was surprised by her words, which

14、made me recognize _ silly mistakes I had made. A. what B. that C. how D. which29. Those who suffer from terrible poverty are surely ready to accept _ help they can get.A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whenever30. _ computers play such an important part in our daily life?A Why it is that B Why

15、is it that C Why was it that D Why is it 二、单词拼写(20)分1. Jack has given up the idea of getting his drivers license, because he is color-blind, unable to make a d_ between red and green.2. Students are free to have a_ to the school library during summer holidays.3. From the statistics, we can draw the

16、c_ that smoking may cause many diseases.4. The city was o_ named after a hero.5. She felt a strange m_ of excitement and fear at the news.6. Will tomorrow evening be c_ for you to attend a meeting ?7. Traditional _ (习俗) vary greatly from country to country. 8. The mother felt _(尴尬) about the daughte

17、rs innocent words.9. They provide financial and _(实用的) help for disabled students.10. Im sure you can make great c_ to our country in the future.11. Its impolite to _(打断) when a person is speaking,which should be avoided.12. No two people have been found to have the same fingerprints - they are tota

18、lly u_.13.N_, more and more internet languages are being used in our daily life. 14.No one is perfect; everyone has his own s_.15. The man was very nervous when the police came over, but did his best to keep up a calm _(外表)16.Throughout the world there is a growing _(关心) over the environmental effec

19、ts of social and economic development efforts.17.Kelly is a very _(温柔) and well-behaved, which makes her very popular among students.18.We should attach great importance to enlarging our _(词汇量).19. Pay attention to the p_ of study, not the result only. 20. If you thought she intended to be rude, you

20、 were _(弄错的) 三、动词填空(20)分1. Its necessary that we _(set) a new standard for English.2. The news shocked the public, _(lead) to great concern about students safety at school.3. I hope you will keep us _(inform) of how you are getting on with the work.4.It was a little house and you cant imagine the tr

21、ouble we had _(find) it.5. With the walls _ (paint) white, the room seems larger. 6.They are said _(design) a new computer center in the past two months. 7. Books with the metal wire were very heavy, each _(weigh) as much as 100 pounds.8.They saw a board which reads “Smoking _(ban)”9. Carl Linnaeus

22、made great contributions to _(group) plant species.10. Everything _(take) into consideration, this kind of cars is very suitable for you.11. Almost everyone considered it no use _ (argue) with that guy.12. Prices of daily goods_(buy) through a computer can be lower than store prices.13.He went back

23、home late after a days work , _(drag)his heavy legs . 14. Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview. _(have) the answer ready will be of great help.15._(not embarrass) him, youd better ask him the reason in a suitable way. 16. His laziness led to his _.(defeat)17. He began using the French wa

24、y of making plurals, _(add) an s to a noun.18. Too many rare animals _ (hunt ) for their meat and fur so far. 19. He created a system with patterns of six _(raise) dots _(represent) each letter. 四、完成句子(10)分1. 你明天到机场接我方便吗?Will _ be _ for you to meet me at the airport tomorrow morning ? 2.虽然学生们都觉得士兵的想

25、法非常有趣,但这一方法太过复杂,并不实用。While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to _ _ _ _.3. 结合锻炼与健康的饮食,你会保持好身材。_ exercise _ a health diet and youll keep a slim figure.4. 到十四世纪后半叶,英语已被英国各个阶层广泛使用。 By the latter half of the 14th century, English had_ _ _ _ among all classes

26、in England.5. 人类与动物不同之处在于人类会制造工具和使用语言。Human beings _ _animals _ _ they can make tools and use languages .6. 环境起了非常重要的作用在学习外语方面。The environment _ _ _ _ in learning foreign languages .五、句型转换(10)分1. The new English book made up of grammar and vocabulary exercises is very practical.The new English book

27、_ _grammar and vocabulary exercises is very practical.2. Besides being fun and good exercise, swimming is also a very useful skill.Swimming is a very useful skill, _ _ being fun and good exercise.3. They were busy preparing for the coming exam at that time. They _ himself _ preparing for the coming

28、exam at that time.4. Carelessness contributes to lots of accidents.Carelessness _ _ lots of accidents. Lots of accidents _ _ carelessness.5. His good knowledge of computer enabled him to find a better job.His good knowledge of computer made _ _ _ him to get a better job.6. No matter what difficulty

29、you meet with, you shouldnt give up. _ _ you meet with, you shouldnt give up.7. He realized it was not so important after he got what he had desired _ _ after he got what he had desired _ he realized it was not so important.8. English was still affected by French as a matter of fact. In fact, French

30、 still had an _ _ the English language. 六、任务型阅读(10)分When difficult people express themselves orally, they generally want at least two things: they have been heard and theyve been understood. As a good communicator should be a good listener. Five steps are advocated toward good listening. The first s

31、tep is cooperating. How does a difficult person know that youre listening and understanding? In fact, its through the way you look and sound while he is talking. You may help him to fully express his thoughts and feelings. You do this by nodding your head in agreement, making certain sounds of under

32、standing. When the person begins to repeat whats been said, its signal of step two: turning back. It means that you repeat back some words he is using, sending a clear signal that youre listening carefully and that you think what he is saying is important. Having heard what he has to say, the next s

33、tep is clarifying. At this point, you start to gather information about what is being communicated. Ask some open-ended questions, which will allow you to figure out what he is intended to do.The fourth step is to summarize what youve heard. This allows you to make sure that both you and the difficu

34、lt person are on the same page. When you do this, two things happen. First, if youve missed something, he can fill in the details. Second, youve shown what youre making an effort to understand completely. This increase the possibility of gaining cooperation from him. Having listened carefully, youve

35、 now arrived at the point of confirming with the person that he feels satisfied that his thoughts have been fully voiced. Ask if he feels understood. When enough sincere listening questioning, and remembering are brought together, understanding is usually achieved and a difficult person becomes less

36、 difficult and more cooperative. Topic Understand others by (1)_Reason Difficult people hope that they have been heard and (2)_when they express themselves(3)_on listening (4)_in agreement and make some sounds of understanding while a difficult person is speakingRepeat some (5)_that you have heardCo

37、llect information about the persons expressions and find his (6)_Give a (7)_of what the person has said Confirm that the person gains(8)_from speaking his thoughts. (9)_A difficult person will be easier to (10)_with if understanding is achievedM3U2 单元测试 参考答案一 单选:(30)分:1-5 BDBBC 6-10 DCBCA 11-15 DBCB

38、A 16-20 CBCAB 21-25 BDDAC 26-30 BDACB 二 单词拼写 (20)分1. distinction 2. access 3. conclusion 4. officially 5. mixture 6. convenient 7. customs 8. embarrassed 9. practical 10. contributions 11.interrupt 12.unique 13. Nowadays 14. shortcomings 15.appearance 16. concern 17. gentle 18. vocabulary 19. proces

39、s 20. mistaken 三动词填空: (20)分1. Set 2. leading 3. informed 4. finding 5. painted 6. to have designed 7. weighing 8. is banned 9. grouping 10. taken 11. arguing 12. bought 13. dragging 14. Having 15. Not to embarrass 16. being defeated 17. adding 18. have been hunted 19. raised, representing 四完成句子:(10)

40、分1. it convenient 2. be of practical use 3. Combine with 4. come into widespread use 5. differ from ; in that 6. plays an important role/part 五句型转换:(10)分1. consisting of 2. aside/apart from 3. occupied in 4. results in/leads to ;result from 5. it possible for 6. Whatever difficulty 7. It was ;that 8

41、. effect on 六、任务型阅读(10)分1. listening 2. understood 3. Tips/Advice/Suggestions 4. Nod 5. words 6. intention 7. summary 8. satisfaction 9. Conclusion 10. cooperateM3U2 单元测试 参考答案一 单选:(30)分:1-5 BDBBC 6-10 DCBCA 11-15 DBCBA 16-20 CBCAB 21-25 BDDAC 26-30 BDACB 二 单词拼写 (20)分1. distinction 2. access 3. concl

42、usion 4. officially 5. mixture 6. convenient 7. customs 8. embarrassed 9. practical 10. contributions 11.interrupt 12.unique 13. Nowadays 14. shortcomings 15.appearance 16. concern 17. gentle 18. vocabulary 19. process 20. mistaken 三动词填空: (20)分1. Set 2. leading 3. informed 4. finding 5. painted 6. to have designed 7. weighing 8. is banned 9. grouping 10. taken 11. arguing 12. bought 13. dragging 14. Having 15. Not to embarrass 16.

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