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1、-范文最新推荐- 英文 会计系毕业生个人简历 会计系毕业生个人简历AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENT I was born on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhuang, the largest city in Hebei, China. I lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. In September 1984, I was admitted to Tianjin Finance and Economics College after successfu

2、l performance in the competitive college entrance examination. In the four years that followed, I studied in the Department of Accounting and Statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in June 1988. In August 1988. I began to work in business and was an assistant at Da Xing Enterprise Corp. S

3、ince November 1980, I have been working with Electronic Memories & Magnetics Corp. At first. I was a junior accountant; then successively I became assistant to Accounting Manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).The attached Personal Data gives a detailed account of my work

4、experiences. As a result of my six and a half years of experience in accounting. I have become thoroughly familiar with accounting operations in medium size business firms. This, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. To meet the needs of career development in the future, I h

5、ave decided to continue my education. My plans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and then to work toward an MBA degree in the field of accounting. Most business firms in China are expanding, and many new companies are being set up every month. My proposed study will no doubt reinforce my qu

6、alification for a more gainful executive position. Investment AnalysisStrength·Comprehensive knowledge of defined contribution 401(k) pension concepts and regulations.·Effective leadership and team -buildng.·Extremely well organized.·Proven Customer service skills.Martial

7、 Status:Married Email Address:stellali·Processed all contributions, loan repayments,benefit disbursements,fund transfers,and nonfinancial changes for daily/periodic 401(k) pension record-keeping transactions, including cash,mutual fund ,stock,and guaranteed investment contract money movements

8、.·Resolved client questions and problems.·Interfaced productively with team ,department,field ,and sales personnel.·Completed,verified,and mailed all required client reports.·Plan year packages,and auditors requests.·Processed ADPs/ACPs and correction of year-end p

9、articipant tax information.-Promoted four times in four years -Consistently met or exceeded all established standards for timing and accuracy-Selected as one of first two people to participate in changeover to daily 401(K) processing environment from a monthly processing enviroment ,and quickly adap

10、ted to new system-Chosen to train new hires and other plan analysts transitioning to the daily processing environment -Served as technical liaison with systems personnel in identifying, communicating, and resolving processing problems with the new system -Served effectively as team leader and accoun

11、t manager for new pilot team concept while maintain own book of businessEducationXXXX College Bachelor of Science, Business AdministrationAwards 4532 CahillovalSan Angelo, TX 76902 LLD Co. Ltd.309 Lake Ave.Bristol, Ohio Dear Sir, I will graduate from the University of Kansas with a Masters degree in

12、 June of this year. My major is Pharmacy and I am very interested in securing a position before I graduate, if possible. I am a Chinese and my bachelors degree is from Zhejiang University. I have long been hopeful of working for you after I graduate, because I consider you the finest hospital in thi

13、s region, I as sure that if I have the privilege of serving in your pharmacy, I will greatly increase my education and my experience. Needless to say, I will have completed a standard course in pharmacy before I graduate in June. In addition, I have chosen to elect all the courses available at my sc

14、hool in Hospital Pharmacy. I did this because I have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacy. My professors, Sr. John Harkin, Dr. Mildred Carter, and Dr. Iriny Schultz have give me permission to use their names as reference. If you have a position available after I graduate, I would appreciate it. If not, please keep my name on your file, because I consider your Pharmacy the best in this region. 5 / 5

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