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1、Module FourUnit2 ProjectMaking a speech about sportLead in:Question:Can you list some sporting events(运动项目运动项目)in the Olympics?sailingTae kwon dogolfequestrian beach volleyball Women diving根据国际奥委会的资料,奥运会根据国际奥委会的资料,奥运会比赛项目比赛项目sporting events是这样的分的是这样的分的:大项大项(sport)、分项、分项discipline)和小项和小项(event),与雅典奥运


3、项,而最多分项最而最多分项最多的项目是多的项目是水上运动水上运动,包括了游泳、花样包括了游泳、花样游泳、水球和跳水游泳、水球和跳水4个分项个分项,而而田径田径虽然虽然没有分项,却有没有分项,却有46个小项个小项,男子男子24个小项个小项,女子女子22个小项个小项,是奥运会项目中金牌最是奥运会项目中金牌最多的多的;其次是其次是游泳游泳,虽然没有分项虽然没有分项,但是有但是有32 个小项,男女各个小项,男女各16项。项。Learning Aims:In this period,we will-learn something about how a new sport enters the Olym

4、pics.make a speech about sport.develop a right attitude towards winning and losing.Task 1 Reading(1)How many parts does this article have?What are they?This article has 4 parts:How does a sport enter the Olympics?Which ones are out?Which ones are in?Which ones are still trying?Answer the following q

5、uestions:1.What requirements must be met before a sport can be considered by the IOC?2.What sports have been removed from the Olympics?Why?3.What sport has been added in the Olympics only recently?In which year?4.What other sports will probably be included?Why?5.Which sport is still trying to get in

6、to the Olympics?Rushing to answer1.What requirements must be met before a sport can be considered by the IOC?First,a sport must have _.Next,it must be practiced by men in _on at least 4 continents,or practised by women in at least 40 countries and on_.Thats not all.In order for a new sport to be add

7、ed,another sport must be_.Part 1its own international associationat least 75 countries3 continentsdropped2.What sports have been removed from the Olympics?Why?_,because these sports were judged less popular and they had to _new,more popular sports.Part 2Baseball and power boatingmake way forPart 3Ta

8、e kwon do,in 2000.3.What sport has been added in the Olympics only recently?In which year?4.What other sports will probably be included?Why?_,because they are now very popular and are played all over the world.Rugby and golfWushu.5.Which sport is still trying to get into the Olympics?Part 4Winning i

9、snt everything Task 2 Reading(2)_ 1.The Eagles captain knocked the ball to the ground with his hand and the goal should have counted._ 2.The Eagles struggled and won the second match._ 3.The Kangaroos defeated the Bears by a score of 5 to 1._ 4.The Kangaroos captain stopped the match and let the Bea

10、rs have the ball.At last,the Bears scored and won._ 5.The Kangaroos found victory more precious than friendship,honor and respect.T or FFFFTnot have countedlostthe Eagles(Rushing to answer)Ffriendship,honor andrespect more precious than victory1.What is the purpose of sports?2.Is sport just about wi

11、nning,or are there other reasons to take part in?Think about the following questions:For winning and losing,we should remember:The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,just as the most important thing in life is not the success but the struggle.The essential thing

12、 is not to have conquered but to have fought well.但最本质的事情并不是征服,而是奋力拼搏但最本质的事情并不是征服,而是奋力拼搏!Task 3 Task-based reading Complete the following chart(表格表格)according to the texts.The(1)_ of a sports entering the OlympicsRequirementsIts international association is a(2)_.It must be widely(3)_.Another sport

13、has to be(4)_.The sports outBaseball as well as power boating are out because they are no(5)_ popular.The sports(6)_Tae kwon do was not included in the Olympics until 2000.Rugby and golf are to be(7)_ again.The sports on the wayIts possible that Wushu will(8)_ the Olympics in the future.(9)_isnt eve

14、rything,friendship,honour and respect are more(10)_ than victory.preciousinadded/includedenterWinningwaymustremoved/replacedlonger/morepractisedMaking a speech about sport Task 4 Project(Group Work)Beginning *Greeting the audience;*Introducing your topic.Body *Supporting details of your topic:You sh

15、ould present your opinions logically(有条有条理地理地).e.g.Firstly,secondly,besides,finally Ending Conclusion.(Dont forget to give thanks to your audience.)Tips:the outline of a speechMaking a speech about sport-four steps to follow:Planning:whats your favorite sport/event;why;who you admire most;what can b

16、e learned from him/her;the purpose of sportPreparing:divide the work among your group membersProducing:write and correctPresenting:show your writing.PresentingLets enjoy your works.1.Finish B1,B2 on page 99 in TB.2.Gather more information about the Olympics to write an article about sport.3.Underline the key phrases and sentences in the two passages.Love sports,love our country!sailingTao kwon doequestrian beach volleyball Women divinggolfwushu

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