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1、常见强调句精选练习试题.常见强调句精选练习 强调句是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式,下面简单归纳它的几种结构:1. 用助动词“do(doesdid)动词原形”来表示强调:He does know the place well他的确很熟悉这个地方。Do write to me when you get there你到那儿后务必给我来信。2用形容词very,only,single,such等修饰名词或形容词来加强语气:Thats the very textbook we used last term这正是我们上学期用过的教材。You are the only person

2、 here who can speak Chinese你是这里唯一会讲汉语的人。Not a single person has been in the shop this morni ng今天上午这个商店里连一个人都没有。How dare you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢买这么贵的宝石呢?3用ever,never,very,just等副词和badly,highly,really等带有l y的副词来进行强调:Why ever did you do so?你究竟为什么要这么做?He never said a word the whole day一整天,他一句话也

3、没说。Youve got to be very,very careful你一定得非常、非常小心。This is just what I wanted这正是我所要的。He was badly wounded他伤得很严重。 I really dont know what to do next我的确不知道下一步该怎么做。 4用in the world,on earth,at all等介词短语可以表达更强的语气(常用于疑问句): Where in the world could he be?他到底会在哪儿? What on earth is it?它究竟是什么? Do you know at all?

4、你到底知不知道? 5用感叹句来表示强烈的感情,突出说话人的情感: How interesting a story it is!这是一个多么有趣的故事啊! Oh,what a lie!啊,真是弥天大谎! practice1. Is it _ who wants to see you. A. him B. he C. his D. himself 2. It was _ who respected all their teachers. A. them B. their C. they D. themselves 3. - What is Mary - Was it _ that you were

5、 referred to A. he B. she C. her D. they 4. It _ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago . A. was B. are C. were D. had been 5. It _ at Christmas that John Smith gave Mary a handbag. A. must have B. will be C. might have been D. may have had 6. -Was it that new school master who walked

6、 by - _. A. It must be that B. It must have been C. He must be D. This must have been 7. _ electricity plays an important part in our daily life A. Why was it that B. Why is it that C. Why is it D. Why it is that 8. Who was it _ wanted to see me just now A. that B. who C. when D. when 9. _ you met t

7、he foreigner from Canada A. Where it was that B. Who it was that C. Where was it that D. Where was that 10. It was not until late in the evening _ her husband arrived home . A. which B. when C. that D. how 11. It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcasts began. A. which B. when C. that D. since

8、12. It was not _ she took off her dark glasses _ I realized she was a famous film star. A. when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; then 13. I cant quite remember _ you started doing the work . A. that it was when B. when it was that C. when was it that D. that was it when 14. She wants to

9、know if it is 600 miles an hour _ the newest plane can go. A. which B. that C. when D. on which 15. Was it _ he was seriously ill that he didnt come to school yesterday . A. although B. that C. because D. since 16. It was only when I reread his poems recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty . A

10、. until B. that C. then D. so 17. _ he came back home that we knew what had happened . A. When it was B. It was when C. Was it when D. When was it 18. It was the training _ he had as a young man _ made him such a good engineer. A. what ; that B. that ; what C. that ; which D. which : that 19. It was

11、 _ he said _ disappointed me at that time. A. what ; that B. that ; that C. what ; what D. that ; what 20. It was through Jack _ Mary got to know Bob . A. who B. whom C. how D. that 21. It was _ great care that they did the job. A. for B. about C. with D. in 22. It was on October 1st 1949 _ new Chin

12、a was founded . A. which B. when C. as D. that 23. Was it in this palace _ the last emperor died A. that B. in which C. in where D. which 24. It was the school gate _ I met an old friend of mine after class . A. that B. which C. where D. why 25.WasitduringtheWorldWar_hedied?a.inwhich b.which c.that

13、d.when26.Itwasthewayheasked_reallyupsetme.a.thatb.itc.sothatd.what27.Isit_who_wrong?a.Iamb.Iisc.meisd.meam28.It _MikeandMarywhohelpedtheoldman.a.areb.wasc.thatd.how29.It was in the village we used to lie the accident happened. A. Where / that B. which / that C. That / where D. where / which30. It wa

14、s _ the old worker came that we _ the experiment. A. until; didnt begin B. not until; began C. until; began D. not until; didnt begin 31.It is in the west of China _ there is no doubt _it is going to rain tomorrow.A. where; whether B. that; that C. that; whether D. where; that 32. It was the trainin

15、g _ he had as a young man _made him such a famous writer.A. when; that B. that; when C. that; who D. that; that33. Was it she said or something that she did you were angry at so much.A. What / that B. that / which C. That / what D. what / which34. It was in Beihai Park they made a date for the first

16、 time the old couple told us their love story.A. where ;that B. that ; where C. where; when D. that ; when35. It is in Qingdao you are going to pay a visit to this kind of washing machine is produced.A. / ; that B. where ; which C. / ; where D. what ; which36.It was _ he said _disappointed me.A. wha

17、t ; that B. that; that C. what; what D. that; what37. Is it in the factory _ this type of cars are produced?A. which B. where C. that D. / 28. Is it the factory_ this type of cars are produced ?A. which B. where C. that D. /39. _ on Monday night that all this happened?A. Is it B. It is C. Was it D.

18、It was40. It is I _ singing in the garden.A. who are B. who is C. that am D. that is41. -Why didnt you answer when I spoke to you in the street this morning? -I _ but you didnt hear me.A. did answer B. didnt want to answer C. couldnt answer D. was too busy42. It was 1969_ the American astronauts suc

19、ceeded in landing on the moon.A. that B. when C. on which D. which43. It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. (NMET 1997) A. that B. until C. before D. when44. It was only when I reread his poems recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty. (NMET 1998) A

20、. until B. that C. then D. so45. It is these poisonous products _ can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles. (NMET 2003上海)A. who B. that C. how D. what46. Why! I have nothing to confess. _ you want me to say? (NMET 2004上海)A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is i

21、t that D. How it is that47. It was _ back home after the experiment. (NMET 2004湖北)A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go48. It was with great joy _ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. (NMET 2004福建)A. because B. which C. since D. that选择题答案1-5:BCCAC 6-10:BBACC 11-15:CBBBC 16-20:BBDAD 21-25:CDACC26-30:aabAB 31-35:BDAAA 36-40:ACBCC 41-45:ABABB 46-48:ACD6 / 6

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