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1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除Unit3 单元测试题一、单项选择题(共15题,共15分)1. Doyou know girl in the TV news?Yes,she is honest and brave person.A. a,an B. an,the C.the, an D. a,the2.Basketball has a history of nearly 300 years. Today it is still loved by the young the old.A.not; but B.neither; nor C.both; and D.either; or3

2、. Ifyou see the comedy, it will make you . Ihope youll feel better.A.laugh B. tolaugh C.laughing D.laughed4. My school is different theirs. But I think they are both beautiful.A. in B. by C. of D.from5.Taking buses is than taking taxies in many places. So we always take the bus.A.more cheaper B.much

3、 cheaper C.less cheaper D.cheap6.Though the young man didnt have much money, he gave all the money he had to help the poor man.A. / B. and C. but D. or7. Can you tell the differences between the two stories we learnt yesterday?They sound quite . But I think the second oneis a little more interesting

4、.A.different B.similar C.strange D.interesting8. Tom prepared lots of food friends at his birthday party.A.shares B.sharing C. to share D.shared9.Kids, please speak . The baby is sleeping.A.loudly B.politely C.clearly D.quietly10. Did you watch the talent show? Lara danced so well.Well,I think Kate

5、danced than Laura.A.well B.good C.better D.best11. Tom and David can sing very well. So I think ofthem can join our final competition.A.all B.both C.every D.some12.Its for you to take enough food. Youknow, itll take us almost 24 hours to get there by train.A. necessary B. healthy C. different D. tra

6、ditional13. The autumn is coming,and the days will get .A. long and long B. longer and longer C. short and short D. shorter and shorter14. The boy in red is of the twins, his name isTony.A. a cleverer B. the cleverer C. the more clever D. the cleverest15. I made some mistakes in the English exam yes

7、terday._.You should be careful next time.A.Thats a good idea. B.Pretty good C.Never mind D. No idea.三、阅读理解(共15题,共30分)BThere are three photos of my good friends on my desk.In the first photo you can see Jerry. He is a tall and cool boy with short and straight hair. He is the captain of our basketball

8、 team. He is very popular. All my classmates like him very much.In the second photo, you can see the boy with glasses. His name is Jack. He is short and a little bit heavy. But he is very smart and funny. He often tells us funny stories and makes us happy.In the third photo, you can see two girls. T

9、hey are drinking water. The girl on the left is Lucy. She is a beautiful girl from London. She has long blond hair and big eyes. She can sing very well, and she can also speak a little Chinese. The girl on the right is Li Yun. She is a Chinese girl with beautiful black hair. She studies very hard. S

10、he says she wants to be a scientist when she grows up.(1)The writer has _ good friends.A.two B.three C.four D.five(2) _ has short and straight hair.A.Lucy B.Li Yun C.Jerry D.Jack(3) Which is right?A.Lucy wants to be a scientist. B.Jack is smart and funny. C.Jack is tall and cool. D.Li Yun has long b

11、lond hair and big eyes.(4)Which is wrong?A.The girl on the left of the third photo is Lucy. B.Li Yun can sing very well. C.Lucy is an English girl. D.Jerry plays basketball very well.(5) _ wears the glasses.A.Li Yun B.Lucy C.Jerry D.JackCEvery student in America likes popular music. Students carry s

12、mall radios(收音机) with earphones(耳机)and listen to music before class, after class and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers(扬声器)and play the music as they drive on the street.Adult(成年的) drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news(新闻) about sp

13、orts, the weather, the life of American people. Most of the radio programs(节目)are music.Pop music singers make much money. Once the popular singer is famous all over the country, young people buy his or he r tapes(磁带). Some of the money from the se tapes comes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes

14、, all the young people want to meet him or her.There are other kinds of music. They are important to Americans. One is folk music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans. Another is western(西部的) or country music. This kind of songs started by cowboys watching. Today, any music about cou

15、ntry life and the love between a country boy and his girl we call western or country music.(1)When do students in America listen to pop music?A. Only when they are driving. B. Before class, after class and at lunch. C. Only after class. D. Only at home.(2)How do adult drivers in America listen to mu

16、sic while driving?A. By CD player. B. By small radios with earphones. C. On the car radio. D. By cell-phone.(3)Who wants to meet pop singers when they are famous?A. All the young people B. All girls. C. students. D. Adult drivers.(4)What is western music about?A. The city life. B. The life of workin

17、g people. C. The common life of Americans. D. The love between a country boy and his girl.(5)How many kinds of music are mentioned(提到)in the passage?A. 5 B.4 C. 3 D. 2五、词汇运用(共5题,共10分)1. In order to p better life for children, lots of parents have to work hard.2. He didnt go to school last week becau

18、se he was i in hospital.3.Dont t rubbish on the floor. Keep it clean.4.Thank you very much for (邀请)me to your party.5.These engineers successfully (开发)a new kind of energy-saving car lastyear.六、根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项多余。(共1题,共10分)只供学习与交流 1.A. She might be very sad.B. How was it, Jack?C. Did

19、 Henry and his parrot(鹦鹉) take part in(参加)the show?D. Who was the best actress(女演员)?E. Who was the worst?F. Thats great.G. What can she do?(1)A: We had a talent show yesterday in our school, John.B: (1) _A: It was great.B: (2) _A: Helen. She is an excellent violin player.B: (3) _B: Yes, I think they were the funniest.B: (4) _A: I think Mary was. Her joke didnt make us laughB: Terrible. (5) _A. Yeah. But I think her sister was the most creative. She could dance with her dog.B:Really? Thats fun.

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