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1、-范文最新推荐- 岳麓书院导游词 朋友们,大家好!我们今天游览的是“道林三百众,书院一千徒”的潇湘洙泗岳麓书院。    被列为全国重点文物保护单位的岳麓书院是我国四大书院之首。现占地1.2万平方米,掩映在岳麓山东坡幽深的山水之中,是一座坐西朝东,由门堂、亭、台、楼、轩、斋、祠组成的古建筑群,中轴线上依次为前门、赫曦台、大门、二门讲堂和御书楼,北侧是半学斋、文庙、湘水校经堂、船山祠等纪念性建筑、南侧有教学斋、百泉轩、麓山寺等到景点。    各位朋友,现在让我们按照书院的建筑布局慢慢地走进那一种隽永的文化氛围。书院这个名字是唐朝才开始有的



4、墙壁上近丈高的“寿”字,此字用二笔写成,形如龙蛇盘绕,柔中带刚,非一般人所及,所以被人们传为仙迹。关于此字的形成,还有一段有趣的故事。相传清嘉庆十二年(公元1807年),岳麓书院院长罗典在书院举行重赴鹿鸣宴宴会(鹿鸣宴指古代的地方官宴请科举考试中的考官和中试的学生的宴会,因为宴会上通常都演奏诗经 鹿鸣从而得名。重赴鹿鸣宴是指鹿鸣宴六十年后而举行的宴会),这天,达官贵人、科场举子云集岳麓书院,大家谈古论今,吟诗作赋,热闹非凡,正当兴头,一位身穿青布青袍,脚着草鞋的老道人来到院内,自称前来赴宴,那些士人见来者只不过是一个无名老道,便不是很善意地叫他先写几个字,道人当然明白其中之意,随手拿起墙边的扫

5、帚,伸入黄泥水中,将扫把一举,唰!唰!两笔写下丈多高的“寿”字,然后把扫帚一丢扬长而去。院长罗典在惊叹之余曾托人*寻老道人,但不知下落,后来罗典在右边的墙壁上补书了一个“福”与“寿”对称。大家现在看到的“福”字用一笔写成,笔力强劲,形如猛虎下山。“福、寿”二字如龙腾虎跃,暗含岳麓书院是藏龙卧虎之地。但岳麓书院到底藏了什么龙,卧了哪只虎,我们稍后再讲。    沿着砌石的中轴线往前走,现在我们站在书院的大门前,大家所看到的大门是明朝正德四年(公元1509年)建造的,清同治七年(公元1868年)进行过翻新,是五间单檐硬山和三山屏墙结构。大门两旁有一块汉白玉鼓形上马石,它

6、的正面是三狮戏珠图,背面是芙蓉锦鸡图、荷花鹭鸶图,此物相传是岳麓书院的著名学生曾任两江总督的陶澍严惩贪官曹百万从曹府搬来献给母校的。大门上方的“岳麓书院” 匾额我们前面已经讲过,现在请看大门两旁的千古名联:“惟楚有材,于斯为盛”这幅由院长袁岘冈与贡生张中阶撰写的对联高度褒扬了岳麓书院千百年来作为湖湘文化的摇篮,孕育出多少具的经天纬地之才的英雄豪杰:被誉为“一时之英才”的抗金名将吴猎,主张“官兵一体”大败十万金兵的功臣赵方,“忠鲠可嘉,宜得奖谥”的彭龟年,明末清初著名的思想家王夫之,提出“师夷长技以制夷”的文学家、史学家魏源,被清朝统治阶级称为“中兴将相”的桐城湘乡派盟主曾国藩,收复新疆的爱国名

7、将左宗棠,首任驻英法公使并保持了民族气节的郭嵩焘,“欲栽大木柱长天,慧眼识“毛蔡”的杨昌济,后来的岳麓高足陈天华、蔡和森、邓和森、邓中夏等。楚材斯盛,正和赫曦台墙壁上的福寿两字暗含的藏龙卧虎之意切合。大门之后是二门,二门至讲堂两方均为斋舍。右侧是教学斋。左侧是半学斋,教学斋和半学斋反映岳麓书院教学中“教学相长,惟教学半学”的辨证思想。一代伟人毛泽东也曾多次寓居半学斋从事革命活动。    各位朋友,请继续往前走,现在我们游览的是书院的核心部分讲堂。讲堂位于书院的中心的场所,是书院教学和举行重大活动的场所,现存建筑是清康熙二十六年(公元1687年)由湖南工业专门学校校

8、长宾步程撰写的。“实事求是”出自汉书 河间献王刘德传意即从实际出发,求得正确的结论,“实事求是”给青年毛泽东思想的形成产生过重大的影响,在后来的革命实践中,毛泽东同志逐渐丰富发展了实事求是的内涵,成为毛泽东思想的精髓,这是岳麓书院文化对近代中国革命的最大贡献。大家再看讲堂大厅中央悬挂的两块流鎏金木匾,第一块是“学达性天”匾,此匾是康熙二十六年(公元1687年)御赐,意思是通过学习理学可以达到恢复天性、天人合一的地步,此匾说明了岳麓书院是以理学作为办学传统,到这里来求学,可以达到学问的最高境界。第二块是“道南正脉”匾,这块匾是清乾隆八年(公元1743年)御赐,意思是岳麓书院所传播的朱张湖湘学是理


10、国家领导人及海内外知名人士的照片和题词,国务院总理李鹏“楚材斯盛”的题词便高度评价了岳麓书院的地位。    好,现在大家请跟我走。穿过讲堂后,一个独特的自成一体的院落呈现在大家眼前。初次游览的朋友们,可能认为到讲堂就到了尽头,没想到真是“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村,”一座三层楼阁建筑,居于中轴线的尾端,坐西面东雄视整个书院,这就是古代的图书馆御书楼。御书楼始建于宋咸平二年(公元999年),开始叫书楼,后来屡建屡毁,地址搬迁了好几个地方,名称也改为藏经阁、尊经阁。御书楼在清代是民间较大的一座图书馆,藏书最多的时候有用2万多卷,制定有藏书条例,管理科学而且严格。今

11、天的御书楼仍然作为图书馆供教研人员和学生使用。现在的藏书数量已超过5万册,岳麓书院名誉院长李铁映和湖南大学顾问邓力群把自已的藏书捐给了岳麓书院。大家是否还记得刚才在讲堂右侧的展厅里参预的珍藏品,其中就职有李铁映同志的赠书。大家若想领略岳麓学子们在学习之余的审美情趣,请折回御书楼南侧的后花园去观鸢飞鱼跃,去赏竹林冬翠,去诵白云红枫,去摹麓山寺碑;大家若想缅怀岳麓院先贤圣哲们的业绩,请转身去御书楼北侧。     现在请问大家,书院除了讲学和藏书二大功能外,还具有什么?对了,祭祀性建筑群,濂溪祠我们去仰理学箅祖周赜“出淤泥而不染”的风范,四箴亭我们去读理学大成者程赜、程

12、颢“四箴”文功,崇道祠我们去叹理学集大成者朱熹、张试“朱张学”的影响,文庙我们去慕一代圣人“风舞于雩,咏而归”的胸襟。朋友们,游览完古朴、雅致的岳麓书院,你是否还在仔细地品味这千年积淀的文化呢?    各位朋友,饱览了张家界的砂岩峰林奇观之后,今天,换个新节目:玩水漂流茅岩河! 茅岩河位于永定区境内的澧水上游之一段,上至苦竹寨,下至花岩电站,全程50公里。因90年代修建渔潭电站,使茅岩河一分为二,大坝以上为平湖游,20公里,以下为漂流旅游,25公里。 茅岩河自古系茅岗土司领地,六百年前土家人民的首领覃后就在这一带抗击官军,反对朱元璋的民族压迫。这里的山水洞寨,地名掌故无一不

13、附丽着覃后王的动人故事和美丽传说。所有这些,都给茅岩河披上了一层神秘的色彩。 茅岩河是张家界五条精品 旅游线之一。今天我们漂流途中所要观赏的主要景点有温塘古渡、索影潭、枞蔸滩、岩板滩、连环滩、水洞子瀑布,鸳鸯洲、寄马庄、黑社、星子滩、猫儿滩、岩河峡、火烧溶、新澜滩、绕澜滩、阴阳滩、黄土城、阻舟河、象鼻子滩、麻姑滩、大澜子滩、小澜子滩、撑架岩等。 (温塘古渡)现在我们即将起漂的渡口就称为温塘古渡。这个渡口建于何年已无从考证,这里就是茅岗土司与永顺土司的分界点,是茅岗司的第三道关,也是最后一道关。 上世纪八十年代初,湘西籍大文豪沈从文笔下的边城,就在这里由著名导演凌子风拍成电影,据说,出演翠翠的那

14、个演员拍完了戏,舍不得离开她住过的那栋吊脚楼了。 (温泉)渡口两边各有一处温泉,对岸的一处紧挨着河床,与河面平接,水温3739摄氏度,每小时涌流量二、三百吨。经鉴测,温泉为优质矿泉水,常年饮用和洗浴,对多种疾病有显著疗效。 (索影潭)这一段峡谷,河水碧绿,深不见底,水面一如平镜,倒映两岸青山,所以老百姓叫它索影潭。 (枞蔸滩)请注意,前面就是枞蔸汉,这是漂流中的第一道滩。请大家用手抓牢绳子,检查一救生衣,准备“与浪共舞”! (鸳鸯洲)前面有两个矗立在河心的小岛,这就是鸳鸯洲。两岛相距不远,上岛长约200米,高50米,下岛较小。两岛都呈长条椭圆形,岛上怪石嶙峋,长满芭茅灌木,乍看像浮在水中的两只

15、大鸳鸯。 (寄马庄)这是一个依山傍水的小山村。相传覃后当年被明朝官军追杀,退守茅岗时在这里寄养一匹战马,村里人将马野放到鸳鸯洲。覃后被围七年寨一时无法前来,马儿终夜嘶鸣。于是有仙人撒沙,将鸳鸯洲与右岸相连,五马离岛。后覃后兵败被害,五马因恋主人仍不肯远去,终于化作五座山头。现寄马庄和下游不远处的五马头两个地名,便由此而来。 现在准备上岸,在沙滩上玩玩,如果有收藏石头的兴趣,这大沙滩就是取之不尽的石头仓库! (黑社三百篙)这里叫黑社,土家人有两种说法,一叫黑社三百高,是指从对面绝壁登黑社寨,必须爬三百步高崖石墩;二叫“黑社三百篙”,过去船工、排佬从这里进入岩河峡,一路左冲右突,水急浪险,河床狭窄

16、,两岸乱石相叠,河中暗礁丛生,稍有疏忽,便船毁人亡,船工到此,必须抖搂精神,严阵以待,不能懈怠。有船进入峪谷,必须连点三百篙方能冲出岩河峡,冲出鬼门关。请大家抓紧缆绳,准备过岩河峡。 (岩河峡)朋友们,岩河峡到了。现在我给大家念一首清代土家族诗人向则友写的过茅岩峡诗好不好?“沿河修阻险最多,独有茅岩形势尤嵯峨;两岸青峰相对立,峭壁层岩千万级;山路曲盘僻更僻,河流逼窄复逼窄。险哉!茅岩真险绝! 大家都知道唐宋八大家中有个叫柳宗元的吗?对,就是写捕蛇者说的那位大散文家。他曾经听一位远征茅岗土司的将军朋友介绍澧水风光,不禁心向往之,在给友人赠诗中,他写道:“自汉(指湖北汉水)而南,州之美者,十七八莫


18、动魄的场面如今很难见到了。但是,曾创下9次世界冠军的羽坛名将关渭贞小姐在茅岩河拍她个人的专题片时,还正儿八经当了一回纤夫。当时她还即兴写诗一首:“弄潮漂流茅岩河,激流勇进互高歌。豪情满怀寄山水,不使光阴空蹉跎。” (岩河滩)朋友们,前面有一个落差56米的急流险滩,这是茅岩河最刺激、最叫绝的一道滩。请大家振作精神,注意安全,感受一下与惊涛骇浪搏斗的那份豪情,那份刺激。 (水洞子瀑布)水洞子瀑布是茅岩河的王牌景点。请抬头看左边,自70多米高的石洞中喷涌出一股地下水,顺坡崖时开时合,似碎玉遍山,如冰凌下滑。临近河边的悬崖,形成数十米宽的巨瀑,飞泻直下,声震峡谷。瀑布对岸矗立几块巨大的岩石,像天然观景

19、台,是游人拍照留影的最佳位置。凡是来茅岩河漂流的,没有一个不在这里观或留影拍照的。1991年6月,原国家体委主任、全国体总主席李梦华漂流茅岩河时在这瀑布前即兴题词:“轻舟游茅岩,浪中乐陶然。人生似漂流,不断过险滩。”一句轻舟游、浪中乐,表达了漂流途中轻松快乐而又惬意的感受,后面两句笔峰一转,借漂流比喻人生的道路曲折,不可能一帆风顺,含有深刻的哲理。现在请大家下船,在这里休息照像留影,把茅岩河的涛声峡影带回家去!  (覃后城)朋友们,请往左看,那儿有一片村落的地方,叫覃后城,相传元代末年,覃后响应徐寿辉、陈友谅起义之前,曾从战略高度上作好了打持久战的准备,建立了十分完备的防御体系,先后

20、在慈利永定渡、茅岩河等要塞建立军事据点,后人叫它“覃后城”。同时若干关口以对付强敌。靠茅岗司这边,就有茅寨子关、茅头关、黑松关、温塘关。这座城堡因为是用黄土构筑,故又叫黄土城。当年朱元璋派杨景、周德兴从水陆进攻茅岗司与黄土城土军血战十来天,才将土城摧毁。 下面由我为大家学唱两首土家山歌助兴,好不好,我先念一段歌词,再唱: 男:隔河看见姐穿青,姐是花儿爱死人。 有心恋姐难开口,丢个岩头试水深。 女:对门山上猫喊春,一阵慢来一阵紧。 哥要真心喜欢我,哪怕山高水又深。 下面,我给大家再唱几首排工情歌: 哪有滩头水不陡,月亮出来亮堂堂; 哪有芝麻不出油,紫竹烟竿靠门枋; 哪有山中鸟不叫,有心跟哥不怕寡

21、; 哪有排佬不风流,一世不烧回头香。 哪有阳雀不叫春?铁匠打铁铁打铁, 哪棵葡萄不牵滕?风吹荷叶叶搭叶; 哪只蜜蜂不采蜜?哥妹放排排头坐, 哪个妹妹不恋情?排水相依离不得。 一条木排顺水流,哥情愿来妹情愿, 一个排佬坐排头;不怕旁人生恶言; 我想坐排随他去,恶言好比河里浪, 只怕排佬不点头,把紧竹篙稳下滩。 好女莫嫁放排佬,哥撑排头妹撑尾, 十个放排九个漂,小小木排水上漂; 活着点灯活守寡,哥妹撑排河中走, 死后灯灭守白头,哪怕浪头万丈高! 朋友们,今天的漂流就要结束了,感谢大家的密切配合。俗话说:同船共渡,五百年修就。我们同舟共济,空峡谷,过险滩,漂流几十公里,可以说是千年修就的缘份。愿茅岩

22、河的美丽风光永远留在您的心中,愿“与浪共舞,有惊无险”的茅岩河漂流给您留下终生难忘的回忆。  The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Changsha museum. Well be here to visit “The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Cha

23、ngsha and The Years of Unearthed Most Valuable Cultural Relics”. I hope my explanation can satisfy you!Now, we are in the first exhibition hall. Here, it adopts panoramic technique, and restores the site of unearthing Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom. In 1996, during July to November, in the southeast o

24、f Wu Yi square, team up with Ping He Tang Department. The exhumations were carried on by Changsha relics work teams. They unearth 61 archaic wells during the Warring States period and the Ming and Qing Dynasty, and found out 3000 kinds of relics, like copper, iron bamboo, wood, ceramics, and so on.

25、To peoples astonishment, in the No.22 archaic well, they found lots of bamboo tablets and wooden slips. After confirming, they are the relics of Sun Wu in Three kingdoms 1700 years ago. These patches of relics would replenish the lacked historical materials of three kingdoms exactly. Our country onc

26、e had four discoveries: The oracle bone inscription of Yin, bamboo tablets and wooden slips of Tunxu in northwest China, Cultural books of Dunhuang stone room, Files of Qing cabinet. Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha can be mentioned in the same breath with the four disc

27、overies, and become the searching subject of international academia.Everybody! Please look at the cross section reconstruction of the NO.22 archaic well. Its upper part of opening was damaged when it was excavating. This is an irregular circular shape vertical shaft; the bottom has a bag form likely

28、. The opening of the well has a length 3.5 m from south to north, 3.1 m from east to west, and 5.6 m in depth. The opening is covered with pure red brown color clay, 1.5 m deeper of which is the bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer. The bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer is 50 cm thick in center

29、 and 20 cm thin on all sides, piled up with slope form. The ropes tied the bamboo tablets and wooden slips have become rotten, but we can see they were buried by bundles at that time. There are more than 10,000 pieces of bamboo tablets and wooden slips by the initial statistics. The second layer is

30、the gray brown clay layer of 3.1 m thick, among them mix up with lots of bamboo wood scrapes, grass scrapes, leaves, fragmentary bricks, pottery and porcelain and so on. At the bottom of the well is another small well, which has square wooden frame. The four corners are nailed by a stick of spile in

31、layed with two wooden boards as the well wall. The circle of the well is 93 cm long, 58 cm tall. The function of this small well is probably for gathering the groundwater from all sides of the well, and then put forward to pour out with water pitcher and other tools in order to maintain the well spa

32、ce dry. This is the living photo taken by the time of excavating.Analyzing the structure and relics of the well NO.22, it is an ancient well for storing food. The climate of Changsha is so hot, wet and rainy that the food is easy to be rot, but the circumstance under the ground of 10 m depth is just

33、 like as a modern refrigerator. The archaeological discoveries approved that people had used this storing method from the time of Shang dynasty. You may ask that, why were the bamboo tablets of Wu Kingdom buried in the well? There are two statements. The first one considered that in the period of Th

34、ree Kingdoms, there were so many wars, the suddenly burst-out war made people bury them here in a hurry. The other considered that to bury them in the well may be a way of dealing with the records in the past.Now please look at the photo. This is the photo of unearthing the No.22 well. We can see th

35、at the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the mud. Why can they be kept intact for over 1700 years? One of the important reasons is that the ground water level in Changsha was very high, and the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the water. Besides, they were buried deeply; t

36、hey can be sealed up wall. With these, they can be kept intact for over 1700 years.Next, lets visit the second exhibition room. In this room we can get the detailed introduction of the bamboo tablets and wooden slips. Before we visit, I have a question to ask. Do you know whether the words on the ba

37、mboo tablets and wooden slips were written or carved on them? With the question, lets look at the photo of the pottery figurine. This pottery figurine was unearthed in a Western Jin tomb in Jinpenling in Changsha in 1950s. On the left of the photo there is a man handing a wooden slip and reading som

38、ething, the man on the right who were holding a hair pencil in a hand and a wooden slip in the other was writing something. The pottery figurine shows us the condition of ancients writing on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips. Now, we can say, the word on the bamboo tablets and slips were written o

39、n them. Did you guess it?To see another set of photos. This is a hair pencil unearthed from one of the tombs of the Warring State at Zuojiagong Mountain of Changsha in 1954. Its shaft is long and small but easy to be broken. On the side of it there is a bamboo pipe used for containing the pen when i

40、t is collected and preserved. This is an ink stone with little ink blocks near it. Here also remains a bronze chopping knife which is used for the calligrapher to make inscribed bamboo and wooden slips and correct writing mistakes. This is a set of photos of calligraphy tools discovered in No.168 To

41、mb in Jinan city of former capital of Chu State. In addition to this, there are 6 pieces of wooden slips without character. This is also the most complete and most typical set of Han Dynastys stationery ever seen up to now. Uniting our ancient people calculates the number of the inscribed bamboo tab

42、lets and wooden slips are not “slice”, but “jin”. It is recorded in history that the 1st emperor of Qin Dynasty did not have a rest until he finished reading over 120 jin of memorial to throne and inscribed bamboo and wooden slips.Please notice the following brief tablet about information of the ins

43、cribed bamboo and wooden slips unearthed from all parts of the nation from this century. Among this, the column in red character is the number of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips excavated from Changsha this time. The number this time has exceeded the total amount of that unearthed from all par

44、ts of the nation these years. Therefore, it is named as “the surprising wonder of the world”and “one of the most important archaeological discoveries of this century.” It is well known that document history in the Three Kingdom Period handed down is very rare.”The Annals of Three Kingdom”by Chenshou

45、 in Xijin has 65 volumes, among which there are 30 volumes of Wei Book, 15 volumes of Shu Book, 20 volumes of Wu Book with total of more than 1 million characters. Over the years, the unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets in nationwide archaeology is also rarely seen and only exist ten

46、s of pieces in Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei .But nowadays in Changsha, the total number of the excavation of the inscribed bamboo from Wu State in Three Kingdom Period reaches 10 thousand pieces for just one time and the total wordage reaches more than 3 million if counted with 20 words in each piece. T

47、hese character materials greatly surpass the total wordage in that of the “Annals of Three Kingdom”, which offers abundant material for the study of social economy, political system, inscribed bamboo and volume system, history and geography and also fill the vacancy of historic works. We can forecas

48、t that the discovery of inscribed bamboo slips from Wu State in Changsha will surely influence many aspects of the Chinese historic study and anew examining and verifying the past final conclusion.Well, let us have a look at this map. Though the series archaeological excavation around the “Wuyi square ”by our archaeological workers, we have preliminarily defined the region of the ancient Changsha .It extends northward to “Lao Zhao

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