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1、A. 对话常用语1. Excuse me!2. Yes?3. Pardon?4. Thank you very much./Thats all right.5. Nice to meet you.6. Nice to see you.7. How do you do?8. How are you? Im fine.9. How are you all keeping?10. Hows .? Shes very well.11. Here you are.12. Here it is. / Here they are./Here we are.13. There it is. 14. Your

2、passports, please.15. Thats fine.16. Are you all right now?17. Yes, please.18. It is a fine day.19. It was very dark.20. Its over there.21. It was spring.22. It was very dry.23. It was too late.24. Its going to rain.25. Its worth every penny of it.26. It rained all the time.27. Its nice and warm out

3、 here.28. It certainly is.29. Its a pleasant dream.30. The weather was awful.31. Thats a long time.32. Thats a lot of money.33. Thats very late.34. Thats very good advice.35. Thats impossible.36. That was very nice.37. That was quick.38. That was a pleasant surprise.39. Dont do that!40. Be careful!4

4、1. Not very.42. Of course./Certainly.43. To tell you the truth.44. Is that all? 45. Thats all.46. All right.47. We dont have any.48. Im nearly ready.49. I dont know.50. I wonder why.51. well52. Please give him my regards.53. Here.54. I hope you are all well.55. Again56. Ill do that.57. Im sorry abou

5、t that.58. May I have one?59. Would you like to try it?60. Would you like some more?61. Would you put it on, please?62. Id like a cigarette.63. Could you show me another blue one?64. Shall I make some coffee? Thats a good idea.65. Do you like coffee? Yes, I do. No, I dont.66. Do you want a biscuit/a

6、ny milk? Yes, please. No, thank you. Just a little, please.67. Less than that.68. What a pity! It doesnt matter.69. We cant afford all that money.70. Can I buy it on instalments?71. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds and then fifteen pounds a month for three years.72. I certainly do.73. I dont l

7、ike the price.74. You always want the best.75. Fares, please!76. Im afraid I cant. Neither can I.77. Ive got some small change. So have I.78. Everythings very quiet.79. Theres none left.80. Shes only joking.81. Whats up?82. The thieves had already gone.83. Who served you, sir?84. Do you have to go n

8、ow?85. I thought so.86. Dont be so sure.87. You always say that.88. Is that you, John?89. Yes, speaking.1. 打扰一下2. 什么事3. 再说一遍4. 非常感谢、没关系5. 见到你很高兴6. 很高兴见到你7. 你好8. 你好吗?很好9. 你家人都好吗10. 。怎样啊?很好11. 给你12. 在这儿。找到了。放好了13. 在那儿呢。14. 请出示护照15. 好了。16. 现在好了吗17. 是的18. 天气不错19. 。非常黑20. 在那儿。21. 那是一个春天22. 那时候很干23. 太晚了24

9、. 要下雨了25. 值这么多钱26. 一直下27. 这里又漂亮又暖和28. 当然是了29. 这是个美梦30. 天气不好31. 时间好长32. 好贵啊33. 那太晚了34. 主意不错35. 那不可能36. 那不错37. 好快啊38. 那真是意外之喜39. 别那样40. 小心41. 不太。42. 当然43. 实话实说44就这些吗?45就这些46好吧47我们一点都没有了。48我马上好了。49我不知道。50我想知道原因。51嗯。52请带我向他问好。53来,我帮你。54希望你身体健康55再来。56我会那样做的。57关于那件事我很抱歉。58我可以(吃)一个吗?59你想尝试一下吗?60你想再要点吗?61你能


11、动词词组90. Catch! 91. Catch the train to London92. Come upstairs and see it.93. Come and meet94. Come here a minute.95. Come in96. come from Greece97. come home (from school/work)98. Come and have something to drink/eat/wear/read/do.99. Sit down here.100. Look!101. Look at her curiously102. Look at a p

12、icture103. Look after me104. look through the window105. Look out of the window106. walk through the woods107. Walk to the station108. walk across the road109. walk over the bridge110. walk along the bank111. walk out of the building112. walk between two policemen113. Give sb sth/give sth to sb114.

13、Shut the door115. Open the window116. Air the room117. Put these clothes in the wardrobe118. Put it on this chair119. Put his hand into his pocket120. Put it here121. Put it/them on122. Put on/Take off the coat123. Put away124. Make the bed125. make a bookcase126. make the tea127. make cakes128. mak

14、e a noise129. make a shopping list130. Make up our minds131. Make a new film132. Make up her face133. Dust the dressing table134. Sweep the floor135. Turn on/off the TV136. Clean the blackboard137. Empty the basket138. Read a book139. read in the room140. read the phrase slowly141. read Jimmys card

15、to me142. read in bed143. Sharpen these pencils144. sit under the tree145. sit beside/near mum146. sit on the grass147. Sit opposite Sally148. Climb the tree149. climb into the kitchen150. Run across the grass151. Run after a cat152. Run along the wall153. Swim across the river154. Type a letter155.

16、 type it with only one L156. Cook a meal157. Drink its milk158. Eat a bone159. Eat her lunch160. eat it quickly161. know London very well162. smile pleasantly163. shave hurriedly164. cut badly165. drink it thirstily166. greet me warmly167. go slowly168. leave immediately169. leave his house/the stat

17、ion170. leave a suitcase on the train to London171. leave the house172. work very hard/lazily173. Smile kindly174. enjoy ourselves very much175. swim very well176. go into/out of the park177. go under the bridge178. go to the grocers/a restaurant179. fly over/under the river180. fly to New York181.

18、return to London182. wash dishes183. wait for a bus184. jump off the wall185. work hard186. work on it187. work less188. work for the Company189. pain the bookcase190. pain it pink191. listen to the stereo192. drop it193. hurry up194. see the teapot195. See the world 196. see her friends197. see it1

19、98. find a phrase199. Find them all200. ask her201. ask him the way202. ask a question203. say sth204. say very much205. say and smile 206. say to herself207. lift that chair208. like sth209. like the colour very much210. rise early211. set late212. live at.Street213. live here214. Live in a very ol

20、d town215. go to work/school216. go to bed217. go to the shops218. go to London219. go and have a drink220. go back to the station221. go back to sleep.222. Go out223. Go abroad224. Go to the seaside225. Go for a walk226. take them to school227. take an aspirin 228. Take an examination229. Take a ph

21、oto 230. Take a taxi231. Take my advice232. Forget to take them with me233. stay at home234. stay in bed235. stay at a Youth Hostel236. Stay at the best hotels/the office237. do the housework/homework238. do too badly239. Do the football pools240. Do some extra work241. arrive home early/late242. ar

22、rive in Scotland243. Arrive at London Airport 244. watch television245. play in the garden246. play with matches247. call the doctor248. show me your tongue249. show me another blue dress250. want/have sth251. want a car like that one252. want(sb) to do253. feel/look ill,well,uncomfortable,awful,tir

23、ed254. have a bad cold255. have a headache/earache/toothache/stomach ache/temperature256. have flu/measles/mumps257. have an appointment258. have a bath/a shave/a cigarette/a glass of whisky/lunch/tea/a party/a swim/a meal/a haircut/a lesson/ a holiday/a good time259. have a look at it260. have a ca

24、r crash261. have the last word262. Have tea by myself263. Have this problem264. Get a bus265. Get married266. get up267. get home so early268. get off the bus269. try to get the coins270. try to do271. try and stand up272. try the cake273. Try and win the football pools274. remain in bed275. keep th

25、e room warm276. keep my photo277. keep the woods clean and tidy278. talk in the library279. talk to the salesman280. talk about281. drive so quickly282. drive it into a lamp-post283. drive home284. Drive at 70 miles an hour285. lean out of the window286. break that vase287. enjoy yourself288. be abs

26、ent from school289. be in fashion290. be upstairs291. be for sale292. be worth293. be full of mistakes294. be in the R.A.F.295. be late for dinner296. be asleep297. be dressed in a blue coat298. be covered with pieces of paper299. spend 3 days in the country300. telephone me301. phone Dr. Carter302.

27、 phone me from the office 303. answer the telephone304. answer questions305. speak to you306. speak German307. speak up308. meet her in the street309. meet them at the station310. Meet her at the party311. understand English312. buy this pair313. buy them in the U.S.314. need a lot of things315. exc

28、use the mess316. pack suitcases317. bring it to us318. repair it319. decide to do320. move to/into/in his new house321. move the car322. miss him323. finish work324. finish the glass of milk325. describe it326. belong to me327. slip and fall downstairs328. hurt yourself/my back329. help you330. writ

29、e a letter331. write very much on a card332. write a word333. write to you334. pass in English335. fail the French paper336. hate them337. cheer up338. tell her (not) to come at once339. tell you a true story340. Tell you about him341. carry the suitcase 342. correct the mistake/the exercise books34

30、3. suit me344. change a ten-pound note345. invite us to lunch346. believe her347. swallow them348. knock at the door349. hear a voice behind them350. run away as quickly as they could351. Stand behind the counter352. Wear a hat353. Recognize him 354. Grow a beard355. Shave it off356. Water the garde

31、n first357. Overtake you358. Charge you359. Worry too much360. Introduce him to you361. Win something/a lot of money362. Travel round the world363. Travel by sea364. Travel on a train/ship365. Depend on if366. Pay for it367. Offer your boss a job368. Throw rubbish everywhere369. Shine/sleep/shave/cr

32、y/boil/rain/snow/leave370. /remember/finish/knock/arrive/ring/work/retire90接住91赶开往伦敦的火车92上楼来看看93来见见。94来一下95进来96来自希腊97下班、下学回家98来喝点、吃点、穿点、读点、做点。99坐这里100看101好奇地看着她102看一幅图片103照看我104透过窗户看105向窗户外看106走过树林107走向火车站108横穿马路109走过桥110沿着岸边走111走出大楼112在两名警察之间走113给。114关门115开窗116房间通风117把这些衣服放进衣橱118把它放椅子上119把他的收放进口袋12



35、它198找词语199都找到了200问问她201问问他怎么走202问个问题203说。204说得多205笑着说206心里想207搬起那把椅子208喜欢/像。209非常喜欢这个颜色210升起的早211落下的晚212住在。街道213住在这儿214住在一个非常古老的小镇215去上班/上学216去睡觉217去购物218去伦敦219去喝点东西220回到车站221回去睡觉222出去223出国224去海边225去散步226送他们上学227吃一片阿司匹林228 考试229照一张相片230坐出租231采纳我的建议232忘了带走他们了233呆在家234卧床235住在青年旅馆236住最好的宾馆/呆在办公室237. 做家

36、务/做作业238做得太差239下足球赌注240加班241到家早/晚242到苏格兰了243到达伦敦机场了。244看电视245在花园玩246玩火柴247给医生打电话248让我看看你的舌头249再给我看一件蓝色的裙子250想要/有。251想要那样一辆车252想让。干。253感觉/看起来病了、不错、不舒服,糟糕,累 254得了重感冒255头疼、耳朵疼、牙疼、肚子疼,发烧256患了流感,麻疹、腮腺炎257有预约258洗澡/刮胡子/吸烟/喝一杯威士忌/吃午饭/喝茶/聚会/游泳/吃饭/理发/上课/度假/玩得高兴259看一看260出车祸261说了算数262自己喝茶263有这样的问题264赶公交车265结婚26



39、41拿着手提箱342改错/批改练习册343适合我345邀请我们去吃午饭346相信她的话347吞下它们348敲门349听到他们背后有说话声350尽快跑351站在柜台后352带着一顶帽子353认出他了354留胡子355把它剃了356先给花园浇水357超过你358罚你359过度担心360把他介绍给你361赢了点/许多钱362环游世界363坐船出游364坐火车/轮船旅行365取决于“假如”366付款买它367给你提供一份工作368到处乱扔垃圾369闪耀,睡,刮,哭,煮,下雨,下雪,离开370记得,完成,敲,到达,铃响,工作,退休一般疑问句371. Is this your? Yes, it is./N

40、o, it isnt.372. Are you.? Yes, I am. No, Im not.1. Yes, we are. No, were not.373. Are you a.?374. Are your friends.? Yes, they are.a) No, they arent.375. Are these your.?376. Are you going to?377. Is this. Tims?378. Is. in the garden?379. Is that bag heavy?380. Is it urgent?381. Isready yet?382. Can

41、 you Yes, I can./No, I cant.383. Can you tell me the way to.please?384. Can the dentist see me?385. Must he?386. Do you have any.like these?387. Do you want. or.?388. Is it cold or warm in.?389. Will you.or ?390. Do you have any.?391. Do you hear?392. Do you have to.?393. Were you? Yes, I was./No, I

42、 wasnt.394. Did he.? Yes, he did./No, he didnt.371这是你的。吗?不。是。372你(们)是。吗?是。不是。373你是一名。吗?374你的朋友是。吗? 是。不。375这些是你们的。吗?376你打算。吗?377这是蒂姆的。吗?378。在花园吗?379包重吗?380要紧吗?381。准备好了吗?382你会。吗?会。不会。383请问,去。怎么走?384牙医能给我看看吗?385他必须。吗?386你有像这样的。吗?387你想要。还是。?388在。地方冷还是暖和?389你将。还是。?390你有。吗?391听见了吗?392你不得不。吗?393你过去是。吗?394他做过。吗?C. 特殊疑问句395. What make is it?396. What nationality are you?397. Whats your job?/What are their jobs?398. Whats in it?399. What must I do?400. What can you do?401. What do we need?402. Whats the cl

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