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1、The relationship between a teacher and a student can be either good or bad, helpful or harmful. Either way, the relationship can affect the student for the rest of his life. A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and well mutually understandable. Whereas, a had relationship

2、 can discourage the student from learning and make teaching an unpleasant task. In order to have a good teacher-student relationship, it is important that the teacher and the student respect each other. The teacher does not have to force the student to learn. In fact, many students will often work h

3、ard simply because they respect their teachers and want to please them. The teacher should motivate and encourage the student without forcing him. He needs patience and understanding. Learning can be fun when the student has the right attitude about it. As for the student, he must always show the te

4、acher proper respect. He should be eager to learn and willing to work hard. It is also important to listen carefully and pay attention. Otherwise he would not be able to profit fully from his teachers knowledge and assistance. In conclusion, a good teacher-student relationship can be mutually benefi

5、cial. The student gains knowledge eagerly and enjoyably, and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worth-while for a teacher.To set up a good teacher-student relationship, a teachers

6、behaviour is important. The teacher should motivate the students so that they want to learn. A good teacher should be patient, friendly and strict. Remember not to encourage the students by pushing or forcing them. Being too friendly may cause students to become lazy and stop working hard. On the ot

7、her hand, being too strict may frighten the students. So a teacher should avoid going extremes in treating his students. And teachers should encourage the students to think independently and learn to study by themselves.As for the students, they must always respect their teachers. Students should be

8、 eager to learn and willing to work hard. Its important to listen with attention in class and its more important to learn to raise questions and work out problems in new ways.In conclusion, a good teacher-student relation-ship can be mutually beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoy

9、ably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.5,Full imagination of 0Possible version:0 is like the sun which is rising in the east. The sun shines brightly, which makes our motherland warm and beautiful.0 is like the globe which our geography teacher often uses in class. He tells us we can t

10、ravel all over the world and enjoy the beauty.0 is like the football. Our football team packed into the World Cup and our 44-year hope came true. This year, we have already gained many achievements in sports, especially Li Xiaopeng, who has made a great breakthrough in the Olympic event.0 is like the moon of mid-autumn night. On the night, every family reunite and spend the night together. We expect that Taiwan returns to our motherland and we believe that the reunion of our country will come true, which is the greatest hope of all the Chinese people.

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