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1、The Examination of Cambridge Young Learners EnglishTeacher: Miss Le Name: _ Score: _ Listening Part一、听到的单词,在图片下面打勾 (6分) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)6) 二、看图,听音标号 (10分)1)2) 三、听音,填词 (4分) 1. Whats _ favourite sport? My favourite sport is playing_.2. Whats Mary doing? She is _ milk and _ breakfast.3. Can you _ like a

2、_? Yes, I can.4. Whats your hobby? I like to _ books and _TV.Writing Part一、照样子变换下列单词 (20分). cat-cats butterfly _ sheep_ foot _ child _ tomato _ photo_ cake_ man_ leaf_ mouse_ sleep-sleepingride_ sit_ swim _ do _ kick _draw _ learn _ put _ Take _ write_二、看图选单词,并写在横线上 (10分)1) This is a _ (pencil, pen)

3、 2) I can see a _ (window, door) 3) This is a _ (desk, chair) 4) I can see a _ (tiger, snake)5) This is a _ (mouse, horse) 6) I can see a _ (ball, kite) 7) This is a _ (mirror, yo-yo) 8) I can see a _ (watch, doll) 9) This is a _ (eye, nose) 10) I can see a _ (house, horse) 三、选择题 (10分)1.My names Ann

4、 ,whats yours?A.Tom. B.Yes,it is. C.Fine,thanks.2.How old are you?A. Im Lucy. B.Good morning. C.Im five.3.What color do you like?A.How are you? B.Green. C.My mother.4.Wheres father?A.Hes sleeping. B.Hes at home. C.Hes fourty.5.Is it very big?A.Yes,it is. B.No,Im not. C.Yes,he is.6.Whose ball is that

5、?A.I dont like it. B.My sister is six. C.Its my brothers.7.Whats your favorite food?A.Its small. B.Burgers. C.I like it.8.What are they doing? A.Theyre playing football. B.They are short. C.They are my friend.9.What do you do at school?A.Its on the table. B.Im a pupil. C.Learn English.10.What animal

6、 has Bill got?A.cat. B. He is reading a book. C. He is short?四、按要求变换下列句子 (每空0.5分,共10分)1.There is some fruit in the kitchen.(变一般疑问句,作肯定回答)_ _ _ fruit in the kitchen? Yes, _ _.2.There are some books in my room.(变一般疑问句,作否定回答.)_ _ _ books in _ room?No, _ _.3. She is dancing. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she _?4.He like

7、s swimming.( 变一般疑问句,作否定回答.) _ he _ _? _,_ _.五、看图,填词 (5分)( in on under between behind next to in front of )1.The snake is _ the tree. 2.The sheep is _ the tree 3.The pencil-box is _ the desk. 4.The bag is _ the two chairs. 5.The dog is _ the house.六.选择正确的单词 (5分)1. We (play / plays ) soccer in the aft

8、ernoon. But Li Ming( play / plays)in the morning.2. He (listen / listens )to music after dinner. But She (listen / listens )to the radio.3. I ( like / likes )singing. But she( like / likes)dancing.4. We (go / goes) to school by bus. But they(go / goes) to school by bike.5. Sarah often(drink / drinks

9、 )milk for breakfast. And she often( drink / drinks) lemonade after lunch.七、根据短文判断对错,填Yes或 No (5分)My house is big and white. There are two storeys in my house. There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living rooms, a dining room and a kitchen. We sleep in the bedroom, watch TV in the living room,

10、take baths in the bathroom, have meals in the dining room, and cook delicious(好吃的)food in the kitchen.1. My house is small.( )2. There are 6 rooms in my house. ( )3. We cook food in the kitchen. ( )4. There are two bathrooms in my house. ( )5. There is one living room in my house. ( )八.、根据短文回答问题 (5分

11、)Look ,this is a big farm. There are many animals on the farm. In front of a big tree, there is a dog. It is eating bones(骨头). In the tree there are some birds. They are singing. Under the tree, there are some chicks. They are eating rice. Where is the cat? Oh, it is sleeping on the floor.1. Where i

12、s the dog? _2.What are the bird doing?_3. Where are the chicks?_ 4.What is the cat doing?_5. Where is the cat?_九、写作 (10分)用所学的单词和词组,描述小孩子们在花园里玩耍的情景.可选择以下单词:beautiful, sunny, some children, boys, girls, the other, happy. Draw a picture, listen to music, play soccer. fly a kite, watchThis is a beautiful garden. Some boys and girls are playing in the garden._

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