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1、Unit 1 My day Part A习题Unit 1 My day PA 习题一、英汉互译。1.进行体育运动_ 2.做早操_ 3.吃晚餐_4.上英语课_ 5.何时_ 6.经常_7. 聪明的_ 8.结束上课_ 9. eggplant_10. plate _ 11.clock _ 12.please_二、选出不同类或划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. play B. please C. paint D. plan( ) 2. A. cream B. clock C. clean D. class ( ) 3. A. clock B. eat C. have D. go( ) 4. A

2、. 7 p.m. B. 10: 00 a.m. C. 9:15 p.m. D. 3 p.m.( ) 5. A. when B. at C. where D. what三、读一读,选择正确的选项,完成对话。A. I usually eat lunch at 1:00 pm. B. When do you eat lunchC. Do you like China?D. Oh, thats too late.Leo: Hi, Im a new student here. Im from the UK. Nice to meet you!Chen Jie: Nice to meet you, too

3、. 1. .Leo: Yes, but Im too full! Here we eat lunch too early(早)。Chen Jie: 2._ in the UK?Leo: 3. .Chen Jie: 4. . We always eat lunch at 11: 30am.四、读一读,并完成问题。 My day in different schools! get upgo to schoolstart classfinish classeat dinnerthe USA8:00am9:00am9:30am5:00pm7:30pmChina7:00am7:30am8:40am3:5

4、0pm6:00pmCanada8:30am9:30am10:00am5:00pm7:30pmSpain8:30am9:30am10:00am6:00pm9:30pm1. When do the students in the USA usually start class?They usually _.2. When do the students in Canada often eat dinner?They _.3. 你能模仿上面的句子,自己做一个简单对话吗?_?_.五、单项选择。( )1. -_ do you go to school? - At 7:00 a.m.A. when B.

5、What C. Whats D. When( )2.- When do you _?- Classes finish at 3:50 p.m. A. start class B. start classes C. finish classes D. finish class( )3. - We usually eat dinner at 10 p.m. - Wow! _. A. Thats too late! B. Im sorry. C. Thats great! D. Good idea!( )4. -When do you eat dinner? - _. A. 7 oclock. B.

6、 At 7 oclock. C. At 11 a.m. D.I eat lunch at 11 a.m.( )5. Hello, Im a doctor. I work at night. I go to bed at _.A. 11:00 p.m. B. At 10 oclock at night. C. At 5 oclock in the morning. D. At 10: 30 P.m. 六、连词组句。1. get at I six usually oclock up (.)_2. do sports you play when (?)_参考答案:一、英汉互译。1.play spor

7、ts 2.do morning exercises 3.eat dinner 4.have English class 5.when 6.often/ usually 7. clever 8.finish class 9. 茄子 10. 盘子 11.钟 12.请二、选出不同类的单词。1-5 CAABB三、读一读,选择正确的选项,完成对话。1. C 2.B 3.A 4. D 四、读一读,并完成问题。1. They usually start class at 9:30am.2. They always/ often/ usually eat dinner at 7:30 pm.3. 略。五、单项选择。1-5 DDABC六、连词组句。1. I usually get up at six oclock.2. When do you play sports?

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