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1、9. of构成的惯用短语of ones own accord自愿of ones own choice出于自己的选择of oneself靠自己ease sb. of减轻某人的relieve sb. of接触,减轻deprive of剥夺cure sb. of治愈heal sb. of治疗break sb. of戒除absolve sb. of赦免,免除rid sb./ sth. of免除clear of清除break of分离stripof剥夺cheat sb. of骗夺10. on构成的惯用短语on the ground of基于的理由on account of由于on the wane正在衰

2、落,正在亏缺on edge紧张on ones mind在沉思on duty值班on guard警戒on leave休假on strike罢工on the market出售on holiday度假on hire出租的on view展出on display展示on a picnic野餐on the way在途中on the wing飞行,传播on the increase增加on fire失火on the alert警惕on the brink of处于的边缘on the point即将的时候on trial受审on the rise上涨on the watch警戒,注意on the carpet

3、在讨论中on the verge of处于的边缘on margin of接近的边缘on condition that在条件下on this understanding在此条件下on the decline在下降 on such terms 根据这样的条件have effect on对有影响on purpose故意on second thoughts三思之后on the contrary相反的on the average平均on behalf of代表on the one hand一方面on the other hand另一方面have sth. on good authority从可靠的方面获

4、悉某事11. out of构成的惯用短语out of fear出于恐惧out of charity出于仁慈out of revenge出于报复out of patience不耐烦out of danger脱险out of hearing听不见out of sight看不见out of fashion不流行out of politeness不合礼节out of hand失去控制out of step不一致out of print绝版out of stock缺货out of practice缺乏练习out of necessity出于必要out of pity出于同情out of date过时ou

5、t of control失去控制out of work失业out of breath上气不接下气out of trouble摆脱麻烦out of season过时out of place不恰当out of proportion to和不成比例out of the ordinary不平凡out of temper发怒out of shape健康不佳12. to构成的惯用短语to a certain extent在一定程度上according to根据to a degree非常due to由于to the good有好处to ones benefit对有益compare to对比to some e

6、xtent在某种程度上to ones taste合某人的胃口to ones face当某人的面as to关于,至于with reference to关于to ones credit值得赞扬to and fro来回地to ones advantage有利于be burnt to death烧死be moved to tears感动得流泪be frozen to death冻死to ones regret使人后悔to ones joy使人快乐to ones shame使人丢脸 to ones disappointment使人失望to ones relief使人安心 to ones satisfac

7、tion 使人满意be accustomed to习惯于in addition to除之外to the contrary相反attached to附属13. under构成的惯用短语under discussion在讨论中under order奉命under consideration在考虑中 under a cloud受嫌疑,处于窘境under cultivation在耕作中under difficulties在困难中under sail在航行under circumstances在的情况下under fire被攻击under control在控制之下under repairs在修理中und

8、er sbs supervision在某人监督下under way在行动中under sbs direction在某人指挥中under construction在建设中under the control of在控制之下under investigation在调查中 under the command of 在统率下under examination在检查中under trial在试验中under the care of在照顾下under the plow在耕作中under the auspices of由主办under the hammer被拍卖under the influence of在影

9、响下under the weather患病,情绪消沉under age未成年under the mask of借之名under the plea of以为借口under the name of以的名义under the necessity of迫于需要under the pretence of以为借口under a false name用化名under ones thumb 受某人控制get under控制under the rule of受统治keep under抑制under the treatment of由治疗serve under在手下任职under the guidance of在

10、领导下under ones charge由某人照顾under the guise装扮成,在的幌子下14. with构成的惯用短语tremble with fear恐惧得发抖shake with laughter 笑得全身发抖in connection with与相连in touch with与接触in contact with与有联系in line with与一致comparable with比得上(可与匹敌)in harmony with与协调in accordance with与一致be endowed with赋有with reserve有保留with open arms热情地with one accord一致地with a will坚定地with a view to为了with the exception of 除之外with a firm hand坚决地

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